Chapter 120 sold out!

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  Chapter 120 sold out!
  The disturbance caused by Japanese pirates gradually subsided, and calm returned to Nanping County.

  However, Yanping Academy and Fu Xue stayed in the county school and refused to leave.

  The reason is naturally that King Lu has landed in the open sea. Everyone knows that the southeast is not peaceful, and it is still too dangerous to stay and study outside the city.

  However, scholars are still restless. Since the death of Xu Shisheng, there have been no reports of Japanese pirates outside the city. The tense atmosphere in the county has relaxed. These scholars have begun to go out for outings in the city again, but they have to bring a few more things with them. A guard.

  Chen Moqun, the mountain director of Yanping Academy, was accompanying his friend He Liangjun on an outing and parade in Jiufeng Mountain in the east of Nanping City.

  He Liangjun is Mr. Tuohu, who has been an official and gentry for generations and is a native of Huating, Songjiang. In his youth, he studied poetry and essays and loved opera. Later, after becoming a Gongsheng student, he was awarded the title of Kongmu of the Nanjing Hanlin Academy.

  After his official career was not smooth, He Liangjun resigned and returned to his hometown to study folk art. He is now also a cultural celebrity leader in Jiangnan.

  However, last year the Japanese pirates invaded Songjiang Prefecture, and He Liangjun's library was burned down by the Japanese pirates. In order to avoid disaster, he traveled south from Songjiang Prefecture.

  Chen Moqun was a good friend of He Liangjun. At Chen Moqun's invitation, He Liangjun temporarily stayed in Nanping County for a month. He Liangjun also reciprocated by organizing a drama essay competition in Nanping County, which was regarded as helping the scholars of Yanping Prefecture to fight across the country. fame.

  If a masterpiece can be published, the scholars of Yanping Prefecture will also be able to show their faces to scholars all over the country.

  There was a riot of Japanese pirates a few days ago, and Chen Shanchang did not dare to leave the city. Recently, the news outside the city has gradually calmed down, and Chen Shanchang took his friends out of the city to play.

  There are many scenic spots and historic sites on Jiufeng Mountain outside Nanping City. At this time, Chen Shanchang and Mr. Tuohu held bamboo sticks and climbed Jiufeng Mountain nimbly.

  Accompanying him were professors and students from Yanping Academy, who followed him panting.

  Master Chen raised his bamboo stick, pointed at the mountain and said, "Brother Yuen Long, in front of you is the Huajian Pavilion."

  He Liangjun, courtesy name Yuen Long, also known as Mr. Tuohu.

  He Liangjun climbed up and looked at Yanpingjin below the cliff and asked: "Is this the Yanpingjin where the two swords merge into one?"

  Chen Shanchang nodded and said: "This is the place."

  "I heard that there is an inscription of Li Xianggong in Huajian Pavilion. Now Can it be preserved?"

  "The inscription on Xianggong Li still exists. I will take Brother Yuen Long to see it."

  Huajian Pavilion is a scenic spot in Nanping County. This is a legend from the Jin Dynasty.

  According to legend, Zhang Hua, a famous official in the Jin Dynasty, was good at stargazing. He discovered a long purple rainbow between the bullfighting stars while observing the stars. He believed that a divine sword would be born and the person wearing the divine sword could become the prime minister.

  So he entrusted Lei Huan, a Yuzhang native who was also good at astrology, to go to Fengcheng, Yuzhang as the county magistrate to look for the divine sword shown in the astrology.

  The ancients believed that the stars in the sky also corresponded to the positions on the earth, and the Bullfighting Constellation corresponded to the land of Yuzhang.

  The sentence in the preface of Wang Bo's Tengwang Pavilion in the Tang Dynasty, "The treasures of heaven are abundant, and the dragon's light shines on the ruins of the bull fight" refers to the allusion of Lei Huan digging up the divine sword in Yuzhang.

  Lei Huan dug out two swords, one said they were Tai'a and Longquan, others said they were Ganjiang and Moye. He gave one of the swords to Zhang Hua and kept the other sword for himself.

  At this time, Lei Huan's son persuaded his father not to hide the sword to offend Zhang Hua, but Lei Huan said that the Jin Dynasty would be in chaos and Zhang Hua would be killed. The sword was a supernatural thing and would eventually turn into something else and disappear forever. Weared by people.

  Later, Zhang Hua died during the Eight Kings Rebellion, and the divine sword was missing.

  Later, Lei Huan's son Lei Hua was working in Renzhou. When he passed through Yanpingjin with his sword, the sword suddenly jumped out from his waist and fell into the water. Lei Hua asked people to go into the water to look for the sword, but they could not find it.

  I saw only two dragons, each several feet long, coiled in the water, with patterns on their bodies. The man looking for the sword left in fear.

  Lei Hua sighed: "The statement that my late father turned into something else and the argument that Zhang Gong will eventually reunite are verified today."

  After this incident, the Nanping people built the Huajian Pavilion in Jiufeng Mountain on the edge of Yanpingjin. It has become a famous tourist attraction, and there are many famous people's inscriptions on Huajian Pavilion.

  He Liangjun continued climbing with Chen Moqun, and they saw a stone tablet. The two walked to the stone tablet to look at it. This was the inscription of Li Xianggong that He Liangjun was looking for.

  However, this Xianggong Li was not the Xianggong of the current dynasty, but Li Gang, the Ming Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty (the one in the Shao Song Dynasty).

  After reading Li Gang's inscription, He Liangjun looked at Yanpingjin below. The stories of Zhang Hua, Lei Huan and Lei Hua were intertwined, which suddenly made people feel a long-lasting emotion from ancient to modern times.

  Chen Moqun said: "Brother Yuen Long, we are going to Huajian Pavilion soon."

  Thinking of his home that was burned down by the Japanese pirates, He Liangjun sighed and sat down and said,

  "Let's go down the mountain."

  Chen Moqun said in surprise: "We are going to Huajian Pavilion soon. Jiange Pavilion, why do we have to go down the mountain?"

  He Liangjun said: "I think of the sentence in the preface to the Lanting collection, 'The future will look at the present as the present looks at the past'. Will future generations still remember that we climbed up today?" Chen

  Moqun Silent, although he is the headmaster of Yanping Academy and a local celebrity, it is difficult for a person like him to be included in the "Local Chronicles".

  Although He Liangjun is a famous folk artist, he is not as famous as the four Wuzhong sons. It is difficult for people like him to be written into the history.

  And those who can be recorded in history, whether it is Zhang Hua or Li Gang, are the top figures of that era.

  The story of Lei Huan and his son following celebrities can also be passed down through the ages.

  And what about yourself?

  He Liangjun's emotion made Chen Moqun lose interest in mountain climbing. He also raised his bamboo stick and said: "Go down the mountain, go down the mountain!" The

  professors and students of Yanping Academy didn't know why the mountain had to go down before the Huajian Pavilion was reached, but they only He could follow me down the mountain and back to the city obediently.

  At the same time, Huang Shixing was waiting for the return of the mountain leader Chen Moqun, holding a tabloid with fragrant ink.

  In order to become an instant hit, Huang Shixing printed 200 copies of "Wenyuan New Rhythm" and gave them to dignitaries in Nanping County for free.

  When Mr. Huang published a newspaper, the scholars of Yanping Academy naturally wanted to support him.

  "Wenyuan Xinyun" was priced at two taels of silver, and those with money in their families generously donated their money to buy it, while poor scholars who had no money would pool their money together to buy a copy.

  This is not simply to flatter Huang Shixing, but "Wenyuan New Rhythm" will definitely become a grand event in the literary world of Nanping County. If you can't keep up, you may be looked down upon and isolated by your classmates.

  Those who work in a circle are naturally most afraid of being isolated by the circle.

  This is why Jiangnan scholars carry so many greeting cards with them.

  If you don’t know the hot spots in the local cultural circle, and if you don’t participate in important local cultural activities, other scholars will look down on you.

  In the back house of the magistrate's office, Fang Ruolan looked at the beautifully bound "Wenyuan New Rhythm" and turned to the first page to read the first article.

  The first piece is naturally a play by Huang Shixing. In order to become famous in Shilin, this play was carefully prepared after Huang Shixing wrote it and invited famous folk artists from Fuzhou Prefecture to polish and revise it.

  Fang Ruolan flipped through it and couldn't help but jump to the next article.

  From Fang Ruolan's perspective, this is a standard opera with gorgeous rhetoric and perfect compliance with the format of opera.

  But the only drawback is that it doesn't look good.

  Yes, the boring plot and featureless characters really made Fang Ruolan unable to arouse any interest.

  That's it? That's it? Are the students in Yanping Prefecture at this level?
  Fang Ruolan continued to read, and the second article was about a well-known local scholar. This play was similar to Huang Shixing's, just as boring.

  Fang Ruolan yawned again. The next article was still just as boring.

  The next one will be even more boring.

  It's so boring. Fang Ruolan flipped through the book from beginning to end, but didn't see Su Ze's name. She didn't know whether she was happy or regretful.

  I'm glad that Su Ze didn't write such a boring drama. It's a pity that Su Ze didn't participate in this essay competition.

  Fang Ruolan directly threw "Wenyuan Xinyun" aside. Reading such articles was simply staining her eyes. She had to find some good articles to wash her eyes.

  "Give it to me! Give it to me!"

  The frolic of the maids came from outside the door. Fang Ruolan opened the door and saw the maids in her yard fighting over something.

  Fang Ruolan treated her maids very generously. Many of the maids had children who grew up with her, and they would all be married to Fang Ruolan in the future.

  However, the Fang family is also a big family and is strict in running the family, so the maids stopped playing around.

  Fang Ruolan's personal maid came over, and Fang Ruolan asked: "What are you fighting for?" The

  personal maid hesitated and said: "A servant bought a tabloid outside the house, and everyone is fighting for this tabloid."

  " Tabloid?"

  When Fang Ruolan thought of "Wenyuan Xinyun", she first frowned.

  A copy of "Wenyuan Xinyun" costs two taels of silver. The young man in the Fang Mansion must not be able to afford it. Was he robbed?
  Because Mrs. Li was in trouble, Fang Ruolan was in charge of the family. As soon as she heard about this, she immediately asked with a straight face: "

  What tabloid, where did you buy it from?"

  Fang Ruolan showed the momentum of the lady in charge, and the maid He immediately knelt down and handed over the newspaper he was fighting for.

  Not "Wenyuan New Rhythm"? Fang Ruolan has never seen such random printing.

  Four large sheets of uncut, yellowed paper, printed with dense square characters, and not even bound. Can this be called a tabloid?
  After Fang Ruolan took the newspaper and saw the words "surprised by the crime", she immediately knew that it was a popular tabloid printed by private parties.

  This thing is also available in the Jiangnan area, but it is not a newspaper. At most, it is a street literature poster, which is generally sold to ordinary people.

  "How much does this tabloid cost?"

  the maid immediately replied: "The boy who bought the newspaper said it was three cents a piece."

  Hearing the price, Fang Ruolan felt relieved. This was definitely not taken by a servant of the Fang Mansion.

  Fang Ruolan was strict in running the family and did not allow the servants to use the name of the Fang Mansion to go to Yurouxiang. However, he treated the servants well and gave them a lot of money every month.

  For the young man of the Fang family, although three coins of silver to buy a newspaper was a bit expensive, it was still affordable.

  Fang Ruolan glanced at it and saw Su Ze's name in the author column.

  Fang Ruolan originally handed the tabloid to the maid, but now she took it back and said, "I'll read it first and return it to you later."

  After saying that, Fang Ruolan returned to the room with the tabloid, spread it out and started reading.

  "Du Shiniang sank the treasure chest in anger"?
  Is this an interesting name?

  At the beginning, Li You, a tribute student, and Du Shiniang, a famous prostitute, fell in love. This story is a bit cliché, but Du Shiniang's character of daring to love and hate is quite endearing.

  Fang Ruolan was a little disappointed. It was a popular novel about a talented man and a beautiful lady, but Su Ze's vivid language made people read it unconsciously.

  Later, Du Shiniang took out the treasure box and gave Li Jia money to redeem his body. Fang Ruolan felt a little uncomfortable after reading it.

  After the redemption, Du Shiniang and Li Jia indulged in the scenery. Su Ze's writing style was quite good, which made up for Fang Ruolan's displeasure just now. She nodded slightly. If the story ended like this, it would be a cliché but good-looking love story.

  But soon things took a turn for the worse. The wealthy businessman Sun Fu fell in love with Du Shiniang's beauty and instigated Li Jia to betray Du Shiniang. Shiniang was filled with grief and anger. She took the key to unlock the lock and threw the treasures in the box into the river one by one. Finally, she herself He also "holds the treasure box and jumps to the river's heart."

  Fang Ruolan felt like she had been given a slap in the face. She read it several times and still couldn't calm down!
  In the boat, Li Jia saw a thousand pieces of gold and recalled his ten niangs. He felt regretful and depressed all day long and became madly ill, from which he would not recover for the rest of his life.

  Sun Fu was frightened that day and fell ill and was bedridden for more than a month. He saw Du Shiniang scolding him all day long and was dying. People think that there is retribution in the river.

  Although both Sun Fu and Li Jia got their comeuppance in this ending.

  But what Fang Ruolan can't forget the most is Du Shiniang's fierce resistance.

  If you think about it more carefully, Li Jia's character is cowardly and selfish, and the ending is already hinted at the beginning.

  The rich businessman Sun Fu is very vivid, but he is the same as today's businessmen who are rich and unkind.

  But Du Shiniang's image was something Fang Ruolan had never seen before. Her humble status could not hide her pursuit of love, and her determination to sink the treasure chest in anger after the disillusionment of love shocked Fang Ruolan greatly.

  Strange article!
  Fang Ruolan read it several times again and felt that how could such an article be published on such rough paper?

  But think about it again. In the novel, Li Jia and Sun Fu are both rich and poor, but Du Shiniang, who has a low status, is the most pure in the novel. Fang Ruolan feels that she has been fooled again, and good articles are the best. important!
  "Wenyuan New Rhythm" is so beautifully bound, but the whole article is full of rubbish articles. It even stained my desk when I used it to stand on the table legs!

  I want to show it to my uncle!

  Fang Ruolan opened the door, called the maid, stuffed five pieces of silver into the maid and said, "Ask the servant in the house to buy another tabloid and come back." After two sticks of incense, the maid ran back sweating profusely and

  said :

  "Miss, "Sold Out" is all sold out!"

  "Sold out?"

  "It's sold in the Yu family's bookstore. The boy in the house bought it when he went shopping for groceries in the morning, but he didn't expect it to be robbed just now. It’s all gone!”

  Fang Ruolan felt a little regretful and said to the maid:

  “I will return the tabloid to you after I finish copying it.”

  At the same time, Chen Moqun and He Liangjun, who had just returned to their residence, also received the "Wenyuan" personally presented by Huang Shixing. "New Rhythm".

  He Liangjun almost finished reading the above drama with a frown.

  It’s good that he advocates the style and rhyme of folk art, but can such rubbish articles be considered opera?

  He Liangjun thought about today's climb again. He originally imagined that he could discover a good article in Yanping Mansion that would be remembered in history, and that he could be remembered as a footnote in history. Now it seems that this is just a dream!
  Mr. Tuohu was about to read a famous novel by a famous writer to wash his eyes, but he also heard the fight among the servants.

   This, the first half is really not a word count.

    But when Fat Bird was checking the information, the allusion of Huajian Pavilion was very interesting.

    Zhang Hua, Wang Bo, Li Gang, these figures meet in a small place, which is also a clear proof of the endless cultural context of our Chinese history.

    It's like hearing an interesting little story and I can't help but write it.

    If you don't like it, just leave a message and say it. Fat Bird won't write next time.

    In addition to the issue of bayonets, the late Ming dynasty's muskets have begun to be equipped with bayonets, and their scientific name is blunderbuss.

    Of course, this bayonet is not the same thing as the bayonet of World War II. It is mounted on the butt of the gun. But don’t we have skills? We can make them.

    I'm just discussing the role of the bayonet in the age of firearms, but thank you for your corrections.

    PS The author has never been to Nanping, but according to the information, Huajian Pavilion still exists. Readers who live nearby and are interested can go and have a look.

  (End of chapter)

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