291. Chapter 291 Dark Knight Arthas

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  Chapter 291 Dark Knight Arthas
  looked at Calia who was out of control. Arthur quickly took the hand of this beautiful princess and said, "Callia, as long as I am here, Arthas will be fine."

  Calia calmed down after being soothed by Arthur's divine power, but she still looked at the magic sword, full of fear.

  Arthur pointed at the magic sword Frostmourne, "There is a powerful evil god who hates demons very much. He has taken a fancy to Arthas and wants him to be the leader of his army."

  Arthas couldn't help but be a little stunned, why was he being targeted by so many powerful people.

  Jaina was also very nervous, how could her boyfriend be so unlucky, but judging from Arthur's appearance, there should be a solution.

  Sure enough, Arthur continued, "This evil god hates demons very much and killed two Dreadlords sent by the Lich King one after another, so Arthas, you are still safe and sound until now."

  The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Jaina smiled and said, "This evil god can be considered a great help to Arthas."

  Arthur raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't think that this evil god is a good person. She likes to tempt people with perfect souls to fall."

  "She was the one who sent this magic sword. The evil god transformed the magic sword. It can no longer actively tempt people to fall, and it also has the power to control the undead."

  "However, if exposed to the power of the magic sword for a long time, the soul will be affected by the dark power, and if the mind is not strong, it will fall."

  Arthur flicked his fingers, and a ray of divine power fell on Frostmourne, and countless golden runes erupted from the sword's blade.

  "The evil god made a bet with me. He would give this magic sword to Arthas to see if he would fall."

  "However, I also added a divine blessing to the magic sword. As long as you don't use the magic sword excessively, there will be no problem."

  Arthur looked at Arthas, "Do you still dare to ask for this magic sword now? This is the only way I can increase your power and eradicate the natural disasters of the undead."

  "Arthas, don't choose this magic sword, it's too dangerous," Calia and Jaina shouted in unison.

  Arthas looked at the magic sword in front of him and closed his eyes. Scenes of innocent villagers' faces flashed through his mind.

  He hated why he didn't have the power to save the people of the kingdom, and why he couldn't completely eliminate those evil undead.

  "The Lich King, and the Evil God, what do you think of me, Arthas?"

  "Do you think I am so easy to control? I will prove to everyone that I, Arthas, am definitely not such a fragile person!"

  The young prince roared in his heart, opened his eyes suddenly, took a step forward, reached out and grasped the hilt of the magic sword Frostmourne.

  "I need strength to face the difficulties facing the kingdom and destroy those enemies who covet the kingdom," Arthas said in a deep voice.

  Jialia covered her face and tears flowed from her eyes. She knew that her brother was under a lot of pressure.

  The cunning and ferocious enemies, the expectant relatives, and the people of the kingdom who have high hopes for the prince are all a heavy burden on the young prince.

  Caliya could not share the pressure for her younger brother. She understood Alsace's stubborn temper.

  Jaina opened her beautiful eyes wide with sadness on her face, "Alsace, why are you doing this, you and us. We will all support you, don't do this."

  Alsace held the exquisite sword hilt, and a powerful force flowed through his body. The power of the holy light was replaced by a deep, cold, strange and changeable force.

  From today on, he is no longer a glorious paladin, but a knight who has mastered the power of darkness.

  "Ah, it's so perfect. This is the power that suits me best." Arthas was immersed in the powerful power. It wasn't until he remembered Arthur's words just now that he managed to calm down.

  As Alsace's mentality stabilized, the power of the magic sword Frostmourne slowly became restrained and flowed along with the prince's thoughts.

  Arthur clapped his hands appreciatively, "It's good, Arthas, it's the first time he came into contact with such a powerful magic sword, and he woke up so quickly."

  "You must always remember that you are the master of this magic sword and do not be controlled by its power. Otherwise, I will have to negotiate with the evil god to redeem your soul."

  Alsace's blue eyes turned dark, and his voice became much deeper, "Thank you, Your Majesty Arthur, now I know what real power is."

  "I will live well and let those who try to plot against me fail." "

  How can I, Arthas, the future king of Lordaeron, become the slave of others?"

  The prince who had gained great power couldn't help but want to try it.

  Alsace hurriedly said goodbye to his worried sister and beloved girlfriend, mounted a new war horse, and went to the military camp to re-select his soldiers.

  Without the power of the Holy Light, Arthas has automatically given up his identity as the Knights of the Silver Hand.

  Now there is the Dark Knight Arthas, who must choose and form a powerful army to complete his plan.

  "Your Majesty Arthur, I beg you to save Arthas in this critical moment," the beautiful female mage Jaina said in a soft voice.

  A trace of lewdness flashed in Arthur's incarnation's eyes, "Jaina, don't worry, how could I refuse the request of such a beautiful girl like you?"

  A flash of panic flashed in Jaina's eyes, and she hurriedly said goodbye to Arthur and Calia.

  Arthur's incarnation also returned to the Kingdom of God after being intimate with Calia for a while.

  Finally, Jialia was left alone. She stroked her belly lonelyly. Now this child was the sustenance of her life.

  How could she not know what Arthur thought about Jaina.

  Ever since she had close contact with Arthur, she knew that this god was not actually such a great person.

  Arthur is full of these shortcomings of lust and greed. Fortunately, Arthur is kinder to Calia. This poor princess has no way to deal with the gods she believes in. She can only hope that Arthur will not go too far.

  At this moment, Li Ge looked at the information sent by Gracia and chuckled, "I didn't expect Arthas to pick up Frostmourne and become the Dark Knight."

  As for other things that Arthur did, Li Ge didn't want to make any more comments.

  It's easy to imagine what a time traveler who has lost his restraints and has great power will do.

  Arthur is relatively restrained, not messing around, just satisfying his collecting habit.

  "Now the plot has become unfamiliar. Arthas, who has obtained Frostmourne, will definitely not let go of the Lich King."

  "With Archimonde coming soon, the world will become more exciting." Li Ge laughed, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

  (End of chapter)

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