84. Chapter 84 Making Friends

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  Chapter 84 Making Friends

  Li Tianxin silently watched Jiang Ran pour something into the wine.

  My mood suddenly became particularly comfortable.

  Although he really hated the bottles and cans Jiang Ran carried with him to the extreme.

  But when it was someone else's turn to suffer this pain, I unexpectedly felt happy.

  He forcibly tightened his face, not wanting his emotions to show... but the corners of his mouth still inevitably turned up.

  Li Tianxin was so happy that Ma Ye almost cried:
  "... Hero, look... what are you doing?"

  Jiang Ran smiled:
  "How about having a drink and making friends?"

  He was just right Having finished putting down the things, he picked up a bowl of wine and handed it to Mr. Ma:
  "I am a good drinker. If you have a drink with me, you will be considered a friend. Otherwise..."

  "Master Ma, you can't drink!"

  " Brother, think twice!"

  A few men around him who were dressed in unique styles and with blood hanging from the corners of their mouths quickly stopped him.

  Jiang Ran glanced at them:
  "By the way, there are yours too, together?"

  The man with the dagger looked at Jiang Ran with a face full of grief and anger:

  "Shi can be killed...don't wuwuwu..." Before he could

  finish his words, Mr. Ma held his mouth and gave Jiang Ran a dry laugh:
  "The people under my command don't understand the rules. The hero laughed.

  "Okay, my old Ma also likes to make friends the most. Especially for a friend like you, hero, I am lucky to have a bowl of wine with you today!

  "I just hope that... the heroes will show their noble hands and let them go."

  After saying that, he grabbed the wine bowl from Jiang Ran's hand, avoided the grabbing hands of several people around him, raised his head, and Tons, I drank it all in one bowl of wine.

  He turned the bowl over, leaving not a drop left:
  "Old Ma, please do it first!!"

  Jiang Ran looked at him, nodded, and then looked at the others:
  "What about you?"

  Ma Ye's face suddenly changed:
  "My hero, You just promised."

  "Let me remind you."

  Jiang Ran said lightly:
  "You were just talking to yourself, I never promised you anything."


  Mr. Ma suddenly turned dark. Like iron.

  The remaining three people looked at me and I looked at you. Then one of them stepped forward and laughed:

  "Since the eldest brother has already drank, why should we not drink?"

  After that, Jiang Ran didn't need to give it to them. Pass it over, step forward, pick up the wine bowl and start drinking.

  The three of them drank a bowl of wine each, and they looked quite proud.

  Tears filled Mr. Ma's eyes and he gritted his teeth:
  "I'm the one who hurt you."

  Jiang Ran looked at them silently and said softly:
  "It's not like we have to part ways now, even though the wine has been spiked. Make some condiments.

  "But it's not that easy to die...

  " It's still half a month before the poison takes effect.

  "As long as you take the antidote within half a month, you will be fine." "

  When Mr. Ma heard this, he suddenly felt blessed and said,

  "What do you want to tell us, hero?

  Jiang Ran smiled and said,
  "Come here. " "

  Master Ma quickly came to Jiang Ran, and Jiang Ran said this and that in his ears. Master Ma nodded repeatedly

  , and finally realized:
  "I understand, if you are looking for this matter, Others may not be easy to use. Even if they find the head of the county magistrate, it is difficult to say the result.

  "However, it is not difficult for us.

  "But I am here and I want to ask you a word..."

  "Say. "

  "If we help you accomplish this, I'll be fine no matter what. Can you let my brothers go?" "

  Master Ma looked at Jiang Ran.

  Jiang Ran smiled hoarsely:

  "Thank you for your noble hand, hero! " "

  Master Ma plopped, knelt in front of Jiang Ran again, kowtowed hard, stood up, turned around and left. As soon as

  he left, all the subordinates around him naturally followed.

  Only that one The woman stayed.

  She stood there, shivering, and carefully looked at Jiang Ran, and found that Jiang Ran was also looking at her.

  Unable to help her knees, she also knelt down.

  Jiang Ran frowned slightly and asked,
  "Yes?" Money? "

  Yes, yes! " ! "

  The woman nodded quickly and reached out to look for money on her body.

  Jiang Ran pointed to the shopkeeper hidden behind the counter:

  "This happened because of you. You have to pay for the broken table just now. Are you willing? ? "


  The woman thought Jiang Ran was planning to steal money, but she suddenly realized after hearing these words:
  "Okay, okay!" ! "

  After finishing speaking, he quickly took out a piece of silver and put it on the counter, then looked at Jiang Ran:

  "I...can I leave? "

  Go ahead. " "

  Jiang Ran waved his hand.

  The woman suddenly felt like she had been amnesty and ran away.

  Li Tianxin glanced at her back and then looked at Jiang Ran:

  "Aren't you worried that she will cause trouble again after she leaves? ? "

  Then you help me talk to her and see what she is going to do. Is she scared out of her mind by this trip? Is she still daring to feel sick?"

  "If so, then help me kill her."

  Jiang Ran glanced at Li Tianxin.

  Li Tian thought for a moment:
  "Let's talk later, it will be too conspicuous if we do

  it now." Jiang Ran glanced at him but did not speak.

  Li Tianxin said thoughtfully:

  "Although Mr. Ma is not a very good person, he does have a lot of pride." "

  ...You don't believe it, do you?"

  Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows.

  "You mean he acted just now?"

  Li Tianxin's face darkened slightly.

  "Not necessarily."

  Jiang Ran smiled and said,
  "It's just that I won't believe anything people like them say.

  " He stood up for a woman today, and he still did a dirty job... ...Do you think he has a soft spot for that woman? Or is there another reason? "


  Li Tianxin thought for a while and felt that Mr. Ma would not like the beauty of the woman just now.

  Jiang Ran smiled:
  "If it's not for her, then what is it for?"
  "Or, you don't really think that a woman like that can afford a brothel, do you?

  "Master Ma is a local snake in Benma County, not a lone ranger in the world. He has his own way of survival. .

  "And I know this kind of person very well."

  After saying this, Jiang Ran waved his hand and didn't want to say any more.

  He glanced at Ming Yue and said,
  "Have you eaten yet?"


  Ming Yue nodded.

  "Then you come back to the room with me."

  Jiang Ran stood up and led Mingyue upstairs.

  Li Tianxin didn't take it to heart at first, but when the two of them walked to the second floor, he seemed to realize it and said quickly: "
  Jiang Ran, why did you take her back to the room?
  "You...you really have a human face and an animal heart. ! ! "

  Jiang Ran turned around in surprise:

  "I asked her to draw me a portrait of her father. You... you are indeed the same as Dao Wuming. What kind of nonsense are you thinking about in your mind every day?

  (End of chapter)

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