Chapter 341 Chapter 330 Bloody Battle Mad Demon

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  Chapter 341 Chapter 330. Blood War Mad Demon

  "Sacrifice your blood to the blood god, sacrifice your head to the skull seat!!!"

  The bloody wind roars, the layers of iron chains penetrate the broken wings, the broken horns are ferocious, summoned from the dim pool of blood The devil stands proudly on the blood plain.

  Something unimaginable.

  Kahn took a deep breath, and he immediately judged that no one here was the monster - no, the opponent of the devil. Kahn ordered the World Eaters to defend without hesitation, protect the soulless ones in the middle of the army, and call A new round of air support.

  The cold wind mixed with blood and ice in the sky seemed to be responding to the roar of the monster. The signal was intermittent. The sky in the main area was obscured by the storm. Kahn was not sure whether the air fleet had received his request for help.

  [Terra Time 00:16:00]

  But on the vast blood plain, they had nowhere to retreat.

  Then fight.

  "For the Emperor! For Angron!"

  Karn roared, his voice even drowning out the roar of the demon. He rushed out first, raising his battle ax, and the other World Eaters roared and rushed out with him.

  The demon rushed straight towards the brave man who challenged it like a cannonball. Skarbrand's angry and painful roar was mixed with the joy of battle.

  [Terra Time 00:16:34]


  Skarbrand directly knocked away any Khorne demon army that blocked it from rushing towards the killing, and the Blood Ax Worldslayer hit Ka Well, Kahn raised his ax to meet him without fear!


  A loud noise that could shatter bones erupted. Kahn felt that all the muscles in his body were bleeding. He gritted his teeth, his face twitched violently, and the devil's flames ignited in front of him.

  The two briefly confronted each other for a moment. Skarbrand's mouth was open wide, and the stench was sprayed directly on Kahn opposite it. The demon's eyes lit up with anger, and Kahn's heart was shocked. It was going to attack again!
  The other claw of the big devil held the giant axe, the World Killer, and struck at Kahn. Kahn used all his strength to slide away from the World Killer he had just confronted. He was ready to face him head on - the sound of the power helmet breaking sounded

  , Kahn flew out, and Skarbrand's dirty hoofs were still in the air, kicking Kahn's position. The World Destroyer didn't swing at all, it was just a feint attack.

  [Terra Time 00:16:36]


  Kahn slammed into the ground, smashing up bloody cement and soil. Blood seeped out from his clenched teeth. His vision was blurry. From the corner of his eye, he saw the rest of the brothers flying up in the air. of pieces.

  He struggled to get up from the muddy and cold ground, the buzzing alarm of the power armor's insulation system blaring in his ears, and the sound of broken bone plates coming from his chest. Kahn shook his head, trying to regain his vision. Clear.

  Then he raised his bolter and greeted the monster in the face while charging. The ammunition that was usually enough to dent or even burst the armor only made Skarbrand narrow his eyes. The blood drinkers were still harvesting indiscriminately. Holding the head.

  [Terra Time 00:16:43]

  Karn rushed in front of Skarbrand again. He shouted in the name of Angron and raised his axe, and attacked the big demon with the two surviving centurions. , the three mortal soulless people also clung to their bodies, using every opening to pour ammunition towards Skarbrand.

  A heavy explosive bomb and two strange grenades successfully hit the exiled man's left eye. Skarbrand roared and shouted the name of the blood god. The powerful blood-red muscles bulged, and it became more angry and fanatical. .

  Only blood and heads can calm its rage!

  Skarbrand swung his giant axe, and the back of the ax knocked a World Eater away hard. The warrior flew out like a stone, and at the same time hit the Soulless One who had no time to dodge.

  "Monster, come at me!"

  Kahn shouted, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his saliva making a corrosive sound in his helmet.

  The blood drinker roared with anger and joy. Under the will of the Blood God, it felt the unusual soul of the brave man in front of it. It decided to personally dedicate the brave man's head to its god to wash away his sins!
  The giant ax in both hands was swung at the enemy's head with all its strength at the same time. The wings behind it were spread wide. The cold wind made the layers of iron ropes running through it roar. The sharp sound of breaking wind was carried by the tomahawk and it struck straight down. This was simply impossible. The next blow! But Kahn still roared and raised his battle ax, and his dirty helmet reflected the growing stains on the horizon——

  [Terra Time 00:16:46] "Hang!"

  There was another fierce sound. There was a sound of metal clashing, but it was far from as earth-shattering as expected. The angry flames burning around Skarbrand began to extinguish, which was the initial signal.

  Skarbrand let out a sharp and angry cry. It felt that the Blood God's will was starting to move away from it again. Could it be that it had committed some crime that the Blood God didn't like? !
  The big demon raised his ax angrily and struck the white-helmeted warrior again. Even though the opponent was furious, his unstable legs told the blood drinker that he could not withstand the next blow. He only needed one blow and he would get it back. His head regained the favor of the Blood God!
  "Cang! Cang!!"

  Two heavy bullets directly knocked away Skarbrand's double axes. The devil was shocked to find that his tomahawk, which could not have been blocked, had deviated from the track - no, how could this be possible? !
  Its chaotic brain still cannot discover or understand that its source of power is shrinking.


  A high-pitched and angry shout came from the layers of wind and snow, furiously tearing through the howling cold wind.

  The blood god soldiers that had crawled out densely on the blood plain began to wither, and their remaining limbs that had not crawled out fell weakly back into the pool of blood, dying under the erosion of darkness.

  Skarbrand watched in horror as the Blood God Demon Army on the battlefield over there was... escaping? !
  The Skull Reavers screamed and threw down the Hell Blade, pushing and shoving in the direction of the Blood Drinkers. The Overlords harvested the lives of their comrades at the fastest speed, striving to return to the Blood God's realm before the darkness ended, and even Even the flesh hounds supervising the battle galloped away from the unknown area, but when they reached a far enough place, the Blood God twisted their heads in anger.

  It was difficult for Skarbrand to understand what it was seeing. It put down its double axes in confusion and only stared at the darkness that was moving towards it rapidly. It felt that the gift of the Blood God was getting further and further away from it.

  How... how is it possible?

  "Skarbrand! Come here!! Fight me!!!"

  The monster shouted its name accurately, with blazing anger in the shout, but Skarbrand could not feel the enemy's impact as usual. Its fighting spirit, no, this is not right, this is not right!
  It gasped and clenched its two axes, its stinking breath turning into blood mist in the cold. It should rush over, it should raise its two axes, it should cut off the enemy's head and prove to the Blood God that it was loyal to Him. Servant!
  Skarbrand roared in vain and called to the Blood God, but its god abandoned it again - no, no, no, no, no, Skarbrand suddenly realized that this previous punishment was different.

  Even after it struck Khorne with its axe, the Blood God would inflict ever-perceptible pain on it, but now it seemed that even the pain was imperceptible.

  "My Lord!!! Blood God!!!"

  It roared again, but no response arrived.

  [Terra Time 00:16:53]

  Countless servants of the Blood God passed by the blood drinker without mercy. Skarbrand took a step back, and its hoofs stepped into the cold pool of blood.

  It opened its arms and roared angrily, but it felt its voice getting smaller and smaller. The darkness rushed straight towards it, and the comrades around it turned into pus and blood.

  Skarbrand looked up, its mouth stupidly wide open, and raised its two axes

  to face the enemy.

  The flames extinguished in the blood-drinker's pupils, reflecting the glow of the full moon on the dark scythe. Pluto jumped up and broke through the storm, the dark cloak rustled, and the obituary went straight to the head of the big devil - eight blood dogs came from

  Scarab The pool of blood behind Rand suddenly rose up, but the target was not Hades. The sharp fangs of the hound rushed towards Skarbrand accurately!
  At the last moment when the completely terrifying darkness enveloped Skarbrand, Skarbrand felt the familiar feeling of being exiled.

  The next moment, eight blood dogs, which were far stronger than ordinary flesh hounds, whimpered and disappeared into the darkness forever.

  Hades landed heavily, splashing blood.

  He looked silently at the direction in which the demon army was escaping, and spat on the ground.


  he muttered.

  The next moment, any escaping servants of the Blood God who were still within his sight had their heads exploded.

  The rain of blood was like fireworks exploding before a banquet.

   Yes, code.

  (End of chapter)

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