Chapter 359 The Enemy Force Declined

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  Chapter 359: The enemy's energy weakened and
  the steel rolled up into a storm, sweeping in all the bodyguards' cavalry who were charging in the front row.

  The excellent air tightness of the bore gun turns these projectiles into a deadly steel storm.

  The Ming army's armor could not stop such kinetic projectiles, and even the men and horses were caught in the storm and torn into pieces by the storm.

  This round of shelling almost wiped out all the elite charges in the front row, and Li Chengliang in the rear almost burst into tears of blood from his eyes!

  These are all the elites I have raised! Just one shelling and he died!

  Li Chengliang finally felt the fear, but he was an excellent cavalry commander after all. He immediately waved his whip and started to charge:
  "Charge over! The cannon can only be fired once! Charge over quickly!"

  Li Chengliang took the lead in the charge, and the hesitant soldiers around him also glowed again. Bloody, he continued to charge towards the phalanx of gunners.

  The artillery bought the gunners precious time, but the enemy troops were also elite and unexpectedly charged forward again.

  Feng Shuo was also furious. He had received three warrants personally signed by Lin Deyang, requiring him to hold his position.

  Keep? What to keep?

  The position they occupied was just a slightly higher mound, and there was no danger to defend it!
  The enemy's armored cavalry had already rushed within thirty steps, and the gunners' shooting formation was somewhat scattered.

  However, Feng Shuo also knew that this was not his fault. The soldiers had done a good job. The iron cavalry charged the ground and shook the mountains. Once they hit, they would be shattered into pieces. It was not something that flesh and blood could resist.

  The power of the blunderbuss is not that of a cannonball, and it is not enough to penetrate an armored knight equipped with a breastplate.

  Li Chengliang's troops were also quite elite. Even the horses were covered with armor. Moreover, these cavalrymen were hit in non-vital arms and other parts, but they continued to charge to death.

  Feng Shuo asked the artillery company commander beside him: "How long will it take to reload?"

  The artillery company commander quickly said: "It will take half a quarter of an hour."

  Feng Shuo nodded and said: "Artillery company commander, you will command the whole army for the time being. Battalion!"

  "Even if I die in battle, you will still shoot the second round."

  Then Feng Shuo said: "All of them! All officers are in the front line, install bayonets, and march with trumpets!"

  From Li Chengliang's point of view, this gang The Southeast New Army is really crazy!

  A young captain in officer's uniform took the lead, and all the officers were at the front. He even rushed forward past the artillery position with a blunderbuss with a bayonet in his hand.

  Although it is said that spears can defend against cavalry, and blunderbuss with bayonets are similar to spears, they are also defense against ordinary cavalry!
  This kind of heavily armored cavalry cannot be resisted by flesh and blood! Aren't these people going to die?
  Feng Shuo was ready to fight to the death. He said to his men: "Continue to fire in the back row, and the others will rush forward with me to resist!" "

  All officers and cadres, move forward ten steps!"

  After Feng Shuo said this, He immediately led his officers to charge forward, trying to block the torrent of iron and horses with his flesh and blood.

  Once within twenty steps, Feng Shuo, armed with a blunderbuss and bayonet, led his men to attack, and the front row cavalry finally wavered.

  As the distance approached, some gunners also began to aim and shoot, looking for the vital points on the face and neck to shoot. Occasionally, a few cavalrymen fell off their horses.

  Li Chengliang in the rear felt more and more distressed as he watched. You must know that these cavalrymen were all elites raised by him. They had already lost dozens of people to artillery fire just now. He would not be able to bear the loss if they suffered further losses!

  But if they don't break out as soon as possible, the number of the new southeastern army will far exceed that of his cavalry. If they are surrounded, they will be dead.

  After weighing the situation, Li Chengliang also knew that he could only stand a chance if he could penetrate the infantry battalion's defense line at any cost.

  In this case, Li Chengliang could no longer care about casualties, but also personally mobilized the horses and led all the cavalry to charge forward.

  Facing the cavalry charge like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, Feng Shuo forcibly stabilized the morale of the army and said: "Remember the movements and pierce the horse's belly!"

  All the drills in the usual days were turned into discipline at this moment, watching the officers on top of the front and the rear. The soldiers also entered a state of calm.

  Aim, shoot, load.

  Death means death, just hold back this cavalry.

  Twenty steps, ten steps, five steps.

  Feng Shuo only felt a black shadow blocking the sunlight, pressing down on him like a mountain. He held the butt of the gun tightly.


  Feng Shuo thrust with all his strength, and scarlet horse blood spurted out. Then the gun butt left his hand, and Feng Shuo was knocked away by the horse!
  He fell unconscious instantly.

  Not only Feng Shuo, but almost all the officers in the front row had this result. Some of them were even directly pierced by carbines or trampled to death by horse hooves!

  But there were still many people like Feng Shuo who stabbed the horses with bayonets.

  The war horse fell to the ground, and the armored knights on the war horse were also thrown away. Like the New Army officers who were knocked away, these people were either dead or unconscious.

  But the chaos in the front row once again left time for the new army. The cavalry in the rear had to slow down and charge in order to avoid the corpses of the horses.

  The gunman's rounds of shooting finally showed their effect at close range. After rounds of shooting, some armored knights fell off their horses, or their horses were shot by the gun.

  Li Chengliang became even more furious. In fact, since the war started, the New Army's losses have exceeded a hundred people, and the battle losses have been quite terrifying.

  As for Li Chengliang's side, the real losses were less than a hundred people. Whether it was the number of battle casualties or the battle loss ratio, Li Chengliang's side was completely ahead.

  But even so, the loss still made him feel distressed.

  In addition to being distressed, Li Chengliang was even more shocked!

  How did Su Ze train his troops? One-fifth of a unit has been lost in battle, and even the top commander's life or death is unknown, but he can still maintain his queue and formation, and still cling to the position!

  In addition to being shocked, Li Chengliang was even more frightened!

  If the new army is like this, then my cavalry really has to stay!
  Li Chengliang urged the cavalry to charge again. At this moment, the second round of artillery fired again!

  Why so fast!
  Li Chengliang had also seen the Ming army's artillery. Each time it was fired, it had to be cleaned and cooled for half an hour before firing. Therefore, when one round of artillery fire caused so many casualties, Li Chengliang's cavalry charged without fear.

  But now in less than a quarter of an hour, these artillery pieces were fired for the second time!

  This time, the cavalry was closer to the artillery position, and the cavalry was denser.

  Sure enough, after this launch, dozens more cavalry fell!
  Li Chengliang is really going crazy now!
  The infantry battalion of only 500 people not only delayed his retreat, but also caused nearly 200 casualties to himself! This is his lifeblood!
  What's even worse is that as the cannons sounded again, the morale of Li Chengliang's cavalry unit began to become unstable!

  "Charge! Rush over here!"

  Li Chengliang ordered frantically.

  On this side, the artillery company commander said to his adjutant:
  "The whole company continues to load, and the whole battalion is under your command!"

  "Ten men from each company, fix bayonets!"

  The artillery company commander, like Feng Shuo, carried his equipment The blunderbuss with bayonets stepped forward again and lined up in front of the artillery position!

  Naturally, someone from each company followed them forward, forming a human line of defense in front of the artillery.

  The artillery company commander raised his bayonet and stood at the front, facing the collision of iron and horses again.

  The phalanx of cannonmen at the rear no longer had enough manpower to sustain a volley, so they simply raised their cannons and launched a charge!

  Some people even carried artillery explosive barrels on their bodies, lit fuses and rushed toward the cavalry.

  However, human flesh and blood still cannot withstand the torrent.

  In close combat, the armored cavalry did have a combat advantage, and Li Chengliang's troops were the elite among the elite. They still did not collapse after two rounds of shelling, and still rushed towards the second battalion's position crazily.

  This time, the position of the second battalion was still not secured. Li Chengliang led the troops to break through the defense line. A hole was torn open in the entire second battalion, and the cavalry army rushed out!

  Just when Li Chengliang finally broke out of the blockade, he was ready to continue escaping to Tianjin and join Yang Bo in the rear.

  boom! Only a few cannon shots were heard, this time spherical shells falling into his cavalry formation.

  This was a long-range shell from a ten-pound drill cannon. The shell with huge kinetic energy hit an unlucky cavalryman and directly beat him to a pulp.

  The shell bounced a few more times in the formation, because Li Chengliang's cavalry formation was dense and took away several more cavalry.

  The remaining shells did not fall into Li Chengliang's formation due to the hasty launch.

  But just such a cannonball scared Li Chengliang out of his courage, and he quickly urged his cavalry to escape quickly.

  Lin Deyang gathered several battalions of heavy artillery and used all his horses to pull these artillery pieces. Just pulling these cannons exhausted several of the horses to death.

  Because of the obstruction of the second battalion, other troops of the third brigade were given time to encircle them. Lin Deyang personally led the soldiers to fight out from the flank, and led the musketry team to insert into the flank of the fleeing cavalry.

  The soldiers of the artillery battalion pushed the loaded six-pound cannon and fired directly at the galloping cavalry. A group of unarmored infantry actually chased the elite armored cavalry. This almost never happened in the history of ancient wars. of.

  Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

  When the second battalion attacked and intercepted for the first time, the morale of the cavalry was still high. Everyone thought that it would be safe as long as they broke out of the Daku encirclement and reached Tianjin.

  Being held back by Feng Shuo, the morale of the cavalry was already low. Five hundred infantrymen actually held off the elite cavalry for so long, and were beaten to such an extent that the second battalion risked their lives to stop them. This bravery made Li Chengliang's The Guards Cavalry were cold.

  By the time Lin Deyang led his troops to break out from the flanks, Li Chengliang's cavalry had been frightened out of their courage, and their morale had completely collapsed.

  The collapsed cavalry formation began to disintegrate, and wearing heavy armor for long periods of time was a huge burden on both men and horses.

  Humans are amazing creatures. When their morale is high, they will not feel tired even after long-term battles.

  When morale is low, all kinds of fatigue feelings come up. The muddy wetlands, the sultry weather, the tragic death of comrades, and the loud noise of artillery all become exhausting negative factors. From Daku to The short stretch of road in Tianjin seems to be separated by a natural chasm.

  The lone cavalrymen were surrounded by the third battalion, those who surrendered were disarmed, and those who resisted were killed directly.

  There were fewer and fewer personal guards around Li Chengliang, but at this moment he could only run forward without looking back.

  It's a pity that Lin Deyang's infantry has two legs after all and cannot catch up with the four-legged horses.

  After chasing for more than ten miles, the third brigade was really unable to catch up. Lin Deyang received another military order from Su Ze. There was also Yang Bo's 50,000 Beijing camp army in Tianjin. Su Ze ordered Lin Deyang to return to Dagu.

  The third brigade then began to clean the battlefield, treat the wounded, receive prisoners, and dispose of the horses.

  When the results of the battle damage were reported to Lin Deyang, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

  More than half of the 500 men of the second battalion died in the battle. Feng Shuo, who was in the camp, was rescued by a military medical officer and suffered multiple fractures and serious injuries all over his body.

  The worst thing is that almost all the backbone of the second battalion was wiped out. Lin Deyang finally brought them out, but they were lost in such an interception battle!

  In exchange for such battle losses for the second battalion, 200 of Li Chengliang's cavalry were killed, 200 were wounded and captured, and more than 100 surrendered to the Southeast New Army!

  In other words, the cavalry that Li Chengliang had spent ten years raising was lost in half in one fell swoop!
  When the results were reported to Su Ze, Su Ze also fell silent.

  He immediately ordered all military medical officers in the army to do their best to rescue the wounded in the second battalion of the third brigade, especially the seriously injured battalion commander Feng Shuo, who must be saved.

  At the same time, in the name of the Metropolitan Governor, a commendation order was immediately issued to the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Brigade and awarded the title of "Iron Battalion", allowing them to use special military flags. The soldiers who died in the battle will be counted and pensions will be issued to their families, and the surviving soldiers will also A reward of five silver coins will be given out once every time.

  The results of the entire army's battle were also sent to Su Ze. The second brigade almost wiped out three thousand Jurchen cavalry, and only a few escaped from Taku.

  Many of the three thousand Liaoyang elite cavalry were also wiped out by the firepower of the Dagu Bastion. Only 500 people followed Li Chengliang and rushed out of the encirclement.

  A thousand more people saw Li Chengliang abandoning them and running away, laying down their weapons and surrendering to the Southeast New Army.

  In addition, because heavy cavalry often fights with two horses, there are also 500 servants who are responsible for wearing armor and raising horses.

  These people had a very low status in Li Chengliang's army and were often bullied by the domineering bodyguard riders. After seeing Li Chengliang's defeat, they immediately surrendered to Su Ze with their horses.

  Su Ze gathered a total of 3,000 war horses in this battle. These are the best war horses!
  This battle can be said to have achieved impressive results. Although Li Chengliang failed to make full efforts in breaking through, it also shattered the Ming court's illusion of using cavalry to fight infantry and artillery.

  Sure enough, after this battle, Yang Bo's troops in Tianjin were frightened and did not dare to attack Dagu at all. Instead, they immediately went north to the capital.

  The Southeast New Army calmly cleaned the battlefield, transported the war horses onto the ship, and then transported the prisoners onto the ship, and finally began to withdraw the troops in batches.

  Su Ze has been dealing with military affairs during this period, and his [Art of War] skill experience has increased wildly.

  Ten days after the war, on August 21st, Su Ze's art of war skills finally broke through to Level 15 and
  were upgraded!
   Woohoo, stop scolding, stop scolding. Write less in the future, got it!
  (End of chapter)

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