241. Chapter 241 News about the Metal Dragon

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  The three of them chatted for a long time, until Liyue started to yawn, and then they went back to their rooms to practice. The young dragon was prone to drowsiness.

  Early the next morning, Li Ge was dragged up by the excited Xilia.

  A high-end hotel is indeed different from a small adventurer's tavern. After the three of Li Ge sat down in the lobby, a waiter brought breakfast and newspapers.

  Other guests came down one after another, most of them were nobles, businessmen and high-level adventurers, each talking about some strange things.

  A bard, playing his favorite instrument, sang beautiful songs.

  "Li Ge, maybe you can ask those bards. They travel around the world and should know a lot about the silver dragon." Shelia wiped her hands gracefully and said softly.

  After the bard played a song, many guests applauded and some offered rewards. Li Ge also took out ten gold coins.

  This immediately attracted the bard's attention. Ordinary people would not be so generous. At most, they would reward him with silver coins.

  A person as generous as Li Ge usually has something to ask, and so much money is obviously a consulting fee.

  "Hello, powerful paladin, two beautiful ladies, I am Garcia, how can I help you?" The young bard has a handsome face and slightly pointed ears. He is a half-elf.

  "I am Li Ge, the paladin of the God of Fire and Rebirth, and these two ladies are my companions." Li Ge introduced himself simply and politely.

  "This trip is to find a silver dragon friend. Garcia, how knowledgeable are you? Have you heard anything about metal dragons?"

  Li Ge didn't hide his meaning at all, and many people in the hall heard it. Everyone is very interested in the news about the dragon. Compared with the huge number of other races, the total number of dragons in Fein is only a few thousand, which is relatively rare.

  The half-elf bard Garcia sat down next to Li Ge, "It turns out that you are a paladin of the great goddess of fire and rebirth. I admire the great achievements of this benevolent majesty."

  The birth of every true god will quickly spread throughout the multiverse. Garcia is a well-informed bard, so it is not surprising to know about Rihanna.

  "Those powerful metal dragon masters are busy punishing evil and saving innocent civilians. I don't know much about them," Garcia said with a smile.

  "The latest news I heard about metal dragons is that someone is organizing adventurers to defeat a powerful black dragon. I heard that a silver dragon is involved."

  Garcia wrote the rest of the message on a piece of parchment, much to the dismay of some of the audience members in the hall who were prepared for the news.

  Li Ge took the parchment from Garcia's hand, looked at it carefully, took out five gold coins again, and handed it to the young bard, "Thank you, this is your reward."

  The half-elf bard took the gold coin with a smile, "Your Majesty Paladin, if there is nothing else, I will retreat."

  Garcia was in a good mood, having earned so many gold coins so easily, but he had to inform his companions about this.

  The information he revealed was a just battle organized by his organization, the Harper Alliance.

  As a member of the Harpers, the reason why Garcia revealed the news so easily was just to find some powerful helpers for his companions.

  Li Ge is a newly promoted paladin of the Dragon God, and his companions are also not simple, which is exactly what the Harper is recruiting.

  It's just that the bard had a beautiful idea, but he didn't know that Helia secretly left a magic mark on him.

  "Li Ge, this bard is dishonest and secretly told others our information," Xilia said angrily.

  Upon hearing this, Liyue immediately raised her one-handed sword and said, "Brother, I'm going to teach this annoying guy a lesson."

  Li took Liyue's little hand and smiled and said, "Liyue, Xilia, don't be angry. If I guess correctly, he is probably a member of the Harpers, the organization where Leia's parents belong."

  "What, it's the organization my grandparents belong to." Shelia's eyes widened, and then she became full of resentment.

  "If her grandparents hadn't abandoned Leia, she wouldn't have developed such a bad temper." The silver dragon girl was very dissatisfied with her grandparents whom she had never met.

  Li Ge comforted her for a long time before she made the silver dragon girl happy.

  After the three of them finished their breakfast, they checked out of the hotel and prepared to set off to the place the bard mentioned.

  The location is located on the seaside more than 100 kilometers west of Black Rock City, called Latiya Peninsula. It is an excellent deep-water port.

  More than a hundred years ago, Latia Peninsula was a territory occupied by monsters. A powerful mage occupied the place. Relying on his own strength and the help of his friends, he drove out the monsters and established a port city, Ladia, from which the peninsula got its name.

  Ladia's current owner is a young duchess, a descendant of the original mage.

  After nearly two hundred years of construction, Latiya has become one of the important ports for goods trade in the northern part of the mainland.

  Thanks to the passage of warm ocean currents, a large area of ​​excellent fishing grounds has also been discovered here, making the port a frost-free port.

  A large population gathered here, countless mineral resources from the north, and various commodities from the south, allowing this city to quickly grow into a principality with a population of one million.

  The current Duchess Alyssa is also a powerful master mage, has many friends and strong connections, and is very loved by the people.

  Many busybodies came to Latiya just to see the beauty of the duchess and see if they could get both personal and financial benefits.

  The wealthy Ladia attracted many villains who peeked at the wealth. A few years ago, a powerful ancient black dragon passed the limit of its life and woke up in a cave three hundred kilometers away from the Latia Peninsula.

  The ancient black dragon, who had been sleeping for nearly two hundred years, suddenly discovered that a wealthy city had appeared not far from his home. What was it like? Isn't it equivalent to wealth being delivered to your door?

  The cunning ancient black dragon gathered a group of monster relatives and began to harass Ladia for a long time. Later, he even threatened to make Duchess Alyssa his slave before he would stop.

  This immediately angered many admirers of Duchess Alyssa, and Ladia also began to organize an operation to defeat the black dragon.

  It's just that they underestimated the power and cunning of the ancient black dragon. After a few battles, they were defeated and abandoned, and they were forced to pay a large ransom to the ancient black dragon.

  The cunning ancient black dragon did not massacre, but pressed forward step by step. Now the admirers of Duchess Alyssa have basically run away.

  Alyssa had no choice but to invite her friends and recruit adventurers to try to defeat this hateful ancient black dragon.

  (End of chapter)

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