Chapter 46 Signing the Contract [Please read further]

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  Chapter 46 Signing the Contract [Seeking for further reading]

  The first is to choose the time to sign the contract, seven days or one year; the
  second is to stipulate that during the effective period of the contract, teammates are not allowed to be harmed out of subjective will;
  the third is to stipulate that each member In the income distribution plan between them, Yang Hao’s distribution ratio is 30%;

  fourth, it stipulates that during the contract period, the team’s mission will be decided by team leader Luo Li, but if any two or more members object, the mission must be reselected;

  third Fifth, it is the penalty for breach of contract. It is the same as what is written in the recruitment information. A total of 10,000 spiritual stones will be paid to other team members.

  The other points are easy to understand, but the third point needs to be explained carefully.

  The first adventurers didn't have any missions to take on. They all formed their own teams and rushed into the Tianhe Rainforest. They could get whatever they could, and the profits were very volatile.

  But since the establishment of the Adventurers Association, things have been different.

  The City Lord's Mansion established this organization, so naturally it would not be used to do just one thing.

  That would be too wasteful. Just by signing a team contract between adventurers, the spirit stones recovered would not be enough to offset the consumption of the Sword of Judgment.

  Therefore, that city lord promulgated another policy.

  Anyone who has registered their identity information in the pass token can spend a certain amount of spiritual stones to register as a member of the Adventurer Association and obtain a member medal.

  Members can use their medals to post various tasks in the Adventurers Association and set corresponding rewards, such as collecting herbs, hunting ferocious beasts, guarding someone, etc.

  Adventurers can choose to take on these tasks, and after completing the tasks, they can receive rewards set by members.

  The issuance and completion of tasks are supervised by the Sword of Judgment, so there is no need to worry about reliability.

  There are a lot of immortal cultivators living in Tianyang City, and various related industries are very developed, such as talisman makers, alchemists, weapon refiners and other sub-professions, which require a large amount of materials to be consumed every day.

  In the past, they could only purchase these materials through certain shops or the black market. Now with the platform of the Adventurers Association, they have more choices and no longer have to worry about monopoly and safety issues.

  Related tasks naturally began to appear in large numbers in the Adventurers Association.

  Since then, adventurers have had an additional source of income, and life is no longer as difficult as before.

  The Adventurers Association has also gained a lot of spiritual stones by collecting commissions from each mission, making it a profitable organization.

  Tianyang City's economy continues to prosper as a result.

  I don’t know how many times I won during the whole process.

  Naturally, the issue of benefit distribution in the team formation process also needs to take into account task rewards.

  Take the task of hunting down the first-level intermediate ferocious beast "Bighorn Ox" as an example.

  The item required for the task is the body of a bighorn bull, and the reward for the task is 100 spiritual stones.

  So judging from the mission reward, Yang Hao's income is 30 spiritual stones.

  However, in the process of performing a task, you generally will not only obtain the items required for the task.

  Let's assume that the Tianxing team was attacked by another first-level intermediate beast during the mission. After killing it, the body was sold for another 134 spiritual stones.

  According to the 30% distribution ratio, this will definitely not be an integer, so the decimal part will be discarded at this time, and only the integer part of 39 spiritual stones will be obtained. Adding the previous task reward, a total of 69 spiritual stones will be obtained.

  It's just that this missing part cannot disappear out of thin air, so the contract stipulates that this part of the spiritual stones will be temporarily saved and will be settled together when the benefits are distributed next time, and then the above-mentioned distribution operation will be carried out again.

  Then the cycle goes back and forth.

  However, if a team member dies or quits during the next mission, this part of the income will not be obtained and can only be divided among the remaining teammates.

  At the same time, if a team member paddles the whole process during the mission, not only will they not get any benefits, they will be directly expelled, and a corresponding record will be left in the Adventurer Medal.

  After reading the contract, Yang Hao was quite satisfied with it. There was no hidden contract in it. It was very suitable for him.

  Therefore, without writing any ink, he nodded directly to Luo Li and said, "Fellow Daoist Luo, Zhou is very satisfied with this contract, but Zhou wants to choose a seven-day contract period first. I wonder if Captain Luo can accept it?" "Of course, no problem

  . ." Hearing this, Luo Li's face lit up with joy, and then he answered decisively.

  "Then what's next? Go directly to the Adventurers Association to sign a contract?" Yang Hao asked.

  Luo Li did not answer, but looked at the other three members and asked, "What about you? Do you think it's okay?"

  Although Shi Qingyu didn't have a good first impression of Yang Hao, she basically didn't look at him after he came in. When it comes to the three women, the hostility is much lighter, and they did not express any objection at this moment.

  Silver-haired girl Hong Zhuying has been looking at Yang Hao since he came in.

  She didn't seem to have any prejudice against Yang Hao. When she heard Luo Li's question, she just nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

  Finally, there was the blonde lolita Xiao Zhao. She smiled, shook the twin ponytails on her head and said: "Xiao Zhao has no objection, just follow the captain's arrangements."

  Seeing this, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Shi Qingyu didn't make any more trouble.

  Then he smiled and said to Yang Hao: "Since everyone agreed, without further ado, let's sign the contract now." "

  Okay." Yang Hao nodded and followed everyone out of the door.


  Soon, everyone arrived at the signing square behind the Adventurers Association office hall.

  The square was about the size of a football field, and floating high in the sky was a long sword emitting golden light. The sword was engraved with dense runes, connected to a formation that enveloped the entire square.

  That was the Sword of Judgment, the third-level magical weapon Yang Hao saw for the first time.

  Just staring at it for a while, he felt his eyes were extremely sour and his spirit was a little dazed. He really couldn't imagine how it would display its true strength.

  In the signing square, you only need to take out the Adventurer's Medal to receive the Light of Judgment, and then sign the contract under the gaze of the Light of Judgment.

  I saw Luo Li familiarly holding the adventurer medal high in one hand and holding the contract in the other. He stared at the sword of judgment and said loudly: "I, the adventurer Luo Li, hereby apply to join the adventurer Zhou Yi, the adventurer Shi Qingyu, the adventurer The adventurer Xiao Zhao and the adventurer Hong Zhuying signed a team contract. The content of the contract is as mentioned above!"

  A golden light fell from the sky instantly, covering several people who also took out the adventurer medals.

  Then a solemn and majestic voice sounded in Yang Hao's heart.

  "Adventurer Zhou Yi, do you voluntarily sign a contract with the following content with... and others:..." The

  content of the contract was repeated in his mind again. After confirming that it was correct, Yang Hao answered "Yes".

  After everyone agreed, the light of judgment turned into five phantom swords and flew into everyone's bodies.

  Yang Hao suddenly felt as if there was something extra in his body, but he couldn't detect the specific location if he looked carefully.

  "Okay, from now on, we are teammates. I hope that everyone can live in harmony in the future, happily complete tasks, and earn spiritual stones!" Luo Li congratulated everyone with a smile on his face


  The other three women were obviously relieved. It was such a sad life without being able to take on tasks and have no income.

  "Captain Luo, I wonder when we can start taking the mission? I can't wait!"

  Yang Hao didn't have such worries, but he was eager to start spawning monsters, so he stepped forward and asked Luo Li.

   Thanks to the book friends for the reward of "endless stinky farts come and explode farts"
  (end of this chapter)

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