Chapter 126 Transaction and the Threat of the Five-Colored Dragon

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  Chapter 126: Transaction and the Threat of the Five-Colored Dragon

  In the Golden Rose Collar, Catherine was lying on the sofa bored after practicing her martial arts. This was a habit she learned from the Red Dragon Queen.

  My teacher has been sleeping for more than a year. Sisters Xilia and Yilin are also very busy and don't have so much time to play with themselves.

  Things in the territory have become much more stable now. After the rectification, those nobles are now performing much better and no longer dare to deal with themselves.

  The annual output of underground steel minerals has increased to more than 700,000 tons. Such output is still in short supply on this continent.

  Although this shortens the mining life of the minerals, this is the suggestion of the teacher and several real dragon sisters, and they will not harm themselves.

  Now Catherine's annual income is close to one million gold coins, making her the most popular female noble on the continent.

  With beautiful appearance, strong strength, noble blood, coupled with huge wealth and rich territory, once anyone marries Catherine, they will save a century of hard work.

  Young and handsome aristocratic children continued to come to Catherine, but she unexpectedly handed them over to the bureaucrats below. Those who could work were kept, and those who couldn't were left.

  Even so, there were still many interactions that he couldn't avoid, such as his old father's friends, or the princes and sons of the principality, who had to give him some face and receive him.

  "It's so boring," the seventeen-year-old girl kept complaining. Now Catherine could no longer integrate into the circle of ordinary people. She didn't want to see any of the nobles.

  "Your Excellency, the high priest of the Silver Leaf Elf Tribe is here to visit," a maid came in to announce.

  "Sister Xia Wei is here," Catherine immediately became energetic. Over the years, she and Elf Queen Xia Wei have gradually become familiar with each other, and they can be considered friends.

  Xia Wei was already wearing a slim-fitting moon-white robe, which looked both divine and beautiful. This kind of grace made the slightly green Catherine envious.

  "Sister Xia Wei, you haven't been here for a long time," Catherine said cheerfully, holding Xia Wei's hand.

  "Sister is not as free as you. She has an entire tribe to deal with, and she also has to act as an agent for some diplomatic matters between the Elven Court and the Human Empire." Xia Wei smiled softly.   The two chatted happily for a while, and Catherine smiled and said

  , "Sister Xia Wei, what are you doing here today?"

The production of steel has increased significantly. I wonder if the production of the accompanying magic iron has increased?" The

  female elf has a more straightforward temperament and asked the key questions directly. With her relationship with Catherine, there is no need to go round and round.

  "Sister Xia Wei, the production of magic iron here has indeed increased a lot." Catherine is not a fool, just sell more ordinary steel.

  Magic iron can be regarded as a strategic material. It has always been the most used magic metal in making magic equipment. She has strictly controlled the shipment volume.

  "Sister Catherine, I will buy as much as you have here. We will trade with divine gold coins and elven specialties, and you will definitely not suffer a loss." Xia Wei was very generous. These two materials were easily sold in the human empire.

  Catherine smiled like a little fox. She had saved so much magic iron. Wasn't she just waiting for such a wealthy person? She would make a fortune now.

  However, the transaction volume is too large. Her iron mine has shares in other dragons, and she must notify other female dragons.

  Next, the golden dragon Elsa, the silver dragon Leia, who had basically completed the upgrade of the mage tower, as well as Xilia and Yilin, and finally Mr. and Mrs. Charles all came over.

  In the secret magic warehouse underground in the Lord's Mansion, looking at more than fifty tons of magic iron, the eyes of several real dragons turned into the shape of gold coins.

  At first, the content of magic iron was only one thousandth according to preliminary calculations. Now it seems that there is not that much, but these are already quite a lot.

  "Catherine, I'll buy one ton of magic iron for one hundred divine power gold coins, do you think it's okay?" Xia Wei offered a very good price, but magic iron can't be sold for as high a price as mithril.

  Catherine looked at her mother, and Golden Dragon Ingrid smiled and said, "Your Highness Xia Wei's price is very fair. Now the price of divine power gold coins has increased very much."

  Knowing that she had taken advantage, Catherine smiled and put the five thousand divine power gold coins paid by Xia Wei into her dimensional bag.

  Xilia was extremely envious, "Sister Xia Wei, you elves are really rich, you can afford so many divine gold coins."

  Xia Wei shook her head and said with a smile, "We elves don't have much desire for wealth. The elves and gods are very generous and often reward meritorious members of the tribe. My wealth has also been accumulated by the elves royal family over the years."

  If you have made a big deal, it is natural to celebrate. During the banquet, Yilin finally couldn't help it anymore, "Xia Wei, why did your elf tribe suddenly buy so much magic iron?"

  Several real dragons and Charles also had the same question. Xia Wei wiped her hands gracefully, " "Maybe it's because the metal dragons have all moved away. Recently, several five-color dragons have moved to the mountains near our tribe."

  "There is even an old red dragon among them. This is a huge threat. I must update a batch of magic equipment for the army to cope with the challenge of the five-color dragon."

  After hearing Xia Wei's words, the golden dragon Ingrid couldn't help but complain, "In the recent period, Charles and I have been running around and expelled three five-color dragons."

  In this battle between the gods, the two dragon gods were excluded intentionally or unintentionally by several major gods. As a result, the metal dragon didn't want to make wedding clothes for others, so he returned to the metal dragon's hometown of Fein plane.

  The remaining metal dragons are either living in seclusion, or they are ignoring the disputes like Li Ge, and some are sleeping.

  Without the restraints of their mortal enemies, and with the deliberate indulgence of the Mother of Dragons, the threat that two to three thousand five-color dragons could pose, even excluding those incompetent young dragons, can be imagined.

  Moreover, being a dragon-slaying warrior is not that easy. Adult five-color dragons are much smarter than ordinary people. Coupled with a large number of monster relatives, they might not be able to slay the dragon but be slaughtered instead.

  Those legends would not be stupid enough to deal with those five-color dragons. Legendary masters usually attract the attention of the gods. Today, there is a legendary master slaying a dragon, and he might be remembered by the petty Tiamat one day.

  Therefore, those legendary masters have many more things to worry about than professionals below the legendary level. Of course, if you have a strong background, it doesn't matter if you slay a dragon once.

  If you do it again and again, maybe that old dragon will come to trouble you. No one knows how many old immortals there are among the dragons.

  This is the case with Charles and Ingrid. If those five-color dragons do not cause huge casualties or consequences, they will usually be expelled and will not kill them.

  (End of chapter)

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