Chapter 255 A few things after marriage

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  Chapter 255: A few things after the wedding

  It was almost noon the next day, and Fang Ruolan slowly woke up.

  I don't know how long I was struggling last night, but when I thought of this, Fang Ruolan's face turned red again.

  Su Ze didn't know when he woke up, but he didn't get up. Instead, he sat on the bed and read a book.

  Fang Ruolan quickly closed her eyes, but Su Ze came over and said,
  "Madam, don't pretend to be asleep, it's already three o'clock in the morning."

  Fang Ruolan then remembered that she had to go back today, so she sat up quickly, and the brocade quilt slipped from her body. She exhaled again in embarrassment.

  Seeing Su Ze approaching again, Fang Ruolan quickly shrank into the quilt, put her arm against Su Ze and said, "

  Go and change quickly! If you don't go out, you will be laughed at!"

  Su Ze hugged Fang Ruolan with a smile and said, "You I am the matchmaker who is marrying her, who dares to laugh at me? My father-in-law and mother-in-law will not care!"

  Fang Ruolan felt weak all over again. She finally pushed Su Ze away and called her maid, and Su Ze gave up.

  Su Ze was a little regretful. He couldn't trigger any skills last night, so he relied on 11 points of strength to last until midnight.

  I don’t know how this system works. Isn’t that a life skill?
  God damn firearms making is a life skill, but that thing isn’t?
  Su Ze can only understand that this is the "harmony" element of the system. It seems that the power can only be increased in the future?
  Seeing the maid suppressing her laughter while changing Fang Ruolan's clothes, Su Ze couldn't help but laugh. It's no wonder that Wenrou Township is the Tomb of Heroes. Yesterday, Su Ze even wanted to live peacefully with Fang Ruolan like this.

  No, the great cause of rebellion cannot be lost!

  After Fang Ruolan finished washing her clothes and put on rouge to block the love between her eyebrows, Su Ze also changed her clothes.

  Seeing Su Ze coming over to hug her again, Fang Ruolan said warily: "I'm going out soon, we'll talk about it when we get back." Su Ze

  lowered his hands regretfully, and Fang Ruolan, who had her hair combed into a woman's bun, looked more like a woman. The double-breasted embroidered red coat and the gold-threaded Himachalwaist skirt add a touch of nobility to Fang Ruolan's original intellectual aura.

  Seeing her husband's deflated look, Fang Ruolan pursed her lips and smiled. She took the initiative to hold Su Ze's arm and said,

  "Mom and dad are leaving soon. Let's go say goodbye quickly."

  Normally, the return home usually has to wait until five days or more. Seven days later, Fang Wanghai was in a hurry to return to Nanjing, so the two of them went back to see him off today.

  Before going out, Su Ze took Fang Ruolan to pay homage to his family's memorial tablet, which was regarded as an announcement of the bride's entry to her ancestors.

  After sharing the wedding cake, Su Ze got on the horse and Fang Ruolan got on the carriage and went to the Chenghuang Temple where Fang Wanghai was staying temporarily.

  "Young lady and uncle are back!"

  The boy at the door had long been looking forward to hearing something. When Su Ze appeared on horseback, he immediately went in to report.

  The two of them went in and met Fang Wanghai and his wife in the main hall. Mrs. Li took Fang Ruolan to the back to talk privately about her daughter's family. Fang Wanghai looked at Su Ze with complicated eyes.

  However, seeing the disgusted look of his daughter and son-in-law just now, Fang Wanghai suppressed the inexplicable unhappiness in his heart.

  After the two men chatted for a few words, the topic turned to national affairs again.

  Fang Wanghai said to Su Ze:

  "Hu Zongxian installed Wang Zhi in Zhejiang, wiped out the Japanese rebellion in Zhapu, burned fifty Japanese warships, and beheaded 300 people. A great victory!"

  Su Ze was not surprised by this. Hu Zongxian The methods were smooth, but Wang Zhi originally had the intention of surrendering.

  Nowadays, there are two groups of Japanese pirates. Although the predatory faction represented by Xu Hai is very powerful, it is getting less and less support among the Japanese pirates.

  The reason is also very simple. Many of the Japanese pirates are smugglers and maritime robbers. For these people, maritime trade is more important.

  Now that the Japanese rebellion is so serious, maritime trade in the southeastern region has almost been cut off. Not to mention that smugglers can't do business, and even robbers can't steal ships.

  Wang Zhi's ideas were milder than Xu Hai's. His goal was to get the court to pay tribute and allow them to obtain the qualifications to trade with the Ming Dynasty.

  Fang Wanghai looked at Su Ze and asked: "Can Hu Zongxian recruit Wang Zhi to succeed?"

  Su Ze shook his head and said: "Whether it can succeed depends on the attitude of the court. Can the court agree to reopen the Japanese tribute service?"

  Fang Wanghai He immediately shook his head and was joking. Who else dares to suggest reopening the tribute market these days?

  Nowadays, the south and the north, the Japanese pirates in the south and Anda in the north, the main goal of their war is to pay tribute.

  Li Mo, the former Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, only said a few words in the selection examination questions that he wanted to ask the court to pay tribute and strike. He was immediately impeached and imprisoned by Yan Song's party, and died tragically in prison.

  Naturally, no one in the capital dared to propose tribute, especially since Wang Zhi could not represent the Japanese state.

  But it makes sense to think about it. If the imperial court opens tribute trade with bandits, wouldn't the whole world be in trouble?

  Fang Wanghai said: "It seems that recruiting Wang Zhi is just a temporary measure."

  Su Ze also nodded. In the historical line before the time travel, Hu Zongxian did recruit Wang Zhi to fight against the Japanese, but Wang Zhi also surrendered and rebelled. In the end, Wang Zhi helped After the Ming Dynasty wiped out Xu Hai's troops, they completely lost their use value and were killed by the Ming Dynasty's design.

  Su Ze secretly remembered this lesson. The credibility of the Ming Dynasty was approximately 0, and he would never accept the imperial edict if trouble broke out in the future.

  Su Ze said: "With the victory over Zhapu, Zhejiang can be more peaceful this year."

  Fang Wanghai also nodded and said: "With this victory, Hu Zongxian's pressure has been reduced a lot. It seems that he can implement banknote tariffs well recently. ."

  Japanese pirate invasions are inherently seasonal, because today's navigation technology is not developed enough. Most Japanese pirates invade in the first half of the year and leave in the second half of the year, taking advantage of the sea breeze.

  As long as the Japanese pirates' strongholds on land are removed, the remaining Japanese pirates will withdraw, and the coastal areas will usher in a time of peace.

  Su Ze also nodded. Now is a good time to implement the banknote tax law. It seems that the last time Hu Zongxian came to see Fang Wanghai, he had already made plans to recruit Wang Zhi.

  He is indeed an old fox.

  Su Ze couldn't help feeling that none of the famous ministers in the Ming Dynasty were vegetarians.

  After finishing the topic of Japanese pirates, Fang Wanghai sighed again and said:
  "I saw the imperial court's newspaper. The palace asked all provinces to donate Ganoderma lucidum." "

  I heard that Sun Zhixian also posted a notice to buy Ganoderma lucidum from the people at a high price. It is said that many people went to the mountains to collect Ganoderma lucidum and disappeared."

  Su Ze also said: "The Snake Catcher said that I am honest."

  Fang Wanghai sighed and said, "Sun Magistrate County is already in good condition. I heard that it is still good. There are prefectures and counties that forcibly order people to go into the mountains to collect Ganoderma lucidum, and there are also local officials who use Ganoderma lucidum to apportion and collect taxes, making local people miserable." Fang Wanghai frowned and said, "When I

  return to Nanjing, I guess the Ministry of Household Affairs will also push forward this matter. Something."

  Su Ze knew that Ganoderma lucidum was just a type of fungus, but he didn't know how to grow it. Do he need to create a skill?
  Su Ze shook his head. By the time he planted Ganoderma lucidum, he would have already donated it.

  However, this did provide Su Ze with an idea. Planting Ganoderma lucidum, cultivating pearls, and even growing ginseng were all very mature agricultural technologies in later generations. And Emperor Jiajing, the Daojun, just likes these things. This seems to be a way to make money?
  Just like during this period, Su Ze collected ambergris at sea in the name of a Ryukyu merchant, and he really collected a lot of it.

  Especially foreign businessmen, they could not meet with officials of the Ming Dynasty, nor could they understand Chinese notices. Even if they understood the notices, they would not know what ambergris was.

  Relying on poor information, Su Ze sold all the ambergris to the Fuzhou Shipping Department.

  This year, thanks to the Fuzhou Shipping Department, the palace was able to collect ambergris that Jiajing was satisfied with.

  For this reason, Eunuch Tao was even more praised by the emperor, and a number of rewards were given by the palace.

  In the future, artificial cultured pearls, artificial Ganoderma lucidum, and other things can be developed.

  Su Ze secretly noted that Mrs. Li had already finished talking to Fang Ruolan.

  Now that her daughter and son-in-law are in harmony, Mrs. Li also has a smile on her face.

  The family stayed for lunch, and Fang Wanghai said to Su Ze:
  "Nanjing is urging me again, business is urgent, we are leaving today."

  "Rulin, you and Lan'er wait until after the new year to go to Nanjing and the Imperial College I'll ask your uncle to ask for leave for you."

  Su Ze nodded. The last time he went to Nanjing in a hurry, many things in Fujian had not yet been settled. This time, he just finished the things in Fujian before going.

  Mrs. Li also said: "You settle down in Fujian first. It doesn't matter if you stay there for a while after the new year!" "

  I can't do anything without Ru Lin."

  "My daughter and son-in-law just got married, so you let your son-in-law do it for you." Live? Don't listen to him, take your time!"

  Mrs. Li made the final decision, and Minister Fang covered his head while eating.

  After the family finished eating, Fang Ruolan and Su Ze sent the motorcade to the city gate. When the Fang family's motorcade left, Fang Ruolan felt lost.

  The past few days have been like a dream. After the lively wedding was completed, Fang Ruolan felt that she had lost her goal.

  Su Ze hugged Fang Ruolan and said in her ear: "Don't worry, madam, we will go to Nanjing after the new year." Fang Ruolan's

  ears were tickled by Su Ze's blow, and she recalled the scene last night, and her face turned red with embarrassment. .

  Su Ze found it even more interesting and deliberately blew into her ear and said, "Madam, are we going back to do business?"

  Fang Ruolan held back her shame and asked, "What business?"

  "There are three types of unfilial piety, the worst is not having children. , of course this is a serious matter."

  Fang Ruolan was so provoked by Su Ze's unserious words that she could hardly stand. She pushed Su Ze away and said,

  "It's unreasonable to talk about this in broad daylight!"

  Seeing behind her , Fang Ruolan suddenly got into the carriage.

  Su Ze was even more proud when he saw her like this. He eagerly mounted his horse and rode towards the new house.

  The newlyweds made love, and five days later Fang Ruolan finally drove Su Ze to the study. She asked for the wedding gift list and began to calculate the favors.

  When Su Ze saw Fang Ruolan holding a brush and calculating the discounts, he felt itchy again. He also moved tables and chairs for nothing, and while processing letters, he watched his wife settle accounts.

  Maid Fang Cuiping was Fang Ruolan's dowry maid. At this time, she was also standing behind Fang Ruolan, helping her handle the accounts.

  "Hurry up and send these return gifts. The gifts given by these families are heavy. If you don't return them, it will be a loss of etiquette." "

  These are from the same year as my husband. In addition to local specialties, I will return some of the Four Treasures of the Study." "

  Wow. Your Excellency is your husband's chamberlain. Go to my room and take out the dowry Fang Duan Inkstone and Hui Mo, and send someone in the palace to deliver them in person." "I'll show my husband the

  gift lists of these father-in-laws later. Don't do it. You're negligent."

  Su Ze had to say that Fang Ruolan did have a talent for running a house, and the interpersonal relationships that seemed to give him a headache were all handled perfectly under Fang Ruolan's arrangement. No wonder it is said that marrying a virtuous wife, a virtuous wife can make Su Ze has a lot less things to do.

  The new year is coming soon. Last year's dealings with people caused Su Ze a lot of torture. This year, with Fang Ruolan taking over, Su Ze also directly became the hands-off shopkeeper.

  Fang Ruolan finished sorting out the wedding favors, and then looked at the account books of several shops where she was married.

  Su Ze saw her looking at the account book, and couldn't help but leaned over and asked,

  "Madam, where are you looking at the account?"

  Seeing Su Ze's attitude of turning away from the shopkeeper, Fang Ruolan had already gritted her teeth, and she had been harassed by Su every day these days. Ze was tossing, and Fang Ruolan also knew something about Su Ze. If he showed his affection for nothing, it would be either adultery or theft.

  Bah, bah, bah, what a rape!

  Su Ze came up and rubbed Fang Ruolan's shoulders and said, "Do you want me to take a look at the shop and property at home?"

  After getting married, Fang Ruolan didn't ask about Su Ze's property. She only took care of her own dowry.

  Although it is said that men are at the center of the family and women are at the center of the family, Su Ze does not serve as an official. It is also his job to take care of the property at home.

  Fang Ruolan was not prepared to ask about Su Ze's property.

  Like Mrs. Li, she only took care of the entire family business after Fang Wanghai became busy with official duties.

  Su Ze didn't wait for Fang Ruolan to agree, and immediately said to Fang Aizhu: "Go and bring the account books at home, and show Madam a good look!"

  Fang Ruolan hadn't noticed the word "carry" in Su Ze's words, and when she saw the full There were two big boxes of ledgers, and I was so shocked that I almost dropped the brush in my hand.

  "I haven't looked at the accounts for more than half a year. These are the account books of shops, tea houses, and several properties that are jointly owned by others. I would like to ask Madam to take a closer look." "By the way, after we get to Nanjing, the properties there will also

  be Excuse me, madam."

  Fang Ruolan looked at the piles of account books, looked at Su Ze fiercely and said, "I see these, what is my husband busy with?" "

  Of course he is studying!"

  "Why do I feel that my husband is not reading this? What kind of serious book?"

  "Serious! How come it's not serious! This is the sample book my room master Wang sent me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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