134. Chapter 134 Dragon Envoy and Wilderness Development

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  Chapter 134 Dragon Envoy and Wilderness Development

  Li Ge’s series of actions after his awakening, as well as the enslavement of the red dragon Piem, made many five-color dragons give up their coveting of the two territories and no longer stare at this hard nut.

  Xia Wei's silver-leaf elf tribe has some minor troubles there. Occasionally, if an elf goes out alone, he will be beaten to the teeth by those greedy and drooling five-color dragons.

  The angry elf princess ordered the elves not to go out alone. Coupled with the replacement of a large number of magic weapons, the strength of the elf army increased a lot, which reduced casualties.

  The four legends in the tribe also attacked frequently, beating several five-color dragons violently, and then barely restrained the prying eyes of the five-color dragons.

  A piece of news from the brass dragon Alba made Li shocked and helpless at the same time.

  The Rhine Empire Parliament is preparing to pass a resolution recognizing the legal status of dragon envoys who have signed an equal contract.

  This makes the Church of the Good Dragon God helpless. The equal contract emphasizes your will and my will, which is completely different from enslaving a real dragon.

  According to the news about brass dragons, many nobles have successfully signed dragon envoy contracts after contacting some five-color dragons with relatively good personalities.

  There is even news that the Mother of Dragons does not object to the five-color dragons signing such an equal contract, and it even encourages the arrogance of the great human nobles.

  Most of those who signed the contract were green dragons and white dragons. The green dragon is not as arrogant as the red dragon, the blue dragon is not as cruel as the black dragon, and the white dragon is relatively easy to deceive.

  In the message, Alba, the Brass Dragon, said that he had rejected the solicitations of many great human nobles, made huge sacrifices, and was infinitely loyal to Brother Golden Dragon.

  Seeing this, Li Ge didn't believe Brass Dragon's lies. Those nobles were willing to sign a contract with the evil five-color dragon, but they couldn't stand this talkative man.

  However, he still decided to reward the Brass Dragon with a month's salary. It was certain that this boy was being attracted. If he didn't change jobs, he still had some conscience. Li Ge's rescue of him was worth it.

  But what on earth does Tiamat, the evil female dragon, want to do? The relationship between the human gods and the Mother of Dragons has never been good. Could it be that the Rhine Empire itself contacted Tiamat.

  Li Ge, who had a headache thinking about it, was not good at this. I had no choice but to ask Mr. and Mrs. Charles for help. They should know something about it.

  Catherine and her husband arrived together with Charles and his wife. The faces of this family were not very good, and it seemed that things were not going well.

  As a true dragon, Golden Dragon Ingrid is quite dissatisfied with the profession of dragon envoy, but some five-color dragons cannot help but be tempted.

  It is conceivable that in the future, some metal dragons who have no lower limit, or are trapped by emotions, and accept the dragon envoy contract will also appear.

  "Those big nobles, do they think they can satisfy those greedy five-color dragons? Sooner or later they will suffer."

  Li Ge smiled and comforted Charles and his wife. They opposed this proposal, but they were attacked by many nobles in the Imperial Parliament.

  He was not optimistic about this move of the Rhine Empire. To put it bluntly, the profession of dragon envoy is to plunder the true dragon's source of power. No dragon who is really pursuing it will accept this contract.

  Charles also explained to Li Ge the reasons for this proposal. The major forces are now beginning to firmly block various resources to avoid the emergence of disruptors.

  On the other hand, various mage organizations headed by the Mage Kingdom, in order to promote this proposal, jumped up and down in the Rhine Empire and instigated many great nobles.

  "These mages often do things that don't end well, but they are so powerful that ordinary forces can't deal with them."

  Knights like Charles had quite a problem with mages, but they had no choice but to deal with those powerful legendary mages.

  Catherine secretly rejoiced that her teachers and parents had made good arrangements to get herself out of the right and wrong circle of the Rhine Empire in advance.

  She looked at her parents and teachers and secretly made a decision. "Teacher, please baptize me and join the Church of the Lord of Dimensions."

  Li Ge was a little surprised. To be honest, he really had no plan to draw this girl into his church.

  He has no utilitarian intentions towards this student, and he has never threatened her with any conditions.

  Charles and Ingrid had a close relationship with Li Ge, and Li Ge did not mind that they knew about the church.

  Catherine's expression was very serious, her big eyes stared at Li Ge closely, a little nervous, for fear of being rejected.

  Li Ge had to briefly introduce the Church of the Lord of Dimensions to her parents, and even used magic to prove that it was not a false god.

  Charles looked a little surprised, but not too surprised. He laughed loudly, "Brother Li Ge, I have known for a long time that your background is not simple, but I didn't expect that there is a true god standing behind you."

  Li Ge smiled and didn't dwell on this aspect, "You are Catherine's parents. I want to hear your opinions."

  The Divine Golden Dragon was the first to answer, "Although Catherine is our daughter, matters such as belief are up to her and we will not interfere."

  Seeing that her parents did not stop her, Catherine's big eyes were full of smiles, and the matter was decided.

  Li Ge brought the Charles family to his hometown. The demigod knight did not expect that Li Ge still had a power hidden here, and he was even more satisfied.

  Elsa personally performed the ceremony, and Catherine officially joined the church. The Silver Dragon sisters, Helia and Yilin, were holding Catherine together and laughing there. They had a very good relationship, and they were both members of the same church.

  Time passed day by day, and the appearance of the dragon envoy did not have any big impact on Li Ge who was in the wilderness. It's just that the great nobles who contracted with the five-color dragons began to march towards the vast no-man's land in the wilderness.

  The Rhine Empire Parliament allowed these great nobles to establish and develop territories in these no-man's lands, as long as they paid taxes to the empire.

  Catherine saw the actions of these nobles and giggled, "Teacher, sisters, it must be the big nobles who saw the minerals in my territory and wanted to imitate them."

  The golden dragon Elsa smiled sweetly, "Although the central region and the south of the Rhine Empire are rich, the fights between the nobles are becoming increasingly fierce, and more and more civilians are losing their land. If several large minerals are really developed in the wilderness, many conflicts can be alleviated. ".

  Leia looked at Elsa in surprise. She had never thought so much, "I think the Rhine Empire is a little greedy. There is still a lot of undeveloped land in the northern province, and now they are actually eyeing the wilderness."

  "It doesn't matter how they make trouble. Anyway, the place they chose is only 200 kilometers away from us. It has no impact on us. Maybe they are afraid that we will rob them." Xilia's words made Li Ge laugh.

  Indeed, it was a blessing that Li Ge did not cause trouble for them. They had the courage to cause trouble for such a powerful group of metal dragons.

  (End of chapter)

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