Chapter 313: Those who are "thieves" (third update)

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  Chapter 313: From the "Thieves" (Third update)
  Lin Liangjun stood up.

  Lin Liangjun was Su Ze's first disciple. Su Ze taught him how to read and write since he was a little kid.

  Now Lin Liangjun is taller than Su Ze, and he has completed the tasks assigned to him well during this period. Su Ze even praised him when he wrote to Lin Mojun.

  Lin Liangjun stood up and said directly: "Captain Governor! I don't think we should attack Nanjing again!"

  Su Ze nodded with satisfaction, only to hear Lin Liangjun say: "We should land from Dengzhou! Attack the capital directly! Force! The Dog Emperor abdicates!"

  Su Ze almost memorized it in one breath. He just said that you have made progress and why are you doing this for me?
  Land directly from Dengzhou to attack the capital?
  Do you really think that the border troops are just decorations?

  The few marine troops Su Ze had, even with more advanced weapons, would not be able to withstand such a large army from the north.

  What's more, what's the use of conquering the capital? The emperor won't run away?

  Su Ze said angrily: "Sit down!"

  Lin Liangjun said: "Brother Aze, you said you can speak freely!"

  Su Ze glared, and Lin Liangjun immediately sat down. He said angrily: "Let you speak freely. It’s not nonsense! What do other people think?”

  All the students in the New Navy Academy looked at me and I looked at you. No one stood up to speak again.

  Su Ze sighed. After his training, most of the students have reached level 5 or above in the art of war.

  Lin Liangjun's ability to command local battles is also good, almost at level 10.

  But when formulating strategies, this [Art of War] level is not enough.

  Since ancient times, counselors who can make decisions about the country have been very rare.

  Xu Wei coughed and said:
  "Grand Governor, Wei has a plan."

  Su Ze said: "Counsellor Xu, please speak!"

  Xu Wei walked to the edge of the map and said: "Nowadays, in the Ming Dynasty, the only places that can be called granaries are the capital and the capital. Jiangnan and Huguang."

  Lin Liangjun suddenly raised his hand, and Xu Wei asked him to stand up.

  Lin Liangjun asked: "Counsellor Xu! There is Bashu in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!"

  Xu Wei said with a smile: "During the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, the center of the world was Guanzhong. At that time, Bashu was still qualified to compete for the world. After the Tang Dynasty, Guanzhong was exhausted. , although Bashu can still produce grain, it has lost the qualification to dominate the world."

  Su Ze nodded, Xu Wei was right, from the late Ming Dynasty to the Republic of China, Bashu completely lost the qualification to dominate the world, even if there was a corner of peace. The separatist regime cannot affect the situation across the country.

  Therefore, from the end of the Ming Dynasty onwards, the three major centers that affected the situation across the country were the capital, Wuhan and Jiangnan.

  Su Ze asked Lin Liangjun to sit down again, and Xu Wei continued:
  "The Ming court cannot live without soldiers and horses. The elites from the nine sides are all capable of fighting. The reason why the Ming court did not mobilize the border troops to go south is because of the lack of food." "

  Nanjing ." They did not hesitate to sink water transport ships just to protect Yangzhou, the water transport hub." "

  And what the Ming Dynasty is waiting for is the Huguang grain at the end of this year!"

  Xu Wei was indeed able to help Hu Zongxian plan the anti-Japanese war. Su Ze felt that he had found a treasure. Xu Wei was thinking the same thing as himself.

  Xu Wei continued: "Huguang is ripe and the world is full. As long as the Ming Dynasty gets the grain transported by Huguang, it will definitely mobilize the elites from the nine sides to go south. At that time, the situation will be troublesome." Su Ze nodded repeatedly, and he said: "I and Chang

  Wen Sir, I have the same idea. To be honest, our army at sea is naturally not afraid of the Ming army, but there are too few troops on land, and there is not enough food in Fujian and Zhejiang. I am afraid that if we want to occupy the Huguang area, we will not be able to do so!" Huguang in a broad sense

  ! The region is the Huguang Province of the Yuan Dynasty, including Hunan, Hubei, and even some agricultural producing areas in Guangdong and Guangxi.

  Today's Huguang in the Ming Dynasty is Huguang Province, which is also the two provinces of Hunan and Hubei in later generations.

  Huguang is too big. Currently, Su Ze only has two provinces and two prefectures. To compete for Huguang, he will need too many troops.

  This is where Su Ze gets confused.

  If you want to prepare an army for war, it is not enough to have soldiers, nor is it just money.

  The most important material for marching and fighting is food. Su Ze's three-point "Advice to the People" emphasizes that grain must be collected for land tax in order to raise military rations.

  However, both Suzhou Prefecture and Songjiang Prefecture planted cotton and mulberry trees and did not grow much food. Zhejiang was severely damaged by the Japanese Rebellion and had to deal with the conversion of rice to mulberry trees. It has not yet fully restored food production.

  Needless to say, in Fujian, after Su Ze vigorously promoted sweet potatoes and potatoes, they could only fill their stomachs.

  As for exploring Southeast Asia, it is not a short-term way to obtain food.

  At present, if Su Ze wants to obtain food, he can only go south to Guangdong.

  Guangdong will naturally be attacked, but if we attack Guangdong first, wouldn't that give the Ming court a chance to breathe?
  This is where Su Ze is confused.

  Xu Wei smiled and said: "Why do the governor hesitate? Isn't there a ready-made successful example?"


  Su Ze's mind turned and he said, "Counsellor Xu is talking about the Battle of Poyang Lake?"

  Xu Wei stroked his beard and nodded with a smile, and Su Ze quickly walked to the map.

  At that time, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang occupied the Jiangnan area, controlled Nanjing, and among the forces competing with Zhu Yuanzhang for hegemony, Chen Youliang, who occupied the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, that is, the Huguang Jiangxi area, was the greatest threat.

  Zhu Yuanzhang defeated Chen Youliang in the Poyang Lake water battle, thereby controlling the Yangtze River waterway, and then included the two largest grain-producing areas in the world, and then expelled the Meng Yuan Dynasty.

  The situation at this time was very similar. Su Ze occupied part of Jiangnan and also fought for Huguang.

  Su Ze searched the map and saw a city.


  Xu Wei stroked his beard and nodded: "It's Jiujiang!"

  "Jiujiang leads to the Five Ridges and resists the three rivers. It is the intersection of the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake. Cutting off Jiujiang can cut off the water transportation from Huguang to Nanjing. We can also advance along the Yangtze River to Wuchang, the important town in Huguang!"


  Su Ze paced back and forth. Xu Wei was indeed the top consultant in the world, with a vicious strategic vision!

  The Poyang Lake water system spans many provinces, and many places are not far from Su Ze's control area.

  The water in Poyang Lake is deep, so gunboats can be built to attack Jiujiang, Jiangxi from the water, and then Jiujiang can be occupied to block the Yangtze River!
  Zhang Juzheng stopped the shipwreck in Zhenjiang on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and prevented Su Ze's fleet from attacking Yangzhou.

  Su Ze can bypass Nanjing and Yangzhou and directly cut off the water channel of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River!

  Su Ze took Xu Wei's hand and said, "Counselor Xu is really my Crouching Dragon Zhuge!" "

  Lin Liangjun, did you hear that? We will set off tomorrow from Fujian to Jiangxi and capture Jiangxi Fuzhou Prefecture and Guangxin Prefecture!" "

  In addition, Pass on our military order and order Lin Deyang to lead the Zhejiang New Army to capture Raozhou Prefecture!"

  "These three prefectures are all state capitals on the edge of Poyang Lake. After occupying the dock, they will immediately build boats on Poyang Lake." After receiving the

  order to go out, Lin Liangjun said excitedly: "I have the order!"

  Although Lin Liangjun has no strategic ability , but the task assigned to him can still be completed.

  The Ming Dynasty's combat effectiveness in Jiangxi was extremely low. Even the Feilong Army could defeat the Jiangxi Ming Army. It was not difficult to capture the three prefectures without losing their armor. But Su Ze's current headache is still the lack of administrative talents.

  There is nothing we can do about this. After all, the Ming Dynasty was only 160 years old, and it was not time to die.

  Now that Su Ze has taken over the county, he looks down on these old Ming officials, but these old officials also look down on Su Ze.

  Although no one has committed suicide for the Ming Dynasty, there are only a few officials who are willing to support Su Ze and serve under Su Ze.

  This is also normal. Except for Fang Wanghai, who is definitely within the scope of the Nine Clans, the rest of the officials are old and young. They can't see the situation clearly. If Su Ze's rebellion fails, these "thieves" officials will die. deal?
  Therefore, most officials are like Xu Shangzhen, the prefect of Suzhou. I stay in the yamen honestly, but if I am asked to serve as an official, I will definitely not do it.

  Although Su Ze has some disciples, there are currently many shortages of people in the two provinces and two governments, and these few people are simply a drop in the bucket.

  Su Ze could only imitate Emperor Wu of Wei and post the "Order for Seeking Talents", but there were still very few people who responded.

  However, Li Zhi, who returned to Fujian, helped Su Ze solve part of the problem.

  The last time he interfered with Lan Daoxing, Li Zhi was almost imprisoned in Jinyiwei Prison.

  After being rescued by Lu Er, Li Zhi and He Xinyin took a boat in Dengzhou and finally returned to Fujian.

  When he got off the boat, he saw He Xinyin who was seeking talents and immediately said:

  "I want to serve as an official under the command of Governor Su! Please introduce me to Brother Zhuo!"

  Along the way, He Xinyin heard Li Zhi talk about many of Su Ze's deeds.

  Su Ze's theories originally contained many elements of the Taizhou School. He Xinyin was also a disciple of Wang Gen, so he was naturally more receptive to Su Ze's theories.

  Later, they learned that Su Ze had launched an army and sent a petition to attack the mediocre Ming Dynasty. He Xinyin immediately became a fan of Su Ze.

  But after the defeat of Yan, Li Zhi lost confidence in He Xinyin. How could his good friend manage the place well if he was so politically naive?
  But Su Ze has already rebelled. If the rebellion fails, Li Zhi is also on the list of the nine tribes, so he will naturally help Su Ze share the worries.

  As soon as he got off the boat, he came to the Governor's Mansion and introduced He Xinyin to Su Ze.

  Su Ze was also worried about the shortage of administrative staff under his command. He Xinyin took the initiative to apply, and Su Ze had to pretend to be hungry for talents.

  But He Xinyin could figure out a way to reduce the severity of feudal superstition. Su Ze had no confidence in him at first, but was just planning to send him away with the position of county magistrate to show his thirst for talents.

  He Xinyin, whose original name was Liang Ruyuan, was a descendant of the Taizhou School.

  In the historical timeline before Su Ze's time travel, He Xinyin and Li Zhi were both known as "crazy Confucians in the late Ming Dynasty" and had written many deviant remarks.

  For example, He Xinyin opposed "no desires" and advocated "few desires" and shared the same desires with the people.

  He also proposed that "having no father and no king is not patricide", believed that "friends" are more important than "king, relatives and teachers", and also put forward some anti-feudal slogans.

  He Xinyin escaped during the uprising, but his remarks and mass lectures aroused official dissatisfaction, and he was eventually killed by the officials.

  However, when Su Ze talked with He Xinyin, he found that he had considerable political experience.

  "I once set up Cuihetang in my hometown. We used clan kinship as the framework and clan covenants to manage the whole clan."

  Su Ze was very interested in He Xinyin's social experiment. He asked, "Then what?"

  "Clan disputes In the end, Cuihetang was disbanded."

  Su Ze knew that this kind of Ubuntu-style experiment would eventually fail. On the one hand, it was a problem of productivity, and on the other hand, it was also a problem of human nature.

  Su Ze was afraid that He Xinyin would do this Ubuntu experiment when he became the county magistrate, so he asked:
  "If you, sir, are the county magistrate, how will you govern the county?"

  Su Ze originally thought that He Xinyin would have any explosive opinions, but he didn't. Thinking of him saying: "Just follow the law."

  What? How come you, a believer in Utopian utopianism, suddenly become a believer in Han Feizi?
  He Xinyin said: "When I took the boat south, I thought a lot. Whether it was Cuihetang or this failure, I wanted to understand one thing." "What is it?" He Xinyin said: "You can't rely on


  . Yes, everyone has selfish desires, selfish intentions, and private feelings. Even Confucius could not be selfless and had partiality for his disciples. The reason why Cuihetang failed was not entirely because the county magistrate increased taxes, but because everyone had selfish motives. The reason is selfishness."

  "Then what should you do, sir?"

  He Xinyin said: "In this case, then use those who have no selfishness to govern. The law is selfless. As long as the law can be enforced impartially, then everyone will not care about selfishness, and It's all about being public-spirited!"


  Su Ze took He Xinyin's hand and said, "Sir, taking the boat south this time is no less enlightening than Longchang!"

  Su Ze added, "I want to worship you as the prefect of Songjiang. , Sir, are you willing to serve as an official?"

  He Xinyin was stunned, and he raised his hand and said: "I am willing to give it a try."

  Then he added: "Thank you, the Governor, for the rescue. It was my poor planning that killed my friend. I want to use He Xinyin's name as a Liang Ruyuan has died in the capital."

  Su Ze sighed and said: "Although Lan Shenxian was an alchemist, he was a loyal man, but it was a pity that he died in the hands of a foolish king and a traitor." After appointing He Xinyin,

  Li Zhi quickly said: "What about me? ?"

  Su Ze looked at Li Zhi and asked, "What will my uncle gain from going to the capital?"

  Li Zhi shook his head. He followed He Xinyin all the way, doing nothing at all, and was finally rescued by Lu Er in a daze.

  "Then what did uncle gain?"

  Li Zhi still shook his head.

  Su Ze also sighed. Although Li Zhi was unable to become an official in this life, he lived quite smoothly because of Fang Wanghai and his care.

  Therefore, his current thoughts are inclined towards the Taizhou School, but he has no deviant ideas, let alone any opinions of his own.

  However, Li Zhi was also a civil servant, and had experienced it with Fang Wanghai in the Chaoguan Hall. Su Ze said, "How about asking my uncle to go to Quanzhou to be the magistrate?" "The magistrate?" "The magistrate is vacant. If my uncle can make achievements, he will be promoted to the


  . ."

  "Okay, okay, but I'm from Quanzhou. Going to Quanzhou?"

  Su Ze said, "My father-in-law is in Quanzhou to organize the Quanzhou Customs and Banknote Customs. My uncle can help."

  Li Zhi immediately agreed.

  Su Ze asked again: "Does my uncle have old friends in Nanjing? He can let them come to Fujian and Zhejiang to serve as officials."

  Li Zhi shook his head and said: "The Imperial College in Nanjing is full of people who are seeking fame and reputation, and they can't even do well as county officials." "

  But Rulin, those few friends you made in Nanzhili, would you like to write to them?"

  Su Ze smiled bitterly. Li Zhi left the capital before the Spring Festival and did not know that Shen Shixing and others won the first prize.

  How can there be any reason for the number one scholar to become a thief?

  Su Ze didn't know that Shen Shixing was about to arrive in Fuzhou on a fast boat.

  (End of chapter)

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