Chapter 344 Chapter 333 Brother Fear is both wise and brave

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  Chapter 344 333. Brother Fear is both wise and brave.
  Before coming into contact with the Twelfth Legion, Hades had thought about what Angron would be like.

  He thought that he would see a half-mad madman, a butcher, and a primarch who was tortured by nails and went crazy. If the situation was a little worse, Hades was even prepared to face the ascended demon Angron.

  After all, apart from informing the World Eaters of Angron's location in advance, Hades had done nothing on this line of fate.

  But when he blew open the door, Hades realized he was wrong.

  He saw a tragedy.

  He will personally end this suffering.



  There was a sudden explosion, the heavy door was blown open, and blood and heat rushed straight to the door, accompanied by a suddenly amplified roar.

  Hades narrowed his eyes, and he simply used his hands to stop Mago, who was about to rush into the hall the moment the door was blown open, and darkness quickly enveloped the entire place.

  But in view of the presence of the World Eaters beside him, Hades only suppressed the Black Domain to a slightly suppressed level.

  After thoroughly seeing the situation in the hall, Hades' expression darkened.

  【Rock! Rock! ! Wake up! ! !

  The beast painfully pressed the demon against the wall with a battle axe, saliva mixed with blood sprayed on the demon's face, Angron screamed in vain, the original body trembled, and the nails buzzed.

  The demon held in his hand was flapping its wings feebly.


  A weak voice came from the helmet pierced by the giant goat's horn,
  "Kill my...father."

  The next moment, Angron's painful roar almost ripped open everyone's eardrums. Hades could Feeling the spreading pain of the World Eaters beside him, the Primarch's grief had an unimaginable impact on his offspring.

  After confirming that there were no physical traps in the hall, Hades left everyone around him behind and rushed over to shrink the black area.


  Hades shouted,

  "Angron, reinforcements are coming!"

  The sudden strengthening of the black domain made the original body tremble suddenly. Angron turned around, his pupils reflected Hades, And the blue and white figures of the World Eaters behind Hades.

  The Lord of the Red Sand laughed loudly, blood sprayed out, and his face was twisted to the extreme.

  【coming? Here we come, okay...okay! I'm late! late!

  Angron laughed sadly, his body began to shake, and the hand holding Roark gradually became weak.

  The Lord of the Mountain vomited a large mouthful of blood, and he opened his arms in resignation. Rock, who was severely injured, slid to the ground with the original body's movement.


  It’s too late! It's too late to say anything! Where is the heir who sacrifices his soul to protect his father? ! Angron didn't hold on to anything! He fought again and again, and made vows again and again, but now look, he failed to do it!
  Angron screamed, he wished he could die immediately, he would die on the very first day, there would be no more Angron! There will be no more sons of the mountains! His teachers and heirs will not die because of him.

  Angron laughed,

  [Why do you still come to me? ! A slave who was tortured to death by nails, stop giving me vain expectations!

  Pieces of flesh flowed out of his nose. Angron wiped them away nonchalantly. He grinned and looked at Roark. Scarlet deformities covered Roark's body, and he could hardly recognize his heir .

  He did nothing but allowed others to sacrifice everything for himself.

  The heat and blood burned Angron, causing him to fall into an emotional abyss. Rock's comforting words would only make Angron feel more guilty, and then he fell deeper into the bottom.

  Such an unqualified legion commander... Angron thought, would the empire arrange for someone to judge him? He wished that the empire was here to judge him instead of trying to save him in vain.

  "Then you want to abandon the World Eaters who are still waiting for you, Angron?"

  Angron was stunned.

  The dark visitor made a calm voice, and the red light looked at him coldly,
  "And...please give way."

  Hades stepped forward directly. Angron's mood was very unstable, but he still Making way for Hades, did he realize what Hades was going to do next?
  The scythe hung meekly by Hades' side. Hades put away the black domain and directed the World Eaters and Soulless Ones to deploy into the hall.

  Hades lowered his eyes calmly. He looked at the World Eater who was struggling with pain and Khorne, and a similar scene overlapped in his eyes.

  Hades stretched out his hand and strangled the big demon's neck. Angron seemed to be annoyed by Hades's actions. He rushed forward, but Hades raised his other hand and stopped him with the scythe in his hand.

  "I'm saving him, Angron, please let me try."

  Hades gestured to the soulless ones to be alert for the next thirty seconds. Angron was stunned. He was trying to understand what Hades had just said. Those words were very simple, but he didn't understand them. He

  watched Hades close his eyes defenselessly, and then... surrounded Rock. The gloomy blood around him began to dissipate.

  The blood ax bit into Rock's hand armor began to scream. The threads connecting the warriors like blood vessels were rapidly declining. Cracks climbed up the devil's horns. The horns that were originally like sharp blades were now as brittle as loose soil.

  Angron watched all this in disbelief.

  Rock... Rock can still be saved.

  He felt a soreness in his nose. Angron lowered his head and saw pieces of meat dripping on the ground.

  Finally, the Imperial reinforcement opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and looked quite tired.

  "Okay... Rock has guarded the last piece of pure land in his heart - Angron. His loyalty to you saved himself, and he did not succumb to the devil."

  Hades said softly,
  "It is quite worth it. Respected warrior,"

  Hades took a deep breath and held the scythe tightly,

  "Angron, try your best... not to let them down... I have some words to say after we go out."

  He turned to look at Angron, In an instant, Hades realized that he had made a mistake. Angron's facial muscles were twitching crazily. The nails had penetrated too deep, and it seemed as if they had just been torn apart violently.

  But Angron seemed to feel no pain at all. He stared at Rock, and then he slowly moved his eyes to Hades,
  [Who are you? ]

  "Hades, don't talk about this yet, Angron, give me ten seconds, no, five seconds - let me check your nails."

  Hades could see that the Butcher's Nail had exerted on Angron. In great, unbearable pain, Angron would twitch uncontrollably under the impact of the nails.

  The nails were drilled so deep that even if Angron suddenly went crazy and gave Hades an axe, Hades would not be surprised.

  But Angron didn't. He was like a beast trapped in place. Angron bared his teeth as he watched Hades approach him and touch his head that made him uncomfortable.

  【Thank you. ]

  Angron said.

  He heard Hades gasping in pain, but he did not stop examining Angron. Finally, Hades stopped and stared at him.

  "I... I might be able to give it a try, but not now. We need to return to the World Eater's ship immediately to perform surgery on you. Angron, you can't fight anymore."

  Angron bared his teeth and smiled, realizing After Rock was fine, the pain caused by the nails reoccupied his consciousness,
  "Then how do we escape? Didn't you hear their footsteps coming?"

  He saw Hades staring at him seriously. If Hades hadn't gasped just now, Angron would have thought of him as a being similar to the Forbidden Army.

  As for why Hades looked like the original body, Angron didn't care. Maybe Hades could be one of his brothers?

  "You can't fight anymore, the nails will kill you. I will use the black domain to force your soul and body into a semi-coma state, so that the nails will stop driving deep because of the loss of stimulation, and then we will think of something else. Way."

  Angron gasped. He might still want to fight, but he felt the looks the World Eaters were looking at him - no... this made him sad.

  [Okay, I’ll listen to you. ]

  Angron said.

  The next moment, the nauseating darkness enveloped him. Angron could no longer hold up his overstretched body. He staggered and fell down. Hades caught him as expected, and then Hades Si carried Angron on his back.

  Angron tilted his head. He could still feel the soreness and weakness in his muscles, but he watched with satisfaction as Mago carried Rock on his back, and the two ugly wings fell off Rock's back.

  After finding and stabilizing Angron's condition, Hades immediately ordered a retreat. Carrying Angron on his back, he led the armies of the World Eaters and the Soulless to fight a bloody path in the realm of Khorne.

  The closer they got to the exit, the fewer Khorne's forces dwindled, and by the end, Hades could no longer even detect Khorne's psychic powers with the Black Sphere.

  Based on Hades' usual experience, this may not be good news.

  Sure enough, when they retreated from the building, the magma in the rift erupted with an earth-shattering roar, and the planet's crust began to tremble violently.

  Sleeping underground, the true owner of this planet woke up.

  In the blurred vision of the blizzard, Hades saw a familiar figure -

  the Necron.

  It was then that he realized that the building they had just entered was the undead tomb of Khorne's Dove.

  So... Hades slowly realized that Khorne might have had more than one target from the very beginning.

   Great! Nothing
  (end of this chapter)

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