Chapter 12 Dragon’s Wrath

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  Chapter 12 The Wrath of the Dragon

  "It seems that Li Ge still has a kind heart that belongs to the metal dragon." Xilia walked out from behind the bookstore.

  Li Ge was noncommittal, and Xilia continued, "Tomorrow you can take the members of the Silver Dragon Tribe to join the battle."

  Early the next morning, a large group of people began to prepare equipment and supplies. There were guides from the Elf Tribe leading the way. Ten kilometers away, I saw a huge twisted tree, which was the nest created by the green dragon's magic.

  An army of thousands of monsters gathered in front of the lair, and the green dragon was obviously ready. In the distant sky, Li Ge could faintly see a huge green dragon confronting several silver dragons.

  The tree crown parted automatically, and an adult female green dragon came out, letting out a terrifying dragon roar, "You are asking for your own death."

  Even if the Green Dragon liked to quarrel, he would not say anything in such an obviously irreconcilable situation.

  Soldiers against soldiers, against generals, it seems that the female dragon of Green Forest Disaster still has not reached the level of legend. Headed by the three major mercenary captains, and assisted by Xilia's adventure group, they approached the green dragon.

  "Force Field Cage", "Eighth Level Monster Summoning Technique"

  and several high-level spell scrolls were torn apart. The green dragon suddenly suffered a big loss and quickly counterattacked. It opened its mouth and spit out poisonous dragon breath. The battle was official. start.

  The three major mercenary groups were in close combat with the dragonborn and monster legions led by Li Ge. Li Ge, who had something in mind, was particularly brave and could not defeat any enemy under his sword.

  The dragonborn army following behind, led by Li Ge's sharp sword, almost penetrated the entire battle formation.

  A shadow shot straight down from the sky. Li Ge turned over and cut off one of the toes of the attacking sub-dragon beast with a backhand sword.

  The injured Yalong roared in pain while circling, and Li Ge snorted, "Dragon Wing Transformation." A pair of dragonborn emerged from the hidden holes in the leather armor. For the system version of the advanced transformation technique, Li Ge came up with new tricks. Anyway, there were quite a few dragonborn with dragon wings.

  The huge dragon wings flapped under the blessing of the magical power. Li Ge flew into the sky, the fiery red sword pointed directly at Yalong, and the two sides fought in the sky.

  There was another roar, and a section of Yalong's tail was cut off by Li Ge. Yalong, who was not used to it, lost his balance. Li Ge, who was unforgiving, took the opportunity to use his swords a few more times, and half of Yalong's wings were broken. He fell straight to the ground, probably dead or disabled this time.

  Li Ge took the opportunity to fly to the dragon's nest. As soon as he reached the edge of the nest, twisted branches and leaves came towards him like tentacles. "It's disgusting." Li Ge took a deep breath and controlled the intensity of the dragon's breath. A cone-shaped flame dragon's breath that was twenty or thirty meters long fell on the tree crown.

  The branches turned into ashes, and Li Ge rushed into the nest. As expected, his control ability was good and there was no internal damage.

  In a more conspicuous position inside, eight elf girls were tied up by tree vines. Didn't it mean that the green dragon had robbed more than twenty elf girls? Could it be that they were eaten.

  The flames of Li Ge's sword surged, cutting the vines with just a few swords. "Who among you is Luvia?" "Sir, I am Luvia," a twelve or thirteen-year-old elf girl answered weakly.

  Finally able to give Lucia some comfort, Li Ge took off the wooden bead necklace and handed it to the girl, "Lucia asked me to save you."

  Ignoring the girls' thanks, Li Ge took out a group invisibility spell and a group flying spell, and blessed the two magical scrolls on the group of girls. "You should know the way home, go back quickly."

  Amid the thanks from the girls, Li Ge's heart ached. Damn it, these two magical scrolls were worth a lot of money.

  Holding back his heartache, Li Ge didn't bother to open the Green Dragon's treasure house. The key was that there were magic traps on it, and he couldn't deal with them.

  With the dragon wings spread out, Li Ge flew down and joined the Dragonborn team to continue fighting. After all, the monster's equipment was much inferior, and when they met Li Ge, a guy who liked to abuse food, they all broke up and fled soon after.

  The battle on the Green Dragon's side was also coming to an end. With a scream, the Green Dragon's neck was smashed to a ninety-degree angle by the legendary war hammer. With the dragon's powerful vitality, although it cannot die temporarily, it still cannot escape death if no one treats it.

  The ancient dragon in the distance let out an angry dragon roar, turned around and left. As expected, don't expect any family affection between the five colored dragons.

  Li Ge resisted his impulse. He had already agreed not to participate in the distribution of the spoils, so he decided not to go and see it, so as not to feel distressed.

  He regretted not taking up the post of mage. Otherwise, he could try to open the Green Dragon's treasure house. But thinking of the huge amount of knowledge that the mage needed to learn and the terrifying wealth that he had to consume, Li Ge felt a little numb. Forget it, even as a soldier. quite handsome.

  Li Ge came to the green dragon. The female dragon, which had just grown up, had broken cervical vertebrae, and its whole body was limp and scarred. Only its emerald-like eyes were left, showing its desire for life.

  The creature at the top of the world also seemed so powerless at this moment, "Damn it, I must not be like this, I want to live for ten million years." Li Ge roared silently in his heart.

  "Haha, the materials from this green dragon can be used to create a legendary piece of equipment." "It

  would be more cost-effective to tie them up and sell them. The light magic scrolls cost a lot of money this time, and the brothers' pensions also cost a lot of money. A living adult green dragon is very valuable."

  "This dragon is not very old. You can raise it and let her lay a lot of dragon eggs. Just breeding sub-dragon beasts can make a family prosperous."

  Li Ge was furious. , "Are you guys looking for death?" The dragon wings spread out, and the terrifying dragon power emanated.

  The leaders of the three mercenary regiments immediately shut up. This guy seemed a bit hard to mess with. He was really getting carried away discussing how to deal with the dragon in front of the Dragonborn.

  Xilia's face didn't look good either. These people vaguely knew her identity, but she still spoke so brazenly.

  She walked over and took Li Ge away. "We had an agreement before the war that the Green Forest Disaster would be left to their disposal," Shelia explained.

  "I'm not pitying the green dragon, I'm just angry," Li Ge said lightly. Dragons are inherently indifferent creatures, and the reason for their anger is that the dignity of the race is being trampled on.

  "I will never go back to that adventure group again. There are very few beautiful legends about silver dragons and humans, maybe because of this. In this world now, humans are too powerful, and the dragons can no longer return to the status they had a thousand years ago."

  Xili Ya said lightly, and suddenly, the silver dragon girl smiled sweetly, "Li Ge, do you know what my dream is?"

  Before Li Ge could speak, the silver dragon girl opened her arms, "I want to be the most powerful and the richest The Silver Dragon Queen".

  Girl, your ideal is great, I support you, Li Ge gave the Silver Dragon Girl a thumbs up in his heart.

  Greenwood Disaster was eventually rescued, the mage bound her with magic, and Alpha signed a contract with her on behalf of the Earl family.

  Perhaps because they were afraid of offending Tiamat, the terms of the contract were not very strict except that the green dragon had to serve the other family for five hundred years. They even had to provide the green dragon with a certain amount of property subsidies every year.

  Looking at the arrogant look of this adult female dragon, Li Ge felt that his previous anger was meaningless.

  (End of chapter)

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