Chapter 175: The government seeks strategies, Jinghai seven strategies

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  Chapter 175 The government tried to seek advice. The officials in the ceremonial room of Jinghai Qice

  Mansion opened the door of the government office and shouted loudly: "Enter one by one! Those from Nanping County come first!"

  Scholars from all counties under Yanping Mansion stood together, Su Ze and a group of scholars from Nanping County went to the government office to register.

  It is similar to the registration work for the county examination. The name, place of birth, and family information are also registered in the examination book.

  The official in the ceremonial room knew Su Ze and said with a smile: "Captain Su, this is your number plate."

  Su Ze took it and looked at it.

  The official wrote the word "Van" on Su Ze's examination book and said: "The capital of each county is in the examination shed

  No. Case leaders can usually pass the prefectural examination. It turns out that the case capitals of each county are centralized for examination and marking, and the examination papers are also marked to prevent them from being dismissed.

  The No. A examination room is the place closest to the examiner and is also the place where inspections of the examination room are most stringent.

  The examiner will also watch the A-level candidates answer the questions. This is also to prevent the county examinees from cheating. The examiner of the government examination must personally invigilate the examination.

  Su Ze took the number plate, expressed his gratitude to the officials, and went out to meet Lin Xianyang, who was in charge of the barracks.

  "Brother Aze, I know you came to register today. Have you already completed the registration?"

  Su Ze nodded, and Lin Xianyang said happily: "Our Chang Ning Guard is finally going to have a scholar!"

  The news about Su Ze's high school case came back last time. In Changning Guard, my old grandfather held a banquet in the guard house, which made the younger generation of Changning Guard envious.

  Even a health center like Changning Guard has a strong obsession with studying for exams. The craze for exams has not stopped in modern society, which shows how deep-rooted this idea is.

  Su Ze also realized that even when the Japanese rebellion was so serious, Fujian people still thought about the imperial examination, and the path to advancement was indeed the thing that most affected the intellectual class.

  If there is a rebellion in the future, if we want to unite these intellectuals, we must give them a way.

  In the next few days, Su Ze continued to read and copy previous imperial examination articles.

  On March 10th,

  Su Ze walked into the government examination room with confidence.

  The content of the government examination is the same as that of the county examination. There are also three exams, with two days between each exam.

  The examiner is Fang Zhifu of Yanping Prefecture, the co-examiner is Li Tongpan of Yanping Prefecture, and the invigilator is the tutor of the Prefecture School.

  The people responsible for grading were the staff of the magistrate and Xuezheng from each county school. Hai Rui still did not participate in the grading on the grounds of avoiding suspicion.

  Before the imperial examination, Hai Rui gave Su Ze and Chen Chaoyuan another small lesson. Su Ze finally improved his imperial examination skills to level 7 before the imperial examination began.

  After upgrading his imperial examination skills to level 7, Su Ze became more comprehensive in his mastery of the Four Books and Five Classics.

  Carrying the examination basket, after the inspection was completed, Su Ze sat in his examination booth.

  In the second exam, Su Ze was also familiar with the road. After lining the examination booth with oil paper, he sat in the examination booth with his eyes closed and meditated.

  In the main hall of the examination institute, Magistrate Fang led all the examiners to worship the Holy Master, and then to worship Emperor Wenchang.

  Emperor Wenchang is the god responsible for literary fortune, Wenchang Xing, who serves as Si Ming and Si Lu, the god of examinations.

  As the magistrate of Yanping Prefecture, all Magistrate Fang wants is for the safety of the examination room, and that there should be no trouble in this prefectural examination.

  After the worship was completed, Magistrate Fang led everyone to the examination room. After locking the door of the examination room, the officials in the ceremony room began to hold signs and distribute the questions of the Four Books.

  Su Ze looked at the sign and said, "Which one is better, the girl or the husband."

  This question is simple. It seems that the question asked by Fang Zhifu is not like that of Baizhi County. It is an original text from the Four Books and is a stable test question.

  This is "The Analects of Confucius." The original text in "Gongye Chang".

  "The Master said to Zigong: 'Which one is better, daughter or Hui?' He said to him, 'Gift, how dare you look back? Hui also asked one to know ten; Shi, asked one to know two.' The Master said: 'It's like that. Yes, my daughter and I are not like each other.'"

  However, if you think about it carefully, even if it is the original text in the four books, this question is not easy.

  Because I know the original text, I cannot fully answer this question.

  The original text is actually very simple, the woman is you, it is what you mean.

  Hui was Yan Hui, Confucius's favorite and most outstanding disciple.

  The translation of this passage is, Confucius asked Zigong, who is better, you or Yan Hui?
  Zigong said that he was not as good as Yan Hui. Yan Hui could draw inferences from one instance, but Zigong could only draw inferences from one instance.

  Confucius said with emotion, "You are indeed inferior to Yan Hui. Neither you nor I are inferior to Yan Hui in terms of learning ability."

  This passage from the Analects reflects that Confucius taught students in accordance with their aptitude and was good at inducing and inspiring his disciples.

  But for eight-part essays, you can only answer based on the questions. If you paste the full text, you will not get points.

  Su Ze couldn't help feeling that it was difficult to write a topic essay, and it was even more difficult to stick to the topic and write new ideas at the same time.

  The government examination is so difficult. If I don't have a system, I really can't pass these Ming Dynasty kings.

  However, Su Ze quickly came up with ideas for solving the problem.

  Let’s start with the title, “Which one is better, women or Hui?”

  Zigong was a famous disciple of Confucius and one of the seventy-two sages.

  Moreover, Confucius taught students in accordance with their aptitude, how could he not know the quality of his disciples?

  Confucius deliberately asked Zigong to make Zigong reflect on himself.

  Su Zeti wrote:

  "Asking the sage who is better, I want him to reflect on himself."

  This introduced the self-examination advocated by Confucianism, the so-called "I will reflect on myself in three days", and thus began to talk about Confucian classics and meanings.

  In this way, the title of the article was solved, and Su Zeti began to quote the classics and discuss it according to the eight-part format.

  Su Ze was writing seriously and did not notice that Magistrate Fang was already standing beside his examination booth, watching him write on the draft paper.

  He solved the problem well. Fang Zhifu stroked his beard and was very satisfied with Su Ze's imperial examination level.

  Such an article is a sure shot even in the college examination, and there is also a chance of being admitted to the Juren Examination.

  The more the magistrate looked at Su Ze, the more delighted he became. Given Su Ze's age, even if he failed the provincial examination this time, he would still have a chance in three years.

  Moreover, his article was more refined than the article he wrote in the last county examination.

  After the county examination, the prefect Fang also transferred Su Ze's articles.

  The prefect also approved of Su Ze's idea of ​​solving the problem, but the article quoted too many scriptures and had a somewhat preachy tone, falling into the category of imperial examination essays.

  If it weren't for the fact that this question was too difficult to solve, Su Ze might not have been able to win the case.

  However, Su Ze's article this time was very stable, straightforward and quoted appropriately, which was a level higher than the last county examination article.

  According to Hai Rui, Su Ze had only been studying systematically for one year, so he was truly gifted to achieve such results!
  Su Ze also had no problem answering the following Five Classics meanings. As long as the pronunciation and rhyme of the test poems were correct, he could pass the two questions on the meanings of the Five Classics. Magistrate Fang also looked at the cases from several other counties and had to say that this time the candidates in each county were very good, and there were also several seeded contestants second only to Su Ze.

  The prefect was in some trouble.

  If Su Ze is named as the head of the case, and he marries his daughter to Su Ze in the future, I am afraid it will also trigger a lot of discussion.

  Although they are not a son-in-law relationship now, nor does it violate the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, the world does not care about these rumors.

  But if Su Ze was relegated to a lower position, the prefect would be a little reluctant.

  He ranked first in the county examination, prefecture examination, and hospital examination, and he can also be called Xiao Sanyuan.

  If you rank first in the provincial examination, tribute examination, and palace examination, you will be the Great Sanyuan.

  There is currently only one scholar in the Great Sanyuan Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, and that is Shang Lu, who won the first prize in the palace examination in the 10th year of Zhengtong (1445).

  He served successively as a veteran of the three dynasties of Yingzong, Daizong and Xianzong. From official to cabinet, he was a famous minister and was known as the "Prime Minister of the Three Dynasties" among the people.

  Although Xiao Sanyuan is just an honor, with this honor, it will be easier to pass the provincial examination.

  The prefect was a little hesitant and still had a hard time making a decision.

  How about watching the last scene?
  After Su Ze finished the first exam and came out of the examination hall, he met Peng An again who was delivering food boxes.

  Peng An handed the food box to Su Ze and said in his ear: "Master Fang said that the third game strategy should be written carefully." Su Ze had

  just returned to his residence when Lin Qingcai rushed in and said: "Brother Su, this government examination Write the last scene well!"

  Su Ze asked doubtfully: "Why is this?"

  Lin Qingcai said: "There is a rumor coming from the government office that this time the policy theory of the government examination will also participate in the ranking, and those who have both classics and theory must be excellent. , only then can one be named at the head of the case, and those with unreasonable policies will also be deposed!"

  Su Ze then remembered Peng An's message, and he asked: "Why is this?"

  Lin Qingcai shook his head and said: "It happened in previous years, it seems. Is it because the magistrate focuses on policy and discussion? The magistrate has the final say in this examination. Since there is such news, Brother Rulin should just give a good answer." Su Ze nodded, he was not afraid of policy and discussion, but many scholars were shocked when they heard the news

  . Swearing.

  But there is nothing you can do about scolding your mother. There are three county examinations, which are selection examinations in themselves. There is no strict system like the township examination or the general examination. Even the examination dates in various places are set by the county government itself.

  It was actually the Qing Dynasty that truly incorporated the county examination into the entire imperial examination process and made the examination process and admission conditions serious.

  Therefore, there is very little content about county examinations in the imperial examination guidance books of the Ming Dynasty.

  For example, there once was a county magistrate who valued laws and regulations, but he paid more attention to the answers to the questions. He placed equal emphasis on the second exam and the first exam, and the candidates had no choice.

  Anyway, it was Magistrate Fang who graded the papers, so naturally he had to listen to him on what he wanted to focus on.

  Paying equal attention to both economics and strategies, I don’t know how many candidates will be so worried that they can’t sleep.

  Sure enough, Chen Chaoyuan got the same news after he came back, and the news that the prefect was going to decide the exams quickly spread among the candidates.

  As a result, the collected works of famous writers in Yujia Bookstore and Su Ze Bookstore were all sold out.

  You must know that these collections are difficult to sell. Some famous writers have many articles, and not all articles in the collection are high-quality.

  Moreover, the price of famous anthologies is very high, and complete sets of books are very expensive. Because of the high cost of engraving and printing, these anthologies are sold at a high price. The main idea is to sell less and make more profit.

  But there is no way. There are two ways to improve policy analysis. One is to read more history books. Those history books are more expensive and thicker than anthologies. It is definitely too late to read them now.

  Or just read these collections of famous writers and see how famous officials discussed issues and handled affairs in ancient times.

  Su Ze regretted not formatting and printing "Guwen Guanzhi" earlier, but he could wait until he finished the county examination to print it. The market for such fine ancient prose selections was bigger than he thought.

  Two days after the first exam, the red list was posted outside the examination center again. Su Ze's number plate "A1" was written in the center of the red list. Relatives and friends who knew his number plate congratulated him again.

  There were 1,500 people in the government examination, and there were still 50 people from the main list. Forty people were also selected from the deputy list, and they all entered the second round of the examination.

  The content of the second test was also very simple. This time it was about writing an "edict".

  An imperial edict is an official document format, that is, an edict from the imperial court. This kind of article has a fixed format for writing. Four or six parallel prose is enough. Su Ze quickly finished writing one.

  Sentences are also required to be tested, and Fang Zhifu's sentences did not embarrass the candidates. They were relatively clear sentencing in Ming law. After Su Ze wrote out the verdict, he handed in the examination papers.

  In the second round of the rankings, Su Ze's Jiayi still firmly occupies the center position of the red list.

  Finally it’s time for the third test.

  Su Ze sat in the examination room and immediately smiled after picking up the examination paper.

  The question of this policy discussion is very simple. The title is "Jinghaiceng".

  The policy discussion is very long, and the main content is to discuss why maritime trade was developed in the Southern Song Dynasty, why the sea areas were calm, and there was no problem of pirates invading coastal cities.

  Su Ze suddenly understood why the government had to pay attention to the strategy for the third game this time.

  This is because the prefect didn't know how to write the memorial title, so he asked the candidates for inspiration!

  These officials are really thieves!
  Magistrate Fang was also a little embarrassed while patrolling the examination room.

  The emperor's order was transmitted to Fujian. From Fuzhou Prefecture to Nanping County, all the official seal officials wanted to come up with a policy that would make them favored by the emperor in one fell swoop. They would be promoted to important positions in one step, show what they had learned in their lives, and help pacify the sea frontiers for the country!
  But after holding it in the study for a few days, the magistrate also gave up.

  If this policy was so good, those Kedao Yan officials who specialized in promoting opinions would have been adopted by the emperor long ago, and it would not be their turn to submit a letter.

  The prefect Fang had been scratching his head for a long time, and finally his daughter Fang Ruolan gave him an idea.

  Why not let the students from the government examination help think of a solution?

  One person is short-term, but many people are short-term.

  If the students who take these government examinations do well in writing, then they can just use it in their own memorials.

  The prefect suddenly became enlightened and immediately adopted his daughter's suggestion.

  He also let people out and asked the students to pay attention to the strategy for the third game and not just hand it over casually.

  However, this policy review is not actually difficult for students in Yanping Prefecture. After all, Japanese rebellion is a daily discussion issue among Fujian scholars.

  After drinking, scholars will talk freely about strategies to pacify the Japanese, imagining that they are wearing feather fans and turbans, and the Japanese pirates are wiped out while talking and laughing.

  It’s an old political topic.

  Su Ze thought of Fang Ruolan. Since the prefect was asking for advice, he should write him a good plan.

  What Su Ze naturally thought of was Zhao Wenhua's "Seven Matters concerning the Ping of the Japanese". He didn't know if Zhao Wenhua had submitted a letter now. This article on the policy of pacifying the Japanese was still empty, but compared to the letters of other ministers, there were two points that moved the emperor. That's why Zhao Wenhua was assigned to inspect Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and then relied on false accusations against Zhang Jing to further gain control over the Japanese.

  Now the emperor has asked officials from the southeastern coastal areas to submit a letter. If the prefect's suggestions are adopted by the emperor, will he also be promoted?

  The last time he saw the prefect deal with Yuan Cai, Su Ze also knew that he was a good official. If such a person could participate in commanding the anti-Japanese war, maybe the people along the coast would suffer less.

  Su Ze thought of this and started writing "Seven Strategies of Jinghai".

  (End of chapter)

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