Chapter 228 220 Rust, Fungus, Pain

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  Chapter 228 220. Rust, Fungus, Pain
  The Death Guard, which did not receive a response from Rust, briefly parked in the subspace, but compared to Rust’s delayed response, the Death Guard received another A weak distress signal.

  After identification, this dynamically encrypted signal used the cipher text of the Mechanicus. Master Forger Hades successfully decrypted this set of signals and followed this signal to find its source - a nearly broken machine. Teach small boats.

  The boat floats quietly in the subspace turbulence. This is not a ship specially used for subspace navigation at all. The Geiger force field on it is close to nothing. It can be seen that it has entered the subspace urgently. Through the spray paint on it, The Death Guard determined that this was a ship from Rust.

  The task of recovering the ship and the people on it was given. Considering that the Mechanicus ship might be contaminated by the subspace, the Death Guard sent a team headed by Hades - something was not right


  Hades stood silently on the deck of the small ship. Due to the lack of necessary subspace protection facilities, the ship showed obvious signs of pollution.

  Generally speaking, when you enter the subspace without protective measures, if you are lucky, nothing will happen. If you are not lucky, the crew will go crazy, the ship will have a mouth, and the subspace will reveal the deepest fears of human nightmares, making anyone with intelligence... The creature descends into madness.

  So Hades was actually prepared to see a ship of twisted creatures, but -

  the corruption of this ship obviously had a tendency.

  Swarms of flies crowd the deck, buzzing, pus seeps from the gaps between the sampans, making the ground smoother, shiny colored particles accumulate on the metal walls, and rust eats away at the ship In every corner of the ship, those yellowish and rough bumps squirmed like some kind of living slime mold, and in their path the steel turned into dirt particles like soil.

  Hades was silent. This was an obvious sign of Nurgle. Is it still too late to run away now?
  And what the hell is this that we agreed to beat Ran Dan?

  Is this subspace very close to Nurgle's realm? Or is this just a coincidence, but when the Death Guard and Nurgle appear in an area at the same time, you can never be too careful.

  This vibrant picture was faithfully transmitted back to the command room on the Endurance by radio waves. Mortarion looked at the flies in silence. The original body breathed laboriously and raised his hand to signal Garro to let all the Death Guards know. Entering the alert state, the Death Guard's Geiger force field is turned to the maximum, and at the same time, they are ready to forcibly jump out of the subspace at any time.

  [Hades, act according to your own judgment. If you feel danger, be ready to retreat at any time.

  Standing at the edge of the ship's deck, Hades squatted silently and scratched the fertile floor with his hands. The thick moss breathed on the rust, exuding a beautiful and dangerous emerald green, but under the Where Hades brushed by, these lives withered instantly, revealing the original appearance of the deck underneath. The metal was gone, replaced by thick rust.

  Now they are still in the subspace, and Hades is not sure about the consequences of using the large-scale black domain here. It is very likely that when these subspace phenomena disappear, he will be thrown directly out of the subspace.

  Hmm. But now the main fleet of the Death Guard is still parked in the subspace. The only news they have about the Rust system is the boat where Hades is. If there is no other news, the Death Guard can only choose to forcefully open the Rust system. At Mandeville Point, continue the Empire's orders, or disobey and return to the previous system.

  But if there is no legitimate reason, it is not a good choice to directly disobey orders and retreat. At least there must be a reason, but you can't just use Nurgle to tell Lion King Lion that the Death Guard is not going to fight, right?

  Hades looked at the moss on the ground. After briefly feeling the subspace power here, Hades stood up and began to deploy.

  It can be seen that the subspace atmosphere here is not enough to support large-scale psychic creatures and summoning circles.

  [You can try it first.

  Hades replied.

  The ship was too small for the knights to enter, so Hades deployed a Wraith Knight on the deck near the Death Guard landing ship to weaken the subspace power near the landing ship, at least to ensure the feasibility of retreat, and then Hades named a dozen veterans and entered the depths of the ship with him.

  [If you feel any mental discomfort, including auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations, you must report to me immediately.

  The veterans replied to Hades seriously. They also realized that this mission was unusual. Hades suddenly became serious due to the scene in his nightmare. They all knew that this mission encountered unexpected things. misfortune.

  But the good news is that when they walked together through the ground that had become soft due to corrosion and the crew lounge full of humanoid fungi, they did not encounter any enemies, except for the flies flying in the humid air, and They encountered nothing about the fungi that looked like they were still breathing.

  Hades took a deep breath and held the obituary tightly. There was no enemy. This abnormal scene only made him more alert.

  The ship was very small, and Hades and the others reached the deepest corner of the ship without any effort, where they found the source of the signal emission.

  Fungus, rust, and moss crawled all over the room together. The dense flies and moths were like scales on the wall. The fungus was piled densely in the corner of the room. The scarlet cloth that was soaked and faded by the viscous liquid could be vaguely seen at the fat roots of the fungus. Dried traces of Jusu splattered on the wall.

  The signal was sent from the "fungus pile".

  After confirming that there were no other threats or ambushes in the room, Hades strode over. He poured the black domain into the obituary and carefully and quickly cleaned away the mushrooms on the surface - a tattered explorer appeared in front of them. In front of him, fungus bursts from his belly full of parts, and red and blue wires are comically wrapped around the mushrooms.

  He is already dead. As the master of forging, Hades can easily see that this forger died from the current disorder caused by his own initiative to break the circuit. In other words, he committed suicide.

  What happened? Could it be that the lost Rust galaxy was invaded by Nurgle's forces? But now is Ran Dan’s time point. At this time, there is a large-scale invasion of the four gods in the physical world. Is it too early?

  Hades frowned unconsciously, examining the explorer carefully, hoping to get as many clues from him as possible.

  found it.

  On the explorer's current recorder, Hades saw traces of common ciphertexts of the Mechanicus. These messages were hidden deeply. The explorer used these small unnatural tremors to record the information he hoped to convey.

  Through the recording of radio waves, the explorer was also trying to send out these messages at the same time, but the crazy growth of fungus blocked this action, allowing the explorer to only send the simplest distress signal.

  If compared to a normal human being, this person can be regarded as controlling his own heartbeat and transmitting information using his own electrocardiogram.

  Weird and ingenious behavior, this kind of weird behavior can only be done by people of the Mechanicus, but it will also cause them enough pain. The unstable current will make them tremble involuntarily, vomit, have their intelligence impaired, and finally struggle. Watching your own engine burn out, leading to your demise.

  What on earth is he trying to convey by enduring such pain? Hades frowned and began to disassemble the information in these waveforms.

  [Rust No. 1 Mineral Star Explorer 08
  Fungus, it hurts.

  The Rust galaxy is about to fall under the attack of the alien Meimanik.

  Requesting reinforcements, reinforcements, reinforcements, Rust, the Great Planet Forge, requesting reinforcements.

  Memanik, large fleet, type 3 aliens, weak psionic, Mandeville point, unblocked. 2.3, 4.3, 5.7.
  Escape, subspace, seek reinforcements.

  Reinforcements, fungi, reinforcements.

  Under attack, under attack, fungus, green, white, space marine.

  Fungus, pain, reinforcement, I don’t want to die, bacteria reinforcement, pain, pain, pain.

  It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
  Rust is asking for reinforcements! ! !

  Dense reinforcements and fungus growing together became the explorer's last words. Until the last moment, he was still trying to call for reinforcements for the model. On the recorder, there was a long line of records of forcibly mobilizing the signal transmitter. Team.

  Hades took a deep breath and mourned for the explorer in his heart, [May his soul return to the God of All Machines]. At the same time, he opened the communication channel, [Unconfirmed

  news, Rust encountered a weak psychic alien beauty] The Manik fleet attacks and is about to fall. ]


  Hades looked unkind and lowered his voice, [In the last words of this explorer, he mentioned that he saw white and green space warriors. ]

  Mortarion at the other end of the channel was shocked and stood there in disbelief.

  [Hades, retreat now. ]

  Mortarion's voice came from the other end of the channel without a doubt. Everything was too weird. He didn't want anything to go wrong now.

  Hades found a hidden database on the ship based on the string of numbers in the explorer's last words, which stored the map and battle status of the Rust galaxy, as well as information about Meimanik.

  After confirming that no other information was left behind, Hades and his party chose to evacuate immediately. Hades took the opportunity to use an obituary to bring peace to the few piles of fungi that were still breathing. Maybe they were just servitors, Hades Si didn't want to dwell on their identities.

  After Hades's ship left, the main fleet of the Death Guard couldn't wait to carry out a saturation bombing of the small ship. The Pale Lord wished that the ship would disappear directly.

  The sudden and strange scene once again caused the Death Guard fleet to fall into a long silence. The subspace cannot be stayed for a long time, but is it forward or backward? The urging from the First Legion also arrived at the Death Guard at this moment.

  According to the explorer's last words, they only encountered the Nurgle forces after entering the subspace. Does this mean that Rust in the physical universe does not have subspace forces? After all, it is still very difficult for subspace forces to penetrate the physical universe. - Or
  is Nurgle's sight also focused on this place?

  Nurgle kept circling around them like a fucking fly. Hades also wanted to curse today. He was in a good mood to fight the aliens, but for some reason the dirty things came to him.

   Yes, code!

  (End of chapter)

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