Chapter 424 Personnel Appointment

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  Chapter 424 Personnel Appointment
  "Your Majesty, you must make the decision for me!"

  Qingyuan Bo Li Wei and his son, wearing coarse robes, knelt in front of the emperor's palace.

  In fact, Mrs. Li was not the queen. When Longqing was still King Yu, the first crown princess was also named Li. This Mrs. Li once gave birth to a prince for Longqing, but later the mother and son died of illness, so she married her step-brother. Chen.

  After Longqing ascended the throne, he made Chen the queen.

  Empress Chen had no heirs and was not interested in matters in the palace. She spent her whole day worshiping Buddha and practicing Buddhism.

  Li was canonized as a noble concubine because she gave birth to a prince, and Li Wei, the uncle of Qingyuan, was given a title after his daughter gave birth to a prince.

  Although Li has been in Prince Yu's palace for many years, she comes from a small family after all. She has no understanding of the situation in the court. She can't even recognize all the ministers in the court, let alone use the power in her hands.

  At this moment, Concubine Li was serving Emperor Longqing in the palace. When she heard her father's cry, her first reaction was to look at Feng Bao beside the emperor.

  After Long Qing's treatment by the imperial physician, although his condition was under control, he could only move half of his body.

  Although this half of the body can move, it cannot write for a long time and can only write a few words.

  In addition, his eyes can blink once to express agreement, and blink twice in succession to express objection. Now Feng Bao and Li Shi both blink to question the emperor.

  But for more complicated situations, the emperor was unable to communicate, and the matter related to his mother's family. Concubine Li looked at Feng Bao and asked Feng Bao for a solution.

  Emperor Longqing closed his eyes. His own political abilities were limited. When he was in good health, he could not handle the chaotic affairs of the court, let alone now.

  Simply close your eyes, out of sight and out of mind.

  Although Feng Bao was still serving the emperor, his mentality had also undergone subtle changes.

  Can an emperor who is paralyzed by wind disease still represent imperial power?

  Without him handing over pen and paper, Long Qing couldn't even get a word out.

  Now in the palace, the emperor is paralyzed by wind and the queen, Chen, is ignoring the affairs of state.

  Concubine Li has her only heir, Zhu Yijun. According to etiquette, once Long Qing dies, Zhu Yijun will succeed him.

  As the biological mother of the future emperor, Concubine Li should be established as the Queen Mother alongside the current Empress Chen.

  At Zhu Yijun's current age, the Queen Mother will definitely have to stay in power for a while and will not return to power until the emperor grows up.

  Although Zhang Ju is now in great power, Feng Bao still believes that imperial power will return to the emperor's hands.

  At that time, the "debate between utensils and emptiness" mentioned by Huang Jin, the " utensils " representing imperial power had been transferred to Concubine Li.

  When he thought of this, Feng Bao said:

  "Uncle Qingyuan and his son have worked hard on state affairs and have made great contributions. If they have any grievances, the imperial concubine should meet them and resolve the misunderstanding." Hearing that

  Feng Bao supported him, Li immediately Came with confidence.

  She glanced at her husband who was resting on the bed with his eyes closed, and quickly said to Feng Bao:

  "Call them in."

  Seeing her daughter, Li Wei immediately said:
  "Your Majesty, please make the decision for us father and son!"

  After speaking, Your Majesty, But what Li and his son were looking at was their daughter standing beside Long Qing's bed.

  "That Zhang Juzheng sealed our warehouse and took away all the good horses and fodder from my racecourse!"

  Concubine Li glanced at Feng Bao and saw that he remained silent. She did not dare to support her father and brother too much, and He asked:

  "Prime Minister Zhang has always acted impartially. He seized the property of our family and the Yuanhou Mansion. What reason did he use?"

  Li Wei blushed. Zhang Juzheng's evidence was sufficient. These horses were prepared by Li Wei for smuggling. Naturally, he couldn't directly say that he went to the southeast.

  Li Changfeng said: "Tax evasion! Our Li family is an imperial merchant, how can we talk about tax evasion?"

  Feng Bao was in charge of the East Factory. He naturally knew the reason why the Li family was sealed off. He whispered a few words in Concubine Li's ear, Li The concubine immediately said:
  "Then the next time Prime Minister Zhang comes to the palace to meet the saint, let's ask him face to face about the seizure of Qingyuan uncle's warehouse."

  Li Wei and his son came out of the palace in despair. This time, even their daughter did not stand. On his side, he saw a large amount of goods being confiscated by Zhang Juzheng. These were the high-quality war horses that Li Wei had finally collected in Jiubiangong Market.

  Before it could be transported to the southeast, Zhang Juzheng caught them all. This was a huge loss.

  In fact, Li Wei and his son also knew that they had fallen into the trap of Zhang Juzheng's new official appointment!
  However, Zhang Juzheng only confiscated his family's goods and did not deal with them and his son. He already did it for the sake of their grandfather and uncle, who were the prince.

  After walking out of the palace gate, the father and son got into a luxurious carriage and put on gorgeous mink cloaks. Li Changfeng said to his father: "

  Dad, the reason why Zhang Juzheng is so arrogant is because of His Majesty's poor health. Zhang Juzheng's previous high arch was also strong. Don't you turn a blind eye to our Li family?"

  Li Wei said with a sad face: "But how can your majesty support us when he is like this?"

  Li Changfeng said: "I know a Taoist priest who can refine elixirs. ."

  Li Wei's eyes also lit up and he said: "Hurry up and ask this immortal to make elixirs! As long as your majesty is in good health, he will definitely be able to support us, father and son!" The Ming court's vigorous

  reforms here, the third in the southeast, A constitutional convention also concluded.

  In fact, the Constitutional Convention did not decide anything at all, but newspaper reports for several days published all the issues discussed by the representatives of the Constitutional Convention, making all the representatives who participated in the Constitutional Convention feel that they had participated. In Political Affairs of the Southeast.

  Even the most apolitical people felt the seriousness of the Constitutional Convention from the continuous reports in newspapers.

  The Southeast Metropolitan Governor's Office and the Cabinet are too far away from ordinary people, but these representatives to the Constituent Assembly all live in the same city, and they even know some of the representatives.

  This gave the people a sense of participation in major events in the Southeast.

  Before the end of the Constituent Assembly, Su Ze announced the list of personnel for the first cabinet.

  The cabinet ministers were appointed by the Grand Governor Su Ze, but Su Ze added a link where the new cabinet ministers had to take an oath at the Constituent Assembly.

  Not surprisingly, Xu Wei was appointed as the chief minister. During this period, Xu Wei was in charge of the daily affairs of the governor's office. His contribution to the southeast was obvious to all.

  There were no surprises in the position of the Minister of Finance. Su Ze's father-in-law, Fang Wanghai, naturally became the first Minister of Finance.

  The Minister of Transportation was given to Hu Zongxian, who was still exploring hydrology in Huaibei and preparing to dredge the canal. Hu Zongxian rushed back to Nanjing and was sworn in. The Minister of Justice was appointed by He Xinyin, the prefect of Suzhou, and the Minister of Education was appointed by Shen Shixing, the prefect of Songjiang.

  Tan Lun served as the Minister of Supervision, and the Minister of Navy and the Minister of War were appointed by the Lin siblings respectively.

  The list of the first cabinet ministers was as everyone expected. These were all men of merit for Su Ze's start-up, and their abilities were obvious to all.

  Everyone is also very aware of their position. Such an important position as cabinet minister is naturally held by Su Ze's close associates.

  Everyone is staring at the positions that will be vacated after these few people are promoted to ministers.

  Xu Wei was the governor of Southern Zhili, the first governor of the southeastern province.

  He Xinyin and Shen Shixing were the prefects of the second Susong Prefecture, the most powerful in southern Zhili.

  Nowadays, the combined tax revenue of Susong and Song Prefectures is higher than that of the entire province of Jiangxi. The prefects of these two prefectures are full of gold and are the first prefects in the southeast.

  Tan Lun is the governor of Guangdong, and this position is also very important.

  Guangdong is the latest to open its ports and cannot compete with old ports such as Fuzhou and Shanghai on the old routes.

  Therefore, Tan Lun decided to differentiate his competition and mainly operate Nanyang routes.

  Today, each port in the southeast has its own focused routes.

  Shanghai is the general hub for trade throughout Southeast and Northeast Asia, and its main route is the export of goods to the Ming Dynasty in the north.

  Nowadays, the largest foreign trade in the southeast is naturally the Ming Dynasty in the north.

  This result is not surprising. According to the records of the Jiajing Dynasty, the population of the Ming Dynasty was almost 90 million.

  Judging from the Ming Dynasty's ability to grasp the population, this data is naturally not very accurate, but it is correct that there are nearly 100 million people in this land.

  Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty is facing off against the southeast. Southeast owns Nanzhili, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Wuchang, while the Ming Dynasty occupies the remaining areas.

  Although the population in the south is more densely populated, the Ming Dynasty is still larger in terms of land area.

  Therefore, the population of both sides is almost half and half.

  A market with a population of nearly 50 million must be the largest trade object in the entire southeast. Japan and North Korea are absolutely incomparable.

  The ports in Fujian still operate the routes opened by Su Ze, that is, the trade routes to Japan and Ryukyu.

  Japan is also a country with a large population, almost on the order of more than 10 million.

  Moreover, the Japanese Kingdom is still in the Warring States Period, and the wars between the major names are constantly escalating. The demand for various commodities is very strong, and the Japanese Kingdom is also the main inflow country of silver from the southeast.

  Guangdong naturally could not compete on the old routes, so Tan Lun opened up the Nanyang route.

  The Southeast Asian countries also had a large population, and more importantly, this was the Eastern route that the Portuguese dreamed of.

  Not only the Portuguese, but the Spanish also joined this trade competition. Various sailing ships can be seen in the port of Guangzhou.

  Guangdong's visible development strength makes the governor of Guangdong an important position that everyone pays attention to.

  In addition to these local officials, the seven ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are headed by ministers, and there are several important departments in the southeast.

  The main temple of the five temples is Dali Temple, Sinong Temple, Taipu Temple, Honglu Temple and Zongzheng Temple.

  The ordnance supervisor will be the supervisor of the supervisor.

  These are the positions that are attracting the attention of Southeastern officials.

  However, Su Ze did not appoint these important positions as before. Instead, he handed over the appointment of important officials this time to the cabinet.

  Su Ze personally selected and appointed the first candidate for the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  The functions of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have been greatly strengthened. The chief official of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Censor Zhongcheng, is served by the Supervisory Minister, one of the cabinet ministers, and is on the same level as the Seven Ministries.

  In addition to retaining the original censors, the number of censors in the Metropolitan Procuratorate has been increased to more than one hundred. These censors have independent powers to handle cases and can investigate and impeach any official at will.

  In addition, the Metropolitan Procuratorate can also jointly refute the results of the cabinet's recommendation, jointly veto the personnel appointments and removals of various ministries and the financial plan of the Ministry of Revenue, and can even move to remove ministers.

  Su Ze naturally selected from among the representatives of the Constituent Assembly.

  Danyun did not expect that after finishing the meeting, she would receive an official document from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, asking her if she wanted to serve as the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  Li Yangong was naturally very happy that his wife could take up an important position, but he was worried that his wife was about to give birth.

  Officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate said there was no problem. According to the latest regulations of the Ministry of Personnel, female officials can enjoy maternity leave and four months of breastfeeding leave after giving birth. There would be no problem when Danyun finished her leave before reporting to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  When the representatives participating in the Constitutional Convention found out that those who performed outstandingly at the Constitutional Convention were elected as supervisory censors, many people were heartbroken. If they had known that they would have performed well at the Constitutional Convention!
  In addition to the representatives to the Constituent Assembly, Su Ze also appointed a group of supervisory censors, that is, censors outside the official establishment.

  These people can receive half of the salary of the censor and do not have to go to work every day. They only need to attend the meetings of the Metropolitan Procuratorate every month.

  They do not have the rights of the previous censors, but they have the right to attend meetings of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and vote on the motions of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  Gui Youguang, editor-in-chief of "Jingshi Bao", Li Shizhen, president of the medical school, and other celebrities were given the position of supervising the censor Li Xing.

  In this way, the first Southeast Cabinet was formed, and Su Ze announced that he would hold a World Expo in the Crystal Palace in the fall of this year.

  Su Ze had already asked Tan Lun to send a message at Guangzhou Port. This time the expo allowed any country in the world to bring its own products to the exhibition, and delegations from any country were also welcome to come to Nanjing to participate.

  Both the north and the south are recuperating, and the Shandong front line has returned to a state of confrontation.

  Although a high-intensity war is temporarily impossible, small-scale frictions continue.

  However, the team at Liangshan Park swelled sharply after experiencing a winter.

  The biggest problem facing Yi Sun-shin, the "big boss", is that there is not enough food on Liangshan Mountain.

  (End of chapter)

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