341. Chapter 341 Recruiting high elf civilians

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  Chapter 341: Recruiting High Elf Commoners
  Leaving the high elf mages noisy there, Li Ge and Xia Wei went straight back to the palace where they stayed, and spent the night without talking.

  The next day, it was Ranger General Sylvanas who came to receive Li Ge and the two. "Your Majesty Li Ge, the king and the prince are holding a meeting. I will accompany your majesty throughout the process to recruit high elves." This member of the Windrunner

  family The second lady, who has not experienced the bad luck of other timelines, is still a ranger general who loves Quel'Thalas.

  Although Li Ge had no intentions towards this beautiful female ranger, it was still nice to have such a beautiful woman accompanying him.

  As for Queen Lixi, that is impossible. This Windrunner has long been fighting with her subordinate, the human ranger lord Nathanos, and Li Ge does not want to be the successor.

  "Your Majesty, I have ordered the rangers to convey the king's orders to various settlements. Interested tribesmen will be waiting for recruitment at Silver Wing Square."

  The arrangements made by the Ranger General are very good, and Li Ge and Xia Wei do not need to travel around the Kingdom of Quelsanas.

  After finishing breakfast under the service of the high elf maid, Li Ge and the others, accompanied by Sylvanas, sat in a carriage pulled by a chocobo and headed towards the Silver Wing Square outside Silver Moon City.

  Along the way, Li Ge saw many blood elf civilians, most of whom were excitedly carrying their luggage and heading towards the gathering point, Silver Wing Square.

  "Your Majesty, these civilians must have known about the recruitment information and rushed here in a hurry."

  Seeing Li Ge's interest, Sylvanas explained.

  "The kingdom's high degree of magic and intelligence has led to many civilians living a good life just relying on welfare."

  "But those tribesmen who are motivated are not willing to sit back and wait for death. They should be very optimistic about their development under His Majesty's command, so they came to participate in the recruitment."

  As the ranger general of Silvermoon City, he is also a member of the nobility, but at the same time he is despised by those noble mages.

  Sylvanas is well aware of some of the problems within the high elves. Many aspiring commoners would not be able to learn advanced magic knowledge and rise in class if they did not join the nobility.

  For these high elven civilians who love magic, if someone can give them a way to become professionals, of course they will flock to it.

  Among the millions of people in Quel'Thalas, there are many such civilians.

  Along the way, Sylvanas chatted with Li Ge and Xia Wei, and introduced them to matters that were not internal to the high elves.

  It can be heard that this second lady of the Windrunner family is deeply disgusted by the corruption of the noble mage.

  However, mages are the most important pillars of the High Elf Kingdom and have high-end combat power. Their status is far beyond that of rangers.

  The gorgeous carriage slowly drove into a huge square, and many high elf civilians were registering their names under the guidance of the rangers.

  As Li Ge arrived, a faint divine power spread throughout the square.

  Needless to say, those high elven civilians who came to participate in the recruitment had a clear understanding in their hearts that the gods had really arrived.

  Those elves who had doubts at first no longer had any doubts at this moment, and together with the rangers, they lowered their heads to show respect.

  Li Ge glanced at these elves, turned to Sylvanas and said, "I need to open a portal and dispatch some subordinates to settle these elves who are participating in the recruitment."

  Sylvanas took a step forward and saluted, "The Sun King has already given instructions, and everything is at your Majesty's discretion."

  Even though she said this, Sylvanas was still curious about how this god could open a portal in the Sunwell's barrier.

  You must know that in the barrier of the Sunwell, any space magic must be used with permission. This is also for safety reasons.

  Li Ge saw through the thoughts of the female ranger general at a glance. It was just that his spatial attainments could not be stopped by a small sunwell barrier.

  At the moment, he just smiled and made a light stroke with one hand. A dimensional passage appeared. Liya, who had been prepared for a long time, filed in with a group of dragon blood elves.

  "Father God, Mother, we are ready," Liya said solemnly with a serious face.

  Xia Wei smiled and took Liya together to start conducting various tests and inquiries for these civilians who participated in the recruitment.

  Sylvanas looked at these dragon-blood elves, her eyes gleaming. In her opinion, the dragon-blood elves were a bit too powerful compared to the high elves of Quel'Thalas.

  As a ranger general, she could tell at just one glance that these dragon-blooded elves were extremely physically strong and were almost born to be elite rangers.

  "Your Majesty, are all dragon blood elves so physically strong?" the female ranger finally couldn't help but ask.

  Li Ge shook his head gently, "These are dragon-blood elves who have been promoted to professionals. The dragon-blood elves that have just been transformed need to go through a period of practice before they can be so powerful."

  "That's pretty awesome," Sylvanas couldn't help but say.

  "If every member of my ranger force was so powerful, those nasty trolls would have been wiped out by us long ago."

  Li Ge smiled slightly and did not answer. Only Miss Windrunner was left, wondering what she was thinking.

  Xia Wei and Liya worked together, and with the help of the dragon blood elves, they quickly identified nearly two thousand high elven civilians who were willing to be recruited.

  This is already a very gratifying achievement. Xia Wei's goal is to be more cautious than indiscriminate. Those who have ulterior motives and even want to sneak in to benefit from the gods' welfare have no way to hide their thoughts under the power of the gods.

  It only took less than two days for the recruitment to be completed. If you include the night elves who were transformed some time ago, the number of dragon-blooded elves in Aras has increased by half, reaching 12,000.

  "Li Ge, I need to go back and preside over the transformation ceremony first," Xia Wei said apologetically.

  She couldn't wait to transform these high elves into blood.

  Li took Xia Wei's white and tender little hand and said with a smile, "It's okay. You can go back first. It's enough to have me here." He understood Xia Wei's anxious mood very well.

  The Moon Elf plucked up the courage, stood up on his tiptoes, kissed Li Ge on the cheek, and then with a blushing face, he took Liya and the newly recruited high elf civilians back to Anda through the dimensional passage that was still maintained. Hill's Kingdom of God on Earth.

  Li Ge closed the portal after knowing that the last dragon-blood elf in the rear had also entered the dimensional passage.

  "Sylvanas, thank you for your assistance." The female ranger general also helped a lot in the past two days, leading the ranger troops to maintain order.

  "Your Majesty, this is what we should do. I would also like to thank Your Majesty for providing a way out for so many tribesmen so that their talents will not be wasted." Sylvanas was very grateful.

  Under the escort of the female ranger general, Li Ge returned to the palace.

  "Sylvanas, this is a small gift to thank you and the rangers for their hard work." Li Ge handed a small dimensional bag to Sylvanas.

  "Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty." After Li Ge entered the palace, Sylvanas curiously opened the dimensional bag. Inside were blood-red fruits the size of fists, which were dragon blood fruits, a specialty of Andrassil.

  Sylvanas picked up a dragon blood fruit, and under the temptation of the fragrance, she couldn't help but take a bite, and then finished the entire fruit in a few bites.

  Subtle warm currents were born in the body. "It's amazing. This fruit actually has a strengthening effect on my body," the female ranger general said in surprise.

  As a Ranger General, her strength is already among the strongest among the legendary ones. Dragon Blood Fruit also has an effect on her. This effect is equivalent to a bottle of high-level magic potion, and it has no side effects.

  (End of chapter)

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