Chapter 371 A friend comes from afar

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  Chapter 371 A friend came to
  Mongolia from afar, Bansheng (near present-day Hohhot).

  Ada is the name of the leader of the current Mongolian tribes. His full name is Borjijin Ada, and he is also called Ada Khan.

  People in the Ming Dynasty thought that Borzhijin was a surname. In fact, Mongolians have names but no surnames. Borzhijin was just the name of the tribe where Anda was born, but it also meant that he had the so-called "golden blood" and was descended from the Mongolian royal tribe.

  An Dahan was first stationed in Fengzhoutan. He was originally just a Tumut ten thousand household. The so-called Tumut ten thousand households were originally princes on the Mongolian grassland. However, An Dahan gradually became the overlord of the grassland through conquests from east to west. .

  In fact, the Oara people are also a branch of the Mongols. The northern grassland is like a voodoo farm. Every once in a while, a voodoo king will appear and lead the tribe south to plunder the Central Plains dynasty.

  After the rise of Anda Khan, he was different from the previous grassland overlords.

  Most overlords on the grasslands would plunder food, treasures and people when they went south, and the Han people they robbed would be sold as slaves.

  After all, population is also an important asset on the grassland.

  But Ada Khan was different from other great Khans. He gathered all the plundered Han people near his tribe's Fengzhou Beach, let the Han people reclaim farmland, and built a city on Fengzhou Beach.

  This city is called Bansheng City.

  In addition to the plundered Han people, there are also many Han people in the pass who have taken refuge in I Dahan.

  These included soldiers who had difficulty surviving due to the destruction of the guard system, White Lotus believers who failed in the uprising, poor Han border people who were exiled from the border due to poverty, and Han soldiers and civilians who were kidnapped by the Mongolian rulers.

  Among them, the White Lotus Sect was entrusted by An Dahan to manage the Han people because it was the most organized and had management experience.

  In the early days, Anda Khan implemented a policy of light corvee and low tax on these Han people who took refuge.

  However, just like the Yuan Dynasty's laissez-faire land annexation, the Mongols did not have any sense of management to restrain annexation, but instead roughly handed over taxes.

  Among them, the top leaders of the White Lotus Sect, who held taxes, quickly annexed land. For example, the incense masters of the White Lotus Sect, Zhao Quan, Qiu Fu, and others widely occupied land, accumulated grain, and became big landowners.

  Zhao Quan, Qiu Fu and others also built a gorgeous palace in Bansheng City for Dahan, which further intensified the exploitation of the lower class Han people.

  As the climate in the north became colder, and we had to maintain a luxurious life, I, Dahan, also began to re-enter the old path of the grassland overlord, and began to continuously plunder southward.

  The war was naturally profitable at the beginning, but as the Ming court's nine-border defense line was strengthened, the long-term war brought down Mongolia.

  An Dahan proposed to open a tribute city when the Ming court was busy waging war with the southeast. He wanted to recuperate through the tea and horse trade. He quickly received a response from the Ming court, so he opened the Datong tribute city.

  Relying on the tribute market and the truce between the two countries, Mongolia began to recover again.

  On the pasture near Bansheng City, a group of Mongolian nobles surrounded a young woman and were inspecting the pasture for the winter.

  "Is there enough pasture for the winter?"

  A middle-aged Mongolian nobleman said immediately: "Dear Zhongjin Hatun, the pasture for the winter this year has been fully prepared." The

  young woman turned to look at the Han-looking man next to her. The official asked in fluent Chinese:
  "Qiu Zhangyin, can the Han people's houses survive the cold winter?"

  The Han man immediately said: "Kind Mrs. Zhongshun, the Han people's houses near Bansheng City have been reinforced and they will definitely be safe. Spend the winter."

  This young woman is now the wife of Anda Khan. Her name is Qilagut, and she is the daughter of Zheheng Aha, the leader of the Oirat Mongolian Qilagut tribe, a large tribe in western Mongolia.

  Anda Khan is already fifty-three years old, and this concubine has just turned fifteen.

  Chiragut has a bold personality, extraordinary intelligence, well-read poetry and books, and is good at singing, dancing, riding and shooting. He is open-minded and well-versed in affairs, and is deeply loved by the tribal people.

  "Zhongjin Hatun" is the honorific title given to the Khan's concubine by the Mongols. After Anda paid tribute, the Ming court canonized Anda Khan as "King Shunyi" and the young Khan's concubine as "Mrs. Zhongshun". ", so the Han bureaucrats in Bansheng City called her "Mrs. Zhongshun".

  Before Anda Khan married Chiragut, he had two concubines, so ordinary herders directly called her Sanniangzi.

  In the historical timeline before Su Ze traveled through, Hohhot also had another name: "Sanniangzi City", which was named after Qilagut.

  However, Qilagut is still just the concubine of Anda Khan, and is not the "three wives" who will rule Mongolia for three generations.

  The Mongolian who accompanied Sanniangzi on her inspection was Huang Taiji (same pronunciation as Huang Taiji), the son of Anda Khan. In fact, Taiji is a Mongolian title, and all the Khan's sons can be called "Taiji".

  His full name should be "Qieji Huangtaiji", and he is the successor of today's Anda Khan.

  The Han official who accompanied Sanniangzi was Qiu Fu, the leader of the White Lotus Sect. He was the chief seal officer of the Han people in Bansheng City and was regarded as the highest administrative official in charge of the Han people near Bansheng.

  However, Qiu Funeng could only manage Han Chinese and Han slaves, but he could not control the Mongols.

  After Qiu Fu retreated, Huang Taiji said to Sanniangzi:
  "Zhongjinhatun, these Han people are not trustworthy. Three thousand Han people have fled to Bansheng City recently, all because of the private connivance of these Han officials!

  " With a smile on her face, she said to Huang Taiji, the nominal son:
  "Your father has the mind to accommodate the grassland, which is why he has the power and wealth he has today. These Han people are also the precious wealth of the grassland."

  Then Sanniangzi also showed a majestic expression . Said: "The reason why those Han people have to flee before winter is because they exploited them too hard. These Han officials exploited the Han people much more harshly than us Mongols. It's time to kill one or two to appease people." Huang Taiji was immediately excited

  . He said: "Zhongjin Hatun, I heard that Qiu Fu is good! His family has five thousand acres of fertile land, and the food piled up at home can't be eaten!" The third lady smiled and said: "Qiu Fu is more popular than your father

  . Khan's trust, and there are thousands of people from the White Lotus Sect under his command, so we can't touch him easily."

  Huang Taiji lowered his head.

  Sanniangzi asked again: "How is the situation over at Wuyuan?"

  Huang Taiji said: "Father Khan has sent my brother Buyan Taiji to lead 3,000 cavalry to raid Wuyuan. We should be able to report back in a few days. The battle has been reported. These Han people occupy the Five Plains and try to fight against us Mongols. It is really too naive!"

  Although Sanniangzi is the wife of Anda Khan, and Anda Khan also entrusts many civil affairs to her, but the military She was never allowed to interfere in matters.

  An Dahan did not tell this young wife about the news of Buyantai Ji's expedition. The third wife showed concern and said: "I heard that the Han leader over Wuyuan was also a great figure in the Ming Dynasty. Your brother Buyantai Ji has a reckless and impulsive personality, and it will be difficult to deal with it if he suffers a loss."

  Huang Taiji said nonchalantly: "There are less than ten thousand Han people in Wuyuan, how can they resist three thousand fine cavalry? Don't worry, Sanniang! Father Khan is too This Han people must be exterminated before winter, otherwise there will be trouble in spring."

  Wuyuan City.

  Wuyuan City has a very long history. During the Warring States Period, Zhao State established Jiuyuan County in Waihetao and built Wuyuan City. In the second year of Yuanshuo, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wuyuan County was established here.

  From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the Five Plains were fought over between Han and Hu. Fengzhou was recovered and established in the Tang Dynasty, but was lost again in the Song Dynasty.

  Wuyuan was recaptured in the early Ming Dynasty, but later the frontier guard moved back and abandoned Wuyuan. Now Wuyuan has fallen into the hands of Anda Khan.

  However, the Mongols are not good at running cities. Wuyuan is too far from Bansheng City, the core area controlled by Anda. Since it was abandoned in the early Ming Dynasty, the city walls of Wuyuan have been ruined, and the Mongols themselves do not take it seriously.

  After Lu Er rescued Yu Dayou, Yu Dayou went out to gather the Han people along the way and the Mongols who were dissatisfied with An Dahan. When An Dahan was negotiating peace with the Ming court, he took advantage of the chaos and captured Wuyuan City.

  Next, Yu Dayou and Lu Er recruited refugees in Wuyuan City.

  Some fleeing military households in the Nine Borders, residents who could not survive in the pass, and Han people who were oppressed and enslaved by the Mongolian tribes all fled to Wuyuan after hearing the news, and soon gathered tens of thousands of people.

  Yu Dayou led them in training for war preparations, repairing city walls, reclaiming wasteland, planting potato seedlings brought by Lu Er, and finally harvested food before winter.

  Since Datong opened the tribute market, Yu Dayou asked Lu Er to disguise himself as a Mongolian businessman and smuggle various military supplies through the tribute market.

  Yu Dayou's reputation among the Han people outside the Great Wall increased greatly, and he was called the Lord of Wuyuan City. Han refugees from Mongolia and the Western Regions were all gathering in Wuyuan City.

  Just today, Wuyuan City Lord Yu Dayou personally greeted Lu Er's caravan returning from Datong in front of the city gate.

  "General Yu, I'm back!"

  The tired Lu Er smiled. This was his last trip to Datong Gong City before the year, and it can be said that he had gained a lot.

  Camel bells were ringing, and the long caravan was loaded with goods, not only bringing seeds and cotton for the winter, but also the military support that Yu Dayou had been waiting for for a long time.

  After Yu Dayou and Lu Er left the fortress, they kept in contact with the Southeast New Army Intelligence Station in the capital.

  The contact person is Lu Er’s apprentice Lu Tianshou.

  After Su Ze learned about Yu Dayou's ambition, he was very supportive of this lone Han army on the grassland.

  Originally, Wuyuan City was far away from the capital, so it was not easy to support it.

  But here we have to thank Qingyuan Bo Li Wei.

  Because of Li Wei's "help", Lu Tianshou allowed his men to buy the qualifications for Datong Gong City and successfully put on the shell of the Li family.

  In this way, it is very reasonable and completely legal for the Qingyuan uncle's caravan to get the "goods" from Tianjin, transport them to Datong Gong City, and then sell them to the "Mongolian" businessman Lu Er.

  Relying on this route, Southeast has successively supported important materials such as seedlings, farm tools, and horseshoes to Wuyuan City.

  This time, in addition to these supplies, Lu Er brought back new equipment from the southeast.

  Naturally, things like cannons and muskets cannot be transported. After all, Mingting is not blind, and it is not easy to transport such things.

  Yu Dayou led Lu Er back to the school martial arts field in Wuyuan City. Lu Er opened a wooden box to reveal the grenade inside.

  "Master General, this is Southeast's latest firearm, a grenade."

  Yu Dayou looked at this strange weapon. Is this thing used to hit people? Is this too short?
  Lu Er first read the instruction manual carefully, then lit the fuse according to the steps, and immediately threw the grenade.

  There was a loud noise, and flints flew into the center of the school ground, causing a sudden blackout.

  Neither Yu Dayou nor Lu Er expected that this small grenade could be so powerful, and they were both dumbfounded.

  Then Yu Dayou laughed loudly: "There is such a thing! Anda Khan is not in danger! Wuyuan City is defended!"

  Then Yu Dayou held Lu Er's hand and asked: "How many grenades did the Governor send?"

  Lu Er also Sweat broke down his back, and he secretly scolded his apprentice Lu Tianshou for not explaining clearly how powerful this thing was.

  However, Lu Er also said happily: "There are a thousand!"

  An Dahan's big move of mobilizing the cavalry had already been sent to Wuyuan City through the intelligence network established by Lu Er in Bansheng City.

  Yu Dayou was still worried about defending the city, but he stopped worrying immediately after seeing the grenade. He said with confidence: "It's great to have friends from far away! This time, the Mongols will never come back!" "As long as there is no return!

  " After surviving the early winter, the Mongols will be unable to do anything to us before summer, and we will be able to develop well by then!"

  Lu Er also nodded slightly, early winter is the best time for nomadic people to engage in war.

  At this time, the horses are covered with autumn fat, and the herdsmen have nothing else to do. Fighting can consume the population. The winner can get the spoils to survive the winter, while the loser can directly turn them into nutrients for the grassland.

  But when winter really comes, there is no way to fight. The winter in the north is very cold, and neither humans nor livestock can survive in the wild for a long time.

  In spring, it is the busiest time on the grassland, which is called the lambing season.

  Spring is the time when sheep breed and give birth, and newborn lambs need to be taken care of. If there is a war at this time, the tribes lack labor to take care of the livestock, and a large number of lambs die, then the tribes will starve to death in the autumn.

  Spring lambing on the grassland is just like spring sowing for farming people. It is an important agricultural time related to future livelihoods, and it is impossible to organize large-scale operations.

  Therefore, this battle must be the last battle for An Dahan to attack Wuyuan City. If Wuyuan City is defended in this battle, there will be half a year of rest and development.

  Sure enough, when Wuyuan City had just entered early winter, Anda Khan's second son Buyan Taiji led three thousand Tumote right-wing cavalry to the gates of Wuyuan City.

  Yu Dayou, who was guarding Wuyuan City, was well prepared. Buyan Taiji relied on his elite cavalry and saw that Wuyuan City was in ruins, so he arrogantly ordered the cavalry to attack the city.

  As a result, they directly encountered a concentrated attack by grenadiers. The grenades exploded among the cavalry. They had gone south to plunder many times, and even penetrated the defenses in Mingting Pass. The Tumut right-wing cavalry who had reached the capital city was suddenly in chaos.

  Shrapnel flew, the earth collapsed, and the Tumut right-wing cavalry who was attacked by grenades suffered heavy casualties. Yu Dayou commanded the infantry formations to fight out of the city. In the end, only one thousand cavalry escaped from the three thousand cavalry.

  The second son of Anda Khan, Buyan Taiji, fell off his horse and was captured. The news reached Bansheng, and the Khan's court was shocked!
  (End of chapter)

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