Chapter 82 76. Moment of suffocation

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  Chapter 82 76. The Suffocating Moment
  Endurance, interrogation room.

  small but empty interrogation room, the bright light examines everything, the dazzling white light, even though it tries its best, the darkness is still hidden here.

  It is not people who are exploring knowledge, but knowledge that chases humans and devours those humans who know them.

  The Primarch sat at the cold interrogation table, chewing everything.

  The sound of heavy breathing, about to be suffocated, was intermittent, and the gas mask was working hard.

  Mortarion looked like a corpse, his hood completely covering his only remaining eyes looking at the outside world.

  Despair and fear are his cages and chains.

  Puzzled, afraid, afraid, afraid, he was nailed to the steepest cliff of Barbarus, with the pus eagle pecking at his flesh.

  The consciousness of the Supreme Heaven has never turned away from His gaze. He is the chosen unfortunate, and he is the favored and blessed one.

  The owner of the garden loves his toys.

  He. He is His no, no no no! !

  He is Mortarion, he is the Liberator of Barbarus, he is the leader of the Fourteenth Legion, he is something he is not. He is something he is not!
  He is human!
  Mortarion clung to his position, he was still here, nothing had happened yet, he had not been taken away yet -

  the emotion of despair, he liked it very much.

  He blinked.

  Mortarion stood there, the dim light of the Endurance slowly reflecting on the corpse at his feet, rustling, bacteria growing, and viruses carnivaling.

  Not a single Space Marine remained at their post; sickness assailed them, and countless growths of decay grew within their bodies.

  The swollen body was tightly bound in the power armor, with pus oozing from the gaps and meaningless twitching. Mortarion didn't know if it was a pathological twitch or a struggle to hold on. Your own destiny?


  The tall primarch was bent over, pained, weak, and the disease was eroding everything about him.

  "Father. Kill me, please kill me."

  He gently stretched out his hand, took off his power armor gloves, and put his hand as pale as bones gently on his son's neck.

  "I'm sorry."

  Death was Mortarion's last mercy.

  However, Death's authority was stolen.

  He never really understood death.

  The neck was twisted into an abnormal arc, there was no blood, and some semi-turbid mucus oozed out. He was not dead, no, he was already a corpse, he was trapped in his corpse.

  He struggled to look at him, his hazy white pupils staring at the original body, and he coughed and screamed in his throat.

  no no! No, don't look at me like that!
  Mortarion stood up and almost fled.

  He was a coward, he abandoned his children, he abandoned his warriors, he could do nothing.

  The endless torment lasted for so long, it was eternal.

  He gave up, surrendered, knelt down, and gave his heirs a tomorrow.

  Mortarion stood there, panting as if suffocated. Despair covered him with a black cloak. He was just living, and all thoughts were lost - No. No,

  father, don't kneel. Don't kneel!

  Don't kneel down, you promised us to liberate everything! ! !

  Father, father, father!


  The burning sensation came again, and

  the original body opened his eyes. The dazzling white light pierced his eyes, and Mortarion blinked blankly.

  Is this an illusion? Or the future? Or is it reality?

  Hades looked at him,

  "Are you okay, Mortarion?"

  Mortarion ignored him. The original body stood up as if sleepwalking, and the chair screamed on the ground.

  Father, father, father! ! !

  Mortarion shook his head and walked toward the door in confusion.

  Hades quickly followed up, and he touched Mortarion quietly. Fortunately, his soul was still white and dazzling.

  But why did he stand up suddenly? What had Mortarion just seen?
  The moment Hades followed Mortarion out, Hades already knew the answer to his doubts.

  The long and narrow corridor connecting the interrogation rooms is a sea of ​​white and green at the moment.

  People are all people.

  People who kneel.

  Kneeling Barbarus.

  Someone who has caught a glimpse of the truth.

  "No kneeling."

  Mortarion's hoarse voice sounded, echoing in the long and narrow corridor, causing ripples in circles.

  But no one paid any attention to him.

  Countless Death Guards were wearing full armor, kneeling on one knee, breathing silently with bolters, melta weapons, and chainsaws.

  When Hades told Mortarion about the existence of those subspaces, the illusions Mortarion saw and the despair he felt slowly penetrated along his connection with the Death Guard.

  They saw the "future".

  Mortarion and the entire Death Guard, to some extent, saw the Legion's final end.

  Rotting in this filth.

  Some Terran veterans could restrain themselves and trembled in place, but the descendants of Barbarus who had been with Mortarion since the liberation of Barbarus immediately put down their training and ran as fast as they could. Come over.

  They felt the Primarch's despair.

  "Get up, don't kneel!"

  Mortarion roared, and the sound exploded in the long and narrow corridor.

  The kneeling knee did not move at all.

  Space Marines have an inseparable spiritual connection with their primarch.

  Especially when a Space Marine truly admires and loves their Primarch.

  The emotions and state of the original body are something that every Space Marine can vaguely detect.

  Barazin stood at the end of the corridor like a guard. Just now, the Endurance seemed to have turned into a quagmire filled with flesh and blood, with despair and illness spreading in every corner.

  But the illusion soon faded, leaving only the cold walls of the Endurance.

  Barasin was the first Death Guard to come back to his senses. His heart was filled with pain and despair that were suffocating him.

  After realizing what might happen next, Barasin immediately ordered that, except for necessary positions, the rest of the mortal crew should return to the lounge to be on guard.

  He then contacted hardline veterans to take over the Death Guard's defense.

  The original body's emotions fluctuated greatly, and even some Terrans came over, but they did not kneel down, they just stood on the edge, like guarding knights.

  The Primarch roared, but no one left.

  Is this a silent plea or a desperate cry for help?
  Or maybe both?
  The original body turned around instantly, slammed the door of the interrogation room, walked quickly back to the interrogation table and sat down, covering his eyes in despair.

  When he saw the situation in the corridor just now, Hades swallowed silently.

  Not only Mortarion, but also the legions connected to Mortarion also received the vision of the primarch.

  He seemed to be in big trouble this time.

  But Hades thought in confusion that he didn't remember why he was so careless.
  No, now is not the time to doubt himself.


  Hades asked cautiously, and
  Mortarion snorted weakly.

  He knew why his children were kneeling, they were begging him, begging him not to kneel.

  Ask Him to stand up, ask Him to lead them.

  He. He can't do it.

  Just like the weak self who was thrown off the cliff by Nacre.

  The touch of the Death Guard's neck still lingered on his hand.

  "Mortarion, let me tell you what I know."

  Hades' untimely words sounded, urgent and serious,
  "Those subspace creatures are not invincible. They are trapped in the laws of subspace. Physics The world rejects their existence."

  "Compared to killing in the physical world, they in subspace are better at bewitching humans ideologically. As long as they maintain a firm mind and a rational mind, they will not be easily shaken by subspace creatures. ."

  "Moreover, even warp creatures that exist in the physical world can be destroyed by destroying their bodies and then banishing them back to the warp." "We can try to fight them, they are not invincible.


  Mortarion didn't move.

  "What was that scene just now?"

  That was Hades swallowing again.

  "That's an illusion."

  "But if we remain content with the status quo, that's the future."

  Is that so?
  Mortarion claimed to be a materialist, but what he just experienced was a sudden vision and a crazy sense of despair.
  "Have you known this for a long time?"

  Mortarion suddenly asked, making Hades stunned. trembling!
  "Yes. I have also seen such a vision."

  Mortarion glanced at Hades, then lowered his eyes,

  "Then you are still following me, following a legion destined to be devoured?"

  This comrade who finally climbed to the top of the mountain with him, Hades, if you learned everything on the Emperor's Dream, why didn't you choose to leave?

  Hades was silent.

  "Because I know that the future is not fixed, and we can still seize the present."

  His firm voice rang out.

  "Maybe we are destined not to save everything, but at least we can save ourselves."

  Mortarion raised his eyes and looked at Hades,

  "So you went to find the think tank, right?"

  Hades stood still. ,

  "There is still something we can do now."

  "Before everything happens."

  Terra, the Royal Palace.

  Countless government affairs came rushing over. He sat on his wooden office chair, monitoring different data, checking many official documents, and then classified these complicated information flows, packaged them into different information packages, and printed his badge. Send it out again.

  This is a workload that is unimaginable to others, but the old man at this moment is doing it very seriously.

  However -


  On the bookshelf behind him, a doll suddenly exploded.

  The strange sound suddenly made the old man turn around, and the complicated flow of information was immediately interrupted and blocked here.

  The doll, painted solid black, cracked.

  Malcador sighed.

  Emperor, my master, my dear friend, have you really seen the right person?

  This was the first time he had seen something happen during the legion's running-in period.

  The complex flow of information flowed again, Malcador sighed again, and a special secret order was sent from the palace.

   Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (ω`)
    I tried my best on these two took a day to write, but there were a lot of scraps.

  (End of chapter)

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