460.Chapter 460 Current Situation

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  Chapter 460 Current Situation
  In Li Ge's soul, the Dao Fruit of Creation has left its embryonic state and begun to become fuller.

  According to the classification of godhead levels in the multiverse, Li Ge crossed the threshold directly into the nineteenth level of godhead in one step.

  This terrible progress seems to have no bottlenecks at all. Many gods are unable to make progress, not because of lack of power, but because they have not made any new progress in understanding the laws.

  Li Ge had previously repaired many main material planes in the multiverse and received the blessing of cosmic consciousness, almost opening up the laws of observing the multiverse.

  In this practice that lasted for more than a hundred years, and compared with the endless knowledge contained in the seeds of the Great Way of Creation and the origins of the ten main material planes, the realm has progressed to an incredible level.

  Even Pelor, who had not been promoted to the Supreme God before, and Asty Mors, the Lord of Hell, might not be Li Ge's opponents.

  "It's really a miracle of nature. This practice has truly laid the foundation for my transcendence." The huge real dragon opened its eyes like a hill and showed a smile.

  Li Ge, who used to hold the seeds of the Avenue of Creation, was a child holding gold, but now he is equivalent to a teenager who has initially developed the ability to protect himself.

  The dense immortal energy in the Creation Palace slowly dissipated, and a young man walked out, his face full of joy.

  "Brother, have you finished your training this time?" Liyue, who had been waiting outside the palace gate, rushed forward happily.

  "Yes, this stage of practice is over, and there will basically be no such hard practice in the future," Li Ge said with a smile.

  In the blink of an eye, he had already seen the current situation of Xianting and Mercury clearly.

  The Immortal Court is developing very well. Even if there are individual immortals who are very active in it, they are just trivial and can be suppressed with a raise of their hands.

  God, who is located in Europe, and Quetzalcoatl, who is located in America, have basically stepped on the threshold of great supernatural powers and restored the power of the previous era.

  At this time, they all felt something in their hearts. Under the gaze from the Immortal Court, everything about themselves was exposed as if naked.

  All their ambitions were turned into smoke. Even when facing the God Emperor of the previous era, the pressure on them was not as strong as this one.

  "It's so scary. Why did Yinglong Shenjun make such rapid progress? He was obviously on par with us in the last era." Yehe Quetzalcoatl couldn't figure out what happened.

  After a little warning, Li Ge didn't need to continue to put pressure on these two restless guys.

  Retaining some enemies can put a little pressure on the immortals in the Immortal Court, otherwise it may quickly become a mess again.

  Li Ge took Liyue and stepped into the vast world in the artifact. The goddesses who had received news about Liyue were waiting there.

  "Thank you for your hard work." Li Ge had to spend a lot of effort to comfort these resentful women.

  After so many years, these women who grew up with Li Ge and never became gods have become an indispensable part of his life.

  The happy time passed quickly, and after the passion came leisurely daily life. Li Ge was now listening to several goddesses and female dragons talk about the situation in the world of Ailas.

  After so many years, the younger generation of high elves in the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas almost all have the blood of dragon-blood elves, and their recognition of Anveena, Xia Wei and Andrassil far exceeds their recognition of the high elf nobles.

  The glory of the great mages of the past has been shared by the clergy who serve the gods. Dragon Vein Warlocks are also an important part of the legal profession.

  The leaders of the Human Kingdom Alliance have changed for several generations, and the heroes of the past such as Varian and Arthas have all passed away to heaven. Most of the orcs returned to their original hometown of Draenor. The orcs and other racial members who stayed in the tribe, under the pressure of several gods, have achieved racial reconciliation and have become accustomed to each other's existence over the years.

  "Li Ge, let me tell you, Ailas has almost conquered the other timelines," Anweina said very proudly.

  She is one of the main organizers who participated in the other timelines of the strategy. After the timelines began to unify, Ailas's background greatly increased, and the gods who participated in it also greatly increased their power.

  Today's Ailas planet is several times its original size, and its population has doubled.

  Xia Wei was also overjoyed, "Now, the main obstacle to the reunification of the timeline of the world of Ailas is the various back-ups left by those Titans.

  We have now begun to deal with them. The Dark Titan Sargeras has not been able to do anything in these years. I don’t dare to provoke again.”

  Li Ge chuckled, "Now there are more than a dozen true god-level beings in Ailas. If the Dark Titan dares to come again, he probably won't be able to leave."

  Ollie, Rihanna, and Catherine are all medium powers, and they are all in the world of Aras.

  Anweina, Xia Wei and Andasier of the dragon-blood elf pantheon are all beings with powers that are no less powerful than those of lesser powers.

  Several dragon gods who guard the dragon have already turned against the Titan, and they are not easy to deal with.

  Arthur's successor, the God of Earth, is still a loyal subordinate of Li Ge's family.

  After Gracia got back the soul mark that Li Ge wanted from Asty Mors, with the blessing of the new hell, her strength has reached the peak of medium divine power.

  There are also five female dragons that have transformed the blood of the Dragon of Creation, including Leia, Elsa, Irene, Cilia, and Selina, and they all have true god-level combat power.

  With such a lineup, dealing with the Dark Titan Sargeras is not a problem at all.

  "You have done a great job over the years. Even without my help, you were able to achieve such results. I am proud of you."

  Regarding Li Ge's sincere praise, the goddesses and dragonesses were all beaming with joy. They were finally not holding back Li Ge and could help Li Ge in some way.

  The Ailas universe is a good place for these goddesses and female dragons to gain experience, without having to worry about being harmed by too powerful forces.

  As for the so-called Lord of the Void, Li Ge simply didn't care. A group of guys who couldn't personally intervene in the material world could only hide in the dark dark world and bark.

  Li Ge usually only needs to be slightly distracted and pay attention to the situation in the world of Ailas to ensure their safety.

  In the multiverse, the entire situation has completely calmed down. The two supreme gods no longer care about good or evil or their alignments, and they are both cooperating and confronting each other.

  The endless abyss, the cancer of the multiverse, has become the target of the two supreme gods, and the devil's life has not been so easy.

  The avatar of the Lord of the Game is completely dormant, maintaining the smallest church, and does not care at all about the glances cast by the two supreme gods from time to time.

  (End of chapter)

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