2. Chapter 2 Exploration

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  Chapter 2 Exploration
  Li Ge opened the mall list and looked at the fifteen gold coins inside. He felt happy. He bought 200 kilograms of ferocious wild boar meat from the mall and withdrew a divine gold coin with distress.

  The dragon can eat almost anything, and things like divine gold coins are a great supplement. Li Ge had only eaten system copper coins and silver coins before. Today he advanced to a young dragon and wanted to eat one to celebrate.

  The divine gold coin appeared in the dragon's claws, shining with an alluring golden light. "This is simply the most beautiful thing in the world." The young dragon looked at the divine gold coin greedily, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

  Li Ge is now more than three meters long and two meters tall. He can easily eat 200 kilograms of meat. Since his birth, Li Ge has been hiding in his nest and has never gone out.

  Today, Li Ge has become a young dragon and his survival ability has greatly increased. It is time to go out and take a look. According to the levels in the inherited memory, Li Ge's challenge level is as high as level seven. In this world, levels 1-5 are junior professionals, 6-10 are intermediate professionals, 11-15 are advanced professionals, 16-20 are masters, and those above level 20 are legends. The gods are too far away, so let’s not mention them for now.

  Li Ge's challenge level is seven, which is enough to deal with a small team of level seven professionals. Powerful dragons such as golden dragons, silver dragons and red dragons can be promoted to legends with a little effort. As for other five-color dragons and metal dragons, it depends on the level of hard work and luck. As for the legendary legendary dragon species, those guys are born legendary species. .

  He walked from the passage to the top of the mountain, got out of the cave, and looked around. The volcano is surrounded by a forest. Li Ge roared up to the sky, kicked his legs, flapped his broad dragon wings, and the young dragon flew into the sky.

  Li Ge had long been familiar with flying in the system space, and his flight was very smooth. He roared as if flying, declaring that this land would belong to the dragon Li Ge from now on.

  He didn't dare to be too arrogant and only circled a few times within a ten-mile radius of the volcano. Suddenly, the young dragon's sharp eyes discovered that a group of kobolds were coming from the edge of the territory.

  Li Ge was immediately furious and was about to kill these bold kobolds, but suddenly realized that this was not on the game map. In the inherited memory of the dragon clan, lowly creatures such as kobolds worship the giant dragon quite a lot.

  Li Ge flapped his wings and pounced towards the kobolds on the ground. With a bang, the young dragon fell to the ground. A pair of majestic dragon eyes stared at the group of kobolds, exuding a faint dragon power.

  "Despicable lower creatures, how dare you invade my territory," Li Ge let out an ear-splitting dragon roar. The popping sound continued, and dozens of kobolds knelt down and trembled. The leading kobold was a head taller than the other kobolds, holding an old magic wand in his hand. He looked like a warlock.

  The kobold warlock knelt on the ground and said in stammering dragon language, "Great dragon, the kobold warlock Sass pledges allegiance to you. I heard the sacred and powerful roar of the dragon, so I led the tribe to come to you. I am loyal to the great dragon."

  Li Ge was a little depressed. He didn't expect that the first person to be loyal to him was a group of kobolds. He could not look down on such relatives. But it's okay to let these kobolds look at the door. At least they have warning time.

  Li Ge said in a proud voice, "I allow you to live at the foot of the volcano, but you must pay attention to hygiene. Anyone who dares to dirty the territory will be burned to death."

  The kobold warlock Sass quickly thanked Li Ge with fanatical words. Allowing them to live at the foot of the mountain was a great gift. If they were exposed to the dragon's breath for a long time, the kobold's bloodline would evolve.

  Li Ge turned around and flew into the sky and returned to his lair. From now on, it would be enough to patrol the territory once a month. Li Ge returned to the lair, filled in the passage, and continued his great work of killing monsters.

  Li Ge discovered that devouring divine power gold coins was very beneficial to his own development. The baby dragon's body continued to grow, and its various qualifications continued to improve, and even signs of magical awakening began to appear.

  Seeing this, Li Ge couldn't help but overcome his distressed feeling. He swallowed a divine gold coin every month, and finally awakened the first magic fireball technique not long after.

  This is a bit abnormal. Generally, the first thing to awaken is the zero-level magic. Fireball is a third-ring magic. Is it the superposition of the flame talents of the golden dragon and the red dragon, or is it the function of the divine gold coins?

  After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out. Li Ge simply stopped thinking about it. As long as it was a good change, wouldn't it be wrong to awaken a powerful spell?

  Every once in a while, after Li Ge wakes up, he will go out and fly around the territory a few times. He found that this bitch, Sass, actually had some abilities. He managed more than a hundred kobolds quite well. At least there was really no dirt on the ground where he lived.

  Li Ge kept in mind that if Sasi performed well in the future, it would not be impossible to take him as his kinsman. Such obedient and self-disciplined kobold warlocks were really rare.

  Li Ge, who is still a young dragon, does not dare to develop his territory in a big way. The red dragons of the same age are also living with their tails between their legs. Only young dragons dare to be arrogant. Li Ge, who is not a real dragon yet, does not dare to be so arrogant. .

  This crater is probably located in a relatively remote place. The kobold warlock Sass can't explain why. He only knows that his ancestors have been wandering around here for generations, and Li Ge's incomplete blood inheritance is not so detailed.

  According to Li Ge's observation, this generation is all deciduous broad-leaved forest, which should be in the temperate zone or subtropical zone. I just don't know if the experience of the previous life is accurate in this world. Who can guarantee this in the magical world.

  The days passed like this, and the dragon's long lifespan almost made him lose the concept of the world, until one day he discovered that the hair of Sass was turning a little white.

  The number of Sass's tribe has tripled, and the new kobolds are obviously stronger than the original ones. This should be the effect of Li Ge's dragon breath.

  Looking at Sasi, who had been promoted to a level 4 warlock, Li Ge asked softly, "Sasi, how many years have you been loyal to me?"

  Sasi quickly knelt down. He was really loyal to Li Ge. This giant Although the dragon was indifferent, he was not cruel, and he made no demands on their tribute. , in Sass's view, he is already a very benevolent dragon.

  Sass lowered his head and spoke in a dragon voice like a barking dog, "Great dragon, my tribe and I have been loyal to you for almost eight years." The lifespan of a kobold is not long, so Li Ge let out a low dragon roar, "If you can live until I become a young dragon, I will accept you as my family member." After that, Li Ge flew into the sky, leaving Sass there to rejoice. Crazy.

  Without the dragon's true name, there is no way to accept relatives. Li Ge has been devouring a divine gold coin every month for these years. This is a treatment that those young metal dragons raised by their families do not have.

  A divine power gold coin is worth 100 standard gold coins of the human kingdom in the main material plane. The pure divine power contained in it is of great benefit to the development of young dragons. No dragon parent is so generous. After all, the wealth of a normal adult dragon exceeds Ten thousand gold coins are not many, but the purchasing power of gold coins is very powerful.

  Li Ge has gained a lot of benefits from devouring divine power gold coins over the years. He has basically mastered spell-like abilities below the third level. Although his body shape is similar to that of a red dragon of the same age, his physique and strength far exceed it. Under the influence of the system and divine gold coins, the bloodlines of the golden dragon and the red dragon are slowly merging, as if a new bloodline is about to be generated.

  A giant dragon usually grows into a young dragon around the age of fifteen, and Li Ge's promotion time is approaching. Due to the effect of devouring divine power gold coins, he felt that he might have to condense his true name in advance.
  Recently, the body temperature of the young dragon has been rising, and the feeling of lethargy has become stronger and stronger. After looking at the more than 500 gold coins in the mall, Li Ge reluctantly parted. He took out five hundred gold coins and swallowed them in one gulp, then fell into a deep sleep.

  In the hazy state, Li Ge dreamed of various dragons soaring in the sky and fighting various enemies. Sometimes he transforms into a red dragon and fights madly with giants. Sometimes he transforms into a sacred golden dragon, spraying hot dragon breath at the invading demons.

  These are the memories of Li Ge's bloodline ancestors. The bloodlines of the golden dragon and the red dragon continued to merge, and finally a dark golden dragon was born. The power of the five hundred divine gold coins was quickly consumed. The sleeping Li Ge suddenly raised his head and let out a deafening roar, "My name is Li Ge Kraoz..." and spit out a long string of the dragon's true name.

  (End of chapter)

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