344. Chapter 344 Alliance and Horde Alliance

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  Chapter 344:

  This big gift from Miss Anweina of the Alliance and Tribe Alliance allowed Li Ge to recruit almost 10,000 more high elven civilians again, which shows the large population controlled by those big nobles.

  This time, not only did Xia Wei bring her tribe to accept the new high elf civilians, but the two goddesses Rihanna and Catherine also came.

  "Li Ge, you have caused a big thing again." Rihanna chuckled, and Li Ge also said that there was nothing he could do about it, because he always encountered such things.

  Anweina is very friendly to Rihanna and Catherine, not only because they are Li Ge's spouses, but the camps and views of the three goddesses are relatively consistent.

  This time, the reception of high elven civilians lasted for several days. The nobles were very happy after receiving the rewards.

  The power of the true god can do many incredible things, such as this guy Darkan. Because his family contributed many subordinates, he was blessed by Anweina, regained his youth, and no longer had as many calculations as before.

  If Darkan dares to do something wrong in the future, Anweina will tell him what the price of betrayal is.

  After Li Ge and others completed their mission, they were about to return, but Anweina was still a little reluctant to leave.

  Poor little goddess, she just met a few new friends and she still doesn't want to leave. After Rihanna and Catherine left, he plunged into the Kingdom of God and swore not to come out until he created an incarnation.

  This time in Quel'Thalas, Li Ge and his party had a great harvest, recruiting nearly 12,000 high elven civilians, which was a great supplement to their own strength.

  And with the addition of an ally like Anweina, the High Elf Kingdom will basically be considered an ally in the future.

  In the palace of Lordaeron, Uther, Mograine and other paladins held Arthas's Angel Sword in their hands and were full of praise.

  "No evil creature can resist the holy flame on this sword," Mograine said with envy.

  In this timeline, the Scourge fell without showing its power, leaving only Nordson, a few undead souls hiding in the ice and snow, lingering.

  Therefore, the Holy Knight's artifact Ashbringer was not forged, and the High Lord Mograine could only drool looking at the Angel Sword.

  The happiest person is Uther. His most valued disciple has returned to the path of the Holy Light.

  The major forces of this universe have a great influence on the souls of living beings. If you are not a true god level expert and you change the Force attributes at will, your character will definitely be affected.

  Alsace had a say in this. Ever since Li Ge transformed his power into the source of the Holy Light of Order, the young prince felt bright in his heart and felt that his previous ideas were too biased.

  The old king Terenas was also happy to see Alsace's transformation, so that such a prince could truly shoulder the important task of leading the country.

  "Arthas, in response to this threat from the Ahn'Qiraj bugs, I will convene an alliance meeting to respond."

  "I hope that you and the Knights of the Silver Hand will become the main force in Lordaeron in this coalition. You must not hand over leadership to the Church of the Earth."

  After the last forced marriage, the relationship between the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Church of the Earth has dropped to a freezing point, except for the fact that they have not broken each other.

  Uther and other paladins looked at each other and stepped forward, "Your Majesty the King, we will definitely assist Prince Alsace to resist the power of the Church of the Earth."

  Similar situations are also occurring in various human kingdoms, and the struggle between royal power and divine power has begun.

  This is not the case in Quel'Thalas. The little goddess Anweina, apart from being more concerned about arcana and the entire race, does not want to interfere with the internal affairs of the kingdom at all.

  This also made the Sun Chaser family and the big nobles breathe a sigh of relief, as they no longer had to compete with the gods for power.

  Anweina's church has also begun to be formed, and this young lady adopts a completely sheep-herding style of management.

  Just because during the chat, Li Ge mentioned the name of the female elf Liadrin, Anweina remembered it in her heart.

  Therefore, Liadrin was completely dumbfounded after receiving Anveena's oracle.

  This goddess actually asked Liadrin to help her form a church. As for other manpower, there was no such thing.

  Fortunately, Anweina was more generous and directly promoted Liadrin to a priest at the peak of the master level, the kind of priest who wore plate armor and carried a sledgehammer.

  Liadrin, who almost collapsed, had to start preaching step by step. With the support of the high elf leaders, most of the high elf priests converted to Anweina.

  Anweina's holy light that blessed the sun field was also relatively powerful, which satisfied these priests. It was very useful in fighting trolls.

  This also stimulated many high elves without magic qualifications to join the arms of Anweina Church.

  Finally, after a series of troubles, the Eastern Kingdoms Alliance meeting was convened again.

  Faced with this global threat, various kingdoms still made wise judgments.

  The leaders of the high elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and night elves all agreed to form an alliance again and expedition to Kalimdor.

  The bishop of the Church of the Earth was almost blushing because he was squeezed out by all the major kingdoms. In the end, he had to join the coalition on an equal footing with other kingdoms.

  Of course, the Kingdom of Alterac is regarded by other human kingdoms as being on the same side as the Church of the Earth.

  The Cenarion Council has also been communicating with the Aspect Dragon, trying to repair the Staff of Quicksand.

  There is no problem on the green dragon's side. Ysera's chief consort Eranikus, with the help of Andrassil, has woken up from the nightmare. The blood god Hakkar has fallen, and there will be no consequences. trouble.

  Naturally, Van Gaal Staghelm, the person involved, joined other Aspect Dragons to search for the other fragments.

  In the face of this global crisis, the Guardian Dragon is still relatively active and will not hastily leave things to unreliable footmen. Of course, there is no need for footmen in this world.

  Li Ge was in the domain of Andasil, stepping up the transformation and training of new dragon-blood elves, and had no time to care about or interfere with the affairs of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

  After Anweina created her first avatar, she came over to play with it every two days.

  She was also studying with Xia Wei with great interest how to better and more perfectly transform the dragon blood elves.

  Li Ge and several goddesses were not bad at this little goddess with a good personality. They gave her a set of angel-making technology for free, which was even more advanced than what they had given Arthur.

  Anweina's next operation was very interesting. She directly used her powerful divine power to summon the soul of Dathrema.

  This was the man who built the Sunwell with his own hands, and Anweina's adoptive father was right.

  Anweina transformed the old man into an angel without saying a word, and pulled him up to continue working for her.

  Dath'Rema, who couldn't laugh or cry, had no choice at all, but it was good to be able to live again.

  Next, some clan souls with names and surnames who were very loyal to the high elf race were also summoned by the wayward little goddess.

  But when Anastarian and his son looked at the ancestors who came to convey the oracle, their jaws almost dropped in surprise.

  When the second young lady of the Windrunner family saw her brother Liras with the light wings, she immediately became furious with her bow and arrow and chased and killed her brother for a long time.

  Until Liadrin came in person to explain that this was not a prank, her family had been taken to Anveena's kingdom, and Lilas was promoted to an angel by the goddess.

  At this time, the strong female ranger general threw away her bow and arrow, hugged her brother and cried bitterly, venting her longing for him.

  Anweina's blind operation caused an unexpected sensation, and many nobles and civilians became extremely devout in Anweina's faith.

  In the following time, the coalition forces of the Alliance and the Horde quickly assembled and launched an attack on the three insect nests, intending to eliminate the escaped insect men first.

  Thrall, the chief of the tribe, also breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that he was under great pressure during this period.

  Once the situation in Ahn'Qiraj deteriorates, the first family to suffer is the tribe in Kalimdor, and there is no way to escape.

  (End of chapter)

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