Chapter 421 Crystal Palace Constituent Assembly Hall

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  Chapter 421 Crystal Palace Constituent Assembly Hall
  When Emperor Longqing woke up, he found that half of his body could not move.

  He tilted his mouth and nose and could only make a muffled sound.

  "Your Majesty!" Feng Bao, who had been waiting beside him, quickly climbed to the emperor's side, holding Emperor Longqing's hand and crying.

  Seeing this loyal servant, Emperor Longqing finally felt a little more at ease. He raised his head and saw Li Chunfang standing anxiously in front of the emperor.

  However, Li Chunfang did not rush to the imperial palace to check on the emperor's condition. Instead, she asked the imperial doctor about the emperor's condition:
  "Wind disease?"

  Li Chunfang looked at the imperial doctor, and the trembling imperial doctor said two words from his mouth. Li Chunfang was also about to faint.

  Now that the palace has been sealed off, Imperial Physician Hou who was summoned to treat the emperor only regretted that he was so unlucky. It happened that he was on duty at the imperial hospital today and was summoned to the palace to see a doctor when the emperor fell ill and fainted.

  The medical skills of Imperial Physician Hou were average. He once excluded Li Shizhen in the imperial hospital, and he only prescribed some health-preserving prescriptions on weekdays.

  However, as an imperial physician who has been a doctor for generations, although the imperial physician Hou has mediocre medical skills and cannot tell when the patient will die, he knows very well when he will die.

  The emperor is seriously ill like a flu, and there are only the eunuchs and eunuchs in charge of rituals and cabinet bachelors in the hall. Isn't it his time to die now?
  Doctor Hou almost cried and told the emperor's condition, then knelt in front of Li Chunfang and said,

  "Mr. Li Ge, please spare my life!"

  Li Chunfang ignored Doctor Hou's plea for mercy, and his mind was also in a mess.

  Li Chunfang is just a lucky minister, which does not mean that his IQ is not good.

  Being able to fight his way out of such a chaotic situation and become a cabinet minister at once, Li Chunfang will be the chief minister of the new cabinet as long as the Lantern Festival is over.

  But now the emperor was suffering from wind disease, and countless thoughts flashed through Li Chunfang's mind.

  He finally gritted his teeth and said to the Imperial Physician Hou:
  "You go to the Imperial Hospital and wait, inform the other imperial doctors about His Majesty's condition, and discuss a safe prescription."

  Feng Bao was dumbfounded, and even Dr. Hou who was kneeling on the ground was dumbfounded.

  You, Mr. Li Ge, don’t act according to common sense!
  Imperial Physician Hou's response was very quick. He immediately stood up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ge. Thank you, Mr. Ge. I will go to the Imperial Hospital to gather colleagues to discuss your Majesty's condition!"

  Feng Bao immediately said, "Wait! Mr. Li, Dr. Hou can't leave!"

  Dr. Hou's heart just dropped and he looked at Li Chunfang pleadingly.

  But Li Chunfang said: "His Majesty suddenly suffered from wind disease. He should be consulted at the hospital."

  Feng Bao walked down from the imperial tower and said to Li Chunfang: "Mr. Li Ge! If we let him out, the news about His Majesty's wind disease will be leaked. ?"

  Li Chunfang sighed and said, "Eunuch Feng, can you and I block the news? Are we qualified to do this?"

  Feng Bao was also a smart man. He was stunned for a moment and understood what Li Chunfang meant.

  If Yan Song, Xu Jie or Gao Gong were standing in the palace at this time, they would definitely block the news, arrange the situation in the court and let them assist the government in the name of the emperor. At this time, as long as they unite with the eunuchs in the inner court, they can control the court smoothly. situation.

  But the prerequisite is that the chief ministers of the cabinet are ministers like Yan Song, Xu Jie, and Gao Gong.

  Who are you, Li Chunfang?
  Now the four members of the cabinet mention that Yang Bo is the elder of the Clay Sculpture Pavilion, and everyone says that Yang Bo is wise and wise.

  To say Gao Gong means to be domineering and impatient, and to be too strict in politics.

  Although these are all negative comments, no one said that Gao Gong was incompetent. Everyone knew Gao Gong's abilities and admired his integrity. Even ministers who did not deal with Gao Gong could not use these to attack him.

  Gao Gong promoted new affairs and organized new armies, all of which bore fruit. His influence in the court was not comparable to that of Li Chunfang.

  Speaking of the third assistant Zhang Juzheng, they all say that he suffered repeated defeats, had an arrogant personality, and was extravagant in his style.

  Regarding Zhang Juzheng's domineering performance in Huguang, he lost the city of Wuchang because he underestimated the enemy, and the court officials attacked his character weaknesses, but no one said that he was incompetent or that he did not have enough prestige.

  But when it came to Li Chunfang, the courtiers' evaluations were unanimous.

  The person is okay, but the ability is not.

  This is very insulting. As a cabinet minister, you can be domineering, strong, ferocious, and even cruel, but you cannot be incompetent.

  Li Chunfang suddenly came to power, with no party members or cronies at all, and no influence of her own in the court.

  He was not capable enough and did not accomplish anything.

  With his prestige, he wanted to conceal the news of the emperor's illness and stand up to control the government?
  You don’t have this ability!

  In fact, Gao Gong fell and Li Chunfang was appointed. That is to say, Emperor Longqing saw Li Chunfang's incompetence, so he wanted to appoint a weak chief minister of the cabinet.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, the emperor got wind disease!
  At this moment, the emperor on the sick bed shouted, and Feng Bao immediately walked over quickly.

  This time Li Chunfang also walked over and saw the emperor raising his right hand and pointing to the pen on the imperial desk.

  Li Chunfang immediately understood what the emperor meant and said: "Bring a pen and paper!"

  Feng Bao also understood what Li Chunfang meant, and he quickly brought a pen and paper. Emperor Longqing was helped up by Feng Bao, and he started writing on the paper while holding the pen sideways.

  "Summon, summon Zhang Juzheng to Beijing!"

  Li Chunfang looked at the emperor in surprise. Didn't the emperor have a wind disease or a brain failure?

  But when he saw Emperor Longqing's expression, he suddenly understood what he meant.

  "Your Majesty, where is Mr. Gaoge?"

  Emperor Longqing picked up the pen again and wrote: "Go and take office."

  Li Chunfang looked at Emperor Longqing in surprise. She did not expect that the emperor would be so determined, even ruthless.

  It seems that the emperor is still suspicious of Gao Gong as the mastermind behind the bus letter.

  Under such circumstances, the emperor was unwilling to keep Gao Gong in the court.

  It was clear that Zhang Juzheng's ideas were more radical than those written in the public letter, and it was clear that Zhang Juzheng had united with the governors of the five provinces to rebel.

  The emperor could compromise with Zhang Juzheng, but he was unwilling to continue using high arches.

  Is this the emperor's ruthlessness?
  Li Chunfang has recently taken charge of the cabinet and knows what a mess Ming Dynasty is.

  Now the Ming court is unable to cope with Zhang Juzheng, the governor of the five provinces, rebelling again.

  Even if Zhang Juzheng did not rebel, even if they cut off the court's supplies, the Ming court would not be able to bear it.

  Letting Zhang Juzheng enter Beijing and become a cabinet minister is indeed the best compromise.

  Only to see Emperor Longqing use all his strength to write two words on the paper.

  "The Emperor".

  Now Li Chunfang understood why the emperor was willing to let Zhang Juzheng enter Beijing. Given Emperor Longqing's physical condition, it is very likely that some ministers would jump out and encourage the Emperor to be restored to power.

  Since the emperor returned to the capital, although he has lived in a deep palace, he has become much healthier because he no longer takes pills.

  It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Juzheng to reset the emperor when he returns to the capital, and he will definitely continue to support him, the windy emperor.

  Compared with the powerful ministers, the emperor, who has been in charge of state affairs for more than 40 years, is the most worried Emperor Longqing at this moment.

  Even in order to prevent the emperor from being restored to the throne, Emperor Longqing would rather allow the imperial power to be damaged.

  Li Chunfang understood better how cold and lonely this creature called Emperor Quan was.

  Li Chunfang immediately said: "I will go and issue an edict right now."

  After Li Chunfang left, Long Qing raised his right hand and pointed to a bookshelf in the distance.

  Feng Bao immediately went over and took out a framed set of calligraphy from the bookshelf.

  After unfolding, this is a copybook, with five large characters written in full ink and ink, "To Jun Yao and Shun" with flying dragons and phoenixes.

  Feng Bao is now the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, and he is very familiar with this handwriting. This is exactly what Gao Gong wrote.

  After looking at the signature and date, I saw that it was written by Gao Gong when he was a lecturer in Prince Yu's Mansion.

  The emperor's eyes were filled with tears.

  Letting Gao Gong leave the capital may be the last thing he, the emperor, can do for Gao Gong, the teacher.

  Long Qing suddenly had a premonition that no matter where the broken ship of the Ming Dynasty sailed, the person driving the ship would end up being shattered to pieces.

  Gao Gong was out of the game at this time, and he was able to escape unscathed.

  He recalled that when he was still Prince Yu, he and Gao Gongchang discussed current affairs, how to unite the Qingliu Douyan Party, and how to revitalize the Ming Dynasty after taking charge of the government in the future.

  Now, part of all this has been achieved, but the other part is getting further and further away from the goal.

  Emperor Longqing shed tears and once again regretted that he did not listen to Gao Gong's advice and indulged in female sex in the harem.

  "Master Gao, this is the last thing I do for you."

  Long Qing thought in his heart, lowered his right arm, and began to relax.

  Sure enough, after Imperial Physician Hou returned to the Imperial Hospital, news of the emperor's illness spread immediately.

  Yang Bo and Gao Gong, who were already preparing to leave Beijing, came to the palace to see the emperor.

  But when the emperor met Yang Bo, he did not see Gao Gong.

  Yang Bo, who had met the emperor, didn't say a word when he came out. He just shook his head at Gao Gong.

  Gao Gong stayed in front of the palace gate all night, and was finally persuaded to go back by Feng Bao.

  At this time, Li Chunfang, who stayed in the cabinet, issued an imperial edict in the name of the emperor.

  This was an imperial edict calling Zhang Juzheng to Beijing to serve as the chief minister of the cabinet.

  Along with this imperial edict, the emperor officially approved the resignation of Yang Bo and Gao Gong.

  The imperial edict Gao Gong received also required him to leave the capital before the first day of the new year.

  Gao Gong thanked him with tears. His old servant had a cart full of books, but he had no other property.

  The carriage fare for Gao Gong's return home was sent by Gao Wuguan through people, using the salary and silver rewards Gao Wuguan had saved over the years.

  Gao Gong looked back at the city wall of the capital again, and then at the nine-layer palace blocked behind the city wall, and asked his old servant to drive the donkey cart towards his hometown in Xinzheng, Henan.

  Li Chengliang, who had just arrived in Shandong, received news from the capital on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

  His son Li Rusong said quickly: "Father, there are changes in the capital!"

  Li Chengliang put down the secret message and said: "We are not strong enough. The changes in the capital have nothing to do with us. Let's organize and train the new army first."

  Li Chengliang said quietly: "Let's look at Zhang Juzheng . , what a mess this Ming Dynasty can be made into!" On

  the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, Su Ze, who was in Nanjing, received comprehensive information from the capital, including the news that Gao Gong had resigned as prime minister, Zhang Juzheng was forced to conceive from five provinces, and Long Qing was attacked.

  Looking at these familiar scripts, Su Ze lamented the strong inertia of history.

  The fact that the Ming Dynasty was able to do so shows that there are still many people who are still unwilling to give up on the north.

  There are still such people even in the Southeast.

  And let the Ming court continue to toss, even if it is to let everyone take a look, the path Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others are trying will not work.

  When Mingting finishes all the options, it will be proven that Su Ze's path is correct.

  Su Ze just put this information aside and picked up the report sent by Xu Wei.

  The Constitutional Convention was originally planned to be held a year ago, but due to problems with the selection of representatives from various places, the list has only been finalized now.

  The Constituent Assembly decided to be held in the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty in Nanjing on the 16th day of the first lunar month after the Lantern Festival.

  For this constitutional meeting, craftsmen in the southeast did not rest during the Chinese New Year, demolishing the palace walls of the Ming Palace and building a new building.

  This building uses the reinforced concrete structure used by Hu Zongxian when he built the pond dam in Hangzhou, and also uses a large amount of flat glass.

  What Xu Wei sent was the final preparation report for the Constitutional Convention. After Su Ze read it, he signed his name on the report.

  In addition to the report sent by Xu Wei, the other one was the appointment and removal certificate of the representatives of the Fujian Constituent Assembly.

  Starting from the 16th day of the first lunar month, Su Ze will participate in the Constitutional Convention as a representative of the Fujian Constitutional Convention instead of as the governor of the southeast.

  In addition to determining the fundamental law and determining the tax rates and taxation plans for various taxes, this constitutional convention is also a place where representatives from all aspects of the Southeast discuss various issues and conduct consultations.

  Su Ze began to look forward to this first constitutional meeting.

  In the third year of the New Calendar, during the Lantern Festival, Su Ze rode a carriage and entered the Crystal Palace, the venue of the Constitutional Assembly, surrounded by Nanjing people.

  During the Lantern Festival in the third year of Longqing, Zhang Juzheng boarded a luxury carriage drawn by eight horses, said goodbye to Liu Shiyan who stayed in Hanyang, and entered the capital surrounded by sergeants.

  In the second year of the New Calendar (Longqing), there was no war.

  (End of chapter)

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