Chapter 100 Ground Combat

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  Chapter 100 Ground Battle
  "Elsa, be careful", Li Ge's concerned dragon roar sounded around the golden dragon Elsa.

  The two green dragons and tool dragons cooperated quite well, and coupled with the strong body of the semi-alchemical life form, no harm was done at all.

  The unlucky Cohen suffered several magic attacks from the demon. Although he was not seriously injured, the angry dragon went crazy and tore the enchanted demon into pieces.

  The flying demons have been cleared away. Li Ge and Elsa fell into the canyon and transformed into human forms. The terrain of this canyon is not big enough, and the dragon's size makes it difficult to react.

  Li Ge was equipped with a giant dragon armor and wielded a big sword in his hand. Ordinary demons could hardly sustain a single move. Some elven soldiers also gathered around him and quickly surrounded and suppressed the demon.

  Cohen and the two green dragons also joined the ground battle, and each gathered a group of elven soldiers to form a siege against the demon.

  The Elf Queen Xia Wei's battle was very eye-catching. The white tiger under her seat carried her back and forth across the battlefield. With one magical spell, a demon fell down. The demons that occasionally rushed to the side were bitten to death by the white tiger.

  The Moon Elf Sentinels and Priests are all high-level professionals, and their combined power is extraordinary. Thousands of demons were wiped out under the attack of enchanted arrows and divine magic.

  Not long after, all the demons on the ground were wiped out. The female elf Xia Wei wiped the blood from her face and rode a white tiger to the deep cave.

  "The underground has been eroded by the breath of the abyss. There will only be more demons below. We don't have enough troops and we must wait for reinforcements to arrive."

  Xia Wei breathed a sigh of relief. The demons on the ground have been eliminated. The demons in the underdark below should be busy harvesting the flesh, blood and souls of underground creatures.

  She also understood that her strength was not enough, and the dragons were just reinforcements. It was impossible to fight for the elves with their lives, no matter how much money they had, it would not be possible.

  Li Ge secretly admired that this female elf was quite sober and did not overestimate her capabilities.

  Next, the moon elf priests, as well as Elsa, Leia, Helia and other magicians became busy. They all took out magic materials and arranged anti-evil magic circles to prevent the spread of the abyss.

  Li Ge is now an eighteenth-level warlock after all. Although he is not very proficient in arcane magic, the blood inheritance of the dimensional dragon makes him no longer the magic novice he used to be.

  He also followed his dragon wives around, beating them up, and enjoying the addiction of a master.

  After being busy for most of the day, the anti-evil magic circle surrounding the entrance of the cave was completed, and the aura of the abyss was firmly sealed in the deep cave.

  Occasionally, a few demons climbed up from the entrance of the cave, and were immediately shot into hedgehogs by the sentry's sharp arrows.

  The next step is to see when the reinforcements arrive. Without enough troops and strong men, they will be surrounded by demon legions as soon as they arrive.

  Li Ge was so bored that he would throw a super fireball down whenever he had nothing to do. He could hear the screams of the devil every time, but no devil learned his lesson. This is the characteristic of chaos and comedy.

  For the next two days, several waves of demons rushed out of the cave entrance every day, but they retreated after being blocked by several giant dragons and elves, leaving behind a pile of corpses.

  This guy Cohen, I wonder if he got used to messing around with the barbarian tribes in the north and fell in love with humanoid creatures. The key to hanging out among a group of moon elf priests and sentinels all day long is that this guy is shameless and often makes the elf sisters tremble.

  Li Ge was tired of watching this, so he simply ignored this guy who forgot about his friends. The female elf Xia Wei didn't say anything. High elves are very open-minded when it comes to love. No elf would ask others to do what they want.

  Elsa, Leia and Shelia were all surrounding Li Ge. The female dragons were all somewhat arrogant and could not talk to the unfamiliar elves.

  "Li Ge, do you think this invasion of the abyss demons will last for a long time?" Xilia had never experienced such a thing.

  Before Li Ge could speak, Leia took over the topic, "Xilia, don't worry, this is just an ordinary demon army, so many orthodox churches will not ignore it."

  Golden Dragon Elsa also smiled, "The gods attach great importance to this plane. In fact, just looking at the number of believers, the number of people in this plane is almost equivalent to that of the Great World of Fein."

  Li Ge rested his head on the soft legs of the silver dragon girl, feeling very comfortable in his heart, "Xilia, don't worry, no matter what, I have the ability to ensure your safety now."

  He didn't mean to brag. If they hid in the dimensional dragon's lair, no demon would be able to do anything to them.

  The silver dragon girl actually just wanted to talk to Li Ge to relieve her nervousness. When she saw her spouse saying the same thing, she immediately felt more at ease.

  On the third day, with a familiar dragon roar, the first batch of reinforcements arrived, the Royal Knights of the Rhine Empire led by the demigod knight Charles, a thousand elite knights and three thousand auxiliary troops arrived.

  It’s just that Charles on the back of Golden Dragon Ingrid had a bad look on his face, and Li Ge quickly understood the reason.

  A little head came out from behind Charles, it wasn't Catherine or someone else.

  The little girl jumped off her mother's back and ran to Li Ge. She looked aggrieved and complained to her teacher.

  Charles was so angry that he said, "This little guy actually knocked out an auxiliary soldier and used his transformation technique to sneak in. He was only discovered halfway."

  Golden Dragon Ingrid was helpless. Her daughter became more and more bold since she learned the dragon transformation technique.

  If an ordinary soldier were to do this kind of thing, he would definitely do it according to military law. If it were his daughter, he would not be beaten or scolded.

  The golden dragon Ingrid took Catherine, Elsa and other three female dragons to greet them. Although they were not familiar with the dragons before, they still heard their names.

  With Li Ge as a link, we quickly became familiar with each other. Shelia pinched Catherine's little face and said, "Katherine, you are much bolder than I was when I was a child. You even dare to come to the demon battlefield."

  Catherine smiled and said, "Mom and dad want to leave me alone at home again, and I don't want it. Besides, aren't the teacher and some sisters here too?" Things have reached this point, and it is impossible to send her back

  . Ingrid had no choice but to ask Leia and the others to help take care of her daughter.

  She and her husband Charles wanted to lead the Royal Knights and had no time to care about Catherine. Li Ge and these giant dragons were requested by the elves for support, so the pressure was relatively small.

  "Don't worry, Ingrid. Catherine is my student, and I will ensure her safety." Although Li Ge also had a headache, he couldn't ignore it.

  The Charles and his wife arranged for their daughter to be here and left in a hurry. Communication between the leaders of these forces was also necessary.

  (End of chapter)

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