28. Chapter 28 High-Level Legendary Monsters

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  Chapter 28 The high-level legendary monster
  Irene looked delicate and said, "Your Majesty the Queen, we are gem dragons. Our physical strength is far inferior to that of five-color dragons and metal dragons, and there are no part-time warriors."

  Rihanna's face turned dark. It was impossible to count on those five-color dragons. Even though they usually screamed for joy, when they encountered danger, they ran faster than anyone else.

  If she didn't take action, the unlucky red dragon would probably die, but without the warriors in front, she, a demigod mage, would have a hard time taking down the tentacle monster.

  Suddenly, a golden flame lit up in the city, and a warrior wearing a dragon armor was seen, holding a big sword in both hands, charging into the group of monsters.

  "Blade Storm", the golden sword rotated wildly, and the corrupted monster fell to the ground like wheat under the golden flame.

  "This little boy is indeed a very good legendary warrior. The dragon armor equipped is not much worse than a high-level legend!"

  Rihanna teleported and landed directly next to Li Ge, "Follow me!", Red Dragon Queen Holding Li Ge's shoulders, the two fell into the deep cave together.

  Li Ge had just finished pretending to be cool. When Rihanna put her hand on his shoulder, he almost slashed him with a sword. Then he was teleported into the cave by Rihanna.

  When Leia saw Li Ge being taken away, she suddenly became anxious. Fortunately, she also knew that now was not the time to lose her temper, so she had to step back and join the two gem dragons.

  Li Ge was blessed with flying skills by Rihanna and flew down the cave. The Red Dragon Queen pointed her hand, and the flame artifact lotus became dozens of meters in size and fell down.

  With an explosion, the tentacle monster let out a dizzy soul scream, and the light of the legendary guardian spell on Li Ge's soul suddenly lost one tenth.

  The two took the opportunity to fall to the ground, and with dark vision, they could clearly see the appearance of the monster. The main body of the monster could barely be seen to be a ten-meter-tall female drow, with a spider-like lower body and tentacles all over her body.

  Poor Stuart, the red dragon, all the holes in his body were filled with tentacles, and he could barely tell that he was still alive from his godless scarlet dragon eyes.

  Li Ge didn't dare to delay. Now was not the time to complain. He glanced at Rihanna and the magic power rioted all over his body. Like a bolt of lightning, he charged directly towards the monster.

  Rihanna's flame artifact turned into a long staff. When the staff was shaken, a lifelike fire dragon pounced on the monster.

  Li Ge gathered all his strength, pointed the big sword at the bottom of a tentacle, and cut off the tentacle with the golden flame blade.

  The monster was so painful that it waved several tentacles towards Li Ge. The agility attribute compensated by Li Ge's special transformation technique was no joke. He tiptoed a little and was out of the attack range.

  The fire dragons sent out by Rihanna's staff fell on the monster one after another, with a booming explosion, and the tentacles were blown into several pieces. As for the red dragon Stuart, it should, maybe not die.

  The spider-morphed drow tentacle monster shook off the half-dead red dragon, and the spider's long legs paddled straight towards Rihanna. Li Ge's eyes narrowed, he shouted loudly, and charged at one of the long legs of the spider's body. The magic power of his whole body was activated, and with a slash of the big sword, one of the spider legs was completely broken off.

  When the monster didn't react, he swung his sword like lightning and cut off all the legs on one side of the spider's lower body. At this time, several tentacles whipped over like steel whips. Li Ge only had time to hold the sword across his chest before he was whipped away.

  There was a loud noise, and Li Ge was whipped onto the red dragon Stuart. The half-dead red dragon whined again in pain.

  Li Ge was equipped with a legendary level of powerful armor, coupled with super high attributes, but he felt severe pain in his body, but the injury was not serious.

  Rihanna opened her red lips lightly, and a dragon's breath mixed with nine-colored light penetrated the chest of the drow, the upper body of the monster. Under the two-phase attack, the monster stood unsteadily and rolled to the ground.

  Li Ge stood up, sighted a few tentacles, charged and cut them with his sword, and quickly ran away and jumped away. The monster's movement had been restricted anyway, and now it was up to the Red Dragon Queen.

  Rihanna saw Li Ge taking a hard blow and cutting off four legs on one side of the monster. She secretly admired it in her heart. She sprayed out a dragon's breath and severely damaged the monster. The flame artifact in her hand came out and turned into a giant fire lotus. Shrouds immovable monsters.

  Amidst bursts of ear-piercing screams, this high-level legendary monster was no match for the mighty Red Dragon Queen's artifact, and was quickly burned to ashes.

  Li Ge rolled his eyes angrily. This female dragon was so powerful, why did she drag him here?

  As if sensing what Li Ge was thinking, the Red Dragon Queen's arrogant voice sounded, "Little boy, you did a good job. You attracted the attention of the monster for me. This is your reward."

  Rihanna didn't see any movement. A bright soul crystal rose from the monster's ashes and flew into Li Ge's hands.

  Li Ge suddenly smiled from ear to ear. The legendary soul crystals were all treasures there. The Red Dragon Queen was so majestic, and her previous resentment was thrown away.

  Rihanna raised the corners of her mouth and spoke in an arrogant tone, "I don't want anything from such a disgusting monster."

  She walked up to the unlucky red dragon Stuart in a few steps and kicked the dragon on the head. "Hey, are you dead?" The

  red dragon whined and reluctantly moved. Rihanna looked at the red dragon with disgust. This unlucky guy was still smoking black smoke and was obviously contaminated.

  "Fire of Purification", a huge flame enveloped the red dragon. Amidst the sizzling sound, the pollution on the red dragon's body was gradually purified.

  But the painful roar of the red dragon made Li Ge's scalp numb. "Your Majesty, this guy won't be roasted, right?"

  Rihanna looked proud, "No, at most he will be roasted half-cooked. He is a red dragon. "I can't die." Li Ge had to mourn for the red dragon.

  It took a long time before the purifying fire was extinguished. The red dragon Stuart almost shrank in size and became like a skull, comparable to the black dragon.

  The unlucky red dragon finally came to his senses and was excited to see the red dragon queen personally coming to rescue him.

  Rihanna didn't want to hear what this idiot said, so she flew directly towards the entrance of the cave. Li Ge also blessed himself with a flying skill to keep up with him. The poor red dragon staggered and took off with its wings fluttering.

  After flying up to the entrance of the cave, the battle in the city was almost over, and the dragonborn army was clearing away the miscellaneous soldiers.

  The Red Dragon Queen stood there quietly with no visible expression. After a long time, the entire city was cleared, and a huge fire lotus fell, turning the city into ruins.

  "Li Ge, Leia, you should follow my army back. You cannot face the ancient evil beings. This time, there may be gods incarnate." The

  Red Dragon Queen called Li Ge's name seriously for the first time. , although the tone is plain, it makes people feel irresistible.

  It seems that the Red Dragon Queen has no intention of using us as cannon fodder. Li Ge couldn't help but feel more respect and bowed to Leia. Without saying anything, he followed the dragon army and left, leaving the Red Dragon Queen alone.

  (End of chapter)

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