Chapter 355 344 Flashing darkness, do you like it?

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  Chapter 355 344. The flashing darkness, do you like it?
  As it turned out, Angron was unable to expel anything but blood, saliva, and fragments of brain tissue...what Hades would have preferred him to spit out.

  After repeated attempts, Hades decided not to force Angron any longer, and waited for news from the Emperor in the Starfield of the Maelstrom with peace of mind.

  In the vast star field of the empire, long-distance navigation is an extremely time-consuming matter even if subspace navigation is used. Patience is obviously necessary at this time.

  Although Hades also had the bad idea of ​​being trapped in the maelstrom and watching the great rebellion because he could not enter the subspace.

  But even for the Four Gods, it is difficult to set off a storm in the galaxy. Hades carefully reviewed the overall situation of the empire when he left the Perfect City, and believed that there should be no such thing that Hades least wanted to see. scene.

  However, the phalanges have been lost, and no matter how worried they are, it is in vain. It is better to take the opportunity to develop. Whether it is the Forge World of Sarem or the World Eaters, they have been severely injured after experiencing the battle with Khorne and the Star God, and they are in urgent need of recovery. .

  Hades first personally directed the sages of Salem to clean up the ruins after the battle with the Star God. The originally bright red planet has now withered and turned rusty red. At the very center of the war, a thin layer of metal was poured over the vast wasteland.

  It was metal forged by Hades with the help of the roar that erupted at the last moment of the Nightbringer, and most of its raw materials came from the undead skeleton.

  Hades first carefully confirmed that there were no remaining Necrons underground on the planet, and then checked again that there was no residual interference from Chaos on the planet.

  Hades stood in the cold wind. The biting wind blew on the armor and crackled, but what was wrapped in it was not blood foam, but fine metal particles.

  In the distance, the dim outlines of countless Titans loomed.

  This debris is the carcass of machinery.

  He slowly turned around and looked at the Haishen people who were waiting behind him,
  "Sareem can train this planet into your forging world."

  He watched the Great Sage Haishen pretending to be calm and salute, while whistling In the wind, Hades saw the waiting people starting to cheer further away.

  When Hades inspected the planet, Hades could feel the expectations of these "not enough" people for him.

  The skitarii's cautious gaze, the sage's self-concealed tracking, and people following him seemed like all they had to do was follow him.

  A sudden shout came from the crowd in the distance,

  "God! Please give this land a name!"

  This voice naturally came from the offense of a sage who was "not of sufficient level". Hades saw Haishen He trembled suddenly and was about to apologize to Hades.
  Hades raised his hand to signal Haishen to stop. He asked softly,

  "Haisen...are you willing to fulfill that sage's wish?"

  Hades It was funny to see Haisen's indicator light flashing crazily, and the final answer was of course yes.

  Hades smiled, and he raised his voice in the wind,

  "My brave warriors who pursue the truth!"

  Hades said loudly, his voice tearing through the cold wind,

  "You have shown me your determination and determination. Will, in this chaotic maelstrom star field, you are the beam of light, let the light of human reason shine on this land again - Faos, this planet is called Faos!" "Faos

  ! Sis!!!"

  The crowd burst into overwhelming cheers.

  Phaos, the first day of creation, that day when the gods brought light, that day when the believers’ rescue beams tore through the dark clouds.

  Hades smiled, he would never forget that day when he raised his head and saw the first Titan drawing a beam of light on the horizon.


  After receiving permission from Hades, the Salem Forge World began to transform the entire planet with extremely high efficiency.

  Half of the sages returned to the forge world of Lord Sarem to mobilize large-scale construction machinery, while the other half of the sages followed Hades to plan the future of Faos.

  The first thing they need to consider is the cage that binds the Nightbringer.

  Between the four pillars of black stone, arcs crackled like humanoid screams. Hades thought about how to deal with this star god, and finally decided to give the fragment to Faos for safekeeping.

  The premise is that the Emperor and Malcador do not ask him for this fragment of the Star God.

  Hades's reason for doing this is relatively simple. If he decides to take this fragment of the Star God with him and place it on the ship, it is difficult for Hades to know whether these subjects will be black stones during the subspace jump. The buildings have an impact - not to mention that the state of the ship is not stable.

  And Hades has no need to take away this fragment. The Necron's super-dimensional Rubik's Cube maze currently only has two relatively stable uses. One is to release the Nightbringer to fight, and the other is to continuously transport energy outwards. .

  Given that this maze was damaged to some extent during the battle between Hades and the Nightbringer... Hades has no plans to release this existence in the short term.

  It is better to stay here to provide energy for the sages of Salem, and also provide a more stable physical space for the sages.

  At the same time, Hades was able to determine that the current chaotic state of the maelstrom was enough to cover up the traces of this fragment, but if he took it out... it would probably attract the attention of other Necrons.

  Although he is a Necron trap in his own right.

  Hades thought, he rubbed his index finger and thumb casually, and the emerald green static electricity was so weak that it was difficult to detect. After the battle with the Nightbringer, Hades could clearly sense that... some new power was resurrecting in his body.

  The first thing to revive is the scorching green lightning that can be wrapped around the black armor to show off.

  Up to now, Hades's main application for this is to open up the dark zone to darken the entire field, while at the same time lighting up the lightning to create a powerful effect.

  No one can fail to marvel at Hades's charisma in this scene. With the Emperor's red electric eyes and the black field and lightning special effects, Hades was the most arrogant character in the whole process.

  Hades thought boredly that now he had one more flashing special effect than Mortarion, who had his own field transformation special effects.

  ...Ahem, if we look into the actual combat value, Hades thought about it and found that he could control lightning to appear on any machinery, metal, or black stone products near him.

  He can destroy or briefly control these machines, and the moving arc will also enchant the weapons. The effect is... similar to high-temperature burning? The metal begins to slowly melt under the arc.

  Hades poked his face with his fingertips (after all, this was the only place without armor), and green lightning flashed past like static electricity. Unlike the high temperature effect, these green flashes gave people a cold feeling.

  Hades also called several other people over for this purpose, and the feedback from others was also cold, not hot.

  After a long period of lightning, the metal will be completely smelted into a liquid state, and Hades can manipulate the liquid metal into the shape he wants.

  But Hades decided to give up after trying it a few times. The more regular rectangular shape was his limit, and he could only make something like bricks.

  Hades held the brick in his hand and fell into deep thought.

  ...It's not... no?
  These liquid metals can also automatically wrap metal wounds. Hades found a few old cars for experiments. Specifically, they automatically connected broken wires, performed simple soldering on chips, and wrapped thickened armor baffles.

  In addition, Hades can also automatically perceive the degree and status of all machinery within sight.

  It is worth mentioning that the machines with organic souls have two attitudes towards Hades.

  Hades could feel that some machine souls would completely surrender to him, while others would try to escape. At this time, Hades' control over them would decrease.

  Hades deduced that although the God of All Machines is a subspace-like existence, Hades himself possesses fragments of the physical void dragon, so the essentially subspace machine soul may be hostile to him?

  And those who surrendered to Hades chose to believe the side of the God of All Machines.

  Hades didn't know what those machine spirits were thinking, but it didn't matter. Once the black realm passed, it wasn't a problem.

  However...if a machine soul has the possibility of resisting Hades, can it only be done by a machine soul, or can any machine with self-awareness do so?
  Since the experimental subject could not be found, Hades was not clear about this for the time being.

  Hades suddenly remembered the grumpy old car he had met on Mars, but he didn't know what the old car would think about Hades treating his kind like this.

  In other words, the void dragon ability currently awakened by Hades can be regarded as being able to greatly enhance one's own mechanical troops on the battlefield and at the same time cause interference to the enemy's mechanical troops.

  He can use lightning to command and interfere, and he can also use liquid metal to replenish his own blood.

  In summary, it is just an auxiliary position, but when the liquid metal accumulates to a certain amount on the field... Hades believed that he could recreate the glory of defeating the Nightbringer, although he was hiding between Angron and the Titans at the time. The output comes from, only giving the Nightbringer a knife at the last moment.

  However... that knife seemed to have given Hades something.

  Hades recalled the scene at that time. When he fell into the state of the void dragon fragments, Hades was completely unable to sense life. He could only judge the battle situation through the machinery around the warriors.

  After this blow, Hades could feel [life].

  No, that's not a very compromising way of describing it.

  The correct statement should be that Hades can feel the existence of those who are not yet [dead].

  What he perceived was [death], not [life].

  There was nothing else, and Hades didn't notice that the darkness around him got a little darker.


  The subspace whispers that existence on the physical side is slowly rising.

  That is not simply [anti-subspace], but the real [physical side].

  The dark path ends abruptly, and the arrogant destroy their own path.

  No need to be kind.

  He must swallow the bitter fruit of his own brew alone.

   No more... 3k!

  (End of chapter)

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