Chapter 90 Trading Divinity

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  Chapter 90 Trading God

  Li Ge had just finished speaking. A beautiful woman in her twenties stood up from the stands. Her bishop's clothing was filled with various gems, making her look extremely luxurious but not vulgar.

  "I am Archbishop Danny Jin of the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth in Tyron. Sir Li Ge, do you have any entrustment?" Archbishop Danny said with a smile.

  Li Ge bowed slightly to Dany and said, "Archbishop Dany, I don't need these divinities. I don't know if the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth is willing to acquire them."

  The joy in Archbishop Dany's heart was beyond words, "Your Excellency Li Ge, as long as it is a legal item, the temple can purchase it."

  As long as she completes this business, her status in the eyes of Wojin, the goddess of wealth, will be greatly improved. Publicly buying and selling divinity is a big plus for improving the reputation of the goddess.

  "Your Excellency, please come with me to the temple. I will definitely give you a suitable price." Archbishop Dany could no longer control her excitement. She would only feel relieved if this business was settled.

  Dany had no time to care about the opinions of other forces in the stands, and hurriedly ordered her subordinates to arrange carriages, and hurriedly said goodbye to Emperor Bean III and left.

  Li Ge met up with Irene, the Charles family and the newly appointed subordinate Brass Dragon Alba, and got on the carriage of the Temple of Fortune.

  "Teacher, you are so amazing." Little Loli Catherine's eyes were almost admiring.

  "Father, I also want to learn close combat. It's so exciting. Please help me prepare a set of legendary equipment like the teacher."

  Catherine's words almost choked Charles to death. To put it simply, legendary equipment is something that has a price but no market.

  His majestic demigod knight, his golden dragon wife and his half-dragon daughter are all almost bankrupt, so there is no money left to buy legendary equipment.

  "Wait until you grow up before buying this, otherwise your baby won't fit you when he grows up." Charles finally found a reason.

  Little Lolita Catherine glanced at her father and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? Legendary equipment will automatically adapt to your body type."

  Ingrid, who was watching the play, didn't care about her husband's embarrassing situation, hugged her baby daughter and laughed.

  Soon the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth arrived, and Archbishop Dany arranged for the clergy to arrange for the Charles family and the Brass Dragon to be entertained in the VIP area.

  She took Li Ge and Yilin to the archbishop's special reception room. There was no maid inside, so Dani poured a glass of wine for Li Ge and Yilin herself.

  "Your Excellency Li Ge, the goddess of wealth has clear regulations on the price of divinity. Divinity is very precious, and no currency can reflect its value."

  "Therefore, the goddess has set a price for five divine power crystals for a trace of divinity. The divinity of high-level gods is calculated separately, but the divinity of the dwarf demigod in your hand can only be based on the lowest standard."

  Archbishop Dany did not ask for advice and bargaining, and directly quoted the goddess's oracle. Li Ge nodded, "Okay, let's trade at this price."

  He just wanted to throw this hot thing away, since it was useless to hold it in his hand.

  Dany's face was rosy and full of smiles. She asked Li Ge to wait while she went to the temple's treasure house to get the divine power crystal. Fortunately, this is Tai Lun, otherwise only the headquarters of the Goddess of Fortune Church in Xingang City would have the crystallization of divine power.

  Taking the thirty pure divine power crystals from the hands of Archbishop Dany, Li Ge readily handed over the crystal ball that bound the divinity. Then, under the witness of the goddess of wealth, the contract was signed and the transaction was completed.

  "My two true dragons, in three days, the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth will hold a grand auction at the Empire Auction House, and we invite you both to come." Archbishop Dany was in a good mood.

  "Okay, we will definitely be there." Yilin was also very happy and agreed on Li Ge's behalf.

  The Charles family was also sent an invitation letter by Archbishop Dany, and the brass dragon Alba also got a chance to qualify.

  Back in the manor, Yilin pulled Li Ge and ran to her residence. Charles and his wife held the little loli Catherine. The two young dragons must have a lot to say now, so it is not inconvenient to disturb them.

  "Li Ge, hold me tight." As soon as Yilin entered the room, she immediately turned on the soundproof barrier, and the tears in her eyes couldn't stop falling.

  Li Ge hugged the silver dragon girl tightly and said, "I'm sorry, Yilin, for making you worry." He could vaguely feel the strong emotion in his soul about Yilin's worry these days.

  She was not like Li Ge who knew how powerful she was, nor did she know that Li Ge had the back-up plan for resurrection.

  The reputation of the dwarf demigods has been spread in this world for hundreds of years, and the great lord Gondor has also been famous for a long time. Gondor, who inherited the demigod status, was holding a dragon-slaying weapon, so she couldn't help but worry.

  Li Ge comforted and reciprocated the Silver Dragon girl's affection with passionate kisses. One night passed, and when Li Ge woke up, the silver dragon girl had already prepared breakfast for her spouse according to the habits of human noble women.

  "Teacher, I've been waiting for you and Sister Yilin for a long time." Today, Catherine wore a set of sophisticated armor and carried a children's version of a two-handed sword, just like a Valkyrie, but a lolita version.

  "Catherine, you look great today, so heroic." Li Ge praised his student, which made Catherine feel happy. Children are easy to coax.

  The task of teaching Catherine is still given to Yilin. The silver dragon girl's martial arts are also quite good, and she is more suitable for Catherine.

  "Oh, why can't my lovely daughter choose to be a glorious knight like my father?" Charles cried sadly.

  Ingrid took over the conversation, "She is so young, she can't find a giant dragon as a partner, nor can she raise a giant dragon, unless you, the father, provide the money."

  Charles shuddered immediately. He really couldn't afford to raise a dragon anymore, and he quickly gave up the idea of ​​letting his daughter become a knight.

  Catherine shouted tenderly and waved the sword with both hands gracefully. After fighting for a long time, she immediately took out a small piece of thick leaves when she was tired. After a while, she was full of energy again.

  "Katherine will be a very powerful dragon in the future," Li Ge couldn't help but admire. The little lolita Catherine Dragon has inherited everything about her nature. She is talented and hardworking, and she is fair, rich and beautiful. It is unreasonable to say that she is not strong.

  Charles was grinning from ear to ear. He only had such a precious daughter, and he was happier when others praised his daughter than he was when others said good things about himself.

  A guard hurriedly walked into the martial arts training ground, "Your Excellency the Prince, the Ambassador of the Elf Empire, the High Priest of the Silver Leaf Tribe, and the Princess Xia Wei are here to visit."

  Li Ge also heard what the guard said, and secretly muttered in his heart, isn't this the new elf tribe?

  A big shot from the Elven Empire comes to visit, and Charles has to ask his daughter Catherine to stop practicing.

  "Li Ge, please come too. I guess this elf princess is not just here to visit me." Charles knew the elf's character very well.

  (End of chapter)

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