Chapter 113 Three Years

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  Chapter 113 Three Years
  While Li Ge was sleeping, the heat in the dragon territory had dropped a bit. Many mercenaries and merchants who used to make a living in the territory turned their attention to the rapidly developing Golden Rose Territory.

  The planning of Golden Rose City is relatively reasonable. The living area, industrial area, administrative area, commercial area, green area, etc. are all constructed according to the prior design.

  Because the gold-eating insects cultivated by Elsa and Leia are used for mining, the ley lines of the Golden Rose Territory have basically not suffered much damage.

  After suggestions from several giant dragons, Catherine decided to abandon the dwarves' workshop-style steel making process. Instead, they used magic energy factories designed by great arcanists in the history of other planes.

  Using elemental pools to extract energy from the elemental plane as energy source, semi-automated factory production is basically realized.

  When the Magic Energy Factory was mass-produced, the yield rate and degree of standardization far exceeded that of workshop-style production, and it quickly became popular in the Rhine Empire and various kingdoms and principalities.

  When Yilin and Li Ge discussed territorial development before, Li Ge once said that if agricultural tools are made well and in large quantities, they can even be more profitable than weapons.

  There are more than 500 million people in the Rhine Empire, and if you add other kingdoms, there will be even more principalities. Among them, farmers account for the vast majority, so you can imagine how big the market for agricultural tools is.

  After Yilin's suggestion and Catherine's trust in her teacher, Catherine cooperated with the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture and developed many new and practical agricultural tools.

  Several priests even received favors from the gods, and Catherine also received the blessings of the goddess of agriculture. Although the actual benefits are not many, Catherine also has an extra talisman.

  Jinqiangweiling's products are welcomed by the entire continent, and at the same time they do not have a major impact on the traditional equipment manufacturing industry. The annual output of 100,000 tons is enough to turn Golden Rose City into a powerful and wealthy city.

  The initial estimate of the magic iron mixed in the iron ore is about one thousandth, which is a lot in a year. These were manufactured into batches of low-level magic items by the golden dragon Elsa, the silver dragon Leia and Celia using simple magic energy factories, and the profits were no less than those of the 100,000 tons of steel products.

  Huge profits and taxes turned Golden Rose City into the largest and most prosperous city in the wilderness in just three years, with a population of nearly 30,000.

  Metal deposits underground can be mined for many years. As long as nothing unexpected happens, the Golden Rose Territory can also prosper for so many years.

  In the mage tower in the dragon's territory, Catherine has grown into a beautiful girl. The almost fifteen-year-old girl is tall, beautiful and has a good figure.

  "Catherine, you have made great progress. You are now a high-level warrior, and you can maintain a golden dragon body for 16 hours throughout the day. This shows that your golden dragon bloodline is close to a real golden dragon."

  Celia did not hesitate to praise Catherine, which made the girl burst into laughter.

  But soon, Catherine felt bored again and rested her chin on the table, "Sister Xilia, when will the teacher end his slumber? I miss the teacher's special dragon pastry so much." "It's a pity that we don't have that kind of cake we make ourselves.

  " It’s so unique and delicious.” Catherine’s mouth seemed to be drooling.

  Now she is very wealthy. After excluding costs, her annual income is divided into more than 200,000 gold coins, which is more than many big nobles.

  Therefore, many aristocratic children tried their best to show up in front of Catherine, dreaming of gaining both personal and financial benefits. Catherine beat up many aristocratic youths because of this, but she still couldn't stop him, so she often had to hide in the teacher's territory. A teleportation array has been set up between the two territories, making travel very convenient.

  Speaking of Li Ge, Xilia suddenly became a little silent. It has been three years. In all these years of knowing Li Ge, she has never been apart for so long.

  The core of the dragon territory is Li Ge. Without him, even Yilin, who has always been very interested in territory management, seems to be less motivated.

  At this time, Li Ge in the dragon's nest was sleeping, his body length had grown to forty meters, and his scales were shining with soft golden light.

  The most drastic change was in his soul. The most critical part of the dimensional dragon's bloodline, the source of the power of the void, was completely merging with Li Ge's soul.

  The ancient dimensional tree will attract a large amount of pure force and input it into Li Ge's soul to support this change.

  Slowly, the origin of the power of the void and his soul have been completely integrated, as if they were born to exist. Traveling through the void and traveling through the stars seems to have become Li Ge's talent, just like a fish is born to breathe in water.

  Since then, the bloodline of the dimensional dragon has truly become his own, completing a transformation from body to soul.

  Jin Long's eyelids moved and slowly opened, and his brain quickly woke up from the chaos caused by a long sleep.

  Li Ge felt that his whole body was full of strength, and the dimensional power was flowing throughout his body. His control over the dimensional power was completely raised to a new level.

  The true form of the god and the ancient tree of the dimension have also undergone new changes as a result, and their heritage is further increasing.

  He carefully picked up the spirit dragon egg, and the little guy inside revealed a kind feeling in his vague thoughts. It will probably take some time before the changes in the spirit dragon egg are over. Now that he has woken up, Li
  Gedi All I could think about at the moment was meeting my spouse. As soon as I thought about it, my body appeared outside my dragon's nest, but I saw the golden dragon Elsa, the silver dragon Leia, Xilia Yilin and Selina already standing at the exit of the dragon's nest, looking at me with smiles in their eyes.

  Li Ge had an inexplicable surprise, "Why are you waiting for me here?" Without waiting for the female dragons to answer, he stepped forward and hugged his spouse one by one.

  Leia smiled faintly, "We often check to see if you have any signs of waking up. This time Selina noticed that the force transmitted by the ancient tree to your dragon's nest suddenly stopped, so she notified us immediately."

  Li Ge was deeply moved. It felt good to have someone remember him. Even if his mind is slowly moving closer to the dragon, it's not a big deal not to see him for a few years, but he still enjoys this feeling.

  Later, Selina ordered sisters Lucia and Luvia to send several roasted magical animals.

  Several giant dragons were enjoying the food while telling Li Ge about what happened in the territory.

  "Li Ge, you will be surprised when you go out and see Catherine. She has become so beautiful now. She has been thinking about you as a teacher all day long. Why doesn't she wake up?" Shelia giggled.

  Miss Golden Dragon and Silver Dragon Leia also told him about the various changes in Catherine's Golden Rose Collar, especially the magic energy factory they led the construction of. The products produced have been sold well throughout the continent and are still in short supply.

  Li Ge couldn't help but give a thumbs up. He sincerely admired Elsa and Leia. There were not many dragons as capable as them.

  (End of chapter)

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