Chapter 260 Chapter 251 Letter

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  Chapter 260 251.

  The letter is on pure white paper, shimmering with golden light.

  But except for the emperor's signature, everything else was just blank.

  Nothing at all.

  What is this all about? Hades frowned, trying to find out if there was any password or cipher text on it.

  When his scrutinizing eyes fell on the emperor's glittering signature -

  Hades' left eye suddenly began to flash, and then Hades "saw" it.

  This is a video.


  A light lights up in the darkness.

  A slightly orange light illuminated a corner, which was a desk. The solid wood edge was inlaid with gold carvings, and the light floated slightly on it.

  A man was sitting at the desk, leaning over and writing something.

  The man has long black hair, an olive laurel crown on his head, and a simple linen robe, with the collar of the robe fastened by a gold button.

  It's the Emperor.

  The Emperor put down the pen in his hand and slowly raised his head. In his dark eyes, the golden flame was beating. He stared in the direction of Hades, and Hades realized that he should be looking at him.

  "Hello, stranger."

  The Emperor said calmly,
  "You are allowed to know."

  The next moment, the only light went out.

  Before Hades could react, the glaring, dry sunlight shone blazingly on him, and the sound of running water, frogs croaking, and insects could be heard in his ears.

  He was standing next to a large river. There were many thatched huts in the villages beside the river. Fishermen were bobbing in the river with their oars. Farther away, some farmers were standing in the fields and looking into the distance.

  "They are looking at the clouds."

  The Emperor's voice came from beside Hades. Hades turned back suddenly, and the Emperor was standing beside him, looking at the clouds in the distance.

  "Farmers and fishermen living on the banks of the Sakarya River know how to raise their heads. Based on the shape of the clouds on the sky, they speculate whether it will be rainy the next day."

  Starlight flashed in the emperor's eyes,

  "It's going to rain."

  Hardy Si squinted his eyes and stared at the small dry cloud on the horizon, but he could not read anything from a cloud. In his only farming career, there were no normal clouds in Barbarus.

  "You can't tell."

  The emperor turned his head and looked at Hades.

  In the eyes of the Emperor, the greatest ruler, tyrant, and dictator in human history, lies the unfathomable calm lake.

  On the surface of the lake, white clouds are reflected, and below the surface of the lake, violent magma is boiling and rolling.

  "But you still know that it will rain tomorrow, a heavy rain."

  "You know that the raindrops will definitely fall. Even if you can't see the clouds, you know what the rain will eventually look like. You know that it will eventually wash away everything." "

  But the clouds It is changing, and any breeze can shape it and change it." "

  You cannot shape a cloud. After you leave, the cloud will not remain the way you expect it to be." The

  emperor said quietly Staring at the little cloud on the horizon, it has changed its appearance under the twisting of the wind.

  "We can only rely on the rolling tide as much as possible." "

  Perceiving the wind and seeing the clouds, human beings can briefly glimpse the future."

  "The future is changing and changing, and every wave in the ocean of destiny is changing. Maybe it's the future."

  "But the storm that belongs to humans will eventually come."

  The next moment, Hades felt like he was falling, falling, the stars were passing by him quickly, the stars were trembling, and the hazy fog was rolling. Come.

  "But humans still haven't gone far enough."

  The voice continued.

  "In the Age of Terra, the Age of Technology, and the Age of Strife, until the 30th millennium, humanity's main means of long-distance communication and navigation was still the use of subspace and psykers." "Humanity's enemies can cut them off at any time,

  allowing The vague and low star language will no longer be received, so that the sailing ships will never find their way back."

  In the end, Hades stopped in a subspace star field, and the bright and disillusioned nebula continued to flow and stir.

  The pause in the Emperor's voice was like a sigh.

  "There is nothing new under the sun."

  "Human beings should not struggle to survive in the darkness of ignorance and short-sightedness, nor should they repeat the path of the Eldar. Human beings should take control of their own destiny." "

  In the hands holding the throat Before shrinking, mankind needs to break free, defeat it, and defeat it." "

  The Webway is the path of mankind, the only fire that mankind has any hope of mastering, the key to isolating the bright soul of mankind from the subspace of chaos, allowing long-distance Navigation is no longer limited by subspace technology."

  "The establishment of the Webway requires a large amount of resources, hundreds of millions of materials. This is not a miracle that can be built with an entire galaxy, it requires the dedication of an entire race. Everything."

  "In order to establish the Webway and consolidate the empire, I launched the Great Crusade." "

  At the beginning of the Great Crusade, the pace of time was not so fast." "

  But they will not sit idly by."

  In front of Hades, The waves in the subspace became more and more turbulent, and the water flow obviously began to accelerate, squeezing into a chaotic mess.

  The Emperor's voice was emotionless, cold and emotionless.

  "Time is running out, and the Great Crusade must be accelerated."

  "Incompleteness and shortcomings are not reasons to stop. The legions must complete their mission." "

  A heavy rain is coming, and everyone has their necessary mission."

  "And you, Foreigner."

  The emperor changed the subject -

  "You have proven your loyalty and ability. I will deliver 14 and the Empire's soulless men to you to ensure the great expedition of the Fourteenth Legion and prepare for the coming heavy rain. Any preparation you can make."

  "You have to be cautious and low-key, and accumulate a force against subspace creatures." "

  You can try to stir up destiny, but it is not easy. The accumulation of details over time is just a trick of the weak. , the strong choose to face the final judgment of fate."

  "Finally, I wish you good luck."


  suddenly opened his eyes, parsing this video from the emperor seemed to be particularly laborious, and he gasped, Subconsciously he lowered his head to read the letter.

  The flames burned, and the Emperor's golden signature quickly disappeared in the fire.


  Hades gasped and stopped Charon who was about to leave.

  "This is one-way. I need to tell him something."

  "Sir, is it about the future?"

  Hades nodded,
  "No need."

  Charon said calmly,

  "My lord has made his own decision. Now my lord is concentrating on the expedition and the time has not yet come."

  Hades had a question mark on his face, has the time not come yet?
  In other words, will the Emperor arrange a meeting with him after this?

  Charon saw that he was speechless, so he left with Hefa.

  Soon, Hades received a letter from Malcador.

  The new general content is to explain to him what this [Lord of the Silent Order] is.

  Machado introduced this title to him with pertinent, objective, detailed and constructive words, and strongly praised Hades for his young achievements and winning this title.

  Hades read three and a half pages of nonsense praising him, and then decisively turned to the back.

  Logically speaking, Malcador wrote, it stands to reason that most of the soulless people in the empire should be managed by Hades.

  However, Malcador emphasized the difficulties and key points of transporting soulless people, as well as the various psychological problems that soulless people may have on the Death Guard, and their impact on training tasks.

  Finally, Malcador came to his conclusion.

  The empire can supply Hades, the [Lord of the Silent Order], the soulless man, but the number is limited. If there is any crucial task, Terra will temporarily transfer people.

  At the same time, Malcador learned about the wandering soul knight developed by Hades. He immediately said that because the soulless people managed by Hades were all trained in Terra, in order to make it more convenient to reinforce Hades in the future, Hades Si should send at least two wandering knights back to Terra for long-term training.

  Hades was silent.

  He stared at the piece of paper for a long time, wondering how Malcador could write such shameless words with such confidence.

  Hades finally realized it.

  The Emperor and Malcador collaborated to paint cakes for him.

  Moreover, he neither pointed out the methodology to Hades, nor gave Hades the materials worthy of his name.

   I can’t code anymore, I really can’t code anymore... I’m

    due for an update on 2/15
  (end of this chapter)

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