Chapter 54 Contribution

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  Chapter 54:
  A bumper harvest was achieved in the county town, but luck was not good on the way back. Su Ze and his party encountered a "beating" team escorting grain to Fuzhou Prefecture.

  The team was huge, with more than fifty people in total, all of them young and strong men. The escorting grain truck was fully loaded, and a flag embroidered with a gold-rimmed fist logo was clustered in the middle. There were also hanging banners under the flag. The word "Weiyuan" should be the name of the business.

  The thug gang is a gang of thugs gathered by a group of market scoundrels. It is similar to Xiong Wu's Luohan Jiao, and they are both civil society groups.

  However, compared to the Arhats who are always busy helping out, the business is more stable. Their main task is to escort and escort, which is similar to the escort agencies of the Qing Dynasty in later generations.

  Lin Xianyang pulled Su Ze, pointed at the banner of "Weiyuan Fighting" and said:

  "Don't get too close. These iron fists of fighting are just like gangsters when they leave the city. Don't let them snatch the donkey away."

  Su Ze saw that the scattered pedestrians around him had indeed kept their distance from the horse-drawn carriages. The reputation of this group of people was really bad.

  Su Ze asked doubtfully: "They have such a bad reputation, who would dare to hand over things to them for escort?"

  Lin Xianyang said: "These 'iron fists' are very discerning. These grain merchants in the county are gangsters." They look much darker than them, how dare they take away their food." "

  The iron fist's fist is just for ordinary people."

  Well, a group of guys who bully the weak and fear the strong.

  However, with such a group of gangsters clearing the way in front, the people behind are much safer. Nowadays, there are pirates everywhere. It was just good luck that we didn't encounter bandits when we came here, but it was not necessarily the case on the way back.

  The other people traveling together also had the same idea. They neither dared to get too close to the traveling convoy nor too far away from them. They just hung on not too far or too close.

  But soon, the front became noisy. The lively little carrot Lin Liangjun immediately jumped up, fearing that the world would not be in chaos and said:

  "What's wrong? Could it be that we encountered Japanese pirates!?"

  Su Ze quickly held his hand down. As soon as the words "Japanese pirates" came out of his mouth, everyone around him retreated in horror. Su Ze quickly said: "Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji!" Su Ze

  glared at Lin Liangjun and said, "Go back and tell your brother if you continue to talk nonsense." !"

  However, Su Ze still asked Lin Xianyang to pick up the weapons hidden in the donkey cart and prepare to run away.

  At this moment, two soldiers wearing Ming Dynasty uniforms rushed over on horseback and shouted to everyone:

  "By the command of the commander, check the Japanese!"

  Su Ze noticed that everyone around him was exposed. With a look even uglier than when he met the Japanese pirates, Su Ze looked at Lin Xianyang, who was crying, and couldn't help asking: "
  Brother Xianyang, what's wrong with the officers and soldiers setting up a trap to check on the Japanese pirates?"

  Lin Xianyang waited until the two Ming soldiers left on horseback, and then Said: "You can still run away when you encounter Japanese pirates, but you can't even run away when you encounter officers and soldiers."

  Lin Xianyang pointed to the bayonet in front and said: "This is the bayonet of the Yanping Guards. They want money even more ruthlessly than the bandits who robbed us on the road. The last time they sent supplies to our Changning Guard, they robbed 30% of the general's convoy and took away the supplies." Su Ze said in surprise: "

  Official The army is also grabbing it?"

  Lin Xianyang nodded and said: "The commander of the Yanping Guard is a hereditary third-grade military attache, more senior than the Yanping prefect. This lawsuit will never win." Su Ze was also speechless. He was from the same government

  . The command post actually specializes in roadblocking and robbery, and even robs the logistical supplies of friendly forces.

  The army of the Ming Dynasty has degenerated into this state. It is no wonder that the Japanese pirates have been in trouble for so long.

  Lin Xianyang said depressedly: "I only have two coins left with me. If they rob the donkey, Brother Aze must not resist. If the beast is gone, you can buy it again. If you are accused of treason with the Japanese by these bandits, then But it will delay your future." Su Ze thought to himself that it is no wonder that the Japanese pirates in the southeast have not been put down for a long time. Not to mention the businessmen who pretended to be Japanese pirates and profited from them, even these local officials and soldiers also made money from the Japanese pirates. How many benefits.

  The conflict between Daxing and Yanpingwei ahead ended with Daxing surrendering.

  When the traveling convoy passed the checkpoint, the officers and soldiers on horseback began to drive away the scattered travelers who had fallen behind. Su Ze and his party were also driven to the checkpoint.

  This was not the first time Yanpingwei had robbed him. The checkpoint was set up on the official road by the river. By the time travelers saw it, there was no way around it.

  The bayonet is a temporary camp set up against the river bank. It is quite organized in front and back. There is an open area behind the bayonet, which is surrounded by wooden stakes. Those who refuse to pay the toll are imprisoned and whipped here. Insults can also intimidate travelers at the rear who refuse to pay.

  Su Ze was even more speechless. If he had the intention to fight the Japanese pirates, he would use all the military techniques passed down by the Yanping Wei family to rob.

  Next to the bayonet, a young man wearing brocade clothes and a helmet with a Ming army tassel and flag was drinking tea while being served by two soldiers.

  Su Ze saw a small businessman in front of him. Because he could not pay the five-cent silver toll, all his goods were taken away by the army and he was dragged to the execution grounds and insulted.

  Even Lin Liangjun, who was fearless, hugged Su Ze's sleeves.

  It was soon going to be Su Ze's and his party's turn. Lin Xianyang saw that these officers and soldiers had a huge appetite and were ready to grab anything even if they didn't have five coins, so he was ready to give it a go.

  Su Ze clenched his fists, looked around, and activated the "bribery" skill!
  The young man who was being served by the officers and soldiers was the leader of this group of people who blocked the road and robbed the officers and soldiers. This donkey was the most important asset of Jiu Gu's husband's family, and it must not be snatched away.

  Finally it was the turn of Su Ze and his group. Two officers and soldiers came forward. Su Ze immediately shouted:

  "I am in a hurry and have little money on me. I am willing to exchange things for donations."

  Hearing that Su Ze was so well-behaved, the two soldiers laughed. I was going to take the donkey.

  However, Su Ze grabbed the reins and said, "It's not a gift."

  "What other valuables are there? Take them out quickly."

  "I want to donate to your leader in person."

  The two soldiers were a little impatient. But seeing that Su Ze was dressed like a scholar, he didn't dare to make too much of a mistake, so he said,
  "That's our young commander. The rest of you stay here, and you go over alone."

  Su Ze stood up straight and walked away Arriving in front of the young man.

  This young man is dressed in a nondescript manner. His helmet with a small flag is a battlefield helmet worn by senior generals, but it obviously does not fit the size of the young man's head.

  And the attire he wore was not that of a military general, and the young man looked like he had a weak kidney, so he didn't look like a general in the army at first glance.

  In the Ming Dynasty, commanders were the highest class of hereditary military attachés. Although military preparations were exhausted in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, senior military attachés who wanted hereditary positions had to go to the capital to apply for assessment, and the emperor would personally receive them. This young man obviously couldn't inherit the military position.

  The cold reading skill in the "Fortune Telling" skill was activated, and Su Ze quickly guessed the identity of this young man. He was the son of the current commander of the Yanping Guard, but the kind of son who had no inheritance rights.

  The young man saw Su Ze dressed as a scholar and said in a joking tone: "You want to offset the donation, what can you use to offset the donation?"

  Su Ze took a breath and said: "I will offset the donation with a hexagram. The young commander thinks that How?"

  (End of Chapter)

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