Chapter 335 Chapter 324 Drink!

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  Chapter 335 324. Drink!
  Neither of them used words to convince the other that Vulkan was far more stubborn than imagined, which was probably a good thing as it meant that he would not be easily swayed, even if the cost was the blood of more heirs.

  But during the conversation, Fainus gradually realized that Mortarion was not really trying to admonish Vulkan, but rather judging him by Vulkan's words and deeds.

  Why...why is he so wary of the Brotherhood? Unless...

  the deepest fears emerged from Fainus' logic, and he didn't want it to be true. He would rather hope that the truth of the matter was that Mortarion himself was a madman.

  But is this possible?
  Not long after they left the Fireforge, the Lord of Medusa received an invitation from the Lord of Death, and the conversation between them was far from over.

  Unlike Mortarion, who would never board another Legion ship unless necessary, Faenus had not experienced so much, so he went happily.



  The Lord of Death sat comfortably in his exclusive chair. He obviously looked more relaxed than on the Fireforged. On the other side, the Lord of Medusa did not look so comfortable.

  Just like Vulkan likes to decorate the fire horn with high temperature and fire, Mortarion likes to cover his room with a light and warm poisonous gas. He even took off his breathing mask-at this time, Feinus Then I realized that it was not a gas mask, but a gas mask.

  Maybe Mortarion is a madman.

  [Welcome, my brother. ]

  Mortarion spoke casually. He raised his hand and signaled the servitor to pour wine for the two original bodies. In the relatively simple red copper wine glasses, the slightly turbid wine pulp reflected the barrenness and darkness in the room.

  Faenus slowly turned his gaze to Mortarion.

  [Please forgive me, compared to those legions who care about life, the Death Guard does not care too much about things other than war. ]

  Mortarion nonchalantly took another small pot of wine from the tray held by the servitor, and then added a little more spices to his cup. Fainus could clearly see that what was poured out of the pot was pure wine. A black, foul-smelling liquid, mixed with some unknown black residue.

  Now Faenus has ranked Mortarion at the top of the list of the strangest Primarchs, and he's decided to take Mortarion's credibility down a notch.

  Realizing that Feinus had been staring at him, Mortarion spoke, although his eyes were still on the wine,
  "This is...a little personal hobby of mine, a little bit toxic."

  The poisoned wine will allow him to speak better. The spicy and corrosive liquid will sting his esophagus and make his stomach cramp. It will remind Mortarion of his years in Barbarus, which will make him He realized that he endured difficulties all the time, survived them, and became more resilient.

  His mood will get better.
  For people who rely on pain to survive, a better mood is not a good thing, so Mortarion rarely drinks. He usually drinks when he swears an oath with the warriors to make himself feel better. Remember that moment better.

  This was the second time he drank with his "brother". The first time was with Horus, but to Mortarion, it was just tasteless water. He wanted to
  try it again to see what it was like for him. , is there any new, some kind of possibility.

  Faenus gave him a suspicious look, but Mortarion ignored it. He took a shallow sip and felt the cells in the mucous membrane of his mouth exploding in the poisonous juice. It was like swallowing a dense needle.

  【They are all freaks. ]

  Mortarion slowly shook the wine glass in his hand and said,
  [I thought I had adapted to this "family", this corner full of tyrants, murderers, and arrogants, but I found that I was wrong. I was shocked by Ergan's presence.

  Finus cautiously raised the wine glass in his hand. He carefully glanced at the turbid wine, and then took a sip.

  Unexpectedly, compared to the rough taste, Feinus's senses were covered by an inexplicable acrid pain - this glass of wine was definitely poisonous.

  And Mortarion has been watching Feinus's movements.

  【You are not bad either.

  Fernus made a fair and objective judgment.

  Mortarion laughed,

  "At least my hands are not made of iron. ]

  He said, taking another big sip.

  Previous contact had already made Faenus accustomed to Mortarion's sarcasm from time to time. Faenus moved his hand, and in the dark reception room of the Death Guard, the luster of the metal became dim.

  Faenus chose his words carefully. He recalled the previous conversation, and Mortarion's words and deeds gradually formed a clear line - [I

  think... I was the first one you met?

  Mortarion was stuck, and then a smile appeared on his lips,

  【He is the first one who can communicate rationally. ]

  Feinus spoke hoarsely,
  [Then I think your last experience may not have been so wonderful. ]

  Mortarion's smile deepened, but it was mixed with faint pain,
  [guessed it, so I don't expect too many normal people in this "family". ]

  Fernus took another sip of the wine. After the spiciness of the first sip, he began to adapt to this turbid liquid. The stimulation caused by the toxins faded, and he even began to feel that it was bland.

  After all, he had survived by eating carrion and rusty metal screws on Medusa, so at least this drink was still made from plants and protein.

  [But you yourself do not have the conditions to make me trust you, Mortarion. ]

  Mortarion didn't care at all about Feinus's accusations. He spoke casually,
  [This conversation is your opportunity, not mine. My brother, haven't you realized this? Do not challenge my remaining kindness, Faenus. ]

  [I always thought that among the three of us, only Vulcan had good intentions. ]

  Fernus spoke,
  [What do you want, or in other words, Mortarion, what should I give in exchange for your "goodwill"? ]

  He looked at Mortarion and muttered quietly, and then the Lord of Death raised his hand to drink. When he put down the wine glass again, there was only black dregs left in it.

  [You have to prove your worth first, Faenus - stop hanging around, and if you still think I'm fooling you, you can leave the Endurance at any time. ]

  Mortarion said slightly annoyed, is this because he is drunk?
  Feinus said nothing. He drank the wine in one gulp and then looked at the small jug.

  [But I have to point out that your hospitality is not very good, Mortarion, don’t you give good wine to your guests?

  Rarely, Mortarion was stunned, then he laughed, picked up the jug and poured wine for Fenus, and also filled it for himself - this time he did not add "water". [My bad,]

  Mortarion's eyes were wrinkled and he was smiling.

  [I suggest you only drink a little for the first time, don't swallow it first. This is my special brew. It is exciting enough for the original body. ]

  Fenus raised the cup,
  [You underestimate me, maybe you don't know the living environment of Medusa. Only the brave who can swallow steel nails can survive in that scorched earth.

  Then he drank -

  Feinus almost spit out, his mouth was bleeding, he could feel the fishy sweetness mixed with the bitter liquid, nondescript, but soon he couldn't feel it anymore, because his tongue The top layer of meat has melted into the wine.

  【Well. ]

  Mortarion watched Feinus's performance happily. He silently counted the seconds in his mind, one second, two seconds... At the fifth second, Feinus finally swallowed it.

  Faenus's own resistance to poison was indeed good. Mortarion took a long sip silently. He might try cyanide next time.

  Fainus looked at Mortarion in disbelief,

  [Do you usually drink this? This is also... so exciting. ]

  [Now you realize my perfect hospitality, Fainus.

  Fernus looked away, and he smacked his lips, as if he was reminiscing about the feeling just now. Then he carefully raised the glass and smelled it, and then took a small, small sip.

  [It seems I misunderstood you earlier,]

  Feinus listened to the sound of his esophagus screaming. He felt that his stomach was perforated, and the cold liquid was squeezing down the abdominal cavity and onto the intestines. This was very painful, but for them It's nothing.

  Faenus took another sip,

  [So, there's more than one Mortarion, right? If you're so cautious, then... it's not just... Fulgrim?

  The pain in his intestines suppressed the pain in his soul very well, and the figure of his best friend became blurred in the pain, which made the words easier.

  Mortarion ignored him and poured himself a third cup,

  [Continue. ]

  Mortarion said.

  Faenus gritted his teeth, his gums bleeding.

  [Does he know about this? Have you talked to him? ]

  Mortarion glanced at him,
  [I remember I said at the beginning that this "family" is full of freaks. How do you think the "father" of such a "family" can be any better? ]


  Mortarion leaned against the back of the sofa. He seemed to dislike his own words, and words vomited out of his mouth like slugs.

  [He is trustworthy, and we can only trust him. He has no other choice - most people can't be trusted. ]

  [...why? ]

  Mortarion spoke gloomily,
  [Because my commander chose him, and I trust my commander. ]

  This sentence caused Feinus to fall into a long silence,
  [Okay, I take back my apology just now, you are a freak, my brother. ]

  Mortarion raised his hand,

  [You should remember him - Hades, he is the Lord of the Silent Order of the Empire. If you are not stupid, then you should know what this title means.

  Fernus was silent again. He remembered Hades, past contacts, and the rumors of people who came back from Mars for further training.

  [I didn’t see your commander during this battle. He was transferred by the empire? ]

  Mortarion nodded.

  The next moment, Feinus breathed a sigh of relief, and he took a sip of the wine,
  [So our father is also taking action, great -]

  But in an instant his face turned pale again,
  [He will deal with it directly. Qualified product? ]

  Mortarion spoke slowly,
  [Then what do you do, Faenus?

  Fernus opened his mouth, what he wanted to say, what he wanted to do, he opened his mouth and closed it again, he thought of Fulgrim, he thought of those years, and finally, he trembled and said, "I least
  until Sometimes my memory can be cleared a little cleaner. ]

  Mortarion laughed,

  [I appreciate your answer, but now that the Death Guard and I are still here, I think he is not that harsh. ]

  Feinus was sullen, and he went directly to get the wine bottle.

  But to his surprise,
  the jug was empty.

   3.2k, great! Thanks to
    the group u for helping me read articles
    and recommend books!

    "In this life, we will not talk about love with dogs"

    In the first life, I was licked by Green Tea Green Plum and Fish for 10 years. She said she only regarded me as her brother and turned around and got into someone else's car.

    In the second life, I realized it and I will never lick it again! I saved a Bai Fumei sister. I thought I could fall in love sweetly and lie down happily. But who would have thought that the yandere senior sister would create a psychological shadow for my whole life? In my
    third life, I realized! I really realized it! If we fall in love again, I will be a dog!
    In this life, we don’t even talk about love dogs!

    Woof! Woof woof! !
  (End of chapter)

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