Chapter 405 Li Sunchen gathers in Liangshanpo

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  Chapter 405: Li Sunchen gathers in Liangshanbo.
  After Li Sunchen, Kinoshita Tokichiro and other fifteen people came to Liangshanbo, they discovered an abandoned cottage.

  But this is definitely not the cottage in "Water Margin". The cottage has been abandoned for a long time, and there are still traces of fire. It should be that someone once went to the mountain to commit thieves, and was later destroyed by the army.

  Yi Sunchen and his party settled in Liangshan.

  Soon Yi Sunchen knew that the hilltop he was on was the famous Liangshan Mountain. His expression was very complicated.

  "Water Margin" was written at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. It is famous not only in the Ming Dynasty but also in the entire East Asia.

  Yi Sun-shin had read "Water Margin" in North Korea, so he naturally knew the story of Liang Shanbo.

  Why did he, the regular army in the southeast, go to Liangshan?

  Kinoshita Tokichiro was relatively uneducated. He had never heard the story of Liangshan, but after hearing Yi Sun-shin's explanation, his eyes lit up and he said, "We are
  rebels in the Ming Dynasty. Isn't it just right for the rebels to go to Liangshan?"

  Yi Sun-shin said The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and what Kinoshita said seemed to be correct.

  Then Kinoshita Tokichiro said: "How about we also use the banner of Liangshan? To do justice for heaven? There are many refugees in Shandong now, and we use this banner to call people to go to the mountains to open up wasteland?" Li Sunchen was stunned for a moment. Kinoshita Tokichiro's approach seems good

  Since the Ming Dynasty carried out the clearing of the country in Shandong, refugees have been everywhere in Shandong.

  The Shandong government was also afraid of another Song Jiang, so they sent troops to guard Liangshanbo and drive away the people who were clearing wasteland near Liangshanbo.

  But now Liangshanbo is different from the Song Dynasty.

  In the Song Dynasty, Liangshanbo was a vast swamp with crisscrossing water systems. It was easy to defend and difficult to attack due to mountains and rivers, so it became a famous anti-bandit base.

  However, with the changes of the times, the water level of Liangshanbo has dropped, and the once vast swamp has become a small pool of water. Liangshan itself is not high, and the terrain here is not as dangerous as it was in the Song Dynasty.

  Although it was not as dangerous as the Song Dynasty, the Ming court officials were unable to clear out the refugees who fled into the mountains.

  Another reason why the government did not go into the mountains to clean up the area was that Liangshan was located between Dongping Prefecture, Shouzhang County, Wenshang County, Dong'a County, and Yuncheng County.

  Liangshan is the junction of five counties. It can be said that the five counties are jointly managed, or it can be said that the five counties have no control.

  When Kinoshita Tokichiro went hunting in the mountains, he often encountered refugees hiding in the mountains.

  He naturally suggested to Yi Sunchen to recruit refugees in Liangshan.

  Yi Sunchen thought for a while and finally agreed to Kinoshita's suggestion. However, he was also afraid of being purged by the Ming court, so he did not use the banner of "doing justice for heaven" and just quietly recruited refugees.

  Unexpectedly, Yi Sunchen and his party began to recruit refugees in Liangshan, and soon a large number of refugees rushed into Liangshan.

  At the beginning, Yi Sunchen was a little worried, fearing that his fame would lead to a crackdown by the Ming court officials.

  But soon Yi Sunchen discovered that he had been worrying too much, and the Ming court officials did not notice this group of people at all.

  At this time, Li Sunchen felt relieved, and soon hundreds of people gathered in Liangshan.

  The crowd led the refugees to grow food, repair the village, and build houses. Liangshan's reputation spread among the surrounding area, attracting many refugees to gather here.

  Yi Sunchen changed the remaining dilapidated cottage into the "Juyi Hall", and selected thirty-six refugee leaders from among the refugees to divide areas on Liangshan to open up wasteland for hunting, making the entire Liangshan more orderly.

  But the next plot suddenly became magical.

  Today, Yi Sunchen called everyone for a meeting in Juyi Hall, but it was because the Ming court officials down the mountain finally noticed this power on Liangshan Mountain.

  Magistrate Cai of Yuncheng County heard that thousands of refugees had gathered on Liangshan Mountain, and was encouraged by the county captain to make meritorious deeds, so he finally took action.

  Cai Zhixian sent county officials to the mountain to order Li Sunchen and others to be safe.

  Yi Sunchen only felt very magical. He was a Korean, joined the army in the southeast, and then went to Liangshan in Shandong under the Ming Dynasty.

  Now the Ming court officials actually sent people to pay their respects to him?

  The plot in the storybook isn't that outrageous, right?
  Facing the county officials who came to Zhao'an, Yi Sunchen could only convene everyone to discuss how to deal with it.

  Fifteen people, including Yi Sunchen, were the core of Liangshan. Together with thirty-six refugee leaders, they gathered in the Juyi Hall for a meeting, which really created a bit of momentum.

  However, these refugee leaders were all dressed in rags, and most of them were skinny and skinny. Most of them were refugees who were begging everywhere before. In fact, they were nothing more than paper tigers.

  Yi Sun-shin sat in the top spot, Kinoshita Tokichiro and the other fourteen people sat on both sides, while the thirty-six refugee leaders could only sit on the ground because there were not enough chairs on Liangshan Mountain.

  If it weren't for the grandeur of the Juyi Hall, I would have thought it was a meeting of the Beggar Clan.

  Li Shunchen cleared his throat and said, "Yuncheng County sent people to issue an imperial edict. What do you think?"

  Kinoshita Tokichiro jumped out first and said, "I definitely can't accept the imperial edict!"

  "The second master is right!"

  "You can't imperial edict." !"

  Before the remaining soldiers of the New Southeast Army could say anything, it was the refugee leaders who shouted out first.

  These refugee leaders know the style of the Ming court government very well.

  Many refugees gathered to protect themselves along the way. Governments in various places used the same tactics. They first pretended to issue an edict, then hunted down all the refugee leaders, and then dispersed the refugees.

  As long as there is no one to take the lead, these refugees will never make much noise.

  These refugees finally found a place in Liangshan, so naturally they were unwilling to go down the mountain again.

  Yi Sunchen looked around. Of course, he could not accept the imperial edict of the Ming Dynasty. This meeting was just to test the opinions of the refugee leaders.

  He immediately said: "In that case, then bring the county officials from Yuncheng County!" The

  county official who was sent to Liangshan was named Huang. He was the scribe of Yuncheng County Military House. Magistrate Cai needed someone to go to Liangshan to issue an edict. An, Huang Shuli unfortunately won the lottery and went up the mountain with Cai Zhixian's Zhao'an document.

  When he arrived at Liangshan, he saw that Liangshan was in good order and heavily guarded, and Huang Shuli's heart became even colder.

  It's not that he has never seen refugee groups gathering together, but these refugee groups are ordinary people and have no atmosphere at all.

  But this group of people on Liangshan Mountain are building villages and dividing fields to open up wasteland, as if they want to live on Liangshan Mountain forever.

  When Secretary Huang was brought into Juyi Hall, his legs kept shaking.

  Sitting in the center was Yi Sun-shin. Although he looked young, his features were full of heroic spirit.

  The "leaders" of Yangshan, who were sitting on the left and right of Yi Sun-shin, all straightened their backs. They didn't look like refugees at all. On the contrary, they were more elite than the new troops of the Ming Dynasty in Jeju City. As for the leader of the refugees sitting in the Juyi Hall, after Secretary Huang entered the Juyi Hall, he stared at him fiercely, as if he wanted to eat his flesh and sleep with his skin. Secretary Huang felt a chill down his spine.

  I am so unlucky! This Liangshan Mountain is no ordinary rebel at all!
  Secretary Huang cautiously bowed to Li ShunChen and said, "Yuncheng County Secretary Huang Jian has met Mr. Li."

  Li ShunChen did not speak, but just stared at Secretary Huang.

  All I saw was that Yi Sun-shin bowed his head, and a funny-looking, monkey-like rebel suddenly slapped the armrest of the chair and stood up:
  "You government lackey, you don't kneel down when you see my brother!"

  Huang Shuli was so frightened that he thumped. Kneeling down, the refugee leaders present felt relieved and burst out laughing.

  Secretary Huang had already forgotten his mission. He just kept kowtowing and said: "Hero, spare your life! Hero, have mercy on me!"

  Yi Sunchen glared at Kinoshita Tokichiro, and then said:
  "Secretary Huang, please get up."

  Secretary Huang After carefully looking around, he finally knelt on the ground.

  Li Shunchen said: "You went up the mountain to Zhao'an under orders, but you have also seen the attitude of the brothers. Go back and report to your county magistrate that we Liangshan will not accept Zhao'an!" Huang Shuli was overjoyed when he heard this

  . According to what this young leader meant, he was ready to let himself go down the mountain to spread the word.

  At any rate, this life was temporarily saved.

  But Secretary Huang had a sad face again. His mission was to go up the mountain to Zhao'an. If he couldn't complete the mission, he would definitely be in trouble when he returned to Yuncheng County.

  Seeing that Li Sunchen spoke kindly, he plucked up the courage to say: "Master, our county magistrate really wants to protect all of you heroes. We have prepared food and land in the county. As long as you come down from the mountain, you will be allocated the best fields!" "

  Of course Secretary Huang was talking nonsense. There was no land in Yuncheng County to be allocated to the refugees on Liangshan Mountain. He just wanted to trick Li Shunchen and others down the mountain, and then the county government militia group ambushing on the edge of Liangshan Mountain could swarm up. By killing the leaders like Yi Sun-shin, the rest of the refugees can be dispersed.

  Li Sunchen said: "Hmph! I will spare your life and give you kind words, but you still want to trick me into waiting for me to come down the mountain. Someone! Push this treacherous little official out to sacrifice the flag!" Huang Shuli was so frightened that his face turned pale

  . Bloody, he began to kowtow again and said: "Grandpa, good man, have mercy on me! Grandpa, good man, have mercy on me!"

  Two New Army soldiers detained Secretary Huang, and Li Sunchen asked sternly:
  "What are your plans in Yuncheng County? You will tell me everything." Come on!"

  Secretary Huang just wanted to survive at this time, so he had to tell Magistrate Cai's arrangements in detail.

  After hearing this, the refugee leaders present gritted their teeth.

  They had originally lost their land due to the Ming court's policy of strengthening the walls and clearing out the wild, and they were bullied along the way. They finally settled in Liangshan, but the magistrate Ming County was actually prepared to use such despicable means to deal with them.

  The last vestiges of trust among these refugee leaders in the Ming court officials also disappeared, leaving only gnashing hatred.

  Li Shunchen suddenly had a plan on his mind, and he asked Secretary Huang:
  "Please tell me everything about Yuncheng County's arrangements, and I, the boss, will spare your life!"

  Secretary Huang just hesitated. Then he saw the leader of the refugees who looked like a wolf and a tiger, and directly told all the arrangements of Magistrate Cai.

  "Take him prisoner!"

  Li Shunchen imprisoned Secretary Huang, and then began to send his men to inquire about the layout of Yuncheng County under Liangshan Mountain.

  Sure enough, Yuncheng County's government officials and regiment officials gathered in Ruanjia Village at the foot of Liangshan Mountain, led by Youxian Lieutenant of Yuncheng County, waiting to trick Li Sunchen and others down the mountain and catch them all.

  Yi Sunchen took advantage of his plan and sent people down the mountain the next day to inform him that he and others were willing to accept the imperial edict.

  Cai Zhixian was overjoyed when he heard the news and asked the ambush troops in Ruanjia Village to prepare for the ambush. He waited until Li Sunchen and others came down from the mountain to kill them.

  Li Sunchen went down the mountain, but he brought with him a hundred young men selected from the refugees in Liangshan. They directly attacked Ruanjia Village.

  Although the weapons and equipment of Yuncheng County's yamen and regiment officers were much better than those of the Liangshan heroes, You County Lieutenant was a powerful son of the county. He was recommended as a county captain by Cai Zhixian because he led his servants to support the government.

  He was originally a dandy. He was frightened by the sudden attack by the Liangshan heroes and did not dare to organize a counterattack. He just wanted to escape from Ruanjia Village with his cronies.

  The leader of the government officials, Ruan Yong, was a native of Ruanjia Village, and his fighting will was much stronger than that of You Xianwei. At any rate, he led the government officials and the young men of Ruanjia Village to fight back.

  On Yi Sun-shin's side, except for the new military uniforms in the company, which were elite and equipped with weapons, these refugees only had bamboo poles in their hands and were thin. They were basically a ragtag group of people.

  There were novices on both sides, and the novices pecked each other. In the end, Kinoshita Tokichiro rushed into Ruanjia Village, disrupting the defense at the entrance of Ruanjia Village, allowing Yi Sunchen to find an opportunity to shoot Ruan Yong.

  As Ruan Yong fell, the resistance in Ruanjia Village completely collapsed. Li Sunchen immediately led people into the village and captured You Xianwei and his party.

  However, Li Shunchen did not rob Ruanjia Village. Instead, he took officials such as You County Lieutenant and Ruan Banshou to Liangshan, and then returned Huang Shuli to Yuncheng County.

  Waiting until Secretary Huang escaped from death and returned to Yuncheng County, he told Magistrate Cai about the defeat of the county's yamen regiment.

  Magistrate Cai, who was originally attending the play in the county government, was so frightened that he dropped the folding fan in his hand and hurriedly rushed the county government officials to a meeting.

  After Huang Shuli explained the situation to everyone in the county government, Cai Zhixian quickly looked around and asked:
  "Youxian Lieutenant and Ruan Ban leader were captured. What should we do if the Liangshan bandits attack the county?"

  In Yuncheng County, Zhang The county magistrate and Cai Zhixian always refused to deal with him. He immediately stood up and said:
  "Master, we should immediately ask for help from the new imperial army in Jeju City!"

  Cai Zhixian hesitated, and Huang Shuli immediately said:
  "Absolutely not!"

  Cai Zhixian looked at Secretary Huang, who immediately said what Yi Sunchen had told him when he released him.

  "Sir, according to the observations of my subordinates, the Liangshan bandits returned to Liangshan after capturing Lieutenant Youxian, and released their subordinates. They have no intention of attacking the county seat." "It is not appropriate to make the matter a big deal at this time!"


  Zhixian He calmed down immediately. He was the first person responsible for public security in Yuncheng County. The county captain was captured and asked the Jeju government for help. Yuncheng County was saved, but his official position could not be saved.

  He looked at Zhang Xian Cheng, this guy really had evil intentions!

  This county seat belongs to the brother-in-law of the same magistrate of Jeju Prefecture, and he has long coveted his position!
  Cai Zhixian looked at Secretary Huang and immediately said: "You guys go to arrange the city defense first, Secretary Huang will stay here for a while."

  After everyone dispersed, Zhixian Cai said to Secretary Huang:

  "What else can the Liangshan bandits say to you? Bring it?"

  Huang Shuli immediately said: "The Liangshan leader Li Da is a man who understands righteousness. He asked me to bring a message to the elder."

  Cai Zhixian immediately pricked up his ears.

  Secretary Huang looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then said:
  "Master Li said that as long as the county provides food, they promise not to attack Yuncheng County." "

  You can let the Liangshan heroes go to other counties. .”

  (End of chapter)

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