441. Chapter 441 Fierce Battle

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  "Damn blasphemer, how dare you offend the great supreme god Cyric." Cyric, who was accidentally shot, was furious.

  Then a shadow jumped and entered a battleship. In an instant, the entire battleship became silent, and a violent explosion occurred the next moment.

  "Hundan, you dare to resist." A disgraced Cyric emerged from the huge fireball.

  After the Gaia Empire's battleship was invaded by Cyric, the Gaia system made a judgment and decisively self-destructed the battleship's reactor.

  The other gods no longer cared about laughing at Cyric at this moment, and were all following the plan, desperately attacking these powerful battleships.

  The god of war, Campas, held an artifact in his hand and split a battleship open with one strike of his sword. "Hahaha, this is really the most spectacular war."

  The battle of life and death between two different universes and different civilizations has brought the force of war to its peak at this moment, and the power of the God of War is increasing endlessly.

  The sun god Pelor also exposed the cruel side of the sun god. The endless fire of the sun filled the void, and the battleships were melted into molten iron.

  "Grrrr, stupid mortals, fall into eternal darkness." The voice of Shar, the goddess of the night, carried magic, plunging the souls of the soldiers of the Gaia Empire into darkness.

  Even the battleship command system, which is purely composed of data, has come to a standstill.

  Led by powerful divine power, the gods quickly gained a firm foothold and began to launch a counterattack.

  The warships built with a lot of money by the Gaia Empire were gradually destroyed after severely damaging the army of the Kingdom of God.

  "Boom", a mountain-like beam of light emitted from a planet and hit the incarnation of a true god of the elf god system.

  This incarnation of the true god was vaporized by the giant cannon of the planetary fortress before he could scream.

  "Looking for death", the elf god Corellon was furious. He raised his divine bow and shot down an arrow. The planet cannon made a huge explosion.

  But then, almost all the desolate and inhabited planets in this plane took off their disguises.

  The ferocious muzzles began to roar angrily, and countless blazing light pillars shuttled through the void.

  Caught off guard, many incarnations of the true gods with weak divine power were seriously injured or died directly.

  "Don't fight with the main cannon in the void, go down to the surface of the planet and defeat the enemy from the ground!"

  War God Campas roared and issued the order, and the gods also reacted and descended to the ground one after another according to the God of War's arrangement.

  Some powerful gods and a large number of medium-power true gods continue to attack those void battleships in the void, or look for hidden enemies.

  The incarnation of the true god and the army of the Kingdom of God landed on the planet and soon discovered something was wrong.

  They were actually able to discover panels constructed from data in their minds.

  The Gaia Empire soldiers rushing over from the opposite side also had various data hanging on them.

  The only difference is that the True God of the Multiverse has begun to be affected by various negative states, while the Gaia Empire has been loaded with various positive states.

  "It's the power of the law of data." The landing incarnations of the true god roared one after another, and each exploded, applying various buff spells to their own soldiers of the Kingdom of God.

  The armies of both sides collided together like a tide. Except for a few powerful soldiers of the Kingdom of God, the others suffered heavy losses from the beginning. The soldiers of the Gaia Empire were obviously injured at the fatal point, but they did not die, and the last drop of blood was locked away.

  As for the soldiers of the Kingdom of God, after being injured, the data limit dropped again and again, and they could not increase their health.

  Only with legendary strength, one understands the existence of the law, and uses the power of the law to inflict fatal attacks on the opponent's soldiers, or heal the soldiers of the Kingdom of God.

  The most terrible thing is that these digitized Gaia Empire soldiers can achieve the most perfect cooperation, just like a whole.

  "This can't go on", a true god shouted anxiously as he watched with distress that the Kingdom of God's army that he had worked so hard to develop was being wasted here.

  "Your Majesty, we unite the Law God Realm to form a whole, covering the entire planet!"

  True Gods are also beings with superior computing power, and they quickly found a way to deal with it.

  The incarnations of the true god from the same camp unite together, covering the entire battlefield within the realm of the law of the incarnation of the true god.

  The laws of the true god's domain and the Gaia system of the Gaia Empire collided with each other. In an instant, the tampered data of the Divine Kingdom's army returned to normal.

  Suddenly, the data laws formed by the computing power of the Gaia system were completely unable to analyze so many different laws.

  The situation on the battlefield began to reverse, and the data of the soldiers of the Gaia Empire was also interfered with, making it impossible to gain an absolute advantage.

  "Damn it, how did we get exposed, and why did we encounter such a violent attack!"

  The commander of the Gaia Empire punched the wall made of metal alloy, and his anger had nowhere to vent.

  As long as the Gaia system is given another period of time, the Gaia system can analyze more of the original laws belonging to this multiverse, and its own computing power can also break through to incredible levels.

  "Order all imperial soldiers to hold on until the Gaia system grows to a strong enough level."

  As the core of the empire's civilization expansion plan, the capabilities of the Gaia system are unique. The Gaia Empire only has one Gaia system, and it doesn't even have a backup.

  Because the hardware, or body, of the Gaia system is extremely special and is made from the core of a universe after its destruction.

  When the Gaia Empire's fleet was in the endless void, it accidentally obtained this treasure. After studying it for tens of thousands of years, the empire's most elite scientists and social psychologists worked together to formulate the Gaia Project and obtained it. Passed by the Supreme Council of Elders.

  The core of this plan is to use the core of the universe to create a virtual world and form data laws that can affect reality.

  Then, choose a world that is powerful enough, use the Gaia system to analyze the laws of this universe, and finally devour this universe completely.

  At this point, all civilizations and lives in the Gaia Empire can be digitized and imported into the Gaia system, and then the universe where the Gaia Empire is located can be swallowed up.

  According to the calculations of scientists from the Gaia Empire, after the Gaia system has swallowed up the two powerful civilizations of the Multiverse and the Gaia Universe, it can open up a perfect world with itself as the core and the civilizations and laws of the two universes as nourishment. The great universe, and the Gaia Empire will also become a perfect high-dimensional civilization.

  The plan went very smoothly at the beginning, and the analysis of the laws of the multiverse was carried out in an orderly manner. The Gaia system itself has evolved to a level comparable to medium-level divine power.

  As long as we wait another ten thousand years, the Gaia system can analyze more laws and evolve to a level comparable to the peak of powerful divine power.

  At that time, we can sweep across the entire multiverse and achieve true greatness!
  (End of chapter)

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