Chapter 354 The nail left in the capital

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  Chapter 354

  Li Wei, the father of Princess Nail who stayed in the capital, made a lot of money in the last winter clothes trade.

  As grain prices rose in the capital, Li Wei was elected as the leader of grain merchants. His reputation among grain merchants greatly increased by greeting his son-in-law King Yu.

  Just when Li Wei went out to buy food urgently, hoping to make another big fortune.

  When the new southeastern army landed in Dagu, Li Wei had no choice but to abandon his warehouse full of grain and follow King Yu in hastily fleeing north.

  As a result, all the family property Li Wei earned before was thrown into it, and not a penny of money could be taken out of the capital.

  Although Li Wei was a relative, King Yu also allocated him Lumi along the way, but how could Li Wei, who once lived a luxurious life, be willing to live with this little money.

  As the situation in Xuanfu gradually stabilized and all the generals in Datong of Xuanfu swore allegiance, Hou Ping, a businessman under Li Wei, found Li Wei.

  "Zhang Guozhang, this wonderful deal is in front of you, and you are crying for poverty while guarding the golden mountain!"

  Hou Ping is Li Wei's client. He contracted a share of 3,000 winter clothes in the last winter clothes sale and made a lot of money. One stroke.

  Later, he followed Li Wei to speculate in grain. He originally made money, but because the Southeast New Army entered Beijing, all the money was lost.

  Hou Ping's life was much more difficult than that of Li Wei. He was not from the imperial court, so he naturally did not have Lumi to collect it, and it was impossible for Li Wei to share food with him. So after arriving at Xuanfu, Hou Ping has been in the city. Look for opportunities to make a fortune.

  Li Wei quickly asked: "Where is the Jinshan Mountain?"

  Hou Ping knew that Li Wei was a rough man, so he did not go around the bush with him and said directly: "Datong Gongshi Border Trade!"

  Hou Ping said: "I answer Mongolia, the father-in-law of the country. Do you know?"

  Li Wei nodded quickly: "I know, I know. A few years ago, we almost attacked the capital city. Wasn't that why the governor of Jiliao was killed because of this? I even went to see him on the day he was beheaded. "Here."

  Hou Ping said: "In order to start a war with the southeastern bandits, Your Majesty made a truce with Mongolia. According to Mongolia's request, he opened a tribute market in Datong and allowed Mongolia to pay tribute and trade near Datong." "Master, this is Jinshan!

  " "

  Hou Ping reported the information he had learned: "Tea, silk, these things can be sold at high prices in the Datong border market!" "

  Now the war horses and furs that the court urgently needs can be bought in the border market. You can make a lot of money by selling it to the court!"

  Li Wei was naturally moved when he heard Hou Ping say this.

  He quickly asked: "Since you are making so much money, haven't all the businessmen from Jiubian gone to Datong? Then how can it be my turn to get rich?"

  Li Wei had been the head of the country for a while, and he had gained a little more brains. Of course he Knowing that businessmen are driven by profit, how can they do such a good thing casually?

  As expected, Hou Ping said:
  "Not everyone can do Datong border trade. The imperial court has decided to sell the border trade qualifications. Only thirteen firms can do business in Datong border market."

  After hearing this, Li Wei naturally understood.

  The sale is similar to the auction of official qualifications. Only big businessmen have the financial resources to buy border trade qualifications.

  But who is Li Wei? He is the father of the Crown Princess and the grandfather of the Imperial Grandson!
  When he thought of this, Li Wei immediately went to see his son-in-law King Yu.

  After meeting King Yu, Li Wei first said a few words about his family, and then said:

  "Your Highness, after I came to Xuanfu, I had nothing to do all day, and I also want to contribute some strength to the court."

  Hearing what his father-in-law said, King Yu nodded slightly, feeling in his heart that his family was indeed reliable!
  Li Wei took the initiative to ask for work, and King Yu asked happily: "What are you planning to do?"

  Li Wei immediately said: "I heard that Datong's border trade is booming, and it can also help the court purchase war horses, so I want to go Doing business in Datong helps His Highness develop financial resources!"

  King Yu was stunned when he heard what Li Wei said.

  Before Gao Gong went south, Gao Gong mentioned the Datong border trade and asked King Yu not to interfere easily. He only needed to collect taxes seriously and not affect the stability of Datong border trade.

  But just after Gao Gong set out, his father-in-law came to visit him and wanted to participate in Datong's business.

  Li Wei was a small businessman, and he also knew how to watch people's emotions. When he saw King Yu's expression, he immediately said:
  "Your Highness, I also want to do something for you and the emperor's grandson!"

  After saying this, King Yu's heart changed again. Soft.

  Isn't it just that my father-in-law is doing some business?

  Aren’t there thirteen companies doing border trade? It’s not a big problem to add Li Wei’s family, right?
  King Yu thought this, and felt that Li Wei was indeed one of his family members. He was careful when he was in the capital, but now he has arrived in Jiubian. It is not a big deal to do some business for his father-in-law, and it is not asking for an official position.

  King Yu immediately helped Li Wei up and said:

  "My father-in-law wants to do something for me, and I am happy, so I will write a note asking the Li family to participate in Datong border trade."

  Li Wei was overjoyed and quickly expressed his gratitude to King Yu.

  When Li Wei returned to the mansion, Hou Ping's disciples immediately gathered around him.

  Li Wei said proudly: "Your Highness is right!"

  Everyone smiled and went to Xuanfu Market to prepare goods.

  When the sun set, Li Wei's son Li Changfeng returned to the house.

  Like his father, Li Changfeng took an idle job in the Xuan Mansion. He had to go to the Yamen every day and his salary was very low.

  Li Changfeng also felt a strong sense of loss when he thought about his life of dissipation and extravagance in the capital.

  When he returned to his house, he heard that his father had obtained the qualification for border trade from the prince's brother-in-law, and Li Changfeng immediately rushed into his father's study.

  "Dad! Is the prince really accurate?"

  Li Wei nodded proudly, and said to Li Changfeng: "I will go to Datong to live my life and earn another fortune for the Li family!"

  Then Li Wei frowned and said: "It's a pity that we The capital is not much, and I won't make much from this trip."

  Li Changfeng immediately said: "Dad, you are confused!"

  "Do you really want to transport goods to Datong for business? This road is in chaos, and we are worried about Datong's border market. I'm not familiar with it either. What if I lose my copy?"

  Li Wei immediately looked at his son and heard Li Changfeng say:
  "Why do you have to go to Datong in person? As long as dad sells the border trade qualification, the merchants will naturally give us Li Send money to my family."

  Li Changfeng said: "This Datong border trade son has also heard that only thirteen families are qualified to do business with the Mongols. There are many powerful businessmen in Shanxi, and many families just did not compete at that time. Better than those thirteen."

  "In addition, there are many small and medium-sized businessmen who risk crossing the border to do business with the Mongols. They also want to enter the tribute market to do business." "

  Dad, we only need to sell in Xuanfu to participate With the qualification of border trade, you can earn a lot of money!" Li Changfeng's words moved Li Wei again. The cycle of doing business in Datong was too long, and there were also risks in doing business.

  According to his son, selling border trade qualifications is a profitable business!
  Li Wei then said: "But His Highness the Prince just asked the Li family to do business, how can he sell this qualification?"

  Li Changfeng immediately said: "This is not simple. As long as the businessman who buys the qualification is the shopkeeper of the Li family, Li The family members can naturally enter the border market. Does the head of the thirteen merchants go to the border market in person every time they do business?"

  Li Wei's eyes lit up and he said: "Then let's do it!"

  On July 1, on When Ming Ting was still making a lot of tricks.


  Su Ze was taking his guards to the farmland outside the capital city.

  "Grand Governor, this used to be the Zhuangzi of Dingguo Gong's family. Now these fields have been divided, and the potatoes and beans brought by the Grand Governor have been planted." Because the battle in the capital was almost the time of spring plowing, which delayed this year's harvest

  . During the farming season, there is no way to grow wheat or rice.

  So after dividing the fields, Su Ze encouraged people in the capital to plant the potato seedlings he brought.

  The people who were allocated fields refused to plant potatoes, so they planted beans instead.

  This is also a commonly used method in years of disaster. The harvest cycle of beans is short and can be planted at many times throughout the year. During times of war, people will plant beans to satisfy their hunger.

  The same is true for potatoes. In later generations, potatoes also saved many lives during wartime and famine.

  However, the yield per acre of emergency foods such as beans and potatoes is still not as good as that of rice and wheat. If this kind of food is grown during a long-term war, it will cause greater food shortages.

  Looking at the potato seedlings growing lushly in the field, Su Ze asked Wang Xijue beside him: "How is the autumn tax this year?" Wang Xijue immediately said: "In more than half a

  , these potatoes and beans will be harvested."

  "The officials have been trained. According to the promise of the Governor's "Three Rules to the People", the land tax rate will be levied at the early Ming Dynasty, and only in kind will be collected." Su Ze nodded and said: "This batch of grain will be transported to Tianjin immediately after it is put into the warehouse

  . Load the ship."

  Su Ze said to Wang Xijue again: "The officials under you must be taken away. There is an urgent need for government talents in the southeast. These people have been training in the capital for several months and cannot be left to the Ming court!" Wang Xijue said with a smile

  . : "Don't worry, Governor. If the Governor doesn't take them away, they will make trouble. With the intensity of party struggle in the Ming court, they also help the Governor to divide the land of the powerful. Staying in the capital will mean death."

  Su Ze added: "It's the same over in Xu State. All the capable craftsmen are transferred in batches. The new ships over in Tianjin have been built. They can take as many people as they want!" Looking at the crops in the fields, Su Ze was also a little reluctant to part with them

  . , It's a pity that the current capital is really not worth the gain if you want to hold on to it.

  Not to mention relatively weak things like people's hearts, Su Ze's gun and artillery troops are extremely dependent on logistical supplies.

  Powder, shells, and replacement parts all need to be shipped from Fujian and Zhejiang.

  There were many Ming court troops around the capital, and these soldiers were the wealth that Southeast had managed to accumulate with great difficulty. Su Ze also did not dare to take risks.

  Now that the goal of attacking the prestige of the Ming court and splitting the Ming court has been achieved, Su Ze is ready to retreat.

  However, although Su Ze was ready to withdraw from the capital, he was not ready to completely give up on the north.

  Returning to the military camp in the capital, Su Ze summoned his generals.

  "How is the project in Dagu?"

  Lin Liangjun said immediately: "It's almost completed!"

  The nail that Su Ze left in the north was the bastion he built in Dagu City.

  The walls of the bastion are different from ordinary walls. They are staggered and zigzag, so that no matter if any point of the castle is attacked, the attacker will be exposed to more than one bastion face, and the defender can use crossfire to carry out multiple strikes.

  The bastion at Dagukou was rebuilt on the basis of the Dagu Fort. In addition to the defense on land, it also included the port's fort.

  This bastion was built on a mountain and by the sea. The latest artillery of the Southeast New Army was installed on the bastion, and the entire port of Dagukou was included in the bastion defense.

  Su Ze has stocked up a large amount of food in the bastion, and also stocked up clean water in the bastion. In addition, there is a mountain spring leading into the bastion.

  The bastion can garrison a thousand people. According to the calculations of the staff, even if the Ming Dynasty completely surrounded the bastion, the food and fresh water would be enough for the defenders for half a year.

  In fact, this situation is difficult to happen. The Daku Fort is connected to the port, and the Ming court's naval power cannot block the port at all.

  With this bastion, Su Ze could ensure that he would still maintain influence over the north after withdrawing from the capital.

  Don't underestimate such a small castle. In the historical timeline before Su Ze traveled through time, when Zheng Chenggong regained the treasure island, the most difficult battle was to attack the city of Relanja.

  The city of Geranje was later called Ping An City. The Dutch built a bastion here, and there were only a thousand soldiers in the bastion.

  And Zheng Chenggong mobilized an army of 20,000 people, which was an army that had introduced red cannons and other Western firearms in the late Ming Dynasty. They fought for more than 20 days and suffered considerable casualties before finally recapturing it. The city of Relanja.

  With the current level of Ming Ting's firearms, coupled with Southeast's dominant position in firearms technology, Su Ze believed that Ming Ting would not be able to capture the Daku Fort no matter what.

  Moreover, the Daku Bastion also has a sea supply line, and messages can be quickly transmitted through clipper ships. Su Ze can also use sea reinforcements, which makes it more difficult to capture this bastion.

  "Have the personnel been decided?"

  Lin Mojun nodded and said: "They are all selected from the army. They have also been publicized this time. The officers and soldiers staying in Dago Bastion will all be listed once, and they will be promoted in the future. For reference of meritorious service."

  "The duration of a station is six months. After half a year, the defense will be changed and returned to the southeast." "

  In addition, the families of soldiers in the southeast can receive tax reductions and exemptions and other military exemptions, allowing them to station here with peace of mind."

  Su Ze nodded . Said: "In addition, maintain contact with the rear, and let soldiers communicate with their families once a month." "

  Military medical officers and military judges must be left in the Daku Bastion, and the navy must also leave ships and gunboats to garrison."

  Lin Mo Jun nodded, and Su Ze turned around and said:

  "Lu Tianshou, the intelligence station of the capital will be the front line of the battle after the withdrawal from the capital in the future. What else do you want?"

  Lu Tianshou is a man who looks honest and honest. He followed Lu Er in the Ministry of Household Affairs. Pork was sold at the street entrance, and he looked like a waiter.

  However, after Lu Er left office, Lu Tianshou took over the responsibility, and the capital's intelligence work has been doing well.

  Lu Tianshou rubbed the back of his head and said, "Grand Governor, can you give me a few more pens? After the army withdraws from the capital, I want to publish an underground newspaper in the capital, but our brothers are all rough people and can't write articles."

  (End of chapter)

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