Chapter 118 Changning Guard’s New Look

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  Chapter 118 Changning Guard’s New Look

  Returning to Changning Guard, Su Ze realized that the reason why Jianxi was built so quickly was thanks to the Black Mountain Bandits.

  Changning Guard captured the Black Mountain bandits last time. Changning Guard did not have enough land to accommodate them. The old man and Lin Baihu worked together and simply sent them all to the construction site.

  Chen Haizhang hated these Black Mountain thieves deeply, so the Chen clan members naturally worked very hard to use them.

  Under the constant urging of the Chen clan members day and night, Su Ze went to the county seat and the project to tighten the river bend was completed.

  After all, Jianxi is only a tributary of the Minjiang River, and the river channel is relatively narrow, so the amount of work is not large.

  In the past few days, the reservoir has been encircled to store water. The entire downstream stream is almost dry, just waiting for Su Ze to come back and open the gate to release water to flush the river bed.

  Early the next morning, everyone in Changning Guard and Su Ze came to the edge of the reservoir. Everyone looked at the sediment in the river bed. Can so much sediment be washed away?
  Thanks to Su Ze's idea of ​​building the river, Changningwei and Beishan Village were able to work together to build the river. Now it's time to test the results.

  The patriarch of the Chen family in Beishan also came. After the Changning Guard Bird Gun Team showed its power, Beishan Village was very respectful.

  The old patriarch spoke submissively and softly next to the old man at home, which put him in a good mood.

  How long has it been since Changningwei had such success!

  Little Carrot was also standing by the river, looking at the river bed curiously. Will Brother Aze's method work?

  Su Ze looked at the full river water and ordered to Chen Haizhang: "Dig the dam mouth and open the gate!" Chen Haizhang

  immediately ordered the tribesmen to dig out the dam head of the reservoir and remove the wooden planks blocking the reservoir from the river. When I pulled out, I saw the rumbling river water like a swimming dragon, and the white water rushed into the river bed!
  The narrowed river embankment immediately blocked the galloping swimming dragon, and the reinforced river dam was like a dragon rope, firmly trapping the white water dragon in the river bed.

  The river water hit the dam to no avail, and could only push hard against the silt and sand below. The white river water suddenly became turbid, carrying the sand and sand and rushing downstream.

  Ordinary people have never seen such a scene. The bold Lin Liangjun was so frightened that he hid behind the crowd. Lin Cainiang even recited the prayer of the Third Master's Empress.

  Everyone looked at Su Ze, only to see him standing on the edge of the river embankment, looking at the rushing water, and watching the first river he built with his own eyes.

  As the water level in the reservoir dropped, the silt accumulated on the river bed upstream was washed away, and the stream gradually became clear. Su Ze walked downstream along Jianxi River, and everyone followed him downstream. Go.

  The stream was still rushing. Su Ze followed Jianxi down until he reached the edge of the reed fields at the mouth of the sea. The stream gradually stabilized.

  Looking at the turbid sand at the estuary, Su Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief. The water flushing was successful!

  [Bush water to flush sand, water conservancy skill experience +90, Lv3, 180/300]

  This water conservancy skill is really easy to master, now it is Lv3.

  However, by building the stream this time, dozens of acres of more paddy fields can be opened around the upstream reservoir. Su Ze is also planning to plan some more water conservancy and irrigation facilities, and renovate the irrigation facilities in Changningwei that have been in disrepair for a long time.

  In this way, the water conservancy skill should be able to reach level 5 easily, right?
  Changningwei and the people in Beishan Village thought it was amazing to see the Jianxi River turning clear again. The river bed was much deeper visible to the naked eye. Now, even if water flooded upstream, Jianxi River would not flood.

  "The water has risen!"

  A member of the Chen clan also shouted happily!

  When the water was first stored to flush the river bed, the water flow also broke away the silt blocking the tributary of Beishan Village at the mouth of the river, and washed this tributary along the way. Now the water level of the entire Jianxi River has risen, and the tributary of Beishan Village is also smooth. .

  Looking at the clear river water, a sense of accomplishment arose spontaneously. The old man and the Chen clan leader both walked up to Su Ze and saluted Su Ze respectfully.

  Su Ze helped the two of them up and heard the old man say: "A Ze! This is a hundred years of work!"

  Even when the old man was here, the Changning Guards could not build the river.

  Building the river is not only a technical job, but also requires people with sufficient prestige to do it. Moreover, the tributaries of Jianxi River also flow to Beishan Village, so building the river cannot be built by Changning Wei unilaterally.

  Therefore, those who have been able to complete water conservancy construction since ancient times have either been local powerful people or local celebrities.

  Only the prestige of celebrities can bridge the differences in demands of all forces in the entire water area and repair the river.

  Just like this time, Su Ze Xiuhe relied on the prestige he had built up step by step.

  Of course everyone knows that it is good to build the river. The river will become clearer and wider, which means that many water conservancy facilities can be reused, which means that there are dozens of acres more paddy fields in the upper reaches, and Beishan Village does not have to worry about the siltation of the river mouth. This is very important for Changning Wei. Hebei Mountain Village is a great blessing.

  The head of the Chen family added: "Mr. Su, you should carve a monument by the river to record the river construction and leave it to future generations!" Everyone agreed.

  Su Ze thought about it and prepared to attack Shushui. Sha's ideas were recorded and left to future generations as a reference for river management.

  After all, water conservancy facilities always require constant maintenance.

  Su Ze heard Lin Liangjun bragging with a few little carrots. In addition to the children from Changningwei, the children from Beishan Village were also integrated into the group. Lin Liangjun had become the child king of the two villages.

  "Do you know how this bunch of water washes away the sand?"

  Lin Liangjun asked proudly.

  Naturally, the children didn't know and shook their heads.

  Lin Liangjun immediately said: "This is the study of objects that my brother Azeh taught in class!"

  Su Ze also stopped, wanting to hear what Lin Liangjun could explain.

  "This is just like using urine to flush mud! Think about it, if you urinate too much, can the mud be flushed away?" "

  This reservoir is equivalent to holding a large amount of urine. The more you hold in, the more you will flush it. The more mud there is! Is that true?"

  All the children nodded, and then loudly promoted the principle of "holding urine to flush out mud" to their families.

  Su Ze's eyes were filled with stars. Why was this guy explaining his sophisticated technique of beaming water to wash away the sand?
  Fortunately, Lin Mojun also heard the baby brother's explanation. Lin Baihu caught the little carrot head on the spot, and it seemed that he was beaten again after returning.

  Su Ze could only pray silently: I hope to focus on the key points and hope that something will happen to me.

  Coming down from the river embankment, Chen Haizhang brought a child to Su Ze, gave him five taels of silver as tuition, and asked Su Ze to accept his son.

  Chen Haizhang's son is named Chen Liansheng. He is only ten years old but he is quite tall. Looking at Chen Haizhang's height, if the child had good nutrition, he might not be short.

  Su Ze asked Chen Liansheng a few questions by the way, and the child was able to answer them, but Su Ze felt that the child was a good candidate to be an officer.

  But these days, studying is the way to go, so Su Ze accepted the child as promised. Anyway, whether you want to join the army or study in literature, you need to study.

  Seeing that Su Ze had accepted the grandson of the patriarch, several wealthy households in Beishan Village also had ideas. They all knew that Su Ze was a famous scholar in the area. Even the three dogs of the Chen family who served as county government officials obeyed him. It is said that the county magistrate said that Su Ze Ze will definitely be admitted as a scholar.

  Following such a scholar would naturally lead to a bright future. These wealthy families also thought of sending their children to study under Su Ze.

  After returning from Jianxi River, everyone came to the ancestral hall again, and Lin Xianchun told the old man about the reward given to Changning Wei by Bai Zhi County.

  Su Ze talked about Yu Zongyuan's shop again, and the atmosphere in the ancestral hall became even more lively.

  Needless to say, the position of county clerk is valuable. According to the unspoken rules of the county government, even if a clerk is neither greedy nor greedy, his year-end bonus will be nearly twenty taels of silver.

  The same goes for government servants. Working in the county seat allows you to eat meat and wine. These are high-level positions that Chang Ningwei never dared to think about before.

  As for the shopkeepers of Yu Zongyuan's four shops, Yu Zongyuan's salary is not low, and everyone knows the benefits of being a shopkeeper in the county. Everyone looked at the old man with eager eyes.

  But my old grandpa closed his eyes.

  The reason is very simple. Su Ze fought for these positions, and naturally they can only be allocated by Su Ze.

  The old man closed his eyes and everyone looked at Su Ze. These were seven fat men!

  Su Ze cleared his throat and said:
  "First of all, the position of county clerk. I prefer Brother Xianyang, but this position is also good with the position of shopkeeper of Yujia Bookstore. Brother Xianyang, which one do you prefer?" Lin whose name was called

  . Xianyang was watched by everyone, and everyone's eyes were filled with envy.

  Lin Xianyang was the first to follow Su Ze, but he did not expect that such a good thing would happen to him.

  Lin Xianyang was overwhelmed with joy. After a long time, he said: "Brother Aze, I want to go to the county government as an official."

  Su Ze nodded. This is a normal choice. County government officials are elected every five years. If there are no serious mistakes, everyone can stay in office. There are too many old officials.

  Although the employment fee at Yujia Bookstore is generous, who knows how long it will last.

  Su Ze added: "Brother Deqing has a kind and honest character. I also recommend him to Mr. Yu to be the manager of the pickle shop. Brother Deqing, are you willing?" Lin Deqing immediately

  said excitedly: "Yes, yes!"

  Lin Deqing is Lin Xianzong's son. The younger son, because he is poor, has not been able to get married. He only works at home to avoid starving to death.

  Now if you work behind Su Ze, you can become the shopkeeper of a shop in the county town. It will definitely not be a problem to marry a wife in the future.

  After following Su Ze, everyone became famous, and everyone looked at the two of them with envy.

  Su Ze then said: "Hundred households, the county government officials have to select strong men. Please select two outstanding ones from the army."

  Lin Mojun nodded. Su Ze was giving up the right to recommend two government officials. After seeing Lin Mojun, everyone looked at Baihu with a lot of respect.

  Su Ze then said to the old man: "Grandpa, I personally selected the shopkeeper of the bookstore. The shopkeepers of the rouge shop and the dyeing shop also asked my grandpa to help with the eyes." The old man immediately said: "Ah Ze, don't worry, the ancestral hall will definitely be the best.

  " Picking out two stable people will definitely satisfy Second Young Master Yu."

  Su Ze didn't have many people he could use, so he might as well give the opportunity to the ancestral hall and the Baihu Office. Anyway, as long as he comes from Changning Guard, he will be the one from now on. people.

  Next, Su Ze left the ancestral hall and came to the movable type printing shop.

  Yao Chun and Xiong Wu have not been lazy these days, and the radicals and single characters of more than a thousand commonly used characters have been carved.

  However, this amount of movable type is only enough to print page by page, that is, after one page is typeset, the printing is completed, and then the next page is typeset and printed again. Naturally, it is too inefficient for printing books, but it is very efficient for printing tabloids. Just right.

  Opening the Fuzhou Prefecture tabloid borrowed from Hai Rui, the first few pages were copied from the yamen newspaper. However, it costs money to go to the yamen to copy the newspaper. You can't print it without opening up the relationship. Su Ze Prepare to cut this page directly.

  If you want to write about current affairs, you still have to wait until you are admitted to the scholar examination.

  Without fame, doing this is still risky.

  The last few pages of the tabloid are novels and stories, and Su Ze's tabloid is going to print just these.

  However, the Fuzhou Prefecture tabloid was not in the style of a later newspaper, but a bound booklet.

  Su Ze wanted to save costs and naturally would not add the binding process, so Su Ze decided to imitate modern newspapers and directly print large sheets without cutting.

  Handing the plays written by Lin Qingcai and Chen Chaoyuan to Yao Chun, Su Ze said:

  "These two articles are each printed on a piece of paper. Let me see them first."

  The plays written by Lin Qingcai and Chen Chaoyuan were not long, so Yao Chun planned After a moment, he said, "Boss, I'll give it a try, it should work."

  For Su Ze, after the movable lead type is made, the cost of printing is ink and paper.

  Su Ze had already bought the paper. Cheap yellowed paper was cheap and cost only a few cents per copy.

  The ink is made by myself, and the tung oil and other materials are from Weisuo. The only cost is rosin.

  In this era, the paper could not be printed on both sides of the

  paper. Su Ze's servant Yao Chun, the cost of a newspaper was less than one penny.

  At the beginning, Su Ze was not prepared to make money. A newspaper was priced at three cents, and his main focus was to expand his influence to the entire county.

  Lifu (porters) who work hard in the county can earn twelve taels of silver a year. Poor scholars like Chen Chaoyuan can earn around twenty taels of silver a year.

  A newspaper worth three cents was already a price acceptable to middle-class families in the county. Su Ze didn't expect the newspaper to make money at the beginning, as long as it could not lose money.

  The cost pricing is almost done, now comes the content of the newspaper.

  It only sells for three coins, so it is naturally impossible to print it as thickly as the Fuzhou tabloid. Su Ze only plans to have four pages.

  Lin and Chen's articles can be used to fill newspapers and serve as content for pages three and four.

  But the first two pages must be attractive enough to start sales in the county.

  Su Ze thought hard, what kind of article should he use to attract readers?
  Poetry? No, Ming Dynasty poetry has long been out of fashion, and Su Ze’s newspaper is not just for scholars, it focuses on a sinking market.

  Classical prose? That’s not suitable for ordinary people either.

  Then there are only novels.

  Su Ze carefully recalled his knowledge of Level 3 literary skills, and an article appeared in his mind.

  That’s it for this article! It’s sure to be a big seller!

   People say I'm short on this, but I also update 8,000 words a day... It's

    never been less than 8,000 since it was put on the shelves. It's really not easy for me with a handicapped hand!
    Mainly, some details need to be checked.

    To be honest, this kind of writing is much more difficult than court writing. You have to read local chronicles, various historical materials, and Ming Dynasty notes in order to write about the appearance of that era.

    I made a lot of mistakes just like this, thank you all for correcting me!
    The previous book in Fat Bird was about court affairs, and it only had to deal with political affairs. It was easier to write than this one. Reading history books and biographies was basically enough.

    This book was much harder to write than I thought.

    But thank you all for your love. The results are also the best since Fat Bird wrote the book. I will try my best to give everyone time to write and update!

    The number of words in this update alone is much improved compared to the previous book! !

    The plot is also accelerating, and I beg for monthly tickets with a smile on my face
  (end of this chapter)

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