Chapter 29 28 In front of the tomb

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  Chapter 29 28. In front of the tomb
  of Barbarus, in the northern mountains, in the cemetery outside the old stronghold.

  sky is always cloudy.

  A poisonous fog enveloped the planet.

  In the death guard's cemetery, rows of wooden crosses stood in neat silence.

  Next to the nine newly buried wooden crosses, the coolness of the soil touched my nose slightly.

  Hades was standing in front of a wooden cross tombstone, Lysa stood beside him, sobbing softly.

  Around him, at other crosses, were other people standing in mourning.

  There are three groups of nine people in total for this transportation mission.

  The first group was completely destroyed under the high saturation bombardment of artillery, and the information was lost.

  The second group, the last melee warrior, crawled back to the headquarters after his teammates died and his legs were blown off, and the information was delivered safely.

  In the end, he died in the Death Guard's medical department due to an infection in his legs.

  In the third group, two people died, escorting the shooter to deliver the information. The shooter was eventually discovered by Hades who was wandering on patrol at night in the farmland farthest from the headquarters, and the information was safely delivered.

  The shooter died from excessive blood loss.

  At this point, everyone is dead and the information is delivered safely.

  The low sobs of others reached Hades's ears from time to time. Hades seemed to be indifferent, staring blankly at the cross in front of him.

  The Death Guard believe in silent death and reincarnation, and these wooden crosses will quickly disappear under the corrosion of Barbarus' poisonous gas and acid rain.

  When the body of the last cross disappears in this vast land, when the sorrow begins to be forgotten,

  this land will be cultivated again, and the wheat that sustains the lives of the people of Barbarus will silently replace these crosses that symbolize unyielding them.

  Those wheats will grow vigorously and silently until they are cut by the sickle and complete their silent life.

  Just like the Barbarians.

  In Barbarus, death is common.

  Death is not worth such grief.

  It's just everyday life for the people of Barbarus.

  Every Barbarus knows this in his heart.
  pair of elderly parents came over and stopped in front of a cross. The mother cried and the father smiled. They did not regret that their children had sacrificed themselves for righteousness.

  Even though they are standing here now, standing in front of their son's tombstone, their hearts are buried in pain.
  still young boy stood next to another cross, holding a simple sickle issued by the Death Guard in his hand, and swore in a low voice.

  He vowed to avenge his brother, and he was about to enter the official operations department of the Death Guard.

  The spark of revenge burned in the boy's dim eyes.
  tall warrior stood silently in front of a cross.

  tired woman hugged the two children beside her tightly and cried very restrainedly.

  A family still needs support, and she cannot fall.

  Your father fought for you to have a future without oppression.

  Children, remember, remember all this.
  girl cried loudly, cursing the aliens and her lover who was bent on rushing to the front line.

  "Why did you abandon me?!"

  "We agreed to leave together?! In three days, my order to apply for the front line was transferred. Why did you escape first?!"

  She shouted, covering her hands in despair Holding her head, she knelt down, and messy hair exploded from her fingers.
  are still several tombs with no living people in front of them.

  The person lying here is already the last member of a family.
  dull sound of footsteps sounded, even on the soft black soil, the footsteps were clearly audible.

  "Please forgive me."

  The tall figure of the original body appeared in people's sight.

  Mortarion wore a gray half-length cloak. Under the cloak was an ordinary simple combat uniform, without any decoration, and the whole body was plain.

  Behind him was Carastyphon, and two other Death Guard guards.

  Whenever the Death Guard died, Mortarion would always take the time to comfort the families.

  If he was too busy to get away, he would ask his guards to do it.

  People in the cemetery were attracted by the tall and serious Primarch. The aura of the Primarch itself added a bit of solemnity to the originally sad scene.

  The charm of the original body is indescribable. People on the tomb spontaneously walked to Mortarion's side, waiting for comfort with a heavy heart.

  They need to be told that it all makes sense. All this is worth it.

  "The soldiers heroically completed their missions." "

  Even when faced with the cunning sneak attack of the aliens, they remained calm and completed their missions to the greatest extent possible." "

  For this, I deeply feel sorry for Lying I offer my condolences and respect to the soldiers here."

  Mortarion closed his eyes and faced the group of tombstones standing on the vast land. He put a hand on his chest and mourned silently.

  The three guards behind him also closed their eyes and saluted.

  The families of the deceased suppressed their overflowing sadness and began to mourn.

  Sad and ignorant children, grieving and hysterical girls, desperate and tenacious women, angry and strong boys, indifferent but dedicated soldiers, sad and self-aware couples.

  Be silent, O Barbarus.

  As a small member of this vast universe, as a point in this grand and romantic story, I
  am as small as an ant and as humble as mud.

  You lower your heads that you have toiled all day long, but those who keep their heads down and move forward are the tenacious and unyielding warriors.

  No sacrifice is too small to be despised, no effort is too light to be despised.

  After all, the fighting spirit to resist burns in your humble but unyielding chests!
  The living remained silent and paid their utmost respect to the deceased who fearlessly died.

  The silence ended, and Mortarion knelt down and talked carefully with the families of the deceased.

  He comforts the crying child, encourages the departing warrior, and promises the haggard woman.

  The hope was small, but like fine ripples, it began to ripple outward layer by layer with Mortarion as the center.

  Sad, but still hopeful.

  Because they know that it is all meaningful and worthwhile.

  Mortarion promised them the future they hoped for.

  After hope, comes fighting spirit.

  In order not to let down the deceased, in order to live together for the expected tomorrow.

  Hades stood there, silently dazed.

  The figure of Herrera struggling before her death still echoed before his eyes.

  There is no unwillingness as imagined, only the tenacity of a warrior to complete the mission.

  Hades knew about Herrera's feelings for him.

  He knew it clearly.
  But the girl's gratitude to her savior did not turn into a personal relationship between her children. Instead, it became the motivation to support her in fighting.

  "Thank you, I can take a look at you one last time."

  "Please come on. I believe Hades can lead everyone to liberate this land."

  The warriors of Barbarus believed so much in the beauty of the future.

  Herrera is an inconspicuous microcosm among the thousands of them.

  She has her own personal relationship, but she is still not afraid of sacrifice for the liberation of this land.

  Hades' mouth was bitter.

  The aliens must be destroyed and oppression overthrown.

  With the release of the strategic map, the Death Guard's all-round preparations are about to begin.

  The decisive battle with the alien lord Naklay is coming.

  time is limited.
  's last words echoed in
  Herrera's ears.
  But this world will always be so cold and heartless
  . The dead have passed away, and the living have taken over the deceased's wishes for the future and continue to struggle to walk in the world.

  Hatred, anger, and a desire to change the future are mixed together.

  Time was running out.
  Hades knew that it was time to make final preparations.

   I am editing the text to the extreme, but I still don’t have enough writing skills. I apologize here (;Д`).
    In fact, the interaction between Herrera and Hades originally had 9k words, but after the readers’ suggestions, I urgently revised it. I revised the original manuscript, deleted 5k words, and completely changed the outline of this part.

    After being suggested by readers, the author realized that this was a big poisonous point (; Д`) I
    got up in the middle of the night and revised the article to the limit (_)
    The remaining 10,000 words of the manuscript were completely scrapped (; Д`)
    I also welcome your comments. .

    Happy reading.

  (End of chapter)

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