336. Chapter 336 Arrogance and Strangeness

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  Chapter 336 Arrogance and Strangeness In the vast land of

  Silithus , many druids are running around here.

  "Your Majesty Archdruid, the appearance of the Ahn'Qiraj bugs is no longer an exception. I suspect there is something wrong within the Quicksand Wall."

  Some druids who participated in the investigation put forward their own opinions and reported to the archdruid Vangar Staghelm who was responsible for the matter.

  "No doubt, I am sure there is something wrong with the seal." It was Van Gaal Staghelm who led the night elves into the war a thousand years ago. No one is more familiar with the situation inside than him.

  "This is no longer our family's business. Once Angela breaks through the seal, the whole world will suffer. Go and give the information to Malfurion and Tyrande."

  Although Van Gaal Staghelm has a high status, he has not yet used his ability to make decisions for the entire clan.

  The war in Deep Rock Island is still continuing. Finally, on this day, after Arthur trapped and killed an earth elemental duke, the furious Stone Mother Therazane entered the kingdom of Arthur, the guardian god of the earth.

  Although Shi Mu has a gentle personality, she is also naturally stubborn. Once she was truly angered, even if the environment in Arthur's kingdom was extremely unfavorable to her, she would still rush in regardless.

  "Hahaha", in the kingdom of God, Arthur's body looked up to the sky and laughed, his figure exploded, and he rushed forward.

  "Thera Zane, in my kingdom of God, you have lost the power supply of the entire earth elemental plane, and you are no match for me."

  "Hand over your power obediently, and I can make you my god, otherwise this will be your burial place."

  However, what greeted him was Thera Zane's fist, which was like a mountain. Arthur, who was careless for a moment, was beaten all over his face.

  "You are looking for death." The furious Arthur also began to fight with all his strength. The true god's body unreservedly fought against the suppressed stone mother.

  Oni, who had already ignited the divine fire, led the black dragon army and the dragon-born angel army to resist the frenzied attack of the elemental army.

  The two sides fought together in Arthur's Kingdom of God. The countless warriors of Kingdom of God that Arthur worked hard to accumulate were constantly killed in battle and resurrected by the power of Kingdom of God.

  Under the stubborn resistance of the soldiers of the Kingdom of God, the earth elemental army was completely unable to provide any assistance to Stone Mother Therazane.

  It was not until an unknown amount of time passed that the Stone Mother, who could not receive any strength replenishment, could no longer resist Arthur who was beginning to fight for his life.

  "Cough, cough", Arthur's true god body looked miserable, but very excited. The heart of the earth element of Stone Mother Therazane was already in his hands.

  All the members of the earth elemental army felt the death of their master and stopped their attack in unison.

  The earth element of the entire Ailas planet fluctuated in an instant. Without the restraint of the master, it would break away from the control and form a huge elemental tide.

  Arthur swallowed the heart of the earth element in one gulp, and the entire true god's body instantly turned into a rock, and then switched between the flesh body and the rock several times.

  Until the last time, Arthur roared and completely devoured the heart of the earth element, "From now on, I am the master of the earth in the world of Ayras and control the power of the earth."

  The entire earth elemental plane also fell under the control of the new earth master at this moment.

  All warriors of the Kingdom of God, as well as members of the Earth Elemental Legion, dedicate their loyalty to the new master of the earth.

  The earth elemental tide that was about to move throughout the planet also calmed down at this moment.

  Arthur's divine level reached its peak at this moment, breaking through to the sixth level of the divine level, and promoted to weak divine power.

  The fate of this new earth master is completely bound to the planet Ailas, and there is no possibility of separation.

  "You are so determined. Is it worth it?" Li Ge's eyes penetrated the dimension and met Arthur's eyes.

  Arthur's decision seems okay now, but once the consciousness of the planet Ailas matures and is officially born as a Titan, Arthur will have to become the other party's loyal subordinate.

  This is something that cannot be changed at all. For a place like Andrassil, the most it can do is change its roots to another place, but Arthur cannot escape at all.

  Unless he was betting that Ailas, the strongest Titan, would never be able to mature and wake up, Arthur's madness could not be explained.

  Li Ge's eyes could clearly see the ambition in the other person's heart. A golden stream of light shot straight from the earth elemental plane toward the earthly kingdom of Andrassil.

  The branches and leaves of Andrassil swayed, and a branch accurately and quickly caught the stream of light. It turned out to be several crystals of divine power.

  The crystal of divine power accurately fell from the branch into Li Ge's hand, followed by Arthur's words.

  "Li Ge, this is the crystallization of your divine power that you lent me last time. From now on, you and I don't owe each other anything. We will meet each other according to our abilities." At the same time

  , a powerful hell dragon also flew from the new hell. out. The daughter of Arthur and Oni officially left Gracia and returned to the Kingdom of Earth.

  "Arrogant", Rihanna's angry red hair flew automatically without wind.

  "It's just that this Arthur is so powerful that he ignores the help the teacher once gave him. It's really abominable." The good-tempered Catherine was also irritated.

  Liyue remained silent, but the one-handed sword whistled without any wind, showing its master's anger.

  "Master, please allow me to go to war with Arthur. His daughter has betrayed me. I must recover the power given to her." Gracia's figure appeared in front of Li Ge.

  "Don't be anxious, everyone, don't be anxious, I won't let him have an easy time." Li Ge's eyes flashed coldly.

  The fellow time-travelers who had been soft-hearted in the past and helped a few times finally walked away from home after taking control of their power.

  After all, Arthur is unwilling to trust any other friends. As each becomes stronger, someone will inevitably feel threatened by the other, or there will be a conflict of interest.

  "Arthur thinks that he has become a weak god and can be arrogant after controlling the power of the earth." "

  Gracia, it is okay to start a war, but the scale must be controlled, and the main focus must be to advance to the hell plane. Wait until you are promoted. It’s done, a mere planet-level earth god is ready for you to knead.”

  "Yes, Master." Gracia also came to express an attitude, and she didn't care about a mere high-level devil.

  Next, Li Ge finally calmed down several spouses, but everyone was holding their breath.

  Xia Wei, in particular, became even more strict with the dragon-blood elves that had expanded a lot, and was ready to help Li Ge at any time.

  The Earth Guardian Church on the mainland began to reorganize and was renamed the Church of the God of the Earth, respecting Arthur as the Lord of the Earth, dominating the earth and the underworld.

  Oni was canonized as the Lord of the Black Dragon. As Arthur's subordinate god, she enjoyed the power of faith together.

  Arthur's daughter, the Hell Dragon, is responsible for managing the underworld and bringing in the homeless souls. She is competing for authority with Hela, the God of Death.

  Suddenly, the strength of the Church of the Earth greatly increased on the two continents. Shamans who did not believe in the God of the Earth were unable to borrow the power of the Earth, and a large number of shamans were forced to convert.

  (End of chapter)

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