Chapter 98 Elf asks for help

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  Chapter 98 Elf calls for help.
  Elf ranger Harun personally puts down what he is doing to track down the drow who dare to attack his patrolling soldiers.

  The death of more than thirty people is not a small number for elves with low fertility. This is no longer something that ordinary elf professionals can deal with.

  Especially after the high priest Xia Wei told him that all this was a conspiracy by the Spider Goddess, Harun decided to take action himself, otherwise he would cause the soldiers to increase their casualties.

  As a legendary ranger, Harlan is proficient in the art of tracking, and even the slightest trace left by the drow cannot escape his eyes.

  With a group of elven soldiers, Harlan tracked into the canyon. The thick fog obscured his sight, and he was somewhat helpless.

  "Commander Harlan, I feel the aura of the devil from the communication between plants in nature," a druid shouted in horror.

  "Everyone exit the canyon," Harlan made an immediate decision. In this environment, the ranger's power could hardly be exerted.

  "Jie Jie", a strange smile came from all over, and a winged demon jumped out from the mist and bit an elf ranger.

  The companion next to him immediately pulled out his machete and cut off the Winged Demon's head with one blow, but the ranger was already dead.

  Demons big and small keep showing up, little demons, timid demons, quasai demons, and succubi, constantly attacking from the mist.

  Harlan led the rangers to fight and retreat. With the efforts of the legendary rangers, they successfully exited the canyon after losing the lives of more than a dozen compatriots.

  The chaotic demons stopped chasing and retreated, which was a surprise to them.

  Harlan's expression was solemn, he would rather not have such an accident. Except for a few species, demons extremely hate this foggy environment.

  The demons actually gave up chasing the enemy, which was absolutely impossible given the chaotic nature of the demons.

  Unless there are more powerful demons that suppress them, if you want to suppress so many demons, you will probably need demon leader level monsters.

  It must be reported to the high priest, otherwise it will be a huge disaster when this place is eroded into an abyss and the demon's power is no longer suppressed by the main material plane.

  Harlan left a few elite sentries here to monitor the movements in the canyon. He hurried back to the tribe to report. This was no longer something that an ordinary legendary ranger like him could solve.

  After hearing Harlan's report, the princess Xia Wei frowned, her pure and beautiful face showing a look of embarrassment.

  The big demon at the level of demon commander already has his own demon army. Even if he fills up the entire tribe, he may not be able to destroy the land of the abyss and drive them back to the abyss.

  This place is far away from the Elf King's Court, and things cannot be delayed any longer. Otherwise, when the devil gains a foothold, the price paid will more than double.

  "The Rhine Empire officials and the major Orthodox churches must be notified immediately. If we sit back and do nothing and do not completely eliminate the crisis, it will eventually endanger the entire continent."

  Magic communications flew to various allied forces, and each force immediately took action. Demons are the nightmare of all living beings. It is not uncommon for evil forces to summon demons to come and destroy entire cities.

  Xia Wei got up and rode on the legendary white tiger mount, heading towards the dragon's territory. The female elf is deeply aware of the strength of this new ally.

  Now the closest to the elven territory is here. With the help of several powerful metal dragons, the tribe's battle will be much easier.

  After the peace talks a few days ago, Xia Wei and Yilin still have a certain friendship. The relationship between the high elves and the golden dragons and silver dragons has always been good. As long as you pay a certain price, it is not impossible to invite the dragons. As for asking the dragon to help for free, the female elf couldn't even think about it.

  The legendary white tiger is very fast, covering more than 100 kilometers. Before the two tool dragons had time to intercept, the mage tower had already detected the arrival of the two legends.

  Li Ge, who was discussing the continuation of the golden dragon race with Elsa, had to come out to welcome Xia Wei's arrival after being notified by the tower spirit.

  No matter what the female elf said, she wanted status and strength, so it would be rude not to meet her in person.

  When Li Ge came to the living room, the Silver Dragon sisters were already talking to the female elf Xia Wei. Seeing the arrival of the rightful owner, Xia Wei didn't talk nonsense and explained the matter directly.

  Of course, when Xia Wei was speaking, she placed all the blame on the spider goddess Rose and the drow.

  Although this is true, Li Ge still finds it a bit funny. After all, this is still a matter for the elves themselves, and Corellon has to take the blame.

  "Lord Li Ge, I ask for support from the dragon territory. Please rest assured that I will pay you at a reasonable price."

  Seeing that the female elf Xia Wei was so aggressive, and if the elf messed up this matter, what would happen to Li Ge? It was not a good thing to say, so several giant dragons agreed to Xia Wei's request after discussing it for a while.

  The female elf looked happy, and the metal dragon's friendly attitude made her feel very good, "Lord Li Ge, I will go back and arrange the troops now."

  Li Ge understood what she meant, "Don't worry, Your Highness, we will be there shortly." The territory also needed to be arranged.

  Now the most suitable person to stay behind is Yilin, and the green dragon Krisina also stays to help. Li Ge took the golden dragon Elsa, the silver dragons Leia and Xilia, plus two tool dragons.

  Yilin felt a little regretful, but she had no choice but to leave someone to guard the house. After arranging everything, Li Ge and several female dragons brought enough potions and scrolls, rode on the two tool dragons, and headed for the Elf Tribe.

  When they arrived at the elven tribe, the elves were mobilizing troops. For such a large tribe, there are a lot of things to arrange.

  The elves saw two green dragons flying in. Because the moon elf nobles had notified them in advance, there was no disturbance.

  The legendary Druid Dallas, who was also an acquaintance with Li Ge, warmly welcomed him. The two had some friendship because of what happened last time.

  "Your Excellency Li Ge, thank you for coming to support the Elf Tribe," Dallas said very enthusiastically. Regardless of whether the dragon wants money or not, at this critical moment, it is a good thing to be able to help, not to mention the six-headed dragon, what a great help it is.

  Li Ge also exchanged greetings with the legendary Druid. Princess Xia Wei was very busy, so she came over to say hello and then went back to work.

  "Your Excellency Dallas, what is the reaction of the Human Empire and the major temples of the Righteous God?" Li Ge asked Dallas. Without the support of other allies, the losses of the elven soldiers are expected to be serious.

  Dallas smiled helplessly, "The Rhine Empire and various Zhengshen temples agreed to support, but it will take time to deploy manpower."

  "Now we have to fight on our own for a while. Speaking of which, this matter was caused by the drow elves trying to deal with us."

  It seems that the elves have understood the whole story, and the human empire will not take the initiative to fill the hole for the elves with their own lives.

  (End of chapter)

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