377. Chapter 377 Local Dragon God

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  Chapter 377
  A bright ball of light condensed in the claws of the local dragon god Nozdormu. The power in his body gradually weakened as the ball of light grew.

  "Your Majesty, this is the power of time given to me by the Titans. I dedicate it to Your Majesty." Nozdormu handed the ball of light to Li Ge, as if he had put down a heavy burden.

  "Nozdormu", two screams rang out. Alexstrasza and Ysera never expected that Nozdormu would do this.

  "Haha, my sisters, my bronze dragon family has been shouldering this heavy responsibility for too long. It has overwhelmed us and we can't breathe. It's a good thing to give up now," Nozdormu said happily.

  Li Ge looked at the pillow with admiration. Like the bronze dragon king, the laws of creation were operating, and in an instant, the thoughts left behind by the Titans were cleared away.

  At the same time, he also understood the law information inside through the artifact, stuffed the knowledge of the gods into the ball of light, and backhanded the power of time into Nozdormu's mind.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty." Nozdormu's soul immediately accepted the knowledge, and the power of time that returned no longer had the sense of isolation in the past, and belonged entirely to him.

  This made Nozdormu extremely happy. How could the dragon not be greedy for power? How could this powerful dragon god not only not forcibly deprive himself of his power, but instead gave him a piece of knowledge that would allow him to gain true autonomy.

  "I, the Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu, swear by my authority and soul that as long as it does not conflict with my future priesthood, I will always be your Majesty's ally."

  Nozdormu could only repay the powerful Dragon God in front of him with his greatest sincerity.

  "Very good, Nozdormu, I, the dimensional master Li Ge, will definitely be your ally." Li Ge smiled with satisfaction.

  "This world, in the end, still relies on you, the gods of this world, to protect you." "

  So, guardians of life and guardians of natural dreams, what is your choice?" Li Ge stared at the two female dragon kings with his huge dragon eyes.

  They had to make a choice this time, and Li Ge didn't want to cause trouble for himself in the future.

  "Alexstrasza, Ysera, my sister, don't hesitate. The authority given to us by the Titans is actually part of the laws of the world of Aras."

  Nozdormu advised, "Thousands of years of dedicated work are enough to repay the Titan's gift."

  "Now, it's time to think about our community and our world."

  Alexstrasza and Ysera looked at each other and finally made their choice.

  "Great Lord of Dimensions, we choose to be your allies."

  Li Ge laughed loudly and said, "Very good, you won't regret your choice today."

  Rihanna and Catherine received the power light balls from the two female dragon kings respectively, and used the power of their own laws to clear the Titan thoughts inside, and also understood the law information.

  Li Ge didn't want to pry into the private lives of these two people, so he had to let his spouse take action.

  Soon, the two female dragon kings who regained their power were overjoyed after reading the information in their souls.

  Become a god and control your destiny, and be a slave to the Titans. The good thing is that you can come up with the answer without even thinking about it.

  Moreover, in this way, after getting rid of the restrictions of the Titans, there is the possibility of reconciliation with the brothers and sisters who parted ways in the past.

  There may be room for reconciliation between the native dragons who were driven to the remote wilderness and the hatred between these guardian dragons.

  "You should be eager to go home now. I'm waiting for the day when you become true gods." Li Ge chuckled and began to see off the guests. The three dragon kings also had concerns in their hearts and had no intention of staying any longer. After thanking Li Ge and the other three dragon gods, they went back.

  Rihanna smiled softly, "Li Ge, now all the guardians left by the Titans have been dealt with, and this world no longer belongs to them."

  "Yes, teacher, it will take a long time for the titan inside Ailas to hatch. During this period of time, the world will be decided by us." Catherine was also excited.

  In the multiverse, there is only the world of Avada, which belongs to the Dimensional God System and is shared by Talon. It is considered their territory, and now there is another planet of Ailas.

  Li Ge was also very satisfied. Oni, the dragon king of hell, chose the dragon protector and the black dragon clan, which complemented the priesthood of the other three dragon kings. Of course, there was also competition among them.

  In this way, several local dragon gods formed a situation of cooperation and competition to prevent them from getting together.

  As for Malfurion, whose arcane domain was torn apart, both parties had a tacit understanding not to mention it, and this madman had been excluded.

  This unlucky blue dragon king's domain of power is destined to be completely taken away by Anweina in the future, turning him into an ordinary giant dragon.

  The three dragon kings have been immersed in their respective fields for tens of thousands of years, and their understanding of their respective laws is not trivial. Coupled with the worship and belief accumulated by their respective tribes for countless years, they soon bore fruit.

  "I, Alexstrasza, light the divine fire today, as the guardian of life and the mother of red dragons." Alexstrasza was the first to light the divine fire.

  "I, the Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu, ignited the divine fire today to serve as the guardian of time, guarding the timeline of Ailas, and protecting the world of Ailas from the invasion of evil forces." Nozdormu, who is located in the Caverns of Time, also continued. Become a god.

  "My green dragon queen, Ysera, is the guardian of the natural dream, protecting the Emerald Dream and the natural environment of Ayras from damage."

  Alexstrasza, Guardian of Life, Level 2 Godhead. Priesthood Guardian of Life, Red Dragon Race Priesthood. Proficient in the areas of life.

  Ysera, the guardian of natural dreams, has a second level of godhead. Divine Guardian of Nature, Guardian of the Emerald Dream. Mastery of nature and dream realm.

  Nozdormu, Guardian of Time, Level 2 Godhead. The priestly guardian of time, proficient in the field of time.

  The entire Aspect Dragon race was in a state of shock. The Dragon Sleeping Temple, the Emerald Dream, the Cave of Time, and every place resounded with joyful dragon roars.

  Red dragons, green dragons, and bronze dragons are all celebrating that their king has become the eternal true god.

  "What happened? Why did the three of them become gods?" Malygos, who was hiding in the Demonic Nexus, was a little confused.

  Why didn't he play with him all of a sudden? However, his power was gradually weakening, leaving him no time to pay attention to these external things.

  "Whoever steals my power again, come out." Malygos was furious and helpless.

  Of course Anweina heard his roar, but this young lady would not care about the howling of this defeated dog.

  As the incarnation of the arcane force of Ailas, Anveena is more qualified to control the arcane field than Malygos.

  The three local dragon gods are now busy building their own divine kingdom. Among them, Ysera is the simplest. He directly uses his control over the Emerald Dream to directly transform the territory controlled by the Green Dragon Clan into the Kingdom of God.

  Unlucky Xavius, this time he was caught red-handed. Ysera has complete control over her own kingdom, how could she allow this disgusting villain to escape again.

  (End of chapter)

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