Chapter 226 Chapter 218 The Lion and the Farmer

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  Chapter 226 218. The lion and the farmer

  are on the run.

  The beautiful star field in the past was disturbed by the alien wars. The flames of war ignited the sky, guns penetrated the night, and the two giants were wrestling with all their strength. The behemoths named Empire and Ran Dan screamed and bit, but they were just The buried chess piece.

  Existence itself is a sin. They live on Ran Dan's retreat route. The strange monsters are showing their teeth and claws. Facing the powerful Ran Dan alien race with strong mind control ability, Meimanik, who has no psychic talent, has no chance of winning. , they will become Ran Dan's slaves.

  The decision that determines the life and death of the entire race has been made. The parliament has issued the highest order. The factories are overloaded and the entire star field is being grabbed for resources at all costs. They want to escape.

  The giant fleet built by exhausting the resources of the entire star field slowly rose into the sky, carrying the elite of the entire race. The remaining Meimanics stood silently on the earth, watching their last hope slowly leave.

  The hourglass of the Milky Way is still dripping slowly, the screams of the Randan demon tribe are getting sharper, the ammunition of human tyranny is also following Randan, and the home of Meimanik is about to melt into the raging flames of war.

  But none of the remaining Meimaniks chose to commit suicide. They needed to stay alive and use their lives to block the retreating Randan fleet and try their best to buy the weak and precious time for their own fleet.

  【attack! Stop them! Stop them! ! ! ]

  The Mechanical Sage screamed at the top of her lungs, and she drove the Skitarii, rushing forward, rushing forward! Stop those aliens outside the main city!

  The Forge World of Rust, together with the entire galaxy where he is located, was attacked by aliens unexpectedly. Monsters named Meimanik were violently attacking the core of the galaxy - the Forge World of Rust. Those hideous faces The aliens used their numerous fleets to directly tear apart the galaxy's defenses and frantically plundered the rich resources in the galaxy.

  Only the main planet has not yet fallen, and all the planets outside the galaxy have fallen. In the face of hundreds of aliens who are stronger than themselves, the Mechanicus clings to their last fortress, crumbling under the attack of Memanik.

  They have not given up yet. The foundries and furnaces on Rust Prime cannot fall into the hands of the enemy. The mechanical miracles that have gathered mankind for centuries cannot be handed over to others like this. The main city of every forging world is a difficult to recover. The miracle of time cannot be taken away from them.

  But the numbers on the logic engine were deflected, and the numbers accurate to six decimal places were declining, just like the enemy's artillery fire. As time went by, the winning rate calculated by the sages was getting lower and lower, and the number was infinitely close to zero.

  The sages known for their reason and logic certainly knew what this meant, failure, death, stumps and engine oil flowing all over the ground, cables being roughly pulled out, and wet parts trembling and exposed to the radiation wasteland.

  According to logic, they should give up this useless resistance, withdraw the entire army to the main city, destroy the data, smash the furnace, and let the wisdom accumulated by mankind for many generations end.

  But that number has not yet completely reached zero. A team of explorers on the outer mining star escaped before being blocked by Meimanic in the entire star field - they were the

  last uncertain number, and this uncertain number was firmly entangled The number representing victory or defeat is hung on the logic engine of every sage, so that it still exists in the realm of "being" at the last moment.

  If so, they could bring back reinforcements in time.
  The Death Guard, who were recuperating in Galaspa, received an emergency transfer order from the empire, and the entire fleet began to slowly leave the Galaspa star field.

  The edicts coming directly from Terra were vague, the language was specious, key information was erased in a wavering vocabulary, in short, nothing was written except where the Death Guard were going.

  The Lord of Death was very dissatisfied with this, but his commander seemed to have no complaints about it. In Mortarion's eyes, Hades was frantically collecting gold and silver, eager to throw away every product that had just come off the assembly line. Not a single bullet was carried aboard the ship.

  Forget it, leave him alone.

  What Mortarion didn't know was that Hades' alarm bells rang in his heart after seeing the edict. He was familiar with the empire's various sloppy operations and realized that this battle to conceal information would most likely not be a peaceful one. During the battle, Hades hurriedly worked overtime overnight to be responsible for production and transportation. For him, one more cannon meant more possibilities.

  When the Death Guard were sailing in the subspace, they received a communication request directly from the main battlefield. Leon Jonson, the commander of the First Legion, applied to speak with Mortarion, the commander of the Fourteenth Legion.

  Another brother, Mortarion no longer reacts. He just hopes that the Death Guard can fight normally and win.

  In the darkened conference room of the Death Guard, Mortarion was wearing full armor, and poisonous mist flowed along the curves of his armor, casting a mysterious veil over the Lord of Death.

  In other corners that cannot be reached by the communication channel, Hades, Gallo and Vox stood silently.

  Hades, the lion of Caliban, knew that this was not a conversation he could get involved in. The current lion was arrogant enough, so arrogant that he was arrogant and stubborn.

  However, Hades felt that compared to Perturabo, Mortarion and Leon Jonson should still be able to have a good conversation.

  [Three, two, one. ]

  A weak electric current lights up, and the light outlines the majesty of the son of the forest. The emerald green armor is the dense forest of Caliban all year round. The lion sword leans docilely on the owner's side, and its owner has blond hair and green eyes, staring silently. opposite.

  Under the shadow of the hood, Mortarion raised his eyebrows slightly.

  The farmer from Barbarus was no stranger to this feeling.

  The temperament that this brother, Leon Jonson, exudes, that is always alert, is not human, but more like a beast.

  Those beasts without civilization, without mercy, without human emotion.

  In the wilderness of Barbarus, Mortarion once hunted those giant beasts that wandered alone. These beasts survived alone. The life in the wilderness made them tired, made them arrogant, made them vigilant all the time, and also made them Become aggressive.

  Now, a beast is looking at Mortarion eagerly. Mortarion can feel the undercurrent under the obscure sight. His brother, Leon Jonson, is assessing him while Mortarion is also assessing him. With Mortarion.

  In other words, he was trying to attack Mortarion. That was the beast's measuring gaze before it was about to attack.

  Leon Jonson, is he trying to get Mortarion to back off? Was he judging his brother who was about to join the war in his own vicious, wild, crude way? Those eyes stared maliciously at Mortarion, trying to make him flee.

  Mortarion certainly knows how to do it. When you encounter a beast, the best response is not to turn around and run away, nor to attack rashly. In the wasteland, the farmer's breathing did not change at all when facing the lion. Slowly raising his life-harvesting scythe, he faced the giant beast calmly.

  The two primarchs faced each other in silence.

  Finally, the lion put away his aggressive gaze, and nodded proudly, as if making a brief welcome greeting.

  But Mortarion knew that the Lion was confirming Mortarion's behavior just now. Mortarion couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He is another arrogant guy. What qualifications does he have to judge Mortarion and the Death Guard? Strength?

  When none of that mattered, Horus was a wonder among his brothers, and Mortarion wanted nothing more.

  [First Legion Dark Angel, Leon Jonson. ]

  Leon spoke, his voice steady and thick, with unquestionable certainty. Even though the lion himself looked slightly haggard and tired from the war, his words were still Caliban's sharpest sword.

  [The Fourteenth Legion Death Guard, Mortarion.

  The Pale King responded with his voice as hoarse as the breeze passing through the tomb. In the face of death and tombstones, no matter how sharp the blade is, it becomes pale and powerless.

  [The Empire is now going through a war, an unprecedented war. Mortarion, you and your legion were not planned to be at the core of this battle. ]

  [But this does not mean the absence of the Death Guard.

  【The alien named "Ran Dan" is escaping from the empire's encirclement. We need the Death Guard to deploy on Ran Dan's retreat route in advance to strangle Ran Dan's branch escaping to the northeast side of the empire. ]

  [But the good news is that in the empire's layout, you will not encounter Ran Dan's fleet immediately, and the First Legion, the Dark Angel's fleet is also likely to tear up this escape before you and Ran Dan meet. branch. ]

  [The enemy's data will be transmitted to the Death Guard. Do you have any questions now? ]

  Mortarion's slightly sullen voice sounded,

  [You mean, the Death Guard was summoned here urgently just to watch a war? Be an inconsequential substitute? We might not even fight at all? ]

  The lion looked at Mortarion dissatisfied,
  [Yes. ]

  Mortarion let out a loud hiss beneath his breathing mask.

  Leon turned a deaf ear. He spoke arrogantly and in an educational tone.

  [Mortarion, this is a hunt, the Empire is as bloody as its enemies, and you should be grateful that the Death Guard don't have to face this battle head on, instead of acting like warmongers. ]

  Listening to Mortarion's breathing, Hades felt that Mortarion was about to expire, but Mortarion still managed to spit out his words from under the respirator,
  [Okay, I understand.

  The Lord of Death hung up the communication directly the next moment, and the original body angrily hit the ground with his sickle.

  Hades was sure he heard Mortarion curse under his breath.

  "I really feel that Horus is a miracle now."

  Mortarion said to Hades, "I even regret my alienation from him now."

  Even if he may fall, Horus is at least better than him. These guys are strong.

   I can't find it anymore, so I'm going to start making it up. I created a forge world, and by the way, the Memanik I created was Bas Memanik who was intercepted by the Death Guard during the Second Battle of Randan.

    The current timeline is the third Randan, but the bad news is that someone told me that the timeline I was referring to earlier, the time for Mortarion's return was the fucking wrong time, which is fucking embarrassing, (that The timeline is written in a formal and rigorous manner.) No wonder I was still wondering why the term "Death Guard" still appeared in the timeline of the Second Battle of Randan and the Battle of Druun before the return of the original body.

    Grandma is a bitch.

    By the way, if you don’t want me to pinch the two primarchs who disappeared, I do plan to let them go straight away, but if you want to see it, I can use my imagination to make up a story about why they were gone.

  (End of chapter)

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