There is no extra work to complete the reading club

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  There is no extra work to complete the reading club

  [Today’s brainstorming, let the originals read something strange]

  [This chapter is free, okay, there is really no nutritional stuff, throw away the brain, throw away the brain, I will only remind you once. ]

  [The "*" part indicates intensive reading]

  This is a small room. You can imagine it as any reading environment you find comfortable, and then stuff a few chairs in it that the original body can sit on, and arrange them in a circle.

  "So, what is this for?"

  Hades reached for the Macragge dessert on the table, but he couldn't reach it. Angron opposite him pushed him to help him reach it, and Mortari An Ze stared at Angron silently.

  He looked at Malcador in front of him. The old man was silent and looked at him as if he wanted to throw Hades out and beat him.

  This small circle is not full. Currently there are only Angron, Mortarion, Guilliman and Hades, plus the host Malcador inside. The good news is that Hades is very familiar with them. , so Hades reached out his hand and attacked the most cost-effective dessert on the table without hesitation.

  Malcador said with a smile on his face,

  "Read - to fill your empty head, Hades."

  The regent's words directly triggered the rebuttal of the three original bodies at the same time, and Angron roared loudly. With a sound, Guilliman tried to persuade the old man to reason with some shame, while Mortarion directly stretched his hand to his waist, where the pistol and the lantern hung.

  Hades waved his hand indifferently, signaling for everyone to calm down. He expected that Malcador had not eaten today, otherwise his attack power would not be so low. "
  Then come."

  Hades handed it to Malcador by the way. A piece of snack, Malcador took it naturally, and then threw the book in his hand directly to Hades.

  Mortarion, who was next to Hades, looked at Malcador in surprise and disgust, as if he was wondering when Hades got together with such a scumbag.

  Hades, who was wiping his hands with a handkerchief and picking up the book, didn't see Mortarion's reaction. He stared at the cover of the shitty green book and read out thoughtfully, "I don't want to be a stinky can?

  " ! The simplified version of the original work is the review selection "——What is this?"

  It sounds a lot like the unclear words that Hades usually likes to shout.

  He looked up at Malcador with some curiosity. Malcador still had the smiling face that he had been asked to work overtime for thousands of years. He looked at Hades friendly and rolled his eyes.


  Hades got used to it, and he continued to turn to the next page,
  "Oh! Guilliman, come and read it."

  Hades opened the page, and it read [Please Robert Guilliman] ——The king of the overtime world, the king of the farming world, the ambitious regent, King of Macragge, read this paragraph]

  Mortarion laughed loudly, he was sure that he saw Guilliman’s unchanging expression for thousands of years. The oily expression twitched for a moment.

  Guilliman slowly and carefully took the book. He returned to the smiling politician at the banquet, as if he was laughing with the non-existent mortals around him, [...a very interesting mix of names
  . , which reminds me of those folk humor dramas. ]

  Guilliman took a deep breath,

  [But I don't know where the title "Ambitious Regent" came from. ]

  He carefully and slyly observed other people's reactions to these words. Malcador, the real regent of the empire, was still rolling his eyes at Hades, Mortarion's hands were still dangling around his waist, Angron Boredly, he rummaged through the snack basket and handed a piece to Hades.

  No one cares about him.

  Not everyone seems to share Guilliman's otherworldly political acumen.

  Guilliman secretly breathed a sigh of relief at his discovery. He opened the first page, sincerely hoping that others would continue to do so, because he knew that such books usually have quite spicy language.

  [Chapter 293,]

  Fluent Gothic sounded, perfect reading talent,
  [A simple vacation. ]

  Guilliman continued to look down, his eyelids twitching without trace,
  [When the rickety ship finally appeared over Terra, both Hades and Malcador let out a long sigh of relief. tone. ]

  Hades stopped chewing and turned to look at Guilliman with a confused look on his face, while Malcador's sinister gaze was pointed straight at Guilliman.

  Angron looked interested, and Mortarion's expression turned gloomy.

  Guilliman put down the book in his hand, raised his hand innocently, and looked at Malcador,
  [Should I continue? ]


  Makado said through gritted teeth.

  So Guilliman began to continue,
  *[The long warp voyage consumed all the patience of the two of them, and Malcador felt like he was holding-] [Hey, I can't...I can't read it like this? ! ]

  Guilliman said awkwardly,

  [These words are too dirty, I can't read them. ]

  "Then let's see if it has any hints."

  Makado said calmly, but it sounded like he was gritting his teeth.

  Miraculously, when Guilliman lowered his head again, he saw a line of small words floating on it,
  +You can leave it to Hades to read the following paragraphs. +
  Guilliman decisively threw this hot potato to Hades, who looked at it with interest, and then he laughed,
  "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, Malcador, you have today too! "

  Hades read it aloud without hesitation,
  *"The long subspace voyage consumed all the patience of the two of them. Malcador felt like he was swimming with a mouthful of shit, and he could neither spit it out. , and can't swallow it."


  Hades let out a huge, mocking laugh, and Malcador silently magically pulled out a huge golden scepter from under his black robe. , the old man stood up and walked towards Hades.

  Mortarion stood up expressionlessly. He stood in front of Hades, the Lord of Death lowering his scythe.

  By the way, Mortarion also hit Hades's feet with his sickle, telling him to shut up and at least be more humane.

  Angron smiled and pulled Malcador directly. The Lord of the Red Sand asked curiously,
  "What are you doing, Malcador, do you feel this kind of feeling?"

  The corner of Malcador's mouth twitched,

  "Keep reading."

  He said,

  he was so happy, Hades decisively continued reading,

  "Hades was not much better, he felt that Malcador was Use psychic powers to force him into a vat filled with vomit, and the vomit is still yelling at him for being an incombustible garbage."

  Hades's voice gradually became quieter.

  "Uh... Okay, that's it."

  Just when Mortarion was about to ask Hades if he felt this way every time he jumped into subspace, Hades behind him began to scream strangely,

  "Spirit After all, there can be no good outcome between the capable and the soulless. Malcador, you and I are destined not to be together! Even though feces and vomit may be a perfect match, they are in heaven and on earth after all!" Mortarion pondered for a moment

  . , and finally he silently took a step to the side, watching Malcador walking past him proudly with his walking stick.

  The next reading was done by Guilliman, accompanied by the sound of a huge psychic waving cane, a powerful psychic muscle spell, and the sad "Makado, you have no respect for the elderly, no respect for the young, and no martial ethics." of shouts.

  Mortarion expressionlessly accepted the snack with Macragge's symbol from Angron. He should have realized this.

  In the end, Malcador stood there panting with his crutch, while Hades continued to scream loudly without any damage, nimbly rushed into the attack range of Malcador's crutch, yelled and then immediately withdrew.

  Mortarion should have realized that this was the guy's way of entertainment, and the three Primarchs quickly adapted to this ridiculous situation.

  The background sound of Guilliman's reading was stuck, and he stopped at where Malcador asked Hades to comment on Terra.

  It's boring, Mortarion thought. Guilliman had just finished reading how rubbish Terra was. It was a huge religious garbage dump. What else could Hades say about it?

  He heard Hades behind him yelling shrilly,
  "Don't read! Don't! Guilliman -"

  Bang! Malcador gave Hades a sap directly, and the old man shouted angrily,
  "Read! You dare not take it seriously!"

  Guilliman trembled and read the sentence softly in disbelief,
  [I It feels like... Terra is not as good as Macragge?

  Hades looked at the two huge figures walking towards him with a sneer on his face,
  "Well, we have something to discuss. A gentleman will not do anything until he takes action."

  Mortarion's eyes did not blink, and he took the scythe. Hang down

  [Why Macragge? ]

  Guilliman also stared at Hades with a smile on his face,
  [Why Macragge - I think you know the political significance of Terra, Hades, did you... do it on purpose? ]

  Now Guilliman knew why Malcador had been targeting him during that period.

  (End of chapter)

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