Chapter 262 253 people can’t be idle

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  Chapter 262 253. One cannot be idle
  . "Thank you for your hard work."

  Hades nodded to the Rust sages who followed him, and then watched the sages command the servitors to tow away the ship he designated.

  The rest is left to Rust to forge the world. According to the Great Sage's report, Rust's world furnace can be started soon.

  This furnace, pulsing with bright red magma, will perform its functions perfectly, even if people don't know what it is, and those who know are blocked by the veil and roaring angrily.

  The contract for Mineral Star No. 7 has almost been signed. Although this is not in line with the norm, in the face of the Death Guard, these Rust sages chose the greatest compromise.

  On the one hand, Rust is now full of waste, and the resources of a legion will greatly help the Mechanicus rebuild.

  On the other hand, during the Battle of Rust, Hades' personal behavior attracted many followers to him. Coupled with the Death Guard's current help to the Mechanicus, the population of a mining planet does not seem to be So hard to let go.

  The selection of Mine Star No. 7 is also very simple. The Death Guards only need to select those boys who have shone light in previous wars.

  Because the population is too small, the Death Guard does not plan to recruit Cerberus troops here. Under Hades's instructions, Rust began the slow industrialization of large machines on this mining star, which will alleviate the survival pressure of the locals. .

  Regarding the order given to Rust by the Death Guard, the system will not be able to start work for a while. If nothing happens for a while, the Death Guard ships will begin to make a subspace jump. The main fleet is preparing to return to Barbarus first to replenish supplies.

  By the way, the channel between Just and Barbarus was explored and a subsequent navigation channel was established.

  The voyage through subspace was a little long, so the Death Guard began training the new recruits directly on the ship.

  All matters were handled in a similar manner, and for a while, the management department actually had an idle period that would have been impossible.

  Hades sat bored at the conference table, staring at the list of recruits for Mineral Star No. 7. He was attending on behalf of the Foundry Hall to see if there were any potential recruits.

  After all, they come from a mining planet, and some people are inherently sensitive to metals.

  Hades suddenly realized that the sources of soldiers of the Fourteenth Legion were now a Barbarus, a Galaspa galaxy, and a No. 7 mining star. They
  were an old farmer who survived in the wilderness, a crazy nest worker, and
  Hades , a miner in the underground world. I brainstormed for a millisecond, should I buy a craftsman planet next time?

  After realizing this, Hades could not look directly at the new Death Guards, which would make him hallucinate some wonderful pictures.

  Specifically, it would make him look at these recruits with a certain kind of benevolence.

  To be honest, the recruits who have not yet been transformed into big guys are only in their teens. After being severely beaten on their home planet, they were selected into the Death Guard and prepared to accept the brutal beatings of war.

  If Hades were not a Death Guard, but an Ultramarine, or the Emperor's Children, he would comment that this was really unfortunate.

  And it seems that the atmosphere of the Death Guard is the most serious and repressive among the dozen or so legions. In the eyes of outsiders, entering the Death Guard seems like going to jail.

  Although the emotional part of the Space Marines has been blunted after surgery, in fact, in daily life, the Space Marines are not very different from ordinary people, with a lot of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

  Generally speaking, each legion will cultivate daily entertainment and relaxation hobbies for soldiers to reduce the mental stress of soldiers. After all, high-intensity combat and the high-pressure environment of the legion are indeed a big challenge to the spirit.

  On the positive side, the Ultramarines will study humanities and social sciences, the Blood Angels will cultivate art and culture, the Iron Hands will cultivate mechanical hobbies, the White Scars will learn calligraphy and poetry, the Emperor's Fists and Iron Warriors will learn construction and infrastructure. And the Death Guard
  . The Death Guard have nothing!

  According to the theorem that the culture of the home planet affects the legion, the Death Guard should learn to farm, or learn to climb mountains.

  But these hobbies are truly unworthy of the Legion.

  Hades, I am thinking about it.

  This in the end is why?

  He looked at Mortarion who was reviewing the list of recruits across from him. Why was this?

  "Mortarion, why do you think this is happening?"

  Mortarion on the opposite side did not raise his head and gave an imperial friendly gesture to Hades, who was suffering from convulsions every day.

  Hades stared at Mortarion, who was still immersed in approving the list, the biggest culprit responsible for the loss of the Legion's culture.

  Generally speaking, the top management will influence the lower-level soldiers, especially in a place like the Legion where individual differences are highly eliminated.

  It seems that Motali has nothing to do. He is either going to the laboratory or the training hall, or he is just staring at the battle report in a daze.

  But this only led to the high degree of specialization of the Death Guard pharmacists, and had little impact on other Death Guards.

  Gallo and Vox are training and review documents.

  As for Hades. Hades has no leisure time!
  This kind of life, this ascetic-like daily life, for the soldiers of the Death Guard, may be more interesting when fighting.

  Hades suddenly woke up.

  He actually ignored the cultural construction of the legion and the mental health of the soldiers -

  Hades slammed the table, no!

  Mortarion raised his head, glanced at Hades with disdain, and signaled him to be quiet.

  If the Primarch had learned the sayings of ancient Terra, Mortarion would have said stay out of this barbershop.

  Hades ignored Mortarion. Only Hades among the Death Guard could truly experience a healthy, normal humanistic social environment, so let him come!

  Hades quickly ran to find Gallo, the leader of the Gravekeepers, who was fighting shirtless in the duel cage. Before Hades arrived, he had won 68 games in a row and stayed in the duel cage for three days. .

  By the way, Vox was under the duel cage with a bruised nose and face.

  Hades took three steps and two steps at a time, rushed onto the stage, and dragged the red-eyed Garo down. Garo tried to fight with him, but Hades stopped Garo's fight by relying on his high numerical value.

  Of course, Gallo almost made Hades suffer. Although Hades looked big, his dodge was full of points. He relied on his size advantage to knock down Gallo, and then pulled him out. Half-pushing and half-way, he pulled Gallo away. Went down.

  As for a bunch of people in the audience shouting, "Commander dragged the company commander to work!" "You don't follow military ethics!" "The company commander was caught escaping from work!" "Commander is so scary!" Hades. Nothing was heard.

  It was Jia Luo who wanted to punch him.

  "Calm down, calm down."

  Hades handed over a bottle of water, smiled, and automatically ignored Garona's eyes that wanted to kill him.

  "What happened again?"

  Jia Luo calmed down and asked,
  "Don't tell me, your bed collapsed again."

  The management of the Death Guard has reached a consensus that if Hades performs any behavior that is inconsistent with common sense, just ridicule him directly. [Commander's Bed] has become their best weapon to fight back against Hades.

  Sure enough, Hades's expression was obviously stuck. What could be called a collapse, but the matter between two people was not a collapse for him, and he suddenly said many things.

  "Ahem, no, let's talk about business."

  Hades confirmed that his expression became serious,

  "I would like to ask if any recruits have consulted with the tombkeeper. Apart from the psychological problems of that matter."

  Gallo calmly said Staring at Hades, his fists were itching again,
  "Speaking humanly."

  "That's right. Are they used to the atmosphere of the Death Guard? Are they confused about this?" "

  Also, after high-pressure combat, are there any mental problems ? Question."

  Gallo took a sip of water,


  Hades opened his eyes slightly,
  "What did the tombkeeper advise?"

  Gallo looked at Hades, as if to say, you are just doing this for this little thing. Just bother him.

  "Tell them to be tough."

  Isn't toughness used in this kind of place? !
   I need. I need a little Hades ship advice! And suggestions for the Death Guard tech tree! I don't play games very much, and the settings of many technology games don't understand the advice of kneeling down, and I don't want to use technology that is too out of the ordinary.

  (End of chapter)

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