Chapter 364 New Notes on the Three Classics

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  Chapter 364 New Notes on the Three Classics
  Su Ze sighed with emotion. Before traveling through time, he once had a realization that everything would be fine as long as there were changes. It seemed that everything that was changing was the singularity of the Big Bang, and it was beautiful. A new life suddenly came before my eyes.

  This kind of sacred fairy tale of change is not the true face of history.

  When he led this huge social change, Su Ze discovered that everyone's interests were actually different.

  The interests of the same peasants, property-owning farmers, propertyless tenant farmers, wealthy rich peasants, and landlords are all different.

  The interests of the same craftsmen, skilled craftsmen, and large-scale employees in workshops are also different.

  Even officials and officials, officials in different departments, have different interests.

  Su Ze said: "It is almost impossible to establish a system that satisfies all the 'people'." "

  If reforms must be made to satisfy everyone, then it is almost impossible to achieve any kind of reform."

  Su Ze looked at the prefects under him and said: "Many times, governance means trying to make everyone accept a less bad plan."

  Su Ze said: "Zhejiang's Li Zheng consultation reform can be expanded, and the scope can also be expanded from Li Zheng is expanding to all walks of life, first giving the people the right to say no, and a place for mutual compromise." "

  In addition, Xiaoyan's procedures can also be used during consultations. The sovereignty of the people is not achieved overnight. We have almost no experience in history to learn from, so we can only explore slowly."

  Everyone nodded.

  Su Ze also sighed. Any political changes are often very complicated and slow.

  He had to admit that under the current situation, he could only rely on his top talents to help him explore slowly. There was almost no shortcut.

  This is why Su Ze did not reform the Ming Dynasty's bureaucracy on a large scale, but continued to operate within the framework of the Ming court.

  Su Ze continued: "With everyone in Southern Zhili here, most of the governor's offices are relieved, but the situation in Jiangxi and Guangdong is much more difficult." "

  On the Guangdong side, only Mr. Tan is supporting him, and the Jiangxi side is even more We still use the old officials of the Ming court."

  Su Ze looked at everyone and asked,

  "Everyone, if you have any talents, don't hide them."

  Everyone laughed, and it turned out that Su Ze was here to ask for talents.

  Xu Wei said: "Grand Governor, in fact, South Zhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Jiangxi are all places where education flourishes. Why not cultivate talents yourself?" Su Ze asked: "What does

  Wen Chang mean, open the imperial examination again?"

  Xu Wei nodded and said: "The Ming Dynasty used the imperial examination to select scholars. Two hundred years ago, there were still so many scholars who were loyal to it. The governor also opened subjects in the southeast, so that he could win the hearts of scholars." "But what is the content of the imperial examination?" Xu Wei said, "Of course it


  . I have learned something new."

  Su Ze asked: "Can scholars in the southeast accept taking a new exam?"

  Xu Wei said with a smile: "Why not? When Wang Anshi wrote "The New Meaning of the Three Classics", scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty quickly learned it. Are you memorizing it all by heart? As long as it is related to your future, who hasn’t stayed up late and studied hard?"

  Shen Shixing and others all smiled. They came from the imperial examination papers, so they naturally know that scholars have many papers.

  Xu Wei added: "In fact, the system in the early Ming Dynasty was also very good. The governor could take the exam first, then enter the Imperial College to learn new subjects, and then take the final exam, and be awarded official positions based on the results of the final exam." Su Ze nodded and said, "

  Then Ask the editor to come up with a charter."

  Xu Wei looked at Su Ze and said, "But the content of the exam must be written by the governor himself."

  Su Ze understood what Xu Wei meant, nodded and said, "Of course."

  In fact, Su Ze Ze has long had the idea of ​​writing a book, but has never had the time to write it.

  Today's so-called Southeast New Learning Thoughts are still relatively scattered and scattered theories, and do not form a systematic thought.

  Su Ze already had an idea in his mind about how to write it.

  Su Ze planned to put aside the "Mencius" annotated by Zhu Xi and write a "New Meaning of Mencius".

  Based on the people-centered thought in Mencius, we form the ideological framework of the new study and further strengthen the theory that sovereignty lies with the people.

  Write another article "New Meanings of the University" to put forward new moral requirements for scholars all over the world.

  Finally, the mysterious and mysterious theories in the "Book of Changes" were put aside and changed into a book that explains basic natural theories.

  Su Ze planned to write his own "New Meaning of the Three Classics" and build his own new theory on the old Three Classics.

  Anyway, with the golden passive skill [Six Classics Annotate Me] in hand, Su Ze is already the top master of scriptures in the world, and now he has the highest authority to interpret scriptures. Naturally, he can transform it however he wants.

  This is not to say that Su Ze is conservative, but that any examination system involving talent selection can only be changed slowly in this way.

  Based on the "New Three Classics", we will first absorb some progressive scholars into the Southeast system, and then we can add other courses in the future.

  Xu Wei's words also inspired Su Ze to first select scholars with progressive ideas through the "New Three Classics", and then add various courses through the Imperial College to train bureaucrats in a targeted manner.

  For example, Su Ze could move the technical courses, economic courses, and water conservancy and civil engineering courses from the previous Tiangong Academy into it to cultivate comprehensive technocrats.

  But for now, he can really rely on recommendations. Everyone recommended some talents under his administration. Su Ze accepted them all and sent them to Jiangxi and Guangdong to serve as county magistrates for training. If they were really talented, they would be promoted.

  Su Ze then announced that Xu Guo would be the governor of Jiujiang and Wang Xijue would be the prefect of Hangzhou, taking office immediately.

  After the meeting ended, Su Ze called Xu Wei again.

  "Chang Wen, "Jingshi New News" still lacks an editor-in-chief. Do you have any talents to recommend?"

  Xu Wei frowned. "Jingshi New News" is the forefront of Southeast's public opinion front in the capital. This position is the same as that of the local prefect. It is important to have a capable person to control the situation.

  Xu Wei said: "Actually, Wang Shizhen is a good candidate, but he is still observing filial piety and cannot come out to do things."

  Su Ze nodded. Wang Shizhen was the emperor of the times. If he served as the editor-in-chief, then "Jingshi News" would naturally have no shortage of sales.

  In the historical timeline before Su Ze traveled through time, when Wang Shizhen was writing "The Collection of Yanshan Hall" in his later years, all the prime ministers and ministers at the time submitted materials to him, just to be listed in the book.

  Wang Shizhen observed filial piety in Taicang, and many scholars also lived in Taicang, waiting for him to finish observing filial piety.

  It's a pity that Wang Shizhen's three-year filial piety period has not yet expired, so it is impossible for him to come out to do things.

  Xu Wei said: "I have a good friend who also served under Hu Butang."

  Su Ze couldn't wait to ask: "Which talented person is he?"

  Xu Wei said: "Shen Mingchen, a native of Juzhang Mountain, is currently working on water conservancy projects in Zhejiang with Duke Hu." Su Ze's eyes lit up. Shen Mingchen was known as the three major civilian poets in the Ming Dynasty. He was very productive and wrote more than 7,000 poems in his life.

  However, although he was prolific, the quality was not high, and most of them were custom poems such as greetings and answers. Poetry was no longer the most popular literary genre in the Ming Dynasty, so Shen Mingchen's poetic attainments were just like this.

  But Shen Mingchen had a nephew, who was an unavoidable figure in the history of the late Ming Dynasty. Shen Yiguan, the chief minister of the Wanli year cabinet.

  On the historical timeline before Su Ze traveled through time, the Zhejiang Party and the Donglin Party led by Shen Guangyuan fought fiercely in Wanli's later years, which kicked off the party struggle in the late Ming Dynasty.

  Shen Yiguan is now in his thirties and has passed the Zhejiang Provincial Examination, but he now has no chance to participate in the Longqing Year Tribute Examination.

  Su Ze said: "Shen Mingchen can do it. I heard that he has a nephew Shen Yiguan, who is also quite famous. Let Shen Yiguan accompany his uncle to the capital." Xu Wei looked at Su Ze in surprise. Everyone said that the Great

  Governor He has a sharp gaze and is a genius at recognizing and employing people.

  As a good friend of Shen Mingchen, Xu Wei naturally knew Shen Yiguan's talents.

  But for such a young man who passed the provincial examination, Su Ze could actually know.

  Xu Wei immediately said: "I will write a letter to Shen Mingchen right now."

  Su Ze asked again: "How is Hu Gong's water conservancy repair going?"

  Hu Gong is Hu Zongxian, Xu Wei's old boss.

  Although Hu Zongxian was serving as an official in the southeast, he still had the Ming Dynasty in his heart, so he gave Su Ze suggestions to control floods in Zhejiang.

  Although Su Ze knew what he was thinking, he still gave him great support and allowed him to control floods in Zhejiang.

  Xu Wei said with a smile: "Hu Gong has rebuilt the seawall built by Qian Liu of the fifth generation and strengthened the dam at the mouth of Qiantang. This year, there will be no disaster of seawater intrusion." The main flood in Hangzhou is the spring tide at the mouth of the Qiantang River. Nowadays, this

  is A natural wonder that thousands of people watched and even had to be broadcast live on television, but in ancient times this was a huge disaster.

  During the Five Dynasties, Qian Liu, the leader of the Wuyue Kingdom, built a tide-proof dam at the river mouth. However, during the decades-long Japanese rebellion, the tide-proof dam not only had no time to repair, but was also repeatedly damaged due to wars.

  When rice was being converted to mulberry, there were heavy rains again, and the sea water in Qiantang flooded back and flooded many fertile fields.

  Hu Zongxian was stationed in Hangzhou when he was fighting against the Japanese in Zhejiang, so the first thing he did was to rebuild the tide-proof dam in Hangzhou.

  Although Xu Wei is in Nanjing, he has always had a good personal relationship with Hu Zongxian and has maintained correspondence.

  He said: "This time Mr. Hu built it so quickly because he used the latest materials." "

  What material?"

  Xu Wei said with a smile: "Isn't it written in the Tiangong Kaiwu that the Grand Governor wrote in the book of Tiangong? Cement." "

  Hu Hu Gong discovered that cement is an excellent material for breaking off waves. He used iron bars as the base, poured cement into them and made polyhedral stones, which were stacked under the sea dam to effectively resist sea wave erosion." Su Ze was surprised

  . We have to stand up. Isn’t this just reinforced concrete? !
  Hu Zongxian actually thought of this method!

  The "Calcined Cement Method" proposed by Su Ze in "Tiangong Kaiwu" was quickly calcined after the ironmaking furnace temperature was solved.

  After Hu Zongxian heard that this material was burned in Fujian, he immediately had it shipped from Fuzhou and used it to build a breakwater in Hangzhou.

  Sure enough, this method is much faster than moving stones. It only needs to be poured and molded on the coastal embankment, and then pushed directly to the coastal embankment.

  That’s why Hu Zongxian was able to rebuild the seawall in Hangzhou in such a short time.

  Hu Zongxian really has something!
  But what excites Su Ze even more is that reinforced concrete, the cornerstone of infrastructure in the industrial age, was actually invented in this way.

  Next, Su Ze disappeared all foreign guests, left all government affairs to Xu Wei, military affairs to Lin Mojun, and all economic affairs to Fang Wanghai of Fuzhou, and concentrated on writing books behind closed doors in Nanjing.

  Late September, Xi'an.

  I fled all the way to Jiajing in Xi'an, entered the city of Xi'an, and looked at the tall city walls of Xi'an, and finally felt a sense of security.

  There was a Ming Dynasty vassal in Xi'an. The contemporary Qin King Zhu Jingrong hurriedly picked him up outside Xi'an. Emperor Jiajing couldn't help crying when he saw this distant relative.

  The King of Qin gave his palace to Jiajing as his palace. The palace of the King of Qin was very luxurious and covered a large area. This made Jiajing very satisfied, who was very tired from eating and sleeping all the way.

  The Qin Palace was built by Zhu Xi, the first king of Qin. Zhu Yuan was the second son of Zhu Yuanzhang, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, and the son of Empress Ma.

  As soon as Zhu Ping took office in Fengguo, he started a large-scale construction project and built the palace of Prince Qin very luxuriously, which caused people's resentment in Fengguo to boil.

  Zhu Yuanzhang just recalled Zhu Feng to Nanjing, let him "reflect" for a year, and then returned him to the feudal country.

  Zhu Ping still went his own way, often abusing the servants of the palace, and was later poisoned to death by the palace maid who couldn't bear it.

  Although the subsequent King of Qin was not as cruel as Zhu Ping, he was also very greedy. Guanzhong was not rich to begin with, but the King of Qin's palace still accumulated a large amount of treasures.

  A few years ago, there was a great earthquake in Guanzhong. The people in Guanzhong even went all the way to the capital to beg for food. The prefect of Xi'an asked the King of Qin to provide relief, but the King of Qin, Zhu Jingrong, spared no money and refused to help the victims.

  This time to welcome Jiajing, Zhu Jingrong spent huge sums of money to renovate the palace, and also forced the government to recruit corvees to build his house.

  Sure enough, Jiajing was very satisfied, but unfortunately his good mood did not last long before he received the news that his son, Prince Yu, had been crowned the throne by hundreds of officials in the capital.

  After hearing the news, Jiajing felt like the world was shattering, and he quickly summoned his chief assistant Xu Jie to discuss the matter.

  "Mr. Xu Ge, this rebellious son usurped the throne in the capital, and what can be done about it!?"

  Xu Jie is now sixty years old. He has been exhausted both mentally and physically along the way. He has gone from a fat and wealthy Fugui Ge old man to a slim figure. elder.

  His hair was whiter than that of his political rival Yan Song. When he heard the news that King Yu had ascended the throne, Xu Jie showed almost no emotional change.

  Xu Jie raised his head, looked at the emperor who had been in charge of state affairs for more than 40 years and asked,
  "Your Majesty, Jiubian and Jingying are all loyal to the prince."

  Jiajing finally calmed down a little. He slapped the table with his hand and said, "You rebel. ! You traitor!"

  After venting his anger, Jiajing also knew that he had no chance of making a comeback. He asked: "What do I want?" Xu Jie said: "The prince's

  people should be on the way. As long as your majesty is decent, the prince will definitely Your Majesty will be treated decently."

  Jiajing said angrily: "You old dog! It was you who proposed the appointment of the crown prince when he left the capital! Could it be that he had colluded with the traitor a long time ago!" "Someone! Arrest this

  old dog!"

  After Jiajing finished speaking, no one answered outside the door.

   Don't blame Fat Bird for being conservative, some things can only be written like this, but don't 404.

  (End of chapter)

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