Chapter 232 The Japanese pirates return (end of volume, please vote!)

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  Chapter 232 Japanese pirates return (end of volume, please vote!)
  Su Ze trains soldiers in the Shanghai Anti-Smuggling Corps every day. He selects fifty soldiers with good water skills for training, and Lin Deyang leads them on the Yong boat every day. Practice driving the ship, while the remaining soldiers practice footwork and military formation on the shore.

  The training content of Su Ze's training group is not fancy at all, it is the most basic content such as formation, footwork, and camping.

  In addition to practicing the "Mandarin Duck Formation" and "Bird Gun Hands", Su Ze will also train and give lectures with the regiment in his spare time.

  With the blessing of Su Ze's passive skill [Eloquence], the content of Su Ze's lectures was not those general principles, but some short stories that can be explained in a simple way. In this small and run-down fishing village on the outskirts of Shanghai, the soldiers had nothing else to do at night. , the daily lectures have become the most anticipated thing.

  Su Ze lived and ate in the military camp every day, and shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers during drills. His reputation in the Anti-Smuggling Corps was increasing day by day.

  In fact, the requirements of most ordinary soldiers are very simple. An officer like Su Ze who does not deduct food and military pay and can be with the soldiers is a good officer.

  Ningbo soldiers stationed next to the Anti-Smuggling Corps would secretly go to the Anti-Smuggling Corps' military camp every night when they had nothing to do to listen to lectures. Su Ze just asked his men to keep an eye on them, but deliberately moved the lecture location to one near the gate of the military camp. place so that these soldiers from Ningbo can listen to the lectures across the military camp.

  "In the pre-Qin period, soldiers were the elite of the country. For example, in the Zhou Dynasty, only Chinese people could serve as soldiers, and barbarians living outside the city could not serve as soldiers." "In the Qin Dynasty, only good family members with land were allowed to serve as soldiers

  . At that time, being a soldier was an honorable thing."

  "But since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the reputations of soldiers and thieves have become almost the same. There is a saying among the people that 'good men should not be soldiers'. Why is this?" The soldiers shook their heads

  . .

  Su Ze said: "Because of discipline, everyone knows that there was a Yue Family Army in the Song Dynasty, right?"

  Everyone nodded. Every soldier knows the story of Yue Fei, and the Yue Family Army is a famous and powerful soldier.

  "The Yue Family Army has strict military discipline and does no harm to the common people, and the people all know that they are an anti-gold army, so wherever the Yue Family Army goes, the people are willing to send their food to the military camp, and they are also willing to send their children to the Yue Family Army Become a soldier."

  "Today's army has a bad reputation because it has lost the honor of being a soldier." "

  We bid farewell to our parents, wives and children, why are we here?"

  Lin Deyang immediately shouted: "Fight the Japanese!"

  The rest The regiment training soldiers also shouted: "Fight the Japanese!"

  Su Ze nodded with satisfaction and said: "A good man joins the army to protect his family and country!"

  "Resisting the Japanese and killing the enemy, protecting the country and the people, those who join the army are good men!"

  With Su Ze's 8+6 charm, even the Ningbo soldiers sitting outside the military camp and listening to the lecture became excited.

  After Su Ze finished speaking, he asked someone to bring this month's pay. He handed the money to the soldiers one by one, and the atmosphere in the camp reached its peak.

  Sun Haijiao clenched his fists, feeling extremely regretful.

  At that time, if Su Ze gave in just a little bit, or at least gave someone a tael of silver, he would definitely give in!
  Now they Ningbo soldiers are embarrassed. Sun Haijiao has lost his ship and dare not return to Ningbo.

  A group of people were eating and drinking in Shanghai. Seeing that all the money earned from selling goods was about to be spent, Sun Haijiao became even more anxious.

  Sun Haijiao was still thinking about how to step down. That night, five Ningbo soldiers raised white flags and surrendered. They found Su Ze and were willing to surrender.

  Su Ze also accepted them all and let them return to the camp to promote propaganda. As long as they were willing to come back and serve as soldiers, they would be forgiven.

  The five Ningbo soldiers were returned to Sun Haijiao's camp, and twenty people were taken away before dawn.

  When Sun Haijiao woke up, only half of the people in the entire camp were left.

  The remaining half of the people were also distraught. They looked at Su Ze's barracks from time to time. Sun Haijiao knew that his people were completely disheartened.

  With a sigh, Sun Haijiao came to Su Ze's camp anxiously, and surrendered to Su Ze with his hands tied behind his back.

  Su Ze did not embarrass Sun Haijiao. He untied the rope, only removed his position as the general flag, and dispersed all the Ningbo soldiers he brought with him into various small flags.

  Now all the soldiers from Ningbo have been recruited by Su Ze.

  Su Ze wrote another letter to Fang Wanghai of Huguan, asking him to find a way to buy a gun.

  Li Zhi, who was scolded by the Imperial Academy's wine ceremony, managed to escape from the Imperial Academy less than a month after being honest. Li Zhi ran directly from Nanjing to Shanghai and plunged into Su Ze's Anti-Smuggling Corps barracks.

  "Mr. Zhuowu, do you really not want to go back to class?"

  Li Zhi stared at the chessboard, holding the chess pieces in his hand, waving his hands and saying:

  "It's not in the way, it's not in the way. There are so many Imperial College students skipping classes, how can they control the wine ceremony? "

  But you are a professor at the Imperial College."

  Su Ze said helplessly.

  Li Zhi thought for a long time and finally dropped the sunspot in his hand: "It's not just the supervisors who skip classes in the Imperial College, but also a lot of professors. Anyway, I'm in Songjiang Mansion. I can just rush back if something happens." Su Ze suddenly remembered himself

  . He is also a supervisor of the Imperial College. He has not attended classes since the report. It seems that he has no position to criticize Li Zhi.

  Su Ze glanced at the chessboard and dropped a white piece. Li Zhi dropped the black piece excitedly and said, "I won!"

  [The game failed, "Go" skill +10, Lv4, 290/400]

  Su Ze glanced at the system's Tip, looking at the big dragon cut off by Li Zhi, he surrendered and said: "I lost."

  Li Zhi smiled and pulled Su Ze and said: "Another game?!"

  Su Ze looked at the sun and said: "I want to I'm going to inspect the camp."

  Li Zhi said disappointedly: "Rulin, your chess skills are getting better and better. I'm afraid I won't be able to beat you after a few more games."

  Su Ze estimated that Li Zhi's chess skills were at the Level 5 level. At most, he is at the level of a senior amateur. If you upgrade to Lv5, you can definitely beat him.

  Li Zhi said depressedly: "I don't know how your brain grew. I have been playing chess for more than ten years and have read many famous music scores before I am at the level I am today. You have only been playing Go for two months. He's even trying to catch up with me."

  Li Zhi was very surprised by Su Ze's learning ability. After getting along with Su Ze, he found his ability to learn Go even more terrifying. Su Ze could quickly pick up the game no matter what he learned. Su Zedu is very fast and can often reach extremely high levels very quickly.

  Li Zhi was able to compose in his teens and was known as a child prodigy since he was a child. However, compared with Su Ze, Li Zhi's intelligence seemed ordinary. "If you don't get down, you won't get down. I'll go with you to the barracks."

  Li Zhi stood up and followed Su Ze around the barracks.

  In addition to asking for help, Su Ze also wanted to see a doctor for soldiers who were feeling unwell. There were many rainy days these days, and a few soldiers had gastrointestinal discomfort. Su Ze took their pulse and prescribed cheap medicine, and asked Fang Aizhu to boil some to prevent wind and cold. Medicinal soup for soldiers to drink to prevent colds.

  Looking at the orderly camp, Li Zhi also knew that Su Ze had a high reputation in the military camp, and he was indeed a good man in leading the army.

  As a genius, Li Zhi felt frustration for the first time. This frustration may be what Li Zhi's former classmates felt when they faced him.

  After the inspection, Li Zhi asked a question that had troubled him for a long time: "Rulin, why are you only training   in Shanghai
  ? Don't you want to arrest smuggling?"

The incident has once again become a hot topic in Nanjing.

  When Li Zhi was still in Nanjing, there was a lot of discussion in the Imperial College about the tax on banknotes, and the focus of the discussion was Su Ze's anti-smuggling group.

  Nanjing also has six departments for Shizhong and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which are the same team as the capital's official system, and their responsibilities are to supervise officials.

  These officials in Nanjing had been prepared for a long time. Once Fang Wanghai and Su Ze's violent tax collection triggered a popular uprising, they would immediately write a letter to impeach Fang Wanghai.

  All the officials and gentry in Nanzhili knew that Su Ze had set up some kind of anti-Japanese and anti-smuggling group. The anti-Japanese war was fake, while anti-smuggling was real. The real purpose was to collect customs duties on banknotes for the Customs Department.

  Li Zhi thought so at first, but when he came to Shanghai, he found that Su Ze was just training with peace of mind, and he was still an elite soldier, but he had no intention of going out to hunt for smuggling.

  Su Ze smiled and said: "Our Anti-Japanese and Anti-Smuggling Corps was mainly established to fight against Japanese invaders. This was established with the approval of Hu Futai, and our Yongzhou ship was also funded by Hu Futai." Li Zhi said: "Don't worry about it

  . Let me tell you this, Rulin, what are you going to do?"

  Li Zhi also knew the pressure on Fang Wanghai. He came to Shanghai this time to help his brother-in-law share the worries, but seeing Su Ze still training slowly, Li Zhi was also worried. stand up.

  Li Zhi said: "Rulin, I still have some connections with those big households in Su Song. How about I go there and persuade them to pay some money tax, which can also be regarded as an explanation to the court." Otherwise, it is a Ming Dynasty characteristic,

  everything It's all negotiable.

  The big households pay some symbolic taxes, and the small households follow suit honestly, and there are explanations from top to bottom.

  Su Ze also didn't expect that what happened to Magistrate Sun back then would happen to him so soon.

  However, what Su Ze needed was not this symbolic banknote tariff. He shook his head and said,
  "The banknote tariff is a national law. It should be collected as it should be. How can there be any room for negotiation on this kind of thing?" "

  If it is a large household, If the tax revenue does not increase, then the tax will be passed on to the small households. Wouldn't the tax law become a bad law to exploit small households?" Li Zhi lowered his head and began to think about

  Su Ze's words. He nodded and said, "Rulin still wants to We should be careful, and we are afraid of taking shortcuts when it comes to things in this world, especially when it comes to politics. Once we take shortcuts, we will have to spend more money to make up for it in the future. Rulin is indeed a talented person who can rule the world, I think. It's too simple."

  Su Ze also looked at Li Zhi in surprise. He was indeed a famous thinker in the late Ming Dynasty. Li Zhi could understand this and surpassed most officials of this era.

  However, Li Zhi still said worriedly: "Rulin, you are just training troops in Shanghai, what about the customs duties?"

  Su Ze said nonchalantly: "Soon, the big households in Songjiang Prefecture and Suzhou Prefecture will be queuing up. They have to pay customs duties on banknotes."

  Li Zhi still said in disbelief: "I don't know about these big households. They are all 'mosquitoes digging for grease'. You want them to obediently pay customs duties on banknotes? How is that possible!" Su Ze looked

  at Looking at the Huangpu River and the estuary where the Huangpu River and the East China Sea meet in the distance, he lowered his head and said, "The time will come soon." Seeing

  Su Ze's mood suddenly drop, Li Zhi also followed his gaze. Looking towards the river, he saw the setting sun gradually falling into the river. Since Su Ze didn't want to talk, Li Zhi stopped asking.

  In the following days, Su Ze, in the spirit of not supporting idle people and making the best use of people, asked Li Zhi to be in charge of logistics.

  Su Ze asked Lin Deyang to be responsible for daily drills, and took the time to return to Suzhou to look at the progress of the preparations for the editorial department of "Warning Words".

  The craftsmen in Suzhou Prefecture were indeed very clever. After Su Ze just sketched the sketch of the drum movable type printing machine, these craftsmen quickly produced the finished product.

  Su Ze, who already had stable trade channels, no longer relied on newspapers to make money. With the popularity of "Pai Ben Surprise" in Fujian, movable type printing technology had become popular in Fujian.

  To put it bluntly, movable type printing appeared in the Song Dynasty, and Su Ze could at best improve this technology.

  Don't underestimate the wisdom of folk craftsmen. "Pai Ben Surprise" can be printed quickly and well. Printing shops have already studied newspapers with newspapers. The first generation of imitation newspapers printed with lead movable type has already appeared in Fujian.

  Su Ze does not intend to block movable type printing technology as he did in the early days of his business. The emergence of printing presses has reduced printing costs and accelerated the spread of ideas. Now Su Ze prefers more newspapers in Jiangnan. Only through more discussions can we have ideological enlightenment. .

  Su Ze has also written the long series of dramas for the first issue of "Warning Words" in the regimental training center.

  Since it is a warning work, what Su Ze copied this time is still Tang Xianzu's famous work, "Nanke Ji", one of Tang Xianzu's Four Dreams in Linchuan.

  "Nanke Ji" was inspired by a dream in Nanke. It tells the story of a scholar named Chun Yufen who got drunk and dreamed that he entered Huai'an Kingdom (i.e. Ant Kingdom) and was recruited as a prince-in-law. He later served as the prefect of Nanke and had outstanding political achievements.

  After the princess died, she was summoned back to the palace and given the title of left prime minister. He was in power for a while and was finally driven out. When he woke up, it was a dream that he was being made a monk by Zen Master Qixuan.

  The description of this play reveals more about the arrogance and extravagance of the imperial court, the flattery of the literati, and other scenes of the court at that time. Although it is cloaked in the guise of a dream, at its heart it is a play that satirizes the world.

  "Nan Ke Ji" and "The Peony Pavilion" are both famous works by Tang Xianzu, a famous dramatist in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

  Counting the days, Tang Xianzu was only five years old now. At worst, he would accept him as his disciple in the future. Su Ze's guilt suddenly disappeared a lot.

  After seeing this play, Xu Shixing and others were immediately shocked that it was a masterpiece. Although "Nan Ke Ji" also has a love part like "The Peony Pavilion", through the description of Huaianguo, the ugly faces of the officials and officials in the court are vividly satirized. , after reading Xu Shixing’s comments, they felt hearty and had chills down their spines. They no longer had any doubts about Su Ze’s talent, and Xu Shixing immediately became Su Ze’s number one fan.

  On April 28, Su Ze, who had just returned to the Shanghai Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Corps, received urgent news from Fang Wanghai.

  Japanese pirate leader Xu Hai led 3,000 Japanese pirates to land in Rudong County, Tongzhou Prefecture, and Japanese rebellion broke out again in Jiangsu!

  Su Ze knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

  But he was worried again. Japanese pirates had landed in Rudong, and the people would suffer again.

  As expected, it is the common people who suffer the most.

   I'm finally satisfied. This volume was very difficult to write, so it's a monthly pass!

    Be sure to be on time tonight!
  (End of chapter)

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