Chapter 209 Full of Harvest

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  Chapter 209 Full of Harvests
  Shangchuan Island is not far from Langbaiao Island. Under the night, Su Ze took a boat and boarded the pier of Shangchuan Island.

  Looking at Lin Mojun beside him who insisted on following, Su Ze landed on land with the help of the guide and looked at the island.

  The most eye-catching building on the island is the white church hidden in the moonlight. The cross on the top of the church is very eye-catching and can be seen by anyone who lands on the island.

  The Ming Dynasty blocked the island because of this white church.

  Su Ze couldn't understand the missionary enthusiasm of these Europeans, just like Captain Alfonso couldn't understand why the Ming Dynasty refused to open its ports and do business with people from other countries.

  The last time he arrived at Langbai'ao, Father Pierre had already landed on Shangchuan Island. He led Su Ze and Lin Mojun to the white church with familiarity.

  Looking at this European-style wooden church, with candles lit in the church and the shrubs around the church neatly trimmed, Su Ze asked Father Pierre, "Who is in charge of
  this church now?

  " Father Earl said: "It should be Father Gago, Father Xavier's assistant."

  The main entrance of the church is the chapel, and the back door is where the priest lives. Pierre led everyone around to the back.

  Father Pierre was a senior member of the Society of Jesus, while Father Gago was just an assistant priest. He knocked directly on the door, and then opened the door. Su Ze saw a middle-aged priest reading a book under the light.

  The middle-aged priest raised his head, saw Father Pierre and immediately stuffed the book in his hand into a pile of files, and then said excitedly: "

  Father Pierre! God bless you, you have returned safely!"

  Pierre The priest gave Father Gago a hug, and then looked at Su Ze and Lin Mojun behind Father Pierre.

  Father Pierre introduced according to the words he had prepared:

  "This is the knight Su Helin of the Ming Dynasty. They rescued me after the New World ran aground." "They

  not only repaired the New World, but also hired Captain Alfonso and I."

  Pierre looked at Su Ze. He knew that Su Ze was proficient in various languages, and followed Su Ze's instructions and said:
  "Under my influence, Su Ze accepted the Catholic faith."

  This is Su Ze had prepared the words long ago to attract more priests to Changning Guard and to deal with them better.

  Sure enough, Father Gago showed excitement when he heard that Pierre had successfully converted a Ming Dynasty "knight".

  Over the years, the Flemish people have been preaching in coastal areas and have accumulated a number of believers.

  But these believers are mainly fishermen along the coast, or some overseas immigrants who left the Ming Dynasty.

  These are the people at the bottom of the Ming Dynasty, and none of them have developed into a true believer in the Ming ruling class.

  "Knights" are the lowest-level lords in the West, and they are also the grass-roots rulers who own territories. Therefore, according to Pierre, he has obtained the qualification to preach in Suze's territory.

  God bless! This is huge progress!
  Father Gago quickly blessed Pierre. Pierre looked at Su Ze, but he was not happy in his heart.

  Su Ze stepped forward and said in Portuguese: "Father Gago, can I see the manuscript materials left by Father Xavier?"

  Father Gago believed Su Ze's fluent French language even more. El's words.

  The scholar-bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty were very arrogant. When Xavier tried to enter Guangzhou to preach, he was stopped outside Guangzhou because he could not speak Chinese.

  Not only the Ming Dynasty, but now the entire East Asia has a sense of civilizational superiority.

  Father Gago once followed Father Xavier to preach in Japan. Every time he argued with monks in Japan, these monks would use "Why didn't the Ming Dynasty believe in Catholicism" and "Why didn't the Ming Dynasty say that" to defend Father Xavier. Use those Chinese philosophical books passed down thousands of years ago to refute their views.

  Father Xavier was speechless after being refuted. After returning to Langbaiao, he began to study Chinese hard.

  However, when he was at Langbaiao, Father Xavier contracted malaria and died.

  As a proud "Master Knight of the Ming Dynasty", Su Ze was willing to learn Portuguese, which illustrates the achievements of Pierre's missionary work.

  But Su Ze's request made Father Gago hesitate.   "

  Fr.   _ Jesuit clergy, is it really good to read the "Divine Comedy"?"   Su Ze opened the book on the table. It was a thick parchment book with the title "The Divine Comedy" in Latin.   Father Gago's expression changed slightly. The book "The Divine Comedy" is not banned in many places, but the most conservative Jesuits still prohibit reading it.   The reason is also very simple. In the Divine Comedy, Dante wrote about a pope who was imprisoned in hell, which offended the Roman Church and was once listed as a banned book by the Vatican.   Protestants also often use the Divine Comedy to attack Catholic religious authority, so after Su Ze opened the "Divine Comedy", Father Gago's heart skipped a beat.   Su Ze read one of the paragraphs in Latin, and then asked Father Gago:   "Father, do you think whose guidance is more important, Virgil or Beatrice?"   Father Gago looked at him in surprise. Su Ze, he had never thought that someone in the far east would actually discuss the contents of "The Divine Comedy" with him?   Virgil and Beatrice are respectively the "angels" who guide Dante in the Divine Comedy. The former symbolizes the rational spirit of man, and the latter represents faith.   The Divine Comedy had a huge influence during the Renaissance. It was not only the poet Dante's description of hell, but also a reflection on human rationality.   Father Gago looked at Su Ze and gave his answer: "I personally think Virgil's guidance is more important."   Su Ze nodded and said, "I also think people's rational spirit is more important."   Su Ze added: " I want to check His Excellency Xavier's notes because I want to know the progress of Catholic missionary work in Japan." "   Compared to pious faith, a rational spirit can guide us forward."   Father Gago looked at Su Ze in surprise. A "knight" from the Ming Dynasty actually wanted to preach in Japan?   However, it was Xavier's last wish to preach in the Far East. As Xavier's assistant, Gago did not return to Portugal after Xavier's death, which also shows that he was a fanatical missionary.   Father Gago thought for a while and said: "In that case, please wait a moment, I will get the manuscript of Xavier Xavier."   Father Gago put on his clothes and moved a box out of another room. After he opened the box, Several parchments and scrolls of manuscripts were placed in the chest. Su Ze, a historian, suffered from an occupational disease and couldn't take his eyes away. These are priceless first-hand historical materials!

  Xavier can be said to be the missionary who traveled the most to Japan in this era. His manuscripts naturally contain records of the current situation of the entire Japanese country, which was very useful for Su Ze to understand the current situation of the Japanese country.

  Xavier even went to Kyoto of the Japanese country, met the Japanese kings and ministers in desolate state, and also traveled throughout Kyushu. These were the information Su Ze longed for.

  Moreover, Xavier only returned to Langbaisha from Japan three years ago, which means that this is all information about the current situation in Japan!
  By reading history books, Su Ze's history has reached Level 7, 200/3000, which is considered the level of a senior history researcher.

  But history is a vast subject. How can Su Ze, a mere Level 7 historian, know all the historical details of ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad.

  Su Ze's current situation is that he can remember the occurrence points of major events in history, but he has no idea about the less famous historical events.

  As for the historical details behind the historical events, Su Ze didn't know.

  Taking the current history of Japan, what Su Ze can remember are several famous figures such as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, as well as the historical battles related to these celebrities.

  As for the Otomo family, Shimazu family, and Ryuzouji Temple in Kyushu, Suze could only remember the name of the family governor, as well as major events such as the "Nikaido Incident" in which Otomo Yoshijin usurped the throne, and the battles between these families, Su Ze knew nothing about the internal struggles between the clan and the main military forces.

  This is also the reason why he needs Xavier's notes. On the one hand, studying Xavier's historical materials can continue to increase Su Ze's historical experience.

  On the other hand, through these notes, Su Ze can grasp the situation of the Japanese country in Kyushu and provide more information for the subsequent layout.

  Su Ze looked at these precious materials and said to Father Gago:

  "Can I stay here and hire someone to copy these materials?"

  Father Gago thought for a moment and said, "Actually, I The transcription has been completed."

  Su Ze was immediately overjoyed, and he quickly realized that Father Gago had other conditions.

  Sure enough, the middle-aged priest said: "I hope Mr. Su can take me to preach."

  Sure enough, it was so.

  However, this also played into Su Ze's plan. Father Gago actually came to the door himself and took him to Changningwei by sea. Then he was completely under his control.

  Father Pierre looked at this junior with sympathetic eyes. He didn't know whether the next life would be good or bad for Gago.

  To be fair, Su Ze is a pretty good lord. He is generous and generous in sponsoring research, and he also takes great care of Father Pierre.

  Now Father Pierre has come out of the shock of the "heliocentric theory". He is actively drawing star maps, and with the help of Su Ze's new mathematical knowledge, he has developed a great enthusiasm for the movement of celestial bodies.

  This time Su Ze was able to pull him out of the observatory on Dong'ao Island under the guise of navigation and mapping star charts.

  But the more he studied, the more Pierre's faith became shaken.

  The movement of celestial bodies can be summarized through mathematical formulas. The "Three Laws of Star Movement" written by Su Ze can perfectly calculate the rules of star movement!
  And all of this can be perfectly presented using geometry and equations, and the formulas are as perfect as God’s creation!

  Now Pierre can only instill a new theory into himself. The laws of the movement of celestial bodies are created by God, and only everything created by God can be so perfect!

  But at this time, Su Ze proposed that "rational thinking is the only way to approach God." This crooked theory made Pierre, a traditional Catholic, almost have his head explode.

  The thought of Gago becoming his companion and accepting Su Ze's baptism of terrible knowledge.

  Father Pierre has begun to pray for Father Gago's future.

  Su Ze looked at the church and asked: "Father, if you follow me to preach, what will happen to this church?"

  Father Gago said calmly: "Father Barrett, the new missionary sent from Goa, has arrived in Shabai'ao. This church can be handed over to them, but Priest Barrett wants to build a church in Macau and is negotiating with the Ming Dynasty." It is no wonder that

  this church is so deserted. The main work of the Jesuits in Macau during this period is to build a church in Macau. A magnificent cathedral was built in Macau to attract more Ming followers.

  The modern famous Macau tourist attraction Ruins of St. Paul's is actually the ruins of the cathedral built by these Jesuit missionaries.

  I don’t know if this church was built by this Barrett priest.

  Since Father Gago can leave at any time, Su Ze is naturally very happy. He is not planning to stay in Macau for too long, so he said, "
  Father Gago, if you have any belongings, I can send someone to help you carry them on the ship.

  " Father Ge said: "I don't have many personal belongings, only some books."

  Su Ze's eyes brightened when he heard the books, and he immediately said: "Of course no problem! Father Gago, you can bring any books to me Territory! Can you let me see your collection of books?"

  Father Gago said: "Of course, dear lord."

  The Jesuits are one of the most conservative sects in the entire Catholic Church, and they admire the model most. It is the dualistic model of lord-priest.

  This was also the pattern of most medieval knightly territories, where priests were loyal to their lords, and the lords guaranteed the religious rights of the priests and maintained this secular-religious dual rule.

  Therefore, Gago had almost no hesitation in his allegiance to Su Ze, but he did not know his so-called "Knight Lord" and was not interested in his preaching at all.

  Gago led Su Ze to his library. Books were expensive in the West these days, so Gago didn't have many books in his collection.

  "The Decameron", well, the old uncle.

  "Don Quixote" is the best-selling popular book in Europe today. Su Ze secretly read it when he was in high school.

  "Ode to Fools", Su Ze glanced at Gago again. This is a book that satirizes the Catholic Church. It seems that Father Gago is also a bit deviant.

  We are not afraid that he will deviate from the truth, but we are afraid that he will be too religious!
  "Gaul Wars" and "Homer's Epic" were also read by Su Ze, but the current version is probably somewhat different from later versions.

  It's a pity that reading these books can only increase "language" skills, but not "literary" skills. If you want to improve literary skills, you have to write things yourself to spread them.

  Returning from Shangchuan Island, Su Ze quickly sold out all the black tea on the ship, contacted several businessmen, and agreed on long-term cooperation. The New World set sail again.

  (End of chapter)

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