Chapter 43 Pen Holder

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  Chapter 43:
  During the next journey of the pen carriage, Su Ze taught elementary school education to two carrots. Although Lin Xianyang was literate, he always gained new things when listening to Su Ze's elementary school education. He kept dancing "+3" along the way. ", "+3", by the time Su Ze was about to arrive in Nanping County, his enlightenment skills had reached Level 4, 360/400.

  Su Ze recalled his historical knowledge. Yanping Prefecture governed seven counties, namely Nanping, Youxi, Shaxian, Shunchang, Jiangle, Yongan, and Datian.

  Yes, it is that Shaxian County, but now Shaxian snacks have not become famous all over the world.

  Nanping County is Yiguo County and is also the most prosperous county in Yanping Prefecture.

  Nanping's military status is very important. Fujian has always been said to be "Tong Yanping and Tie Shaowu", and it is the gateway to Fujian.

  When Su Ze walked into the county town, he saw that the city wall was tall, but there were many residential buildings outside the city wall, and it didn't look like a military town at all.

  Su Ze used his Level 2 "Art of War" skill to observe the city wall and saw a large number of flaws. In low places, one could even climb up through the roofs of residential buildings.

  Su Ze shook his head. As expected, the Ming Dynasty's military preparedness was lax.

  If you give him a thousand elites, he will definitely be able to break through Nanping County.

  Just as Su Ze was thinking about it, a gong sounded suddenly on the official road entering the city.

  At this time, I saw a group of officers holding ceremonial guards, beating gongs from a distance, and a middle-aged man riding a horse, wearing a crimson official robe, slowly walked along the official road towards the city gate.

  Although it was almost dusk, Su Ze still saw the Yunyan patch on the middle-aged official's official robe. This was a fourth-grade official uniform!
  On the flags to clear the way, he wrote "Know about Yanping Mansion", and later on the flags he wrote "Avoid" and "Be quiet".

  Then came a pair of umbrellas, followed by a pair of fans, all following the middle-aged officials on horseback.

  Behind the guard of honor was a long convoy of carriages, with ten carriages stretching along the official road.

  Lin Xianyang had never seen such a scene before. He asked in surprise: "Which official is coming to Nanping County?"

  Su Ze pointed to the opposite flag from a distance and said: "Didn't I write it? It's the arrival of the new Yanping prefect. I'll let you go."

  Lin Xianyang quickly rubbed his eyes, trying to see the face of the new prefect clearly, and the guard of honor quickly walked past the official road.

  Lin Xianyang said regretfully: "Brother Aze, you didn't tell me earlier!"

  Then Lin Xianyang said with a sad face: "Looking at this posture, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the city today."

  Just when the prefect's honor guard was about to arrive at the Nanping City Gate, a group of people appeared. Officials in official robes hurried out of the city and were divided into civil and military squads to greet them on both sides.

  Lin Xianyang had never seen these officials in such a mess and couldn't help but laugh.

  Su Ze looked at the welcoming team that was gradually forming under the city gate, and murmured: "It seems that a ruthless character has come to Yanping Mansion."

  The little carrot head Lin Liangjun quickly asked: "Brother Aze, why do you say that?"

  Lin Xianyang also looked at Su Ze. Could it be that Su Ze knew the new prefect?

  Su Ze saw Lin Xianyang's doubts and said with a smile: "This is also the first time for me to meet this Lord Prefect, but now it seems that the new Lord Prefect is not easy to fool."

  Su Ze still had a full face when he saw the three of them . Confused, he explained: "General officials will choose to arrive in the morning when they take office, because they have to offer sacrifices to the city god before moving into the official residence. Not many people like this new prefect arrive in the evening, so the new prefect and his family will have to stay outside the government office all night. It's really inconvenient."

  Lin Liangjun asked quickly: "Isn't it because the new prefect is in a hurry? That's why he arrived in the evening?"

  Su Ze shook his head and said, "When the new prefect takes office, the prefectural and county officials must be watching. If Knowing in advance that the new prefect would arrive in the evening, he must have been waiting outside the city to greet him. He couldn't be in such a mess." "

  The prefect must have promised to arrive tomorrow morning, but he asked his men to hide his whereabouts and arrive this evening."

  So that's it. !
  Lin Xianyang looked at Su Ze with admiration. He didn't expect Su Ze to deduce so much inside information from this little detail. This scholar is different!
  Lin Xianyang asked: "Then why did the prefect come early?"

  Su Ze said: "Of course he wanted to give Yanping Prefecture a killing blow, and if he arrived early today, he could immediately take over the government office and seal the account books. If the prefect has enough accounts and can find some clues from the accounts, it will be easier to handle after taking office."

  These contents of Su Ze were already beyond the scope of the two carrot heads, and they could not understand the twists and turns in it. around. Although Lin Xianyang was considered smart in Changningwei, otherwise his grandfather would not have let him work in the county government, but he was not on the same level as Su Ze.

  Lin Liangjun covered his head and said, "This scholar must be thinking too much!"

  Lin Xianyang couldn't help but ask, "Has anyone in the ancestors of Brother Aze been an official?"

  Su Ze shook his head and said, "No one was an official. "

  Then how do you know the key to it?"

  Su Ze smiled and said, "Reading."

  "Reading?" Lin Liangjun couldn't help but said, "What else can you learn from reading?"

  Su Ze nodded and said : "Of course, there is a book called "Rituals for New Officials", which talks about the precautions for new officials to take office. Arriving early is the trick written in the book." "Let you study hard, whether it is imperial examinations, art of war, farming, etc.

  " Even carpenters, they all have books to read."

  After educating the two carrots along the way, Su Ze only saw that the new prefect had dismounted with the help of his entourage, and enthusiastically greeted him with the officials who greeted him at the city gate. .

  The magistrate's face was full of joy. The leading civil official opposite was the general judge of Yanping Prefecture, and after the general judge, he was the magistrate of Nanping County.

  But just as the magistrate and the magistrate were preparing to greet him, the commander of the Yanping Guard on the other side of the other row of generals knelt down first.

  However, this third-grade general was not as quick as the fourth-grade prefect. The new prefect helped support the commander of the Yanping Guard.

  "It is forbidden for the commander to do so. The "Da Ming Hui Dian" stipulates that my official rank is not as good as the commander, so I should salute the commander."

  The new prefect really stood on the right and bowed twice to the commander. present.

  The new prefect crossed his hands, stretched out his body, and then bowed heavily to the ground, making two graceful salutes.

  The commander was stunned on the spot, but he didn't know how to return the gift.

  It wasn't until the sergeant behind him reminded him that Commander Yu responded clumsily.

  The new prefect faced the civil servants. The civil servants who were inferior to him all knelt down and bowed to the new prefect.

  However, in the crowd, a thin middle-aged official did not kneel down. The assistant officers on his left and right had expressions of death with fear. The new prefect wanted to establish his power, so why was his boss going crazy and seeking death?

  The new magistrate frowned, helped up the judge in the front row and asked:

  "Liu Tongxuan, which level of official in the county is this?"

  Liu Tongxuan said tremblingly:
  "Reporting to the master, this is Nanping The county’s new teacher.”

  I heard that it was the county school's teaching edict, but he was an unworthy official. Although the academic official had a low official position, the Ming Dynasty respected the academic official very much.

  The new prefect no longer had the interest to use his killing power. Instead, he joked and said,
  "Liu Tongpuan, do you think this kneeling position looks like a mountain-shaped pen stand? Hahaha!"

  Liu Tongpuan had just knelt down. I couldn't agree with this joke, but I heard the Nanping edict say with great righteousness:

  "It is said in the Ming Dynasty Hui Dian that when an official meets a superior official, he will kneel down when he has something to do." "There is nothing to do

  today, why do you have to kneel down?"

  ( End of this chapter)

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