60. Chapter 60 Li Feiyun!

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  Chapter 60 Li Feiyun!
  Jiang Ran slashed the Yushan man with his sword and cut off Zuo Kuangge's arm.

  The change sounds complicated, but in fact it is also incredibly fast.

  When Mr. Fu Yin came to his senses, he was so angry that his beard almost flew off:
  "You, you, you... are not only stingy when you drink, but you also insist on money!!"

  "Then, sir, are you going to give it or not?"

  Jiang Ran raised his eyes. He looked at Fu Yin.

  The governor waved his hand:

  "Here, here...you are holding a sword arrest order, and you are holding a sword, and you are holding a prisoner of the imperial court. Is there any reason why you should not give it to him?" After saying

  this, he waved his hand:

  "Come here! Bring this traitor from Feiyun Village to the scene. , they were all tied up by me, waiting to be punished.

  "Whatever Jiang Shaoxia took...whether it was people or corpses, find another place to store them.

  "We'll settle the accounts together after we return to the government office... Damn it, three years of clearing the government office will cost you one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver.

  "I'm fine. I haven't been the governor for a few days, and the money in this government office is as high as It's like having wings, and it's like flying. "

  After Jiang Ran heard what he said, he was completely relieved.

  During the chaotic battle just now, he had already collected all the arrest missions for the six masters of Feiyun Village.

  If the governor does not admit it, he will lose some mission rewards. It’s nothing. I’m just afraid that the mission will fail and the system will settle the score with me.

  That’s the unknown trouble.

  Jiang Ran is also hesitant to do some research later and find a less important wanted criminal. After accepting the mission, he fails. Either not complete it, or let others complete it, and wait to see what will happen if the mission fails.

  He always feels that the possibility of mission failure in this system is relatively high.

  After all, although wanted criminals often exist, but knife hunters There are quite a few.

  If you take on the same goal as others and lose the opportunity to be completed first by others,

  then your mission will definitely be considered a failure.

  Therefore, prepare in advance and use a less important one. Try the mission to see the specific losses caused by failure.

  Just as he was thinking of this, he suddenly heard a scream.

  Jiang Ran and others immediately turned around and saw a man with a white mask on his face. His arms shook. He slapped two people who were wearing white masks like him and flew away, bumping into Shopkeeper Wan. Shopkeeper Wan snorted, stood

  firm, stretched out his hand to stop the two people's shoulders, and raised his eyes to look at Bao Qi. The hurtful white mask shouted angrily:

  "Li Feiyun, you finally show up! !

  "Li Feiyun? "

  "He has been hiding next to Shopkeeper Wan! "

  "How could that be? " "

  No wonder our food and drinks were poisoned..."

  The two white masks injured by this person screamed one after another. Layers of white mist came out of their bodies, and their whole bodies were visibly shriveled. When he came down, he looked like a haggard man!

  "The Blood Cauldron Sutra!" "

  Li Tianxin's face darkened, he raised his knife and was about to step forward.

  Mr. Fu Yin shouted:
  "Take it! ! "

  Li Feiyun looked around, but he laughed, jumped up, jumped over the courtyard wall, turned around and left!

  "Chase! ! ! "

  Master Fu Yin gave an order, and everyone immediately flew after him.

  Jiang Ran glanced at Li Tianxin and followed suit.

  The people who stayed here began to distinguish one by one, identify each other, and look for the people in Feiyun Village. .

  Zuo Kuangge shouted earlier that this group of people had already announced their identities. Although some people tried to pretend to be others, they were just struggling to death. Rong Lie was supported by several officers and soldiers,

  found a place to sit, and looked at Qing Yi. The man who was chasing after frowned slightly, looked at Shopkeeper Wan again, and grinned:
  "Shopkeeper Wan is very well-hidden... We always thought that you didn't know how to do martial arts. "

  The situation in Feiyun Village is urgent. If the critical moment comes, I am afraid that I will be a burden."

  "I just learned a little bit of skill... It's just superficial, I can't compare with Master Rong."

  After he said this, he wiped the sweat from his forehead:
  "Master Rong, today... well, I didn't treat you well today. , I didn’t expect that such changes would happen one after another. I will invite you all to have a good party someday...

  "Now, I can’t do it... I can only apologize to you and go down to rest first. "

  Everyone was not surprised when they heard this.

  After all, Shopkeeper Wan is so pampered that even if he has learned both kung fu, how can he get used to such a scene?
  The young swordsman who attacked today was extremely bloody.

  With the knife, it was not just cutting off the arm. Just chop off the legs.

  If you look with your claws, you will either clench the big tendons on the feet or tear out the person's throat.

  Shopkeeper Wan is well-dressed and pampered. Seeing this bloody scene, he doesn't know whether he will eat tonight.

  Everyone laughed and laughed. , Shopkeeper Wan was not angry, and with the support of a few white masks, he slowly walked towards the back house. As he

  walked, his back gradually straightened.

  There was a sense of laziness of a rich man about him. The anger also disappeared completely.

  He raised his eyes, faintly red, glanced around him coldly, and said in a deep voice:
  "He can't delay for long, let's go separately.

  "The matter between us is now settled. " "

  A white mask spoke slowly, his voice sounding like gold and iron.

  "...Okay. "

  Shopkeeper Wan nodded calmly.

  The white mask looked at him deeply, and suddenly waved his hand, and three people wearing white masks came to his side.

  "Lao Wu's account will be settled later.

  "Li Feiyun, we will meet again later!"

  After saying this, he flew away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  The remaining white mask lifted off the mask on his face, revealing a rather resolute face.

  If Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang were here, they would definitely be able to recognize him. This person is actually the guard leader Geng Zhaoxing who they met outside the teahouse that day.

  Geng Zhaoxing handed the mask to Li Feiyun, then took the jeweled clothes that were taken off from him and put them on him.

  When two people change their costumes, they must split into two groups.

  But at this moment, Li Feiyun suddenly stopped and looked at the corner of the corridor.

  There, there was an old man in sackcloth squatting on a long stone bench, putting the brush into his mouth, licking it, and then writing quickly:

  "On July 15th, in the Wan Family Courtyard, the body of Mrs. Wan was hanging on the beam.

  "The body of Shopkeeper Wan has not yet been found, but a faceless skeleton has been found." He

  looked up at Li Feiyun and said,
  "When did the boss come to Wan's Mansion?

  " "Can I remember it?" "

  Li Feiyun looked at Mr. Da silently, and suddenly smiled:
  "Mr. Da wants to know, so of course this junior has no reason not to tell him.

  "It's just that the time is not right now.

  " Please forgive me, Mr. Da. "

  After saying that, he walked around Mr. Da and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, Mr. Da suddenly stretched out his arm to block him.

  Li Feiyun turned to look at Mr. Da, with a faint light shining in his eyes:
  "I heard that Mr. Da never blocks him. Other people's paths. "

  "It's not that I want to stop you.

  Mr. Da looked behind Li Feiyun and Geng Zhaoxing:

  "It's him. " "

  Li Feiyun's heart skipped a beat and he turned around suddenly.

  He saw a young swordsman holding the handle of the sword with one hand, looking at him calmly:
  "Where is Cheng Jimo?

  (End of chapter)

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