Chapter 33 Sun Salt

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  Chapter 33 Salt Making
  After Su Ze returned to Changning Guard, he did not make salt, but returned to his previous life.

  In the morning, I went to morning class with Aunt Ninth, had breakfast, and took five carrot heads to study in the health school.

  In the afternoon, I went to the reclaimed fields to take care of the crops, and then returned to the family temple for dinner.

  The only change was that my grandpa asked Su Ze to gather the remaining men of Ningwei at the end of every tenth month to continue practicing the mandarin duck formation. Su Ze naturally agreed to this request.

  The only thing Su Ze did during this period was to let Lin Liangjun take him to the mason's house in the health center and borrow a set of mason's tools from the old mason.

  Lin Liangjun was anxious, but he didn't dare to rush Su Ze too much. On the fifteenth day of the month, after Su Ze finished talking about today's elementary education, he said to the little carrots: "Let me tell your family today,
  tonight Follow me and do something."

  The little carrots' eyes lit up and they looked at Su Ze expectantly.

  Su Ze smiled slightly and said, "Can you call more people?"

  Lin Liangjun stood up first and said, "Brother Aze, how many people do you want?"

  "Of course the more the merrier."

  "I'll cover it for you. Go call someone!"

  Su Ze nodded. Lin Liangjun is the child king of Changning Wei. If he comes to call for help, he will definitely be able to find enough people.

  Su Ze added another sentence: "I want someone older and obedient. Do you understand?" "I understand!"


  Liangjun was running around in various houses of Changning Guard throughout the afternoon. The people at the guard heard that it was Su Ze who needed help. The staff all reassured their children to follow Lin Liangjun, but told them to listen to Su Ze's words.

  Before it got dark, Lin Liangjun gathered more than twenty half-year-old children.

  However, Su Ze still had a leisurely dinner at the family temple, and then asked Lin Liangjun to take the half-year-old children to the back of the family temple to rest.

  At midnight, Su Ze called them up and led them towards the seaside.

  "Brother Aze, it's high tide today, why are you going to the beach?"

  Shuo (first day of the lunar month) and Wang (fifteenth day of the lunar month) are the result of the superposition of tides caused by the sun, moon and earth, which are approximately in a straight line. , causing the sea level to fluctuate significantly.

  Today is the fifteenth day, which is also the day of high tide. The children in the Weisuo have lived by the sea since childhood and know that today is the most dangerous time of the tide. At this time, their families will not allow them to go near the sea at night.

  Su Ze pointed to the sea and said: "The tide is high today. Don't get too close to the sea. When you get to the seaside, you must obey my orders. Do you understand?" "Understood!" As expected of a


  of military guards, the answer was neat. Su Ze was right again. Lin Liangjun entrusted him with an important task and gave him a torch, asking him to manage the children who came and keep them away from the sea.

  When he arrived at the beach three hundred meters away from the sea, Su Ze stood on the beach, listening to the sound of distant waves hitting the rocks and the coast, and felt the power of nature.

  Su Ze couldn't help but think of Lu Zhi's verse when he stayed at Liuhe Temple late at night and realized it after hearing the tidal message

  from the Qiantang River: "When the tidal message comes from the Qiantang River, you will know that I am who you are today!"

  Thinking that "Water Margin" has been published, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" " is being circulated crazily. Among the four famous works, only "Journey to the West" and "A Dream of Red Mansions" are left to be copied.

  Su Ze could only lament that he was late!

  Thinking about it, it seems that "Jin Ping Mei" has already come out in this era. The only ones I can copy are "The Surprise", "A Warning to the World" and "A Ming Yan"? However, these books contain too much pornographic content. Will copying them affect my reputation?
  If future generations talk about Su Ze and say that he wrote about the emperor's uncle, wouldn't it ruin his reputation as a time traveler?

  Just when Su Ze was in a daze, the sea water had risen. When the cold sea water submerged the soles of his feet, he came back to his senses.

  Looking at the people on the beach, Su Ze said with a smile:

  "What we have to do tonight is very simple. Everyone digs a trench on the tidal flat, pours sea water in and then blocks it. I will demonstrate it first." Su

  Ze Use agricultural tools to dig a small ditch on the silt beach. After the sea water submerges, the water inlet is blocked, and then another parallel ditch is dug.

  Children who grew up by the sea often played this kind of game since they were young. After hearing Su Ze's explanation, they quickly understood and followed Su Ze's lead in digging trenches on the tidal flats.

  The group of people worked at sea for half the night. When dawn came, the tide gradually receded, leaving rows of mud ditches filled with seawater on the tidal flats.

  A group of carrots looked at Su Ze, waiting for his further instructions, but Su Ze waved his hand and said: "Go back and rest! Come back during the day tomorrow!" Lin

  Liangjun was full of questions. Can salt be made by digging ditches on the beach?
  However, Lin Liangjun also knew that the secret recipe for making salt could not be taught easily, so he could only endure the doubts and let them go.

  After the children dispersed, Su Ze took out the tools he borrowed from the mason.

  In the past few days, Su Ze would bang rocks in the temple whenever he had free time, and finally improved his [Masonry] skill to level 3.

  With Level 3 masonry skills, Su Ze began to chisel on the big rocks on the beach.

  Although the Level 3 "Masonry" skill is not high, it is not difficult to carve out a rock plate for drying salt. Su Ze's strength has also increased to five points, and by the end of the night, he has carved out three rock plates for drying salt.

  Although my whole body is sore, my stonemasonry skill has also been upgraded to Level 3, 100/300. It seems that this masonry skill can be considered a relatively good skill.

  Su Ze has now discovered that any skill that requires effort and effort is easier to master.

  In contrast, simple daily skills are more difficult to master.

  Su Ze then remembered the hidden settings in "Hundred Scenes". Some advanced skills have hidden physical and energy settings, and there is an upper limit on the experience of hanging up every day.

  The real world is different from games. Mental and physical strength can be restored. Mastering these skills is a bit difficult and tiring. As long as you have enough perseverance, you can get faster.

  Now Su Ze was even more grateful that he had added attribute points to strength. In the early days, physical work was the most important thing to do. Now with five points of strength, he is considered strong in Changning Wei.

  After taking a rest, Su Ze continued to chisel the stone plate on the stone, and waited until dark before returning to the family temple.

  The next day, the carrot heads gathered at the beach again, and Su Ze gave them the wooden rakes he made with his carpentry skills.

  "Today's work is very simple. It is to use a rake to turn over the muddy water, just like playing with mud. Do you understand?"

  And such good things? A group of children played enthusiastically in the mud at the beach, and Su Ze led Lin Liangjun to a large pit.

  "Come with me to the reed fields to cut some dried reeds. Also, have you seen this kind of grass on the beach?"

  Su Ze used a wooden pole to draw a kind of grass with strange leaves on the beach. Lin Liangjun has been wilding on the beach since he was a child. , he quickly said:

  "Isn't it just yellow croaker? Brother Aze, there are a lot of them in your reed field."

  (End of Chapter)

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