4.Chapter 4 Silver Dragon Xilia

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  Chapter 4 Silver Dragon

  Xilia Lige flew along the river bank for almost seven days, which is about 700 kilometers. A tall mountain range appeared in front of it. There was a canyon in the mountain range, and a large river flowed through the canyon.

  The big river merged with several tributaries from several mountains here, and the river became more turbulent. Li Ge turned several times in front of the mountains, and he seemed to feel that something was spying on him.

  There is nothing around, and there are no magical beasts or powerful monsters in the rivers and forests below. Could it be up there?

  Li Ge raised his head and saw pieces of white clouds floating in the sky. Li Ge's eyes widened. Sure enough, there was a piece of white cloud that seemed a little different. Could it be the same kind of metal dragon? Li Ge immediately stayed away from the white cloud and spoke in dragon language
  . After testing, sure enough, the clouds dispersed, revealing a silver dragon that could be called a peerless beauty from the dragon clan's point of view.

  Judging from its size and scales, this silver dragon has just entered the teenage dragon stage. Silver Dragon is known for his proficiency in magic, but if he actually does it, Li Ge may not be able to do it.

  Fortunately, this silver dragon was relatively gentle. She made a clear dragon cry, "Hello, I am the silver dragon Xilia. This is close to my lair. I have never seen a metal dragon like you before, so I am a little nervous."

  Silver Dragon Xilia was probably out of the house for the first time, and she even said she was nervous. Li Ge suppressed the urge to laugh and replied, "I am Li Ge. I have never seen other dragons since I was born. In my inherited memory, my mother clan is the Golden Dragon. As for what kind of dragon I am, I don't even know." ".

  The silver dragon flew around Li Ge several times, "It's amazing. So you grew up alone as a dragon? There are many mutant races among the giant dragons, and I guess you are the same. Are you here to find the nest too?" Since the bloodline

  fusion , the mixed-race aura on Li Ge has disappeared, and only the Dragon God can tell that his parents are dragons of different races. The silver dragon Xilia was a little nervous, thinking that he was here to rob the nest.

  Li Ge looked at the nervous silver dragon girl and roared, "I'm here to find a civilized world. Only in a civilized place can I earn more wealth to decorate my lair. I can buy some information from you." Yes, I will pay."

  Silver Dragon Xilia then relaxed. Through these words, she saw that Li Ge was not that kind of evil dragon, and she was a little happy that Li Ge agreed to pay for the information.

  Silver dragons are mostly from the good camp, they are more willing to help others, and they also make money.

  The silver dragon Xilia turned around and flew towards her lair, shouting "Please follow me, I will be happy to sell you information" as she flew.

  Xilia's lair is very close to here, in a cave on the top of a mountain less than ten kilometers away. No wonder she was so nervous just now.

  There was a camouflage magic in front of the cave, and Li Ge landed on the platform in front of the cave, waiting for Xilia to go to the cave to get information.

  After a while, the silver dragon girl came out with some books and lay down on the ground, very close to Li Ge. An alluring fragrance came out, and Li Ge quickly suppressed the urge to blood.

  "Damn it, has the reproductive instinct of this giant dragon awakened? But the silver dragon Xilia is so beautiful!"

  Xilia took out a book and began to introduce, "This is a basic introduction to the mainland. This book It's from the elves, this is the human kingdom..." Balabala introduced more than twenty books.

  The silver dragon girl looked at Li Ge with hopeful eyes, "These are the dragon language versions that I specially selected. Each book has 10 human kingdom standard gold coins, a total of 180 gold coins."

  Li Ge was about to vomit blood. This girl regarded him as a traitor. Li Ge blurted out, "Xilia, I thought you were a kind-hearted silver dragon. I also have basic valuation skills in my inherited memory. These books are at most three One gold coin. I am an orphan dragon. How can you bear to deceive me?" The

  silver dragon girl defended in a low voice, "I did not deceive you. These books are really expensive among human historians."

  Li Gemo Silently, she stared at Cilia with sad and angry eyes. In the end, the silver dragon girl was defeated and said, "Okay, I'll sell it to you at the price of a metal dragon, three gold coins each."

  Li Ge opened his big mouth and pretended to spit out a few gems from the space in his stomach. These were tributes from the loyal dog Sass. The dragon's stomach pouch is divided into several spaces, one of which is used by the dragon to store its precious items.

  Li Ge pushed a few gems in front of the silver dragon girl and said, "This is the wealth I have collected. It is worth about one hundred gold coins. You can give me twenty gold coins."

  The silver dragon girl's eyes were full of stars, and she happily grabbed a few gems, "These sparkling gems are so beautiful, they are all mine." Li Ge looked at the excited silver dragon and reminded, "These are all my gems. , remember to find me twenty gold coins."

  The silver dragon girl suddenly looked frustrated, and she didn't know how her dragon face showed up. Shelia asked cautiously, "I still have many books, how about you buy a few more."

  Looking at the greedy silver dragon girl, Li Ge shook his head, "I will also need gold coins to enter human society in the future."

  Xilia looked reluctant to give up the gems, how could the dragon take out the wealth. Suddenly, Xilia's eyes lit up and she shouted, "Li Ge, wait a minute, I have a good thing from human society that you definitely need." After saying that, she ran into the cave, not knowing what she was looking for

  . Li Ge started reading out of boredom.

  After a while, a high elf girl ran out of the cave. The girl is very beautiful, and the towering peaks are completely beyond the normal standards of elves, which is in line with Li Ge's aesthetics.

  The girl was holding a document in her hand. She must have changed into a human form because the dragon form was difficult to handle. Xilia opened the document and stretched it out in front of Li Ge, "This is the hereditary knighthood certificate of the most powerful Rhine Empire in mankind. It was presented to the Silver Dragon clan by the emperor of the empire. It has been certified by the God of Justice. Just add the name If you prove it with the Silver Dragon Clan, you will be able to obtain the knighthood in the Rhine Empire and the right to purchase territory. You can use it in the future if you learn the transfiguration technique. It only costs 100 gold coins."

  Li Ge looked at the certificate carefully. It was true. The contract with the God of Justice couldn't be faked, but it would be a trap if the territory had to be purchased with money.

  Even in any country, it is not difficult for a senior professional to obtain a knighthood. Li Ge's current strength is no worse than that of a senior professional. It is certainly not difficult to obtain a knighthood after turning into a human form.

  The Silver Dragon Girl was able to keep this document until now, probably because she was reluctant to spend money to buy the territory. Of course, she might also look down on it.

  Li Ge looked at the Silver Dragon girl with a look that looked like a fool, and said, "No one wants this thing. It's not cost-effective to sell it at a low price, right?" This thing was actually given by a great lord back then to thank the Silver Dragon clan for their help

  . It was given to the Silver Dragon Clan, and all the others with high titles were used, leaving only this one, the worst one, that no one wanted.

  Xilia nodded sheepishly, what's the use of a knight without a fiefdom.

  However, Li Ge saw one of the supplementary clauses. This kind of knighthood can be used as a pioneer knight.

  Since the Rhine Empire stabilized, the emperor has basically stopped approving the existence of pioneer knights. Damn, there are too many cheats. A small knight is followed by a large group of senior or even master-level professionals. This is not cheating.

  Some powerful nobles took advantage of this to help their descendants seize a lot of territory and form new interest groups.

  (End of chapter)

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