115.Chapter 115 Riding a tiger and being unable to dismount

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  Chapter 115 Is it difficult to get off
  the broken gold knife while riding a tiger?

  Jiang Ran once again exposed the fact that he was ignorant.

  After hearing these three words, he glanced at Ye Jingshuang in confusion.

  Then he realized that Ye Jingshuang frowned:
  "This thing has disappeared for some years... Why was it sent to Hongfeng Villa?"

  Luo Qingyi thought about it for a while, and then said:

  "This knife was taken by a Jian Wusheng' Jian Wusheng's income.

  "This man is a sword fanatic. Although the Broken Gold Sword is a precious sword, he doesn't like it.

  "So I entrusted Jin Chan's No. 1 Escort Agency, Tianyang Escort Agency, to send this knife to Hong Maple Leaf's house and give it to the owner of Ye Kong Valley.

  "He said that he himself is a loose man, and this sword is placed beside him. He may not know when it will be used. Lost it.

  "The Ye family has a century-old reputation as a knight, and scraps of gold are valuable treasures. It is up to Master Ye to choose a good master.

  "This happened two months ago.

  "At that time, Hong Maple Leaf's family had not yet suffered the calamity of annihilation, so Tianyang Escort Bureau took over the escort.

  "At the beginning, it was always well hidden, and no one knew about it.

  "But I didn't expect that the affairs of Hong Maple Leaf's family suddenly spread all over the world a few days ago.

  "This single dart from Tianyang Escort Bureau has just leaked traces.

  "In the past few days, many people have gone to Hongfeng Villa, waiting for the broken gold knife to be delivered to their door."

  After Jiang Ran heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly:
  "Senior Ye had an accident, and this single escort Do you still insist on sending it to Hongfeng Villa?"

  Luo Qingyi nodded:
  "The Tianyang Escort Bureau is already riding a tiger and it's hard to get off."


  Ye Jingshuang also said,

  "For this plan, the Broken Gold Knife is with them. The news in hand has been spread.

  "No matter what, they have to go to Hongfeng Mountain.

  "Firstly, we can use this to check whether anyone in my Ye family is still alive and can take over this escort.

  "Secondly... even if they lost this broken gold knife at Hongfeng Villa, it may not be a bad thing for them. . "

  As soon as he said this, Jiang Ran understood what Ye Jingshuang meant.

  Because Ye Konggu was killed, the possibility of completing this single escort was extremely slim.

  If the Tianyang Escort Bureau insists on keeping this broken gold knife, it will inevitably lead to Come and kill someone.

  Since the situation is gathering in Hongfeng Villa,

  if there is still a descendant of the Ye family, it may happen. At that time, the Tianyang Escort Bureau can hand over the escort items to this descendant, which will be considered complete. If nothing else happens, it will

  be The knife was thrown into the hands of the group of people gathered at Hongfeng Villa, and Trouble was freed from his hand.

  From then on, it was nothing more than looking for Jian Wusheng to apologize.

  It is estimated that after Jian Wusheng understood this situation, he could only do it in vain Sigh.

  After all, no one could have imagined that Ye Konggu would die...

  Of course, there is a third way.

  That is to take the broken gold knife back and return it to Jian Wusheng.

  However, this way The risk is too great.

  I have been here for nearly two months, how can I guarantee peace on the way back?
  Thinking of this, Jiang Ran suddenly curled his lips and said:
  "It feels like this escort agency is not easy to work with. "

  "The business of licking blood with a knife's edge is naturally not easy. "

  Ye Jingshuang nodded slightly and looked at Mo Tingsheng again:

  "So, your young master is one of those who covets this broken golden sword?

  "While plotting to break the golden sword, he also plotted against the daughter of Lord Yin of Cangzhou Prefecture...

  "Qianliu Villa can't sit still? "

  Mo Tingsheng glanced at Ye Jingshuang. He thought he looked familiar before, but now he suddenly realized:
  "Are you the Ye Jingshuang of the Ye family? "

  "It's quite discerning. "

  Ye Jingshuang said softly:
  "Qianliu Villa, I remember once being a guest with my father.

  "Is the young master you are talking about Qi Kai?"


  When Mo Tingsheng heard this, his eyes started to roll, and after a moment he said:
  "Miss Ye, you misunderstood.

  "Our young master I went to Hongfeng Villa not for some broken gold knife...

  "But for the Ye family!
  " The century-old Ye family cannot just disappear into the world without any reason.

  "After the young master heard this, he felt sad and angry, so he went to the Ye family to investigate the truth." "What about the

  wealth you mentioned?"

  Jiang Ran had a strange expression: "Where did it come from?"


  Mo Tingsheng For a moment, I wished I could give myself two big mouths.

  Why would you say this kind of thing?
  It's okay to say it out loud, and Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang listened... It's

  easy to change your words now, but it's hard to say whether others believe it or not.

  "Hey... speaking of it, Qianliu Villa can be regarded as a chivalrous way."

  Ye Jingshuang said quietly at this time:
  "But I didn't expect that after the disaster of my Ye family, Qianliu Villa forcibly kidnapped people and forcibly formed marriages. How could it be like this? A chivalrous person?"

  "Before, your Ye family had thick legs, and the surrounding forces naturally followed you.

  "Now that the Ye family is in trouble, they have lost this suppression, and their true colors have naturally been revealed. "

  Jiang Ran patted Ye Jingshuang's shoulder gently:

  "Who in this world's so-called heroic people can tell whether they are true or false? Ye

  Jingshuang nodded and asked Mo Tingsheng:
  "Besides Qi Kai, is there anyone else at Hongfeng Villa?"

  "Has Master Qi gone?"

  "I...I don't know."

  After Mo Tingsheng said this, he glanced at Jiang Ran again, as if he wanted to say something more, but swallowed it back.

  Knowing that at this moment, nothing you say will be of any use.

  Ye Jingshuang nodded and said to Jiang Ran:
  "I guess there aren't many things that can be learned from his mouth."


  Jiang Ran nodded and said to Luo Qingyi:
  "Tonight, if you feel aggrieved, I will Let him put it in your room.

  "It will still be of some use after people arrive at Hongfeng Villa. "

  Okay." "

  Luo Qingyi happily agreed.

  Then Jiang Ran looked at Zhang Zhihua:
  "How were you arrested?"


  Zhang Zhihua glanced at Li Tianxin and whispered:

  "That day I went to the inn to look for him, you guys Said he was gone...

  "I went back and asked my father to investigate his whereabouts.

  "Although I didn't find anyone else, I knew that he was going south.

  "Then I found that you also left from the south gate, so I followed him from a distance.

  "I didn't expect that I would meet him again."

  He pointed at Mo Tingsheng.

  Jiang Ran frowned slightly:

  "You are really following me from a distance, I didn't even notice it."

  Zhang Zhihua did not dare to say more, so he lowered his head and glanced at Li Tianxin cautiously.

  I heard Jiang Ran say to Li Tianxin again:
  "What should I do?"

  "How did I know?"

  When Li Tianxin said this, he glared at Jiang Ran angrily:
  "If you hadn't been so nosy, how could I have ended up like this? A land?"

  "Don't say it so harshly."

  Jiang Ran smiled and said,

  "Look at Miss Zhang, the daughter of a dignified palace official. Her appearance is not bad. She loves you so much. It's fine if you don't feel grateful. You're picking your nose and your eyes here, how shameless are you?"

  Zhang Zhihua's face turned red for a moment after hearing Jiang Ran's explicit words.

  Li Tianxin wanted to refute, but he felt that once he said his refutation, it would be too ugly.

  Taking Zhang Zhihua's face into account, he swallowed it, took a deep breath and said to Zhang Zhihua:

  "Miss Zhang, you are very good, but you must be self-aware.

  " "You are definitely not a good match for a girl. Ask the girl to think again.

  "Today's weather is bad, let's forget it. Wait until tomorrow, when the clouds and fog dissipate, please go back to Cangzhou Mansion, girl.

  "This river and lake is dangerous. If there is another accident next time, I'm afraid I won't be as lucky as this time. Zhang

  Zhihua was neither sad nor sad when he heard this.

  He just said,

  "Brother Li, you are self-aware, and so am I."

  "You said you are not a good match, but I think you are.

  "I have never looked at a man like this, so... I inevitably lost my reserve.

  "Now that you drive me away, I won't leave.

  "Unless you are so cruel that you kill me, otherwise, I will follow you! "

  Ye Jingshuang opened her mouth wide. She didn't expect that this little girl could be so frank and forward-thinking!

  Jiang Ran also felt that this girl was different from ordinary girls.

  Especially in this era.

  It would never be the case. A girl can say such a thing in front of everyone.

  This completely treats etiquette as nothing, which is admirable.

  Even in the previous life, there were not many such bold people.

  Jiang Ran admired him. , Li Tianxin's head was about to bleed.

  He looked at Zhang Zhihua for a while, then took a deep breath and said,
  "Okay, if you are willing to follow, then follow.

  "I hope you won't regret it in the future!"

  After saying that, he turned around and left.

  Zhang Zhihua was overjoyed when he heard this. Although Li Tianxin's words didn't sound good, he obviously agreed to let her follow, which was already a big step forward.

  He immediately gave Jiang Ran a slight salute, then turned around and chased him out.

  Luo Qingyi glanced at them strangely, then at Jiang Ran, and reached out to grab Mo Tingsheng:
  "Then... Young Master, I'll go down first."


  Jiang Ran nodded.

  When Luo Qingyi went out, he closed the door for Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang.

  As soon as the door closed, Ye Jingshuang felt that the air in the room seemed a little burning.

  He glanced at Jiang Ran, coughed slightly and said,
  "Then...Brother Jiang, you should rest first."

  Jiang Ran nodded and did not argue with her.

  He rested in the first half of the night, but the second half of the night was more difficult, so it was just right for her to sleep.

  But at this moment, his heart was full of gossip flames, and he couldn't sleep for a while, so he took off his coat and got into the bed, lying on his side and looked at Ye Jingshuang who was sitting at the table, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it
  . Li Tianxin, a cold-spoken and cold-faced guy, was actually chased by a girl like this.

  "I don't know what I saw in him. "

  "Love doesn't know where it starts, but it goes deeper and deeper. "

  Ye Jingshuang chuckled:
  "How can anyone explain this matter clearly?
  "Sometimes, just one glance may last a lifetime.

  "You said it was Li Tianxin who saved her that day... This life-saving grace is even more heart-breaking..."

  Afterwards, his voice became smaller and smaller. .

  I didn’t dare to look back for a while.

  I was afraid of meeting Jiang Ran’s eyes.

  But after a while, I heard no reply from behind, but Jiang Ran’s breathing calmed down.

  Then he sighed in despair and looked back at him. He glanced at it, and then glared with some complaints.

  Finally, he helped Jiang Ran tuck the quilt, poured a cup of tea, and sipped it, his thoughts drifting away. There was no

  more words to say this night. The next

  morning, he slept soundly in bed. Ye Jingshuang opened her eyes.

  She saw Jiang Ran sitting cross-legged, with a strong energy rolling

  around his body. He seemed to be like a fairy.

  After a blank look, she came back to her senses and turned over to sit down. He got up, put on his coat, and said softly:
  "Brother Jiang. "

  Jiang Ran let out a breath, slowly pressed down with his hands, and the energy around him dissipated in an instant.

  Opening his eyes, Ye Jingshuang only felt that his eyes were bright, as if there were twinkling stars, but he had returned to calm in the blink of an eye.

  " Your inner strength seems to be getting deeper. "

  Ye Jingshuang felt a little surprised:
  "Brother Jiang, to what extent have you cultivated the True Heart Sutra of Creation now? "

  "The eighth level. "

  Jiang Ran didn't hide anything:
  "Since the battle with the two Lords of Yangyue and the others in the Valley of Rebirth, they have broken through to the eighth level.

  "It's just that if you want to achieve perfection, you don't know how many years or months it will take."

  The eighth and ninth levels are completely contrary to the common sense of martial arts.

  Ordinary martial arts are nothing more than breaking through acupoints, accumulating internal strength, and then you can break through naturally.

  But that's not the case with the True Heart Sutra of Creation...

  The eighth level needs to accommodate three secrets, and now Jiang Ran has acquired two.

  The Great Brahma Vajra Technique and the Lengyue Great Dharma, if you want to break through to the ninth level, you still lack an internal skill.

  Jiang Ran must be cautious about this.

  This will determine the subsequent height of the Right Heart Meridian of Creation.

  And after gathering these three secrets, Jiang Ran was not sure whether he could immediately break through to the ninth level.

  I always feel that there may be other mysteries in this, and it is not as simple as imagined.

  As for the ninth level...that's even more out of the question.

  How did Ye Jingshuang know the dilemma Jiang Ran was facing now.

  Just hearing that Jiang Ran had practiced the Good Fortune Sutra to the eighth level made him feel as if he had seen a god.

  After I came back to my senses, I felt a little unexplainable.

  Even though Jiang Ran was happy, she still felt a little disappointed.

  This feeling was so inexplicable that Ye Jingshuang couldn't even understand that it was a good thing that Jiang Ran was world-famous in martial arts. Where did this loss come from?

  "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Ran glanced at Ye Jingshuang and felt that something was wrong with her mood.

  Ye Jingshuang quickly shook his head:
  "I'm fine, let's go out."


  Jiang Ran nodded, stood up, and the two of them went out.

  As soon as he went out, he saw Li Tianxin walking out of the door with a tired look on his face, and Zhang Zhihua followed suit.

  When Jiang Ran and his eyes met, Li Tianxin's eyes suddenly widened.

  He looked at Jiang Ran, then at Ye Jingshuang, nodded immediately, and said through gritted teeth,
  "You're very good!!"

  Jiang Ran looked confused:
  "You're not good?"

  "Me... Me too. Okay!"

  This was obviously not what he meant.

  Li Tianxin felt that he was very irritable now, irritable everywhere.

  He glanced angrily at Jiang Ran and Ye Jingshuang, then at Zhang Zhihua, and finally strode downstairs.

  As if this wasn't fast enough, he simply flew up and sat down in the lobby on the first floor.

  He shouted loudly:


  Lao Wang quickly agreed and came to the front in a few steps:
  "What orders do you have, sir?"

  "Bring me some good wine and good food! I can't miss your money!"

  Jiang Ran felt like he saw Mo Tingsheng last night.

  He glanced at Zhang Zhihua with some confusion:
  "What did you do to him last night?"

  Zhang Zhihua felt aggrieved:
  "I stayed at the door all night last night, and I just entered the door this morning, and nothing happened. Do it."


  Listening to what you mean, do you really want to do something?
  But Li Tianxin is really capable, so why should such a charming and charming girl be shut out?

  Who is this...

  And Lao Wang downstairs was also in trouble:

  "This... you want wine and meat early in the morning?"


  Li Tianxin's face sank, and the single sword in his palm made a buzzing sound. .

  "Yes, yes!"

  Before Lao Wang could say anything, the shopkeeper hurried forward and said,

  "Here are the preparations for you."

  He immediately ordered the chef to kill the chickens and geese, and prepare a banquet.

  Li Tianxin finally let out a breath of evil energy.

  When Jiang Ran and others came down from the second floor, he looked like a sculpture, with a cold face and no one wanted to look at him.

  Zhang Zhihua sat next to him, a little cautiously.

  Jiang Ran couldn't stand it anymore and coughed. Before he could speak, Li Tianxin said angrily:

  "Shut up!"

  "I haven't said anything yet."

  Jiang Ran was speechless and raised his eyebrows:
  " You have a good temper."

  "So what?"

  Li Tianxin seemed not to be afraid of anything at this moment:
  "If you have the ability to poison me, let's see if I'm afraid of you!" "

  Forget it, I'm too lazy to be the same as you."

  Jiang However, I feel that this guy is probably possessed by evil spirits.

  Ye Jingshuang glanced at Li Tianxin, thought for a moment, and then glanced at Jiang Ran, thoughtful for a moment.

  The atmosphere is a bit stiff.

  At this moment, Luo Qingyi carried Mo Ting and said,
  "Everyone is getting up."

  No one paid attention to him.

  Luo Qingyi blinked and was about to call Lao Wang over when he saw Lao Wang bringing up a plate of mutton chops.

  "...Eating this early in the morning?"

  Luo Qingyi felt that she was already a little full without eating.

  However this is just the beginning.

  Lao Wang served all kinds of dishes all the way up, including big fish and meat, and at the end he brought over two jars of flower carvings.

  Luo Qingyi looked at the full table and was dumbfounded:
  "Luxurious and extravagant, wine pool and meat forest?

  " Isn't it a little too early in the morning?

  "Eat it whether you like it or not. " "

  Li Tianxin snorted, grabbed the mutton

  chops and stuffed them into his mouth. Jiang Ran was very satisfied with the two jars of Huadiao, and filled his wine gourd to the brim. Then he

  invited everyone to eat and drink.

  He ate too much early in the morning. It's greasy, of course it's not good.

  I picked a few things that seemed to be on the list and ate a few bites before I was full.

  And with such a large table of dishes, how much could Li Tianxin eat by himself?

  In the end, the food was so bad Li Tianxin couldn't eat anymore because of the bruises on his flesh.

  But after finishing the meal, his anger dissipated a lot. He

  got up and went to pay the bill, and packed all the dishes that could be packed on the table. Get up.

  Prepare to save some for the way back.

  As everyone set off, the inn gradually moved away, but Jiang Ran couldn't help but look back.

  I thought that an inn that appeared in this wilderness would probably be a black shop.

  But I didn't expect that this night would be so peaceful.

  (End of chapter)

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